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Wonder if Groundspeak knows about this

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Posted (edited)
No CO names have ever resided on any GPSr that I have ever used. I don't expect to be loading them in the future.


Why not, it is information worth having while out and about? I load up my waypoint notes using: %Dif/%Ter C:%con1 TB:%bug=YN %last4 %By

Edited by Frank Broughton

I'm just hoping it becomes a success. Sorry.


I can see advantages in taking the kids outside. Sorry if they're going to do it with your coordinates and logging the visits in your logbooks.


Sorry that I'm not complying with all catastrophic visions about kids having fun with an affordable GPS, that yes, it has limitations and eventually some work to be finished.


A kid that, eventually, finds geocaching fun it will "drag" parents to the activity and I'm pretty sure that they won't blindly look at the arrow. Eventually, they'll move to another gps and a somewhat active membership here.

No CO names have ever resided on any GPSr that I have ever used. I don't expect to be loading them in the future.
Why not, it is information worth having while out and about? I load up my waypoint notes using: %Dif/%Ter C:%con1 TB:%bug=YN %last4 %By
That's great for you, but I still don't find it necessary for the way I cache, so I won't be loading it into my GPSr.

I can see it now:




(AP) Ohio State Police report that a motorist on I95 narrowly avoided a serious accident today when his vehicle's windshield was hit by a small electronic device.


OSP stopped the offending vehicle and discovered a dad became annoyed when his son kept saying "There is a cache 300 yards over there. Oh wait, now there is one 250 yards on the other side......"


Losing patience, the dad through the unit out the window. OSP recovered an unrecognizable piece of cheap plastic from the Interstate.


Believing the device might be suspicious, OSP closed the Interstate for 7 hours, untill the Bomb Squad could sweep up all the pieces.


In an unrelated story, police report small children being abandoned at truck stops across the country.

I had to add a line. :D

And shouldn't that be "chilruns" not "children"? :(



Can the day of 10,000,000 of these being sold at Toys Us be too far off?? These look like a great add on device for players that want a different tool(for the kids/for trips etc), but they are being marketed to people who may not have a clue to leave a Cache where you found it, or not to pocket the hundreds of Geocoins I've spent thousands of dollars on. That's the thing that I don't like.


Do you really think that this product will suddenly and violently mainstream geocaching to the point that a Toys R Us corporate buyer will place orders for 10 million of these in this economy?


I share your concern for the Travel Bugs and Geocoins, but...


Did you not release those thousands of dollars worth of geocoins into the wild knowing that there was the possibility that they might come up missing anyway?


Again, registered cachers already can't seem to fathom the simple text on the back of a Travel Bug that instructs them to:


Do not keep me!

I am a Travel Bug

Help me travel from

cache to cache



to learn about me

and how to help me on

my next adventure


Some of you are acting like this one single product is going to unleash hoards of unwashed, uneducated, computer illiterate people that have never put a foot on ground that was not covered in carpet or asphalt. Look around you- the hoards are already out there caching right now.


On a more positive note, they probably don't support the metric system on the Geomate and therefore will not be allowed to sell them in Canada, and hopefully other metric jurisdictions throughout the world.


Are arrows and counting down to zero different in metric?


I'm glad to see some voices of reason tempering the Chicken Littles finally.


What have you been told elsewhere. What do you know about the criteria used to select caches included on the McGPS?

I have been told, by someone who bought one and does not post here, that in the area around his home, some of the "lamer" caches are missing. I do not have any information about the formal criteria which were used. Perhaps it was based on average log length - that's quite a good way to weed out "throwout" caches.


On a more positive note, they probably don't support the metric system on the Geomate and therefore will not be allowed to sell them in Canada, and hopefully other metric jurisdictions throughout the world.


Are arrows and counting down to zero different in metric?


I'm glad to see some voices of reason tempering the Chicken Littles finally.


Absolutely. AND Magnetic North is under Canadian soil. We can move it any time we want and screw everything up. :(


I think there is a law that everything has to be in metric.

No CO names have ever resided on any GPSr that I have ever used. I don't expect to be loading them in the future.
Why not, it is information worth having while out and about? I load up my waypoint notes using: %Dif/%Ter C:%con1 TB:%bug=YN %last4 %By
That's great for you, but I still don't find it necessary for the way I cache, so I won't be loading it into my GPSr.


