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Colorado firmware 2.40 300/400


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Posted (edited)

Thanks jotne! That worked great! It's 6pm here in Ann Arbor, MI. I'll have that in my GPS after I get home after Midnight.


Aha! That is where I remember seeing your name, LifeOnEdge! I specifically remember you because you logged you were from Texas and I thought, "Wow...That is a long way away". We had a great time in the U.P. In late Aug/early Sept 2008 I intend to take my GPS to Isle Royale for a 118.5 miles hike over 16 days. Only 3 caches tho.


I take pictures of my log entries so I know exactly what pictures were associated with that cache...and I write the name of the cache at the tops of the page. I am sure it is strange to future finders but it works for me. I told my family that if the Colorado had a digital camera in it it would truly be an all-in-one.

Edited by victorymike

Sounds like Garmin certainly is with the program on updating the software for their new units. It would appear they are monitoring these threads and finding the weaknesses.


So, I'm ready to buy. Where is that information about the rebate? :anicute: (hint-hint)



AKA: DeRock & the Psychic Cacher - Grattan MI


Rebate? After THIS UPDATE they could raise the price $75 and no one would flinch! LMAO (Garmin, I expect my cut!)


Changes from version 2.30 to version 2.40:

Improved backlight support.



I was really hoping that turning off the added "Backlight Limiting" setting would allow me to bring the unit to the full brightness that you see when you plug it into the USB. :anicute:


Well, I can live with the panning being turned around in all directions. You can do as I do with the 60 CSx: Just zoom out far enough, then in again, and it reverts to north up.


Geocaches unfortunately share the same zoom scale setting as your own waypoints. As others have found here, if you load many geocaches, you can't see neither your waypoints nor anything else.


You now have to turn off the basemap, if you want to see the roads from City Navigator at zoom scales 500, 800 and 1200 meters, with level of detail set to highest. Otherwise, the thin grey roads just disappear in the green. You loose the basemap view when you zoom out, unfortunately.

When in automotive display (perspective view), there's no green salad background, fortunately.


Startup is much faster, as is geocache handling.

Perhaps you've also found that now you can set if you want the backlight to dim or not when the batteries are low. Oh yes, now I see a post about that too.


As perhaps is obvious, I've had this for a few days, but I've not been out caching with it yet.


I don't mean to be a complainer, but how do I now turn OFF the display of GeoCaching icons on the map. They completely overwhelm my display. The release notes make it sound like it's an option but I don't see it. Has anyone found the option?





This can be set with altering the zoom level for POI on the maps.


Setup -> Map -> Options "Left button" -> Advanced -> Zoom Levels -> User Waypoints.

I have mine at 800 meters.


My Colorado 300 only goes down to 50 km. Did you mean 800 km? Or does the map make a difference? I'm using TOPO Canada.


Another nice improvement I just noticed. On the map page you can now zoom down to 20 feet! My 300 now boots up in 20 seconds! where before it took almost 3.5 minutes. Yay Garmin!! Thanks for listening to our requests for improvements, and keep ém coming!


Gee, I think I'll dunk my 300 in the commode again- I'll bet this new firmware had made it waterproof!


Make sure ... when you do ... you only pull out the thing that has a roller wheel on it. Nasty! :D


So THIS is what's been going on with your units. Which REI did you get your units from? :anicute:


I ain't telling.


Holy crap, start up time from about 3 minutes to under 25 seconds!


Love the panning ( no more switching to track north ).


I can see my GPX geocaches ( I deleted my POI geocache database to check ).


I like that you can now log your caches found ( they show the open chest afterwards ... as for a DNF ... hmmm ), etc. and "Find Next Closest", then how you can see the found caches via the left softkey ( doesn't seem to show the found caches sorted by time logged, not a biggie, though ).


Me so happy!


Well, for his sake, I do hope that 3 Sparrows ... or is it 3 Hawks ( I can't remember ) is able to still find something in this unit to bitch about ... I'm sure that he's panicking now. Well, there IS still the "IXP7" issue so I'm sure that he'll still be around, brightening our lives.


Still, when I download 9 or more norwegian topo pro maps to my Colorado 300 (sd card) the GPS perfoms a auto shutoff when I select Map/Options/Select Map. :anicute:

Posted (edited)

I like that you can now log your caches found ( they show the open chest afterwards ... as for a DNF ... hmmm ), etc. and "Find Next Closest", then how you can see the found caches via the left softkey ( doesn't seem to show the found caches sorted by time logged, not a biggie, though ).



