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You know you're a Geocacher when...

Team O-Zone

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I thought this might be a fun topic to start, so here goes...


You know you're a Geocacher when... Your friend who got you into geocaching, gives you a roll of cammoed duct tape, and you jumping up & down with joy! (true story) :)


you have family and friends saving their empty canisters of foldgers & altoids just for you! :)

Posted (edited)

when standing at a party, you spot the guys fake rock in his rock bed.


When you find yourself at the store lifting logs.


When anyone ask you what you are doing you have the impulse to lie or make up something..


when people surprise you, you try to act "natural"

Edited by scubajt41

If you see some sort of container laying on the ground you go over to see if you can make a container out of it


If you refer to anyone picking up any sort of garbage at any time as 'CITOing'


BTW scubajt41 - See you Feb 16th [:laughing:]


...you go to a new place, and the first thing you think is, "This would be a great place to hide a cache!"


I do that ALL of the time and I have not even been caching for a year yet.


Cool idea. I have some and only a few apply to me.


You can't leave the house without these three important things:


1) Sunglasses

2) Car keys

3) GPS


Not necessarily in that order, and the wife adds, did you get the kids?


While travelling down a new road you wonder, "are there any caches nearby?"


You have a list of excuses made up to explain your behavior is not mischievous to passer-bys and not disclose you're geocaching.


You practice your covert searching skills at the office so you don't look like a dork searching every limb of that tree or turning over every rock in the local park while hunting a cache.


If you see some sort of container laying on the ground you go over to see if you can make a container out of it


If you refer to anyone picking up any sort of garbage at any time as 'CITOing'


BTW scubajt41 - See you Feb 16th [:lol:]


email me when you come down.. i may just have to meet you.. its a monday game though.. will see if i can make it


Go Preds!!


...your co-workers hate you because everytime you take a pencil or stapler from their desks you leave a stupid toy car, pocket knife or battery.



...you go to a new place, and the first thing you think is, "This would be a great place to hide a cache!"


Then your spouse says, "hey I bet there is one here already", so the you start looking around "blind" and find a cache!


You have two Premium accounts (mine and my daughter's) so you can run 10 PQ a day. That gives you 11,000 caches in your GPS and Cachemate so that any where you travel in TN you can cache.


I am toying with the idea of making my son's account Premium so I can do just that.



not to mention the 30+ caches you have pre-made in your cars at all times :lol:




You know your an ADDICT cacher when you get the sweats when your GPS and PDA are not in the car with you.


You know you are a geocacher when...


-You say "Honey, I will be back in an hour or two, or three, or four."

-Wherever you go you have the gps, the laptop, and a portable printer.

-You buy a 64 pack of AA batteries just for your gps.

-You decide you hate buying the batteries and decide to get the car charger.

-You forget to change out of your caching clothes when you go to work.

-You show up at drug store with 5 TB's in your hand with you saying, "I found the cache!!!"

-You have a nervous breakdown because you couldnt find the cache.

-You say, "Honey, can you pull over here.", *5 min. later, "Honey, can you pull over here."

-You hang a big painting of a geocache on your cubical.


This took me about 5 min. but it was a fun thing... :anicute:


*Try and beat this amount! :D *


You say to the kids as you drive around town, there is a geocache over there I haven't found yet, a minute later, there is one there that is supposed to be hidden in a rubber ducky, a few minutes later, why don't we just stop and try to find the cache hidden here. All the while the kids are saying to each other, "Mom is becoming obsessed about this geocaching thing."


You say to the kids as you drive around town, there is a geocache over there I haven't found yet, a minute later, there is one there that is supposed to be hidden in a rubber ducky, a few minutes later, why don't we just stop and try to find the cache hidden here. All the while the kids are saying



..."Mom, could you please take us to school, first?"

..."Mom, could we go home now? It's half past eight and we are tired and hungry!"

..."Mom, just let us out of the car, ok? We'll walk!"


You know, you're a geocacher when the shop owner of th 99-Cent-Store sends you a greeting card for Christmas.


If you see some sort of container laying on the ground you go over to see if you can make a container out of it


If you refer to anyone picking up any sort of garbage at any time as 'CITOing'


BTW scubajt41 - See you Feb 16th [:anibad:]


email me when you come down.. i may just have to meet you.. its a monday game though.. will see if i can make it


Go Preds!!



Oh, no... Unfortunately I'm not making it down for the game - I meant that in more of a general Sens/Preds game sort of way


I still want to add to the number of cities I've seen the Sens play in though - So far I've only made it to Toronto, Detroit & Buffalo. I'll make it down there someday though :laughing:


You know you're a Geocacher when.....


