DannyCaffeine Posted May 17, 2010 Posted May 17, 2010 Your GPSr is within arm's reach at all times. Extra points if you accidentally pick it up to make a call or change the TV channel. Quote
+alamolady Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 When you are going to buy a new to you vehicle and decide you really need 4WD. Quote
+ghettomedic Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 When you fall down in a ditch, break your arm, Call 911 and have the paramedics looking for the cache before taking you off to the hospital I would help!!! Quote
+ngrrfan Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 When you are going to buy a new to you vehicle and decide you really need 4WD. AND.... you put a TB on it, outfit it with two sets of charger cords for you and your partner, keep at least a half full tank of gas in it, have several NFS maps in it for the backroads, and think nothing of driving 400 miles in a day for the DeLorme Challenge! Quote
+Bowlr Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 When you plan your wedding around Geocaching. I actually had caches activated during our reception for the folks with GPS's at the party. Quote
+thistleRacers Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 (edited) When you plan your wedding around Geocaching. I actually had caches activated during our reception for the folks with GPS's at the party. OK, that's just cool! (the wedding thing) when you see a camo SUV and think, hey, now that would make a great container! Edited May 21, 2010 by thistleRacers Quote
Denver#9 Posted May 22, 2010 Posted May 22, 2010 You know you are a geocacher when... -You say "Honey, I will be back in an hour or two, or three, or four." -Wherever you go you have the gps, the laptop, and a portable printer. -You buy a 64 pack of AA batteries just for your gps. -You decide you hate buying the batteries and decide to get the car charger. -You forget to change out of your caching clothes when you go to work. -You show up at drug store with 5 TB's in your hand with you saying, "I found the cache!!!" -You have a nervous breakdown because you couldnt find the cache. -You say, "Honey, can you pull over here.", *5 min. later, "Honey, can you pull over here." -You hang a big painting of a geocache on your cubical. This took me about 5 min. but it was a fun thing... *Try and beat this amount! * Dude the cache a day thing is an awesome idea Quote
+Twitch Hugs Trees Posted May 27, 2010 Posted May 27, 2010 When you've written a poem about Geocaching... Quote
+thistleRacers Posted May 27, 2010 Posted May 27, 2010 When your 5 year old son sees a black box behind the bushes as you enter the mall and says "geocache"! (when really it is a mouse trap) and then later when walking through a parking lot with shrubs and pinestraw in the medians he says "this would be a good place to hide a cache" and you you were thinking the same thing... Quote
+Rïon Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 That thread is a lot of fun ! Ok, so you know you're a geocacher... - When your mom asks you to clean up your room and says "There is a cache underneath your clothes". And when you're done cleaning, you realize she lied but you can't help thinking "dadgum, she's good !" - When you can't walk nearby a rock wall without thinking "I could easily put a micro here. Or here. Oh, and here too!" - When a friend asks you if you wanna go for a trip with her for the weekend and you say "Yes sure ! Can I geocache ? No ? Oh, nevermind, I'm sick that day..." - When you're in a place with nothing around, you see somebody and you wonder if he's a geocacher too. - When you see somebody walking in the streets with a GPSr and smile at them saying "You're a geocacher, right" ? and the people look at you really weird. No, they were just lost... - When you have to walk through a freaky and really dark cave, and you're really scared by the bats inside, but you think "Fudge, it's for a cache, it's all worth it". And you just keep saying this until you reach the cache ! - When somebody offers you a job for the summer far away from your house, and before you say "yes" or "no", you check if the caches are worth it over there. Quote
+silksmybaby Posted June 16, 2010 Posted June 16, 2010 You always carry a GPS in your purse, glovebox, and caching bag... yes I even took it in my purse to prom since there were several caches next to the hotel it was at Quote
+helloyo53 Posted June 21, 2010 Posted June 21, 2010 You know you are a Geocacher when the only reason you go shopping with your parents anymore (if you are under legal driving age) is because "there's a cache near there". Quote
+TJPost Posted June 24, 2010 Posted June 24, 2010 You tell people where you live by naming the geocache that's the closes to your house. Quote