I like that it shows the caches on the map now, but it displays mine as small baseballs....can that be changed? Also, any changing of logging cache, to found, needs repair, did not find...all results in the icon being the open cache icon. any thoughts?

Edited by HAB214


I like that you can now log your caches found ( they show the open chest afterwards ... as for a DNF ... hmmm ), etc. and "Find Next Closest", then how you can see the found caches via the left softkey ( doesn't seem to show the found caches sorted by time logged, not a biggie, though ).


I like the way that you can "unfind" or "unlog" the found caches by setting them to "Unattempted" so they re-appear in the list of geocaches ... cool.

Posted (edited)

"Corrected map to not change orientation when beginning pan mode."


Ahhh! Like slipping into a warm hot-tub after a day on the slopes! :D:DB)


Ok, maybe not quite that good but close enough. :D


Edited to add:


My startup time is now 16 seconds (down from 32). Looks like the startup times have been cut in half!!!!!!


So HAPPY!!!! :D:D:DB):anicute:B)

Edited by yogazoo

I'm so excited about the software update I think I peed myself just a little. What little I looked at after doing the update is pretty impressive, but I think I found one issue.


Before I figured out the whole GPX file thing I created a waypoint for a local cache. Later I downloaded the GPX file from geocaching.com. One was listed in my waypoints, the other in my caches. Now it appears the two lists have merged somehow and I have one entry, but two icons. I'm gonna mess with it more tonight and make sure.


Ironically, I bit the bullet and finally ordered one this morning, totally unaware about the update. Now I am totally that I made the right choice! Can't wait to get the thing in the mail! I knew I could trust Garmin! :anicute:




Go to WHERE TO screen and then scroll to geocaches. Now Pick one and WOAH! A map screen with a compass OR a pointer (selectable by pushing up or down on the scroll wheel) and distance to cache. If Garmin keeps this up, the Colorado will shake all the doubt to be the best handheld GPS on the market hands down!! With this updated software, its well on its way already.


Very happy with the upgrade. NIMH meter is much more accurate!!!.

Posted (edited)


I like that you can now log your caches found ( they show the open chest afterwards ... as for a DNF ... hmmm ), etc. and "Find Next Closest", then how you can see the found caches via the left softkey


This is SOOO cool, Cachemate ( and a second device ) just became obsolete for me.

Edited by nicolo

I just have to say that I feel SOOO bad for the Magellan Triton users who wait and wait and wait for an upgrade worth anything. I think everyone knew that Garmin wouldn't let us down, but it sure took them long enough (1 month).


Another nail in the magellan handheld coffin.


Sure, issues still exist, but this is a huge step toward the potential of the Colorado series.

Posted (edited)
jotne, welcome to this country!


All American people thinks that there are only one country in the world.

This site is for all, not only US


What? There is another country besides Norway? My Irish ancestors certainly never told my Norwegian ancenstors about that!


As for the Colorado... is it yet time for me to sell my Legend CX (backup unit) and Legend HCx (primary unit) and buy a Colorado?

Edited by knowschad

I'm so excited about the software update I think I peed myself just a little.

I'm not peeing myself just yet. With this update, my 400t is crashing left and right. Sometimes when I hit the left soft key to pull up an Options menu, other times when I try to view certain cache descriptions - it just shuts off.


When it works, it's much faster, which is absolutely a welcome improvement, but I am not anywhere near satisfied. The 2000-cache limit is arbitrary and needs to be eliminated. You still can't pan on the map and then search for items near the panned-to location. You still can't average a waypoint (unacceptable if you place caches and want coordinates that don't piss people off). You still can't add even the most rudimentary notes to a cache "log", rendering that function nearly useless if you ever trade or move travel bugs, since you'll continue to have to keep track of that information some other way.


Kudos to Garmin for fixing some of the bugs that never should have made it to a retail unit in the first place, but they are far from done.


I'm so excited about the software update I think I peed myself just a little.

I'm not peeing myself just yet. With this update, my 400t is crashing left and right. Sometimes when I hit the left soft key to pull up an Options menu, other times when I try to view certain cache descriptions - it just shuts off.


When it works, it's much faster, which is absolutely a welcome improvement, but I am not anywhere near satisfied. The 2000-cache limit is arbitrary and needs to be eliminated. You still can't pan on the map and then search for items near the panned-to location. You still can't average a waypoint (unacceptable if you place caches and want coordinates that don't piss people off). You still can't add even the most rudimentary notes to a cache "log", rendering that function nearly useless if you ever trade or move travel bugs, since you'll continue to have to keep track of that information some other way.