You keep a 'Emergency Geocaching Repair Kit' in your car with extra logs, containers, camo tape, and more...........


'Rubicon' Wooly


Well I just had a dream last night that I was searching for a magnetic micro on a roadsign and some old man just walked right up and grabbed it out from under me and signed the logbook. For that to happen after only doing this for a week I guess meakes me a certified GeoAddict.

Posted (edited)

I just joined a Yahoo! Group called Northeast Ohio Geocachers and the following list was posted there so I figured I'd share it here. All credit goes to serenitynow582. Sadly I have to confess #3 fits me perfectly lol.


Top Ten Ways to Tell You're Addicted to Geocaching


10. You take sick leave from work to be FIRST to a cache.


9. You can read encrypted hints as quickly as unencrypted.


8. You begin referring to your pets with the prefix "Geo".


7. Someone asks you where the photocopier is and you say, "25 feet

bearing 270".


6. Two words ----- Head Lamp.


5. You're looking at $1 dollar stores and garage sales with new interest

because they are a source of Geocache "treasure".





3. You are the computer Geek with a tan.


2. You plan your entire vacation around Geocaching.


1. You plan on attending the NeoGeo Car Rally on Saturday,

September 13, 2003. Teams will be competing for trophies and prizes

by solving puzzles, searching by car for answers to clues, and finding

a few new caches. This will be a potluck event. Look for more details

in the future.


If you enjoyed this top ten list check out this Geo Monkeys website:

http://geomonkeys.com/main/Just_for_Fun/Yo...ou_know___.html. The inspiration and some of our top ten list came from the Geomonkeys site. If you see yourself in three or four of the entries on our list, you will definitely love their extended list.



Tom & Anna Mary

Edited by Melancholy43920
Posted (edited)

There might be a store right nearby to you, yet you go out of your way to go to another of that same store, just because you have unfound caches nearby


Yea - I actually took the bus out east to go to Canadian Tire in Orleans just because I had unfound caches between Place d'Orleans & Canadian Tire on 10th Line

Edited by Taoiseach

You know you're a geocacher when:


You come back from a business trip without finding any caches and consider it a wasted yourney.


You know which stores in your area have good offers on lock & lock boxes.


You can read encryped words like GERR, VIL and TERRA OBK without having to decode them.


Your choice of food shopping is swayed by the type of container the products come in.


Half the phone numbers saved in your phone have caching names rather than real names next to them.


You think "Signal" is a good name for a pet.


Someone mentions what part of the country they come from and you think to yourself "That's somewhere in N51 W001"!


You wonder why no one has placed any caches in the University near you...............................yet :grin:


Your at work, trying to get from one spot to another, and walk through the tupperware asile by accident and slow down to see what we got in,


you consider using a birdhouse that you made a few years ago for an Eagle Project/Senior Project, have a real bird nest with fake eggs and a nano underneath. I did have this out, but it was too close to the reviewers actual account cache. Went back to see if i could move it, and i couldn't find the birdnest.........


your keeping a used wasps nest to use as a "cache"


you got a car travel bug to log the miles it's gone to every cache you go to


you've never gone night caching until an event near you lets out almost at sunset (that made no sense....)


you barely cache the first two years you've found out about this game, and in your third year, you've cached almost all year, except March


your most finds in one day is 10, 9 dnfs


your next most finds for one day is 9, 8 dnfs


and you've gone back for those 9 or 8 to find them


You have bad dreams that include images of your cache hides have been muggled or that you placed caches in bad spots out in the open and you see the muggles swarming them!


It happened to me just a couple nights ago..... :D


You know you're a geocacher when....


you give people the coords to your house for the party. :)


Another cacher turns up early to claim a first to find. ;)B)


Do I qualify because I am planning a 6000+km (3600 mile) caching trip next year by motorbike, with the missus on the back, and have already pencilled in my 2010 holidays based around Australias first mega event- which is about 2000km away. And I recently did 900km in a day to grab 9 caches.


Do I qualify because I am planning a 6000+km (3600 mile) caching trip next year by motorbike, with the missus on the back, and have already pencilled in my 2010 holidays based around Australias first mega event- which is about 2000km away. And I recently did 900km in a day to grab 9 caches.




DING DING DING!!!! We have a winner!!!


When you honestly consider choosing which islands you'll visit in the Pacific during your sail around the world based on which ones have good caching.


Or which ones need good caches.

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