chai_latte Posted June 26, 2010 Posted June 26, 2010 (edited) you know when your a newbie obsessed with geocaching when.. 1) your cute little lady bug antenna topper is now a green frog 2) everything you buy has a air tight or screw type lid 3) when you have searched for a cache 3 times and get so mad- hubby wants you to "see someone" about your anger issues 4) any othertime you see a muggle you just view them out to the corner of your eye, BUT when a lanyard cord drops from their hand .. YOU DIVE FOR THE BUSHES!! 5) you come to realize how dangerous it is to use your cell phone wile driving, is as bad as watching your GPS--- AND YES TODAY I CAUGHT MY SELF DRIVING DOWN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD 6) every cute key chain you think could be the best sig item - IF YOU DIDNT ALREADY HAVE LIKE A MILLION OF THEM MADE UP THE DAY YOU FOUND YOUR FIRST GEOCACHE. the day i found my first cache is the day i stayed up till 4am painting 66 wooden nickles! 7) where as b4, facebook was always open- now the forums is a permanent tab! 8) you do a level 5 terrain and slip down a hill - rip your pants! and decide to go back out the next morning because you still have BUTT SKIN left-lol HAPPY AND SAFE GEOCACHING ALL YOU OBSESSIVE GEOPEOPLE! Edited June 26, 2010 by chai_latte Quote
+The Fox-Wells Family Posted August 17, 2010 Posted August 17, 2010 You know you're a geocacher when: ... You know which stores in your area have good offers on lock & lock boxes. Someone mentions what part of the country they come from and you think to yourself "That's somewhere in N51 W001"! Sainsbury's have a Buy One get One Free Deal on all clicklock boxes at the Moment - Quote
JasperNL Posted August 18, 2010 Posted August 18, 2010 When you find yourself turning around and around to calibrate your digital compass while people are looking at you like you're some kind of idiot. Happened to me a few times . Quote
+hrutger Posted August 20, 2010 Posted August 20, 2010 *Once you've zeroed in on a cache, not even Chuck Norris can stop you. *"My Precious" is what you call your GPS: Using it only makes you more addicted; You like to think it renders you invisible; It leads you straight to Mount Doom (That's a cache...or it should be). *Devotion is having a few twigs in your hair. *My evening drink is TEA O' caching. My game system is the WII O'caching. My premium membership dues are a FEE O'caching. This cheese is my BRIE O'caching. And...you see that bee right there? *A box of dollar-store toys in the woods beats Christmas presents under your tree. Quote
+hrutger Posted August 21, 2010 Posted August 21, 2010 When you've written a poem about Geocaching... Don't worry - you're not the only one to have been possessed by the geocaching artistic muse. When I hid my first cache, called Sentinel Palms (GC2BK9C), I was so excited that I wrote this silliness - to the tune of "The Sound of Music." ...Lol. The woods are aliiiive With the sound of caching... With purposeless gems That I have to fiiiind... Adventures abound, Crazy squirrel-like staaaashing... The 10-year-old in me is so...satisfied. Quote
+markammix Posted August 21, 2010 Posted August 21, 2010 When you are on the way to Urgent Care with a severe allergic reaction but stop to pick up a couple caches anyway. And this is her first week of geocaching. Quote
+Twitch Hugs Trees Posted August 21, 2010 Posted August 21, 2010 When you've written a poem about Geocaching... Don't worry - you're not the only one to have been possessed by the geocaching artistic muse. When I hid my first cache, called Sentinel Palms (GC2BK9C), I was so excited that I wrote this silliness - to the tune of "The Sound of Music." ...Lol. The woods are aliiiive With the sound of caching... With purposeless gems That I have to fiiiind... Adventures abound, Crazy squirrel-like staaaashing... The 10-year-old in me is so...satisfied. Love it! Quote
+4 and The Dog Posted August 23, 2010 Posted August 23, 2010 When you're packing getting ready to fly, and the one thing on your MUST NOT FORGET postit is not your passport, or wallet, it's the usb cable for your gps - so you can download caches when you get to your sisters house :-) Quote
+jim32809 Posted August 23, 2010 Posted August 23, 2010 When you walk 5 miles round trip in 95-100 degree heat for a single cache, just so you can add Arkansas to your map. Quote
+yblehsspot Posted August 24, 2010 Posted August 24, 2010 When school starts in a week and your looking for caches near your school instead of gathering school supplies.. Quote
+BoogandElliot Posted August 27, 2010 Posted August 27, 2010 You know you're a geocacher when you look at your messy house and you think that it would make a good CITO event. OMG! I have this right now! so hilarious! Quote
+BoogandElliot Posted August 27, 2010 Posted August 27, 2010 When you find a difficult cache, you feel like you won the lottery! You bought a vehicle that is BETTER than what you had, with Geocaching in mind (Jeep Wrangler Rubicon here). Had the first happen just two days ago, several DNFs on a cache including my own first attempt. Went back the next day & hunted for an hour before I found it - LOL My wife & I have been discussing buying a new car - something with 4-wheel capability & long enough for us to sleep in if necessary! Quote