Hey whatever works for you. I just thought you where against it or something tis why I asked why not. Easy as pie to load up the info. The more info the better - no?


Great, now I have to figure out pod casts. It's gonna have to wait until the lawn has been decapitated.


Nothing to figure out. Just an mp3 file. You can download it to your harddrive if you want to.


Clan Rifster, I never considered paying $60.00 for something was considered "ELITIST". The monthly fee is paid for by my company so I have no added cost above the original sixty bucks.


Just read the other posts, "...oh no, my cache will be muggled...", or "...my Travel Bug will be stolen..." or "my cache will not be properly hidden after some kid finds it...". Doesn't this all happen already?


How about, "More caches will be hidden", "More geocachers to move along Travel Bugs" and "More kids will get outside and off their computers"


Losing a few caches and/or Travel Bugs is a small price to pay to introduce kids to the outdoors again. Or is going outside considered "elitist" to you Clan Rifster?


Great, now I have to figure out pod casts. It's gonna have to wait until the lawn has been decapitated.


Nothing to figure out. Just an mp3 file. You can download it to your harddrive if you want to.


I'm sure it will be simple, and now that the lawn has been decapitated I may just go check it out. Or I may just finish this beer first.



Can the day of 10,000,000 of these being sold at Toys Us be too far off?? These look like a great add on device for players that want a different tool(for the kids/for trips etc), but they are being marketed to people who may not have a clue to leave a Cache where you found it, or not to pocket the hundreds of Geocoins I've spent thousands of dollars on. That's the thing that I don't like.


Do you really think that this product will suddenly and violently mainstream geocaching to the point that a Toys R Us corporate buyer will place orders for 10 million of these in this economy?


I share your concern for the Travel Bugs and Geocoins, but...


Did you not release those thousands of dollars worth of geocoins into the wild knowing that there was the possibility that they might come up missing anyway?


I'm sure they didn't develop this product with a mind to only sell a few thousand. They will try to sell millions. Yes, there is always a chance that Coins will go missing, but giving the locations so easily will even increase the chance. Look, these thingas are clearly not aimed at existing players. They are aimed at people who know kids who have expressed an interest in Treasure hunting, and will mostly likely be bought and handed off to the kids who will them be Caching with much less understanding of the etiquite, and less close supervision than kids who are playing now. What I see happening is an adult taking the kids to the park, and staying on the trail while the kids runn off into the woods a hundred feet or so, and either taking the Ccahe, if taking the swag.


I really hope it doesn't happen this way, but I fear that it will. Good for GS, they will get to sell more coins to replace all those that get stolen(with the theives not even knowing that they have not played right)

Perhaps it was based on average log length - that's quite a good way to weed out "throwout" caches.

...and "reward" the owners of arguably the best caches with extra but anonymous attention.


Ooh yeah...

Seems like the same could be said of any of us.
Posted (edited)
No CO names have ever resided on any GPSr that I have ever used. I don't expect to be loading them in the future.
Why not, it is information worth having while out and about? I load up my waypoint notes using: %Dif/%Ter C:%con1 TB:%bug=YN %last4 %By
That's great for you, but I still don't find it necessary for the way I cache, so I won't be loading it into my GPSr.
Hey whatever works for you. I just thought you where against it or something tis why I asked why not. Easy as pie to load up the info. The more info the better - no?
Honestly, when you refer to 'waypoint notes', you've already lost me. Thousands of caches live inside my Venture Cx as POI. I have no idea if 'waypoint notes' are an option, but it doesn't matter since I haven't had a need for that information to reside in my GPSr. I don't expect this need to suddenly crop up simply because this new GPSr is being offered. Edited by sbell111
Posted (edited)

i agree, that's what puts the fear in me...The only way to opt out will be to hide no Caches(or make them PMO, if that works)


There is no mention of the Letterbox Hybrid anywhere. The Letterbox Hybrid might just be the way to go, since it's essentially just a traditional cache with a stamper inside. Stampers an be purchased very cheaply at any dollar store or craft supply store.