Kudos to Garmin for fixing some of the bugs that never should have made it to a retail unit in the first place, but they are far from done.


Wow!!! I'd sure think that Garmin must be listening to logs such as these. I'm salivating for one. I've played with one at REI. But then I see the realisic logs like yours and I'm glad that I didn't spring for one. Hasn't Garmin heard of the concept of beta testers? Oh... sure they did... beta testers are willing to PAY for the privilige. Uh, I don't THINK so, Garmin! Get it at least close to right before you lose all credibility.


Get it at least close to right before you lose all credibility.


Not to turn this thread into another flame war, but Garmin didn't lose any credibility with this update. You want loss of credibility, go over to tritonforum.com.


I'm v. happy with the update.



I like that you can now log your caches found ( they show the open chest afterwards ... as for a DNF ... hmmm ), etc. and "Find Next Closest", then how you can see the found caches via the left softkey


This is SOOO cool, Cachemate ( and a second device ) just became obsolete for me.


That right there is what might make me buy one. I love my 60CSx, but being able to leave the PDA at home? That might just make me jump ships.




I haven't seen this one posted yet. Previously, I needed to have caches and waypoints loaded in order to see the treasure chest symbols on the map page. After installing the update, I deleted the waypoints. The caches remain, and show up on the map page, but not as treasure chests. Instead, they use Groundspeaks symbols--regular caches with the green/white cache icon, puzzles as a blue question mark, etc. I really like this and it saves me the extra step of having to send both caches and waypoints.


It just keeps getting better and better.



I like that you can now log your caches found ( they show the open chest afterwards ... as for a DNF ... hmmm ), etc. and "Find Next Closest", then how you can see the found caches via the left softkey


This is SOOO cool, Cachemate ( and a second device ) just became obsolete for me.


That right there is what might make me buy one. I love my 60CSx, but being able to leave the PDA at home? That might just make me jump ships.




I also love my 60CSx, but I guess I just got a new girlfriend with this update! The only thing I still wish it would do is average waypoints, but that may come in time. Garmin just fixed all of my complaints in one fell swoop :anicute:




Go to WHERE TO screen and then scroll to geocaches. Now Pick one and WOAH! A map screen with a compass OR a pointer (selectable by pushing up or down on the scroll wheel)

This was always there. I've been a big fan of the compass/map combo screen and used it exclusively this past weekend. While on that screen, clicking the center wheel button brings up the full screen compass. This is my favorite geocaching screen.


What HAS been added in this release is being able to move the arrow on top of a geocaching icon and click on it, then click GO and be able to come to the Compass/Map combo screen. Hecka sweet.


Well, I got to actually sit down and look at the update for more than five minutes before rushing out the door, and it looks like I was smoking crack when I said it merged the waypoints and caches. New stuff looks pretty good -- need to hit a couple of caches to be sure, though.


One thing I noticed while driving is that I think the backlight came on randomly a couple of times -- I don't think I hit any buttons when I picked it up off the seat, but it beeped and the backlight came on. This was right after I had stopped and parked.


I did kill a set of batteries playing with it and it tells you its shutting off the backlight and beeper to save power. Pretty cool.


I still think some of the menus are laid out awkwardly and some features should be more obvious, but hopefully we'll figure it out before the next update.


One feature that would be nice is the ability to show the coordinates of the waypoint or cache as well as the current coordinates. I used this comparison on the old GPS because it had no way to know which direction you were headed until you started walking. I thought the 'location (selected)' would do this, but it seems to show the same coordinates as the other 'location' option.


As happy as I am that street (and other) labels are showing up now, I have to complain that you can't change font size for them. It looks like you can (i.e. the changes size shows up in advanced map settings but font size on the map does NOT change). Another telltale sign of the problem is that when you change street label size to 'small' and then try to change it again, size options come up with 'medium' is preselected again. Same problem is with 'User Waypoints' and 'Land Cover'. The only text size option which actually does anything is 'Map Points'. I can't but wonder what Garmin QA is doing or if they even have any.


Other than that, I am really happy about 'Corrected map to not change orientation when beginning pan mode.' and 'Improved support for NiMH batteries', you can also turn off backlight reduction.


I just have to say that I feel SOOO bad for the Magellan Triton users who wait and wait and wait for an upgrade worth anything. I think everyone knew that Garmin wouldn't let us down, but it sure took them long enough (1 month).


Another nail in the magellan handheld coffin.


Sure, issues still exist, but this is a huge step toward the potential of the Colorado series.


