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Notable Quotes

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Posted (edited)

Geocachers say the darnedest things!


Some are pithy sig lines, some are unintentional statements on life... and a lot are downright funny.


Share notable quotes seen here in the Groundspeak forum, in geocaching.com cache logs or in your local geocaching forum and cite where you saw them.




"Rambler's Mantra:

The best thing about geocaching is that anybody can participate.

The worst thing about geocaching is that anybody can participate."

(Seen in posts by TheAlabamaRambler)


"Shut up and keep looking"

(Sig line of KJ Cachers)


"Premium Members have more options"

(One of life's truisms, seen in a post by GOF & Bacall)


After a while I will cobble the best replies into an article for The Online Geocacher.

Edited by TheAlabamaRambler

One I particularly like is the sig line of a geocacher, lefthanded99, on a Welsh geocaching forum...


"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur"


which (supposedly) translates as, "Anything said in Latin sounds profound".


MrsB :rolleyes:


As seen, (at various times), in the signature line for some ole fat crippled guy with a smelly hat:


Ammo cans: The perfect antibiotic for the film can virus


Not all who wander are lost


DNF Happens


Film cans are to geocaching what kudzu is to plants


Tink says: Every time you hide a film can, a fairy dies


All gave some. Some gave film cans (sigh...)


If hiding a film can in some Burger King shrubbery is what geocaching is to you, please take up knitting.



Posted (edited)

I use the note pad in "My Controls" to capture geocaching wisdom and stupidity. :rolleyes:


Here is a sampling:


geocaching: Wayyy more chances to contract West Nile, or Lyme Disease than the average person.-Snoogans (sometime in 2003)


The hider is playing a game called geocaching. They are evidently playing it right because their cache was approved.


You are also playing a GAME (sport/hobby/obsession/etc.) evidently called MY version of Geocaching 1.5, or maybe even 2.O. You seem to be failing at your game if you are not able to enjoy it. - Snoogans


"Failure is a hard pill to swallow until you realize the only failure you can really have in this sport is the failure to enjoy yourself."

TotemLake 4/26/04


There's more than one lane on the geocaching highway.-Snoogans 12/24/04


"Everyone plays their own game. There is no sense in trying to police another's mindset as long as it falls within the general parameters of the game." Me (quoting myself from the poll that I posted on 10/23/03.)


Great wisdom from a master TB finder:


"It's a web of life, in my opinion, and absolutely any movement is the next step in reaching it's goal. That weird side trip to Florida, may be the next step to Canada. And a side trip may have saved it from going MIA by pilferage in Pennsylvania."


bthomas on the subject of TB movement 10/27/2003


I think it's a rare cacher indeed that a cache has to be lame to be enjoyed.


So, answer me this, why are so many people catering just to them? Coyote Red 11/2/04


there are a lot of foolish people in the world and as Geocaching grows in popularity you will find more and more of them hunting for caches.


There are two types of cachers, those with DNFs and liars.


- T of TandS 12/16/05

Edited by Snoogans
Someone add the geocacher's greeting or whatever it's called.

"Geet off mah land!"


That one?

This land is my laaaand

And only my laaaand

I got a shot guuuun

An' you ain't got wuuuun

You better git ooooff

'fore I blow yer head ooooff

This land was made for only meeee

This land is my laaaand

And only my laaaand

I got a shot guuuun

An' you ain't got wuuuun

You better git ooooff

'fore I blow yer head ooooff

This land was made for only meeee

Great... Now I got this version running through my head...

MAKE IT STOP!!! PLEASE!!! :rolleyes::D


"Almost 4000 forum posts and couldn't figure out that this should have been posted in off-topic."


That was my notable quote for the day.


Is that an actual qoute or an off-topic snark? I can't tell anymore.


It's in quotes. It can't be an off-topic snark.



Someone add the geocacher's greeting or whatever it's called.

"Geet off mah land!"


That one?

This land is my laaaand

And only my laaaand

I got a shot guuuun

An' you ain't got wuuuun

You better git ooooff

'fore I blow yer head ooooff

This land was made for only meeee


Haha, not the one I was looking for, but nice nonetheless. There's a formal greeting involving yelling something like "be ye a geocacher?" and a reply and then dancing in a circle. Yes, I butchered it, but you guys know what I'm talking about, right?


... There's a formal greeting involving yelling something like "be ye a geocacher?" and a reply and then dancing in a circle. Yes, I butchered it, but you guys know what I'm talking about, right?


Yes, I know what you're referring to. I think the original post regarding the official geocacher's greeting came from briansnat. I don't have a link to it but I'm sure someone will have it handy...


MrsB :)


With all due respect to the person who has the actual quote in their signature. (I think it is a mod)


You need two things in life WD-40 and duct tape. If it doesn't move and it should, use the WD-40. If it moves and it shouldn't, use the duct tape.

Posted (edited)

I believe the standard we agreed on was when meeting another geocacher, one was to yell "Ho, are ye a geocacher?" and the correct response is "Yay I am".


Upon the confirmation, the two then approach each other, put their left hand on the other person's right shoulder, standing arm's length and dance around in a circle while skipping and singing (very loudly) "Geocachers are we! Runy muny mee! Yaba daba baba. He, he, he!". At least that's the way we do it in New Jersey.

Edited by BlueDeuce

"When you go to hide a cache, think of the reason you are bringing people to that spot. If the only reason is for the cache, then find a better spot." - briansnat


That is a really wonderful quotation. It would even better if it was having observable impact.