Edited by whistler & co.

i agree, that's what puts the fear in me...The only way to opt out will be to hide no Caches(or make them PMO, if that works)


There is no mention of the Letterbox Hybrid anywhere. The Letterbox Hybrid might just be the way to go, since it's essentially just a traditional cache with a stamper inside. Stampers an be purchased very cheaply at any dollar store or craft supply store.




Be ready for the furious replies from the Letterboxing Consortium regarding the use of common store-bought stamps.

Posted (edited)

Clan Rifster, I never considered paying $60.00 for something was considered "ELITIST". The monthly fee is paid for by my company so I have no added cost above the original sixty bucks.


Just read the other posts, "...oh no, my cache will be muggled...", or "...my Travel Bug will be stolen..." or "my cache will not be properly hidden after some kid finds it...". Doesn't this all happen already?


How about, "More caches will be hidden", "More geocachers to move along Travel Bugs" and "More kids will get outside and off their computers"


Losing a few caches and/or Travel Bugs is a small price to pay to introduce kids to the outdoors again. Or is going outside considered "elitist" to you Clan Rifster?


More caches will be hidden? Not with this thing...it doesn't take coordinates!


More geocachers to move along travel bugs? Not necessarily...there is no mention of travel bugs or coins (and yes, they do get separated from their paperwork in transit, so sometimes all you find is the object and the tag) in the user manual, so how will people even know what to do with them? And how will people log them if they are not required to create online accounts at gc.com?


More kids will get outside and off their computers. Yes, this is a good thing! But hopefully they will be responsible kids, who rehide caches nicely and who don't cavort near cache sites in community parks yelling "I found it" like the kids in the geomate.jr video! And unlike the kids in the video, hopefully the real kids using the geomate.jr actually carry swag to trade fairly rather than just gleefully grabbing the stuff you've stocked your cache with and not leaving anything in return!

Edited by whistler & co.
No CO names have ever resided on any GPSr that I have ever used. I don't expect to be loading them in the future.
Why not, it is information worth having while out and about? I load up my waypoint notes using: %Dif/%Ter C:%con1 TB:%bug=YN %last4 %By
That's great for you, but I still don't find it necessary for the way I cache, so I won't be loading it into my GPSr.
Hey whatever works for you. I just thought you where against it or something tis why I asked why not. Easy as pie to load up the info. The more info the better - no?
Honestly, when you refer to 'waypoint notes', you've already lost me. Thousands of caches live inside my Venture Cx as POI. I have no idea if 'waypoint notes' are an option, but it doesn't matter since I haven't had a need for that information to reside in my GPSr. I don't expect this need to suddenly crop up simply because this new GPSr is being offered.


On my 60CSx the waypoints have a note field. I load up 980 waypoints and also thousands of POI's loaded (hints too) 4,919 to be exact not counting - parking and trailhead info. The way points show up on the map. The POI's do not.


Why are we discussing this? hahaha We agree we both like the way we do it!


...Like AR, I'm uneasy about this product....


You can add me to the list. I can't control who does and doesn't read my cache page. However at least they have the option when they use this site. Pre-loading them into a GPS for a blind hunt takes away the option. A couple of mine have instructions that keep you on right side of the law when it comes to trespassing. In the past I've had critical instructions to prevent harm from waking hibernating bats. In the future no doubt I'll have other cache specific but critical information.


If I'm to be responsible for my cache I need some semblence of control else it's not really my cache. It's this sites and I'm just a lackey.


Just listened to the pod cast. For the most part a good sleep aid. It would be of more interest if you were local to the area of the producer. Otherwise just skip to the interview.


I did however come out with at least a little real information. No mention was made as to how much the update kit was going to cost. The updates will be free once you own the kit. That's free daily updates to the supplied database. The supplied list is for caches that have been around for a while and they have not included the more difficult caches. The company rep. that was interviewed said that once the update kit was available the user would be able to select from different databases. More difficult, more family oriented and so on. He also talked about the possibility of making the update kit available for use free at REI retail stores. There was no detail as to what criteria was used for selecting caches other than what I've already cited here.


Free daily updates and a choice of what updates you want. Maybe this is the way to go, and stop sending GS your thirty bucks a year to boot. That is if you can accept the cache selection techniques of those who build the databases for use with the McGPS.