I think they did a LOT of work in those 4 weeks (it really wasn't one month) and they should consider themselves doing a job well done. Thank you so much!


Just got home from a LONG day in the city, and decided "Eh, why not check out what's up on the forums? But first: My daily ritual of checking the Garmin D/L page.


What's this? New Firmware? Over here to the forums, where I see this thread. I start reading, and downloading, concurrently. Just finished the thread, and noticed that WebUpdater is complete - time to unplug, reboot, and feel the LOVE...


While it took a little longer than I might have liked for this last release - they certainly incorporated more fixes than I anticipated. And it should just keep getting better from here.


A bit concerned about at least the one report of increased crashing: Anyone else experiencing this? I'll be sure to report any 'increase' (while I wouldn't consider crashes frequent - they are definitely MORE frequent than, say, on the 60CSx under comparable usage).


Software Loading...


(Can't WAIT to see these reduced startup times)


Loading Maps...


(Can't WAIT to experience snappy response from viewing geocache data)


Loading waypoints, routes and tracks...


(Can't WAIT to load up 2K caches - and have the unit function!)


I hate to disagree with a previous poster - and, nobody would be happier to be lugging around an entire SF Bay Area GPX file w/ 10K + caches... but:


I really doubt the 2000 cache limitation is "arbitrary". If, by that, you mean to say that there's AMPLE storage on the device (and argument we've all had for years - what, I can put 2GB worth of maps in here - but I can only have 1000 waypoints?!)... then, I whole-heartedly agree.


However, I suspect the 2K cache limit is an actual technical, or implementation issue. They've got to be building databases, and indexes, and loading arrays of information into memory...


Again: I want 'unlimited' cache storing potential, as well - and agree that they should make it a priority to continue to increase this as the tune and optimize the software... All I'm saying is, I don't think the current limit is 'arbitrary'. :D


I'll also say that 2000 in enough caches for MOST applications - even power cachers. When I went to Florida recently, I ran 4 PQs to cover the areas in/around Tampa where I'd be - and DID have to selectively load "the best 1000" for each day's excursion, based on which direction or how far away I was heading. But with 2K caches "in-unit" - this will meet most of my caching needs. Of course: more is ALWAYS better... ;-)


WooHOO! It's loaded. Now time to go push some data, and measure some startup and cache viewing times.




Overall I am very pleased with the update. I only have one issue with my unit. If I pan around with the cursor over the map and land on a cache and select it as a goto the unit has locked up. It will do this repeatedly with a couple of caches near here. I looked at the cache pages online and both pages have different colored fonts on the cache page. On the plus side, it will not lock up when going to the same caches in the list from the geocaching mode.


Holy crap, start up time from about 3 minutes to under 25 seconds!


Love the panning ( no more switching to track north ).


I can see my GPX geocaches ( I deleted my POI geocache database to check ).


I like that you can now log your caches found ( they show the open chest afterwards ... as for a DNF ... hmmm ), etc. and "Find Next Closest", then how you can see the found caches via the left softkey ( doesn't seem to show the found caches sorted by time logged, not a biggie, though ).


Me so happy!


Well, for his sake, I do hope that 3 Sparrows ... or is it 3 Hawks ( I can't remember ) is able to still find something in this unit to bitch about ... I'm sure that he's panicking now. Well, there IS still the "IXP7" issue so I'm sure that he'll still be around, brightening our lives.


I'm glad to see you remember me. Luckily, I was the only one who had complaints and concerns. I'm glad they released the update. I'm happy you enjoy the updates. Then again, you didn't have to load the updates if you were so happy before the updates. I'm sure you will refrain from enjoying any of the future updates that result from feedback to Garmin.


Thank you for your childish jab. It sure makes you look mature and enlightened.


Kindest regards.


Garmin ROCKS. I bought my Colorado a week ago knowing it had a few bugs. (Well really a lot). But unlike some, I've been a Garmin user since GPS'r came available to the public. Garmin is probably the only GPS company that does care about its product and I knew it was just a matter of time until a update. Garmin wont let us down, keep the faith.


It just struck me:


GO$Rs must be frantic right now, updating the FAQ and Issues list!


I think it's an incredibly valuable resource, to both owners, perspective owners, and even Garmin - so I say we keep it going. I've already seen some great confirmations of functionality, new features, and fixes in this thread. We should all 'pitch in' and try to help GO$Rs out by providing whatever updated details we can determine.





What is Support for Colorado Field Notes, at geocaching.com?