+BoogandElliot Posted August 27, 2010 Posted August 27, 2010 You mow your yard in a circular pattern (as if having GPS in hand) to make your wife roll her eyes; but this back fires on you because it causes withdrawals, so you call her at work (we own only one car) & tell her to run home quick (you'll drop her off again) cause you just gotta go find yesterday's DNF. Good thing she works close, even better that she loves me so much! Yeah, I found it then Quote
OwlJones Posted September 1, 2010 Posted September 1, 2010 (edited) You've only been at it for two days and on the third day it's your 19th Wedding Anniversary.......and after dinner you hit three caches on the way to your favorite desert place? Does that count? Are we geocachers already? 'Cause....that's how it went down tonight. LOL One Found It!, two DNF's and a nice dinner with cheesecake afterwards! Happy Anniversary to us! Edited September 1, 2010 by OwlJones Quote
+Twitch Hugs Trees Posted September 1, 2010 Posted September 1, 2010 You've only been at it for two days and on the third day it's your 19th Wedding Anniversary.......and after dinner you hit three caches on the way to your favorite desert place? Does that count? Are we geocachers already? 'Cause....that's how it went down tonight. LOL One Found It!, two DNF's and a nice dinner with cheesecake afterwards! Happy Anniversary to us! Congrats! And yes, you are definitely members of the cult hobby. Quote
OwlJones Posted September 1, 2010 Posted September 1, 2010 You think these people are crazy: I mean who uses ammo cans for Ammunition anyway? Guilty. But, it looks like whoever that is is a bit "type A" about it. Mine are all just thrown in there, nice and ..umm...not neat. Quote
+Mister Kanister Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 You know you're a Geocacher, when you can find notes with coordinates of solved riddles etc. everywhere - in your pocket, in your jacket, on your desk etc. - Happens to me quite often Quote
+Cuddlefish Posted September 18, 2010 Posted September 18, 2010 When your 5 year old son sees a black box behind the bushes as you enter the mall and says "geocache"! (when really it is a mouse trap) and then later when walking through a parking lot with shrubs and pinestraw in the medians he says "this would be a good place to hide a cache" and you you were thinking the same thing... My five year old says this all the time. I'm bringing him up just right. Quote
+preestupnik Posted September 19, 2010 Posted September 19, 2010 Warning: Nerd Speak ahead. You know you are obsessed when you want a good excuse to have a GPS ready 24/7, and a way to access cache info at any moment. Welcome to the 21st century. The obsession part though, having tried various apps for my droid, and being dissatisfied with most, wrote out a custom app, voided my warranty rooting out my phone, and spent several weeks ignoring everything but perfecting this app. Now I can connect directly to geocaching.com’s Database, and upload my find on the spot, not to mention scan for new caches while pretending to do work on my cell-phone. And, I no longer have to pretend my GPS is a cell phone when muggles appear, because it is! (don’t act like you haven’t done the exact same thing…) p.s., I can't release my code, but c:geo is an excellant and FREE app for android phones on the market that dosn't leave much wanting. Not an endorsment, just took me forever to find a decent app before deciding to write my own, and I wished someone would have helped me. iphoneres, sorry, I was banned by ATT for skiping a 200 bill 15 years ago, and didn't want to put down a 500 dollar deposit. have fun, and cache on! Quote
+Cuddlefish Posted September 19, 2010 Posted September 19, 2010 This morning while walking to the hairdresser, a car drove by with the licence plate 738 FTF. I took it as an omen. Quote
+BigAl437 Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 You do a lot that is mentioned in this thread and can still come up with more to add to it. Such as... *Your wife is wheeling you out of the hospital after heart surgery and you groan, not because of pain, but because you can see where a cache is supposed to be hidden and you keep saying, I'll be back for a check up soon and we'll meet again. *Four days after your release from the hospital mentioned above you go to a Homeschool event and you walk to a nearby cache and find it with your wife before going back to the wheelchair and say that it was good exercise for your legs and heart. *You hide an anniversary note to your wife in the cache you are about to have published (on your anniversary) and you tell her you want her to find it to make sure other cachers can find it. The note says "I am taking you to Niagara Falls for our 25th anniversary and we leave tomorrow morning." *You already have the caches in the Niagara Falls area loaded into your GPS. (I did.) *When your son calls and asks why you haven't picked them up yet from their outing he then asks "Are you Geocaching?" *Your friends all call you for advice on which GPS to buy or how many caches are in a particular location they are going to. *You are about to send your oldest son off to Iraq and you take your wife, son and a friend to find some caches before he leaves, and you tell him about the caches in Iraq. *After being home for several months from Iraq your son calls to tell you he is going to Oman and you tell him there are several pages of caches hidden there and he should try and find some of them. Quote