Thanks to Sir Z Man and Super R for doing the interview. I have no doubt that the rest is very interesting for those in the Twin Cities area.


Here's the Twin Cities Geocaching Podcast.



Can the day of 10,000,000 of these being sold at Toys Us be too far off?? These look like a great add on device for players that want a different tool(for the kids/for trips etc), but they are being marketed to people who may not have a clue to leave a Cache where you found it, or not to pocket the hundreds of Geocoins I've spent thousands of dollars on. That's the thing that I don't like.


Do you really think that this product will suddenly and violently mainstream geocaching to the point that a Toys R Us corporate buyer will place orders for 10 million of these in this economy?


I share your concern for the Travel Bugs and Geocoins, but...


Did you not release those thousands of dollars worth of geocoins into the wild knowing that there was the possibility that they might come up missing anyway?


I'm sure they didn't develop this product with a mind to only sell a few thousand. They will try to sell millions. Yes, there is always a chance that Coins will go missing, but giving the locations so easily will even increase the chance. Look, these thingas are clearly not aimed at existing players. They are aimed at people who know kids who have expressed an interest in Treasure hunting, and will mostly likely be bought and handed off to the kids who will them be Caching with much less understanding of the etiquite, and less close supervision than kids who are playing now. What I see happening is an adult taking the kids to the park, and staying on the trail while the kids runn off into the woods a hundred feet or so, and either taking the Ccahe, if taking the swag.


I really hope it doesn't happen this way, but I fear that it will. Good for GS, they will get to sell more coins to replace all those that get stolen(with the theives not even knowing that they have not played right)


So now caching has an age limit? :D Why are people so afraid of new (and perhaps, GULP, younger) cachers?


I'm pretty sure TB and geocoins have done a great job of walking away on their own way before this device was even a twinkle in someone's eye. And those were done (accidentally or otherwise) by people who **GASP** registered on the site!!


So let's recap. This is bad because:

  • New geocachers don't know enough about geocaching since they are new
  • They're not geocaching "the way we learned!"
  • Jeremy didn't ask me for my permission
  • Nobody will like these units anyway...will just frustrate people. Kids don't geocache.
  • Everybody will LOVE these units....and the millions upon millions of the "unwashed masses" will be allowed to play our once-restricted members-only GeoPolo Geocaching.
  • Hoards of kids with toy GPSr will ravage the streets upturning cars, uprooting trees, and causing mass riots to look for glorious the box o' treasures.
  • Kids steal stuff. Whatch out for kids! Too MANY kids will geocache.
  • Stuff....um...grumble, grumble...this is new.....grumble.....back in the old days.....grumble

Did I miss anything? :( As a father will kids who do join me for a bit of Geocaching, it seems like a great idea. I just don't seeing this one unit changing the sport...


Here's a curious question. Don't we normally get a cheerful announcement of new products in the Groundspeak shop? Why not with this product?


Probably because they hoped this one would sneak in under the radar. It certainly is not the crown jewel in their offering. Not even in the fake jewelry department.

Right, that's why Groundspeak buried the announcement on the front page of the website and as the lead news item in the weekly mailer. :(


Here's a curious question. Don't we normally get a cheerful announcement of new products in the Groundspeak shop? Why not with this product?


Probably because they hoped this one would sneak in under the radar. It certainly is not the crown jewel in their offering. Not even in the fake jewelry department.

Right, that's why Groundspeak buried the announcement on the front page of the website and as the lead news item in the weekly mailer. :huh:


Yep it's a


The email I got two days after the thread was started? The one that hasn't answered any of the questions asked?


My SPAM filter takes care of the weekly email.


And I haven't been to the main cache page in years. I have a bookmark that takes me to the unfound local caches. Far more useful that the main page. And given the performance of the website, the less pages I have to go to, the better.


Here's a curious question. Don't we normally get a cheerful announcement of new products in the Groundspeak shop? Why not with this product?


Probably because they hoped this one would sneak in under the radar. It certainly is not the crown jewel in their offering. Not even in the fake jewelry department.

Right, that's why Groundspeak buried the announcement on the front page of the website and as the lead news item in the weekly mailer. :(


Keystone, do you know if PMO caches are listed on the new GPSjr cache?