Upload Field Notes from your Garmin Colorado


What a GREAT feature. I starting to love my CO!

Yeah, now it'll be real easy for urban cachers to upload "TFTC" logs, golly gee!


Also maybe for rural poets to easier compile the list of caches that need some stories. Previously I used pen and paper to make notes when I found which cache, then spend time at gc.com finding the corresponding cache pages. Now if the field notes automatically casts a list of found caches in front of me, well that's an improvement. If it works that way :D

Posted (edited)
2000 cache is way to low.

I don't agree or disagree here. What I would eventually like to see is the ability to toggle which GPX files we want active. I have no real issue with a 2000 cache limit if I were able to have more than that in the GPX folder and then have some settings page where I could checkmark which ones I want to be active.


I agree (edit: I agree with the selection thing being the most scalable option, not increasing the max size of an XML file). For example, we can do 5 PQ's per day, each has 500 caches. Separate files. There's a mismatch, even when Colorado is engaged with gc.com.


Hey, why don't we make a list of people who want this feature and then send it to Garmin. Or is it better if each of us separately contacts them? Could some native writer set up this list and make a report? :D

Edited by tr1976
Posted (edited)

Sounds like Garmin certainly is with the program on updating the software for their new units. It would appear they are monitoring these threads and finding the weaknesses.


So, I'm ready to buy. Where is that information about the rebate? :D (hint-hint)



AKA: DeRock & the Psychic Cacher - Grattan MI


Rebate? After THIS UPDATE they could raise the price $75 and no one would flinch! LMAO (Garmin, I expect my cut!)


I could send $50 to Garmin if I get


1) No limit on the number of GPX files on the SD card (except SD card size of course :D)

2) A menu where I can select which GPX file is currently active, if any


BTW, do you know if someone from Garmin is reading these forums? ;)

Edited by tr1976

I haven't seen this one posted yet. Previously, I needed to have caches and waypoints loaded in order to see the treasure chest symbols on the map page. After installing the update, I deleted the waypoints. The caches remain, and show up on the map page, but not as treasure chests. Instead, they use Groundspeaks symbols--regular caches with the green/white cache icon, puzzles as a blue question mark, etc. I really like this and it saves me the extra step of having to send both caches and waypoints.


It just keeps getting better and better.


This is how it has worked with eXplorist for a few years.. Yes, it has other problems.


Some dislikes with firmware 2.40


1. When displaying BaseMap and CityNavigator on the same time it’s hard to see the roads. Let us get back v2.40 settings. When you zoome far enough out we should see basemap. Or when disabling all other maps.


2. GPS still does not remember backlight settings after power off/on.


3. I still do not see any use of the Fitness function. It does not display max/min/average heart rate etc. Still not program to handle data.


4. Time to fix is way too long when driving a car and trying to get fix. Add something like SiRF instant Fix II that we have for Nüvi 760. This reduced TTF from 2-3 minutes to 30-40 seconds while moving.


5. Tripe Page, Automotive modus still not able to change “Data Fields”. No one will use this modus if we cannot set data field our self to fit my needs. This can be do on normal trip page.


6. 2000 Geochace is some improvements, but still way to low. Let the internal memory bee the limit, or make it possible to alter what file to use, without need of a PC.


7. Geochace. I would like to see geocache icon in the geochace list page.

Other -> Geochace. Then display a small icon at bottom right for all cache listed. This way it’s easy to see if it’s a multi cache, standard cache etc



7. Geochace. I would like to see geocache icon in the geochace list page.

Other -> Geochace. Then display a small icon at bottom right for all cache listed. This way it’s easy to see if it’s a multi cache, standard cache etc


Like this (made with MsPaint ) !



And I want icons not only for Geocaches - will be nice to have for Waypoints and POIs as well.

BTW, do you know if someone from Garmin is reading these forums? :D

Yes, we know that. ;)




OK, great, then I don't have to fight with the official page :D (couldn't register my device, and after writing a support request, I get a message "your message is sent", but I don't see it in "unanswered e-mails" etc...). Should I post the device serial here? :D

Posted (edited)

Has anyone noticed that street names in Topo (Germany V2) map now look strange after the update?

Like "J0210 Streetname" or "U0030 Streetname" ?

What are these codes standing for and why do they show up?

They look ok with the City Navigator map, no codes in front of the street names here.

Have not yet tried to load maps again after the update.


Ah, and some of the new functionalities are only in english. Easy to understand, but some language files seem to have been forgotten to update.


Still, this update is a dream come true :D

Edited by tanooga

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