If I were wagering on a snowball making a journey thru the fires of burning hell vs forum pronoucements making it to meaningful numbers of the geocaching community, the entire wad would be riding on the back of that snowball, trust me.


And, just for the record: It's in quotes. It can't be an off-topic snark.


Can't be an off topic snark regardless of those silly quotation marks.

Posted (edited)

Here are a couple I saved awhile back. Unfortunately, I didn't save who posted them:


"But many of those who got into a snit over it, are simply unwilling to unsnit themselves and look at it with fresh eyes." - Prime Suspect


"Yeah, this whole thing rises to the "whatever" category. No big deal." - Motorcycle Mama

Edited by mertat

, please pull another chair over to the corner marked for people contributing nothing to the discussion, and don't post to this thread again.




Oh, that's nothing compared to some other threads. I'll see if I can find a few favorites.


There's a formal greeting involving yelling something like "be ye a geocacher?" and a reply and then dancing in a circle. Yes, I butchered it, but you guys know what I'm talking about, right?


I thought the official greeting for cachers you didn't know was;


"Excuse me, sir, This is private property."


Spoken by Meercat to Mr. Bean around 2003 and reused countless times. :)


There has been some memorable lines from some of the “geocides” I’ve read over the years, but my favorite was from BobLog who wanted to create a geocache filled with old/unused doctor prescribed medications for people to trade. When his idea was quickly rebuffed here in the forums, he shot back with,


“hay clueless jerkazoids I'm not talking about dispenseng the medicine. The doctor already did that. just giving it to people who need it. what is the big deal. its already proscribed.”

There has been some memorable lines from some of the "geocides" I've read over the years, but my favorite was from BobLog who wanted to create a geocache filled with old/unused doctor prescribed medications for people to trade. When his idea was quickly rebuffed here in the forums, he shot back with,


"hay clueless jerkazoids I'm not talking about dispenseng the medicine. The doctor already did that. just giving it to people who need it. what is the big deal. its already proscribed."


LMAO!!! Yes, I do remember that thread... thanks for reminding me and for the great belly laugh!! "Clueless jerkazoids" indeed! :)


There has been some memorable lines from some of the “geocides” I’ve read over the years, but my favorite was from BobLog who wanted to create a geocache filled with old/unused doctor prescribed medications for people to trade. When his idea was quickly rebuffed here in the forums, he shot back with,


“hay clueless jerkazoids I'm not talking about dispenseng the medicine. The doctor already did that. just giving it to people who need it. what is the big deal. its already proscribed.”


Got me curious so I looked this user up. Quite the character. An illustrious two day caching career and still remembered 7 years later.


There has been some memorable lines from some of the “geocides” I’ve read over the years, but my favorite was from BobLog who wanted to create a geocache filled with old/unused doctor prescribed medications for people to trade. When his idea was quickly rebuffed here in the forums, he shot back with,


“hay clueless jerkazoids I'm not talking about dispenseng the medicine. The doctor already did that. just giving it to people who need it. what is the big deal. its already proscribed.”


Got me curious so I looked this user up. Quite the character. An illustrious two day caching career and still remembered 7 years later.


If people have a premium membership, they can look at this thread that links to threads like that: linky.


There has been some memorable lines from some of the “geocides” I’ve read over the years, but my favorite was from BobLog who wanted to create a geocache filled with old/unused doctor prescribed medications for people to trade. When his idea was quickly rebuffed here in the forums, he shot back with,


“hay clueless jerkazoids I'm not talking about dispenseng the medicine. The doctor already did that. just giving it to people who need it. what is the big deal. its already proscribed.”


Got me curious so I looked this user up. Quite the character. An illustrious two day caching career and still remembered 7 years later.


If people have a premium membership, they can look at this thread that links to threads like that: linky.

And here I thought that what happened in OT stayed in OT. :)


There has been some memorable lines from some of the “geocides” I’ve read over the years, but my favorite was from BobLog who wanted to create a geocache filled with old/unused doctor prescribed medications for people to trade. When his idea was quickly rebuffed here in the forums, he shot back with,


“hay clueless jerkazoids I'm not talking about dispenseng the medicine. The doctor already did that. just giving it to people who need it. what is the big deal. its already proscribed.”


Got me curious so I looked this user up. Quite the character. An illustrious two day caching career and still remembered 7 years later.


If people have a premium membership, they can look at this thread that links to threads like that: linky.

And here I thought that what happened in OT stayed in OT. :unsure:


Oops! :(icon8.gif:D


"When you go to hide a cache, think of the reason you are bringing people to that spot. If the only reason is for the cache, then find a better spot." - briansnat


That is a really wonderful quotation. It would even better if it was having observable impact.


If I were wagering on a snowball making a journey thru the fires of burning hell vs forum pronoucements making it to meaningful numbers of the geocaching community, the entire wad would be riding on the back of that snowball, trust me.


And, just for the record: It's in quotes. It can't be an off-topic snark.


Can't be an off topic snark regardless of those silly quotation marks.


I know it isn't, but I believe in leading by example. I personally try hard to follow this mantra.




That's the URL for the medicine cacher.

That is good reading!!!


The funniest part I think, is after the first post.

The guy posting makes his spiel about what a great idea it would be to have a cache full of old prescription medicines.


The next post (I'm ready for some common sense reply)



"Are you smoking Crack?"


Later, Bob says all those who have replied are "ignorent" and don't call him a troll just because he's short.


Man, that was better than the one I was going to post from this morning.


That was the guy (or girl) who wrote: "I cached for four years before I found Jesus."

the reply,

"That must have been a really big cache."

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