Even if the most dire predictions come true (i.e., the device becomes popular and hoards of newbies wreak havoc on the class of caches selected for inclusion in its database) there is a possible upside: A renaissance of physically, mentally and navigationally challenging caches. Long hikes, steep climbs and puzzles of any kind will likely be filtered out of the device's database. Those that slip through will not be reached by Geomate Junior users without reference to the cache page, topo maps, etc.


If the Geomate Junior hoard turns out to be the plague of locusts that some fear they could be, they'll inflict the most damage on the lowest-hanging fruit. This could be the end of the parking-lot cache as we know it. If so, I will not waste a single tear. And the fact that these locust-cachers can't place caches? That's not a bug, it's a feature!


Finally, how much worse can these unwashed, uninitiated users be than some of the knotheads we have now? How much forum time has been spent discussing all manner of bad behavior, and how many distinguished cachers have defended bad practices as just a different way to cache? I'd argue that someone who's signed up through the web site and been exposed to the guidelines, etiquette and culture of this activity and still does the wrong thing is worse than some random kid shopping with Mom and Dad at REI.


So, the silver lining? This could be the cleansing fire that sweeps away the accumulated debris of years of decline. I, for one, welcome the Geomate invasion!

Posted (edited)

Since Jeremy hasn't come out on the balcony to address the masses, maybe someone can grab him at GeoWoodstock for a little what's-up-with-that Q&A session, and get back to the rest of us.


Oh, and if they have a sophisticated anti-lame filter, when can we get it in the PQs?

Edited by Viajero Perdido
Posted (edited)

The email I got two days after the thread was started? The one that hasn't answered any of the questions asked?


Yes, that one.


The perfect way to go "under the radar"....send it out to everyone!!


And allow you to purchase it on their website!! They almost make it look like they are actually promoting it (when in fact, we all know they want to walk away from this inferior product. They way we know it's inferior, of course, is that they are not promoting it....except where they make it look like they are promoting it by promoting it....wait, what?). Very sneaky!


The frog has outdone himself this time!! :(

Edited by PhxChem

Even if the most dire predictions come true (i.e., the device becomes popular and hoards of newbies wreak havoc on the class of caches selected for inclusion in its database) there is a possible upside: A renaissance of physically, mentally and navigationally challenging caches. Long hikes, steep climbs and puzzles of any kind will likely be filtered out of the device's database. Those that slip through will not be reached by Geomate Junior users without reference to the cache page, topo maps, etc.


If the Geomate Junior hoard turns out to be the plague of locusts that some fear they could be, they'll inflict the most damage on the lowest-hanging fruit. This could be the end of the parking-lot cache as we know it. If so, I will not waste a single tear. And the fact that these locust-cachers can't place caches? That's not a bug, it's a feature!



Finally, how much worse can these unwashed, uninitiated users be than some of the knotheads we have now? How much forum time has been spent discussing all manner of bad behavior, and how many distinguished cachers have defended bad practices as just a different way to cache? I'd argue that someone who's signed up through the web site and been exposed to the guidelines, etiquette and culture of this activity and still does the wrong thing is worse than some random kid shopping with Mom and Dad at REI.


So, the silver lining? This could be the cleansing fire that sweeps away the accumulated debris of years of decline. I, for one, welcome the Geomate invasion!


Mule Ears for geocacher of the year!!!!!! :D


Even if the most dire predictions come true (i.e., the device becomes popular and hoards of newbies wreak havoc on the class of caches selected for inclusion in its database) there is a possible upside: A renaissance of physically, mentally and navigationally challenging caches. Long hikes, steep climbs and puzzles of any kind will likely be filtered out of the device's database. Those that slip through will not be reached by Geomate Junior users without reference to the cache page, topo maps, etc.


If the Geomate Junior hoard turns out to be the plague of locusts that some fear they could be, they'll inflict the most damage on the lowest-hanging fruit. This could be the end of the parking-lot cache as we know it. If so, I will not waste a single tear. And the fact that these locust-cachers can't place caches? That's not a bug, it's a feature!