DannyCaffeine Posted September 25, 2010 Posted September 25, 2010 When altoids become your favorite snack. I seriousle love them for the taste but now that I can use the tins I have a pack on my desk and in my pack. Quote
+sampson028 Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 ...your co-workers hate you because everytime you take a pencil or stapler from their desks you leave a stupid toy car, pocket knife or battery. Amazing..... I'm actually going to start doing this.... Quote
+scaramedic Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 I was watching Star Wars the other night. There is a scene with R2D2 in a canyon. He is in front of a pile of rocks and my first thought 'hey that pile of rocks is not normal I need to look under it!!" Quote
gpsman77 Posted October 30, 2010 Posted October 30, 2010 When you postpone your wedding day because of a Geocaching event taking place on the same day When you tell your daughters that the GPSr is their little brother! When you refer to people as Muggles unless they can prove they were Geocachers. When you lose your car keys and your wife tells you she looked for them signed DNF. When you deposit money to your account and the teller asks you: would you like a receite? and you answer: No I like Paperless Caching" Quote
+Brandi Sour Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 When the journey you used to do as a muggle took 90 minutes, now takes 3-4 hours and......explaining why your shoes and knees are dirty and hair disheveled from a 90 3-4 hour drive from door to door! Quote
+iamgeek Posted September 6, 2011 Posted September 6, 2011 You make a duct-tape wallet for extra GPS and cell phone batteries. Quote
+Bouts777 Posted September 6, 2011 Posted September 6, 2011 Making friends according to their geocaching rating. See Signal every time you see a frog. Quote
tiagosgd Posted September 6, 2011 Posted September 6, 2011 You know you're a Geocacher when... a) your dreams are about geocaching you see a "strange" rock on a wall and you go there and check to see if it is a cache c) you see a beautiful place and you think that could be there a cache. I am a and b and c. xD Quote
+coolflash Posted September 7, 2011 Posted September 7, 2011 you leave the house with a GPS and a laptop Quote
+aurght Posted September 9, 2011 Posted September 9, 2011 When you hide cammoed Easter eggs for the grandkids to hunt. Quote
+Midgleys_ZA Posted September 21, 2011 Posted September 21, 2011 You know you are a geocacher when.... 1. You buy tupperware on every grocery trip "just in case" 2. Your hiking boots live in your car "just in case" 3. You convert your fishing tackle box to a geocache repair kit 4. You have a ready-made fake rock mould 5. LBH PNA ERNQ GUVF JVGHBHG QRPELCGNAT 6. You consider making your wedding bands trackable... Quote
+90%Angel Posted September 24, 2011 Posted September 24, 2011 ...you seriously forgot that there is any other way to spell Cache! Quote
+Legochugglers Posted September 25, 2011 Posted September 25, 2011 You know you're a Geocacher when... a) your dreams are about geocaching you see a "strange" rock on a wall and you go there and check to see if it is a cache c) you see a beautiful place and you think that could be there a cache. I am a and b and c. xD As a} above. My dream/nightmare last night had me walking in some long grass, with the trail surrounded by high wire fences, GPS in hand following the arrow towards an old rotten tree. I remember feeling elated because the area round the tree had been well trampled which appeared to be a good sign that previous searchers had been to this spot. As I commenced my search I felt that I was being watched and I turned round to see a whole pride of lions staring at me. I started to run but realised I was in some sort of safari park enclosure. At this stage I seemed to be in such a terrified state I actually woke myself up in a mad panic. After sitting up in bed and pulling myself together I then felt disappointed that I had not found the cache!! Quote
Seleas Posted October 5, 2011 Posted October 5, 2011 You know you are a geocacher when... -You buy a 64 pack of AA batteries just for your gps. Rechargeable batteries FTW! Quote
+CrazyPony Posted November 17, 2011 Posted November 17, 2011 You know you are are geocacher when... -Mom and Dad had to come up with the "no geocaches on weekdays" rule so you'd do your homework. -You get a bad grade on said homework because you kept spelling cash as "cache". -You lose some other homework and tell your teacher it was muggled. Quote
+Sol seaker Posted November 18, 2011 Posted November 18, 2011 I have to be careful how I make out checks now. I made out a check the other day and wrote in the date, then signed my name Sol Seaker. I've got to make sure I write the date first now,then fill in the amount, etc. then sign my name last, so I don't write the date just before my name. Somehow I think that every time I sign the date I've got to write "Sol Seaker" after it. Quote
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