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Giving Away My Coins for Leukemia Research


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Posted (edited)

Hi Geocaching friends,


I'm participating in the Big Climb this Sunday to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Basically it's climbing the stairs of the tallest skycraper in Seattle.


Coincidentally I have a bunch of new, unactivated MarkTa geocoins I'd like other people to enjoy.


SO, if you donate to the Big Climb by clicking here, and live in the USA I'll send you a free MarkTa 2nd to Find coin. Please contribute by Sunday, March 16th, 2008. Of course feel free to ask me questions by contacting me through my geocaching ID or through this thread.


My coin is trackable and has its own icon, which some people really like; It's a big 2" across, a full 1/8" thick, is 1.6 oz, full color and clear-epoxied on both sides for durability.


Here's what it looks like.



What's kind of cool is that your contribution is 100% tax deductible! So feel free to donate large sums (ha ha). I'm just sending you a coin as a gift for helping out the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.



--Mark (of team markta)

Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster

I'd love to get in on this, I don't have a credit card though....bummer!


If you can write a check to the "Leukemia and Lymphoma Society" or simply "LLS" and mail it to me, I'd be happy to send you a coin.


Thanks for your interest!


Posted (edited)

We would love nothing more that to eradicate this horrible disease. Thanks for the links and thanks for doing your part by making the world a better place.




Edited to add: Just made our donation and we hope you and your daughter make it to the top how ever long it takes... Just remember, even if you don't make it to the top and back, everyone here is still proud of you for the effort you are putting forth. We look forward to receiving your personal coin.

Edited by CinemaBoxers

Thanks for supporting to such a nice cherity. My Godmother lost her child due to Leukimia, so always like to donate. Made our donation, we know it is going to a good cause.



Barry and Val




Donation made!! Best of luck to you! This is such a great cause!! My grandmother was diagnosed with a rare form of Leukemia at age 73! For two years she went through various testings and many, many long days at the hospital. In 1996 adult Leukemia (especially her age) alot of the tests were new or still experimental. I am very thankful to be able to give to such a good cause and support a fellow geocacher.


I have lymphoma so I VEERY much appreciate what you are doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Donation made.


I love the LLS!!!!


By the way, their red bracelets make good swag and advertise the cause!!


My nephew and cousin's son has A Plastic Anemia. No, They are Not related) They both have had a bone marrow transplant. Kenny, the nephew, also had a Stem - cell transplant after 2 years . So far it's been a little more than 2 years! Keep your fingers crossed :D . Nolan, the cousin's son, had his just 2 years ago.


So, I made a donation to this great cause. If you like, you can give my coin to Roddy :laughing::D .


I have made a contribution and would be honored to receive one of your coins. I lost my father to Leukemia many years ago. He was 38 years old. This was actually before they knew much about bone marrow transplants. Would he still be alive if the research was more advanced back then? God only knows.


That being said, it is because of research that everyday they get closer and closer to finding cures for this horrible illness. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your life to climb for such a good cause. You are greatly appreciated.


Thank you,


Posted (edited)

and live in the USA


After reading this line a few times, I realized that the reason behind this thread was way more important than the geocoin offer.

So, even if I live outside Italy, I decided to do my part. If you can't send me the coin, no problem.


So I can proudly say... 47%!





(edit: fixed a typo)

Edited by kazuma

and live in the USA


After reading this line a few times, I realized that the reason behind this thread was way more important than the geocoin offer.

So, even if I live outside Italy, I decided to do my part. If you can't send me the coin, no problem.


So I can proudly say... 47%!





(edit: fixed a typo)


WOW. That is very Terrific of you! :anibad: Even I would give you a hug If I could :o


Donation made


My grandma died from leukemia some 15 years ago, so I'm glad if I can contribute to the fight against this disease. I don't remember very much about my grandma, but I remember she suffered quite a bit, and I hope Leukemia and Lymphoma Society can help preventing this from happening to others.


Good luck to you and your daughter climbing the stairs!


Ps. I don't live in USA, so no coin for me. (Just as Kazuma says, the reason behind this thread is so much more important than a coin)


But maybe someone could release one for me in the US? If not, it's no biggie :anibad:

Posted (edited)

I guess I'm 2 hours too late for your deadline, but I wanted to donate anyway :anibad: My sister died from leukemia last year on Good Friday ("complicated" health started with breast cancer years before). THANKS FOR DOING THIS....

Edited by bflylady

First I want to thank everyone in the amazingly generous Geocaching community who donated to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I've sent mail to most of you thanking you and making it clear that you are the heroes. Krista and I finished the climb in 27:22. Let's just say our legs are taking a bit of a rest for the rest of today. We took some cool pictures and I hope to post them.


Secondly, I want to say thank you to the Groundspeak people. I violated some rules by not asking them about this idea before posting it and I'm dazzled that they spent time looking into it which went above and beyond what they had to do. I apologize for this and have learned my lesson. I should mention Flying Spaghetti Monster was particularly helpful in coming up with ideas and I'm grateful to him / her.


I'm mailing out the coins as fast as I can. To clarify, you can certainly still donate today and get a coin, but I don't want to overstay my welcome and to be fair we should probably end this drive here.


Thank you again my friends,

--Mark and Krista (2/3 of team markta)

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