Finally, how much worse can these unwashed, uninitiated users be than some of the knotheads we have now? How much forum time has been spent discussing all manner of bad behavior, and how many distinguished cachers have defended bad practices as just a different way to cache? I'd argue that someone who's signed up through the web site and been exposed to the guidelines, etiquette and culture of this activity and still does the wrong thing is worse than some random kid shopping with Mom and Dad at REI.


So, the silver lining? This could be the cleansing fire that sweeps away the accumulated debris of years of decline. I, for one, welcome the Geomate invasion!


Mule Ears for geocacher of the year!!!!!! :D


I second that emotion. :huh:


No mention was made as to how much the update kit was going to cost.


Thanks to Sir Z Man and Super R for doing the interview. I have no doubt that the rest is very interesting for those in the Twin Cities area.


Here's the Twin Cities Geocaching Podcast.


The update kit will retail for 19.99 MSRP.


Your welcome for the show. I hope that most of the topics we talk about on the show are note location specific (some like the upcoming events are, but stuff like reduced signal coverage due to loss of satellites should be of interest no matter where you live).

Can the day of 10,000,000 of these being sold at Toys Us be too far off??


I'd say the day that these overpriced, quirky gadgets show up on woot! for $5.99 is a bit closer. I can hardly wait to read the ad copy.

Or is going outside considered "elitist" to you Clan Rifster?

Sorry. You lost me somewhere in all your pompous silliness. Come again?

Has anyone even hinted at such a ridiculous suggestion? No?

I didn't think so, but since you were alluding to such nonsense the question begged to be asked.


Note to Lep: Please stop coming into my home and deleting archived caches from my GPSr. It is bothering my wife.

OK, so I came to your house and bothered your wife just that ONE time a few months ago. We all know how that turned out. Could we just drop this?


First, we need you to fill out this form.


Since Jeremy hasn't come out on the balcony to address the masses, maybe someone can grab him at GeoWoodstock for a little what's-up-with-that Q&A session, and get back to the rest of us.


Oh, and if they have a sophisticated anti-lame filter, when can we get it in the PQs?


Sure, and some of the debate and angst could have been abated had the powers that be answered a few questions early on. But they don't answer many questions anymore.


Where is it written that Groundspeak has to explain business descisions and corporate policy just because you give them $30 a year? You're a customer, not a shareholder; not a business partner. There is a difference. You can talk up how you're driving force behind caching because you hid a few ammo cans in the woods but unless you've signed some sort of agreement with the company you're really no different than the average Ebay user, Wal-Mart shopper, car driver, or credit card customer.


Did you storm the castle when Burger King changed the fries?


Also, addressing them on an open forum with bonus sarcasm is hardly the way to get a response.


I find it interesting how often people say things like "they could have spent the resources to fix this, or that, or add this ..."


Nobody except Groundspeak knows how much time they spent on it. I have to expect that they were not involved with the development of the hardware, and if the only thing they supplied was a stripped down gpx file do you really think that took any significant time to extract?


Since Jeremy hasn't come out on the balcony to address the masses, maybe someone can grab him at GeoWoodstock for a little what's-up-with-that Q&A session, and get back to the rest of us.


Oh, and if they have a sophisticated anti-lame filter, when can we get it in the PQs?


Sure, and some of the debate and angst could have been abated had the powers that be answered a few questions early on. But they don't answer many questions anymore.


Where is it written that Groundspeak has to explain business descisions and corporate policy just because you give them $30 a year? You're a customer, not a shareholder; not a business partner. There is a difference. You can talk up how you're driving force behind caching because you hid a few ammo cans in the woods but unless you've signed some sort of agreement with the company you're really no different than the average Ebay user, Wal-Mart shopper, car driver, or credit card customer.


Did you storm the castle when Burger King changed the fries?


Also, addressing them on an open forum with bonus sarcasm is hardly the way to get a response.


I didn't ask questions about their business decisions. I asked questions about a product they are selling. A few simple answers to some of the basic questions about this product could have eased much of the angst of this thread.


Wow, what a reaction! How about a little speculation to keep the conversation interesting? With the press coverage, release of the Geomate Jr and mention of GC in a movie, perhaps we are seeing the mainstreaming of this little hobby. So what's next? A reality show, of course! With the Amazing Race on CBS and the Alaskan Experiment on Discovery, a geocaching based reality show can't be far behind.

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