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Tweedledum And Tweedledee

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Tweedledum and Tweedledee are two caches I have set up in Bristol a couple of years back. These were very popular from the responses. However I was concerned at one point about some of the comments coming back from people over the suitablility of Tweedledee. It seems that although the cache is placed on footpaths etc. being a park and an extremely scenic area, the cache was placed near a gay meeting area. Whilst believing the place is safe, I understand it can be disconcerting/undesireable so I have disabled the cache for now.


Now I am not sure what I should do. Should I just archive and be done with it or should I post a warning on the site.


What do people think??


FYI the link to the cache is below.




can you not find some were else to place it.not in the woods but some were close by. :lol:


It is a mystery cache which involves interesting features. The 2nd feature is in the area concerned. THis is what makes archiving the cache so frustrating as it would not work anywhere else. It is quite unique in that sense which is one of the reasons it has been so popular.

Posted (edited)

:lol: Four of us found the cache on a day trip to Bristol and i think i can say we all enjoyed it and we encountered no problems enroute to the cache.

I f it is archived its not that easy to find suitable locations as this one clever.... :D



Edited by davy boy

I have a cache in a bit of a dogging site. Lots of strange people in the woods - and not all geocachers. There's several warnings on the page, along with a 'best not done at night' note, but I've left the cache going as I think activities here are more 'unpleasant' than 'dangerous' and I have visited several times (for cache setting and maintenance!) and not seen anything going on. I guess it's a timing thing. So long as people are warned, you've equipped them enough to make an informed choice about whether to do the cache or not. Or regard the warning as an advert :lol:


I agree with Davyboy - Keep it, I'd love to do it, sounds fun! I know the area quite well through climbing and it's a great place for a cache. It is also a busy area in the spring/summer with many Bristolians out strolling on the Downs. By all means place a word of warning on the cachesite but don't let oddballs ruin a good cache.


If there are more dodgy people with gps's (after all there must be something suspect about folk who run round the countryside scratching around in the ground for cheap toys) then it will discurage any other sorts of dodgy people who presumably need privacy for their activities! If in doubt add a whistle to your Geocaching kit list and raise merry hell and frighten off any wierdos should the need arise.


Finally, I would encourage anyone who comes accross suspect behaviour when out caching to call the police immediately. The police are keen to collect intelligence even if they can't respond.


I did this one on 21st June last year in early evening, and yes although the area has signs of activity (The Downs are known for it) I didnt spot a soul the whole trip (which stupidly I did alone). The walk is mostly in open ground with woodland either side.


As long as you make the risks perfectly clear then its up to the individual to decide. I would keep it open as is or I would find an alternative placement (you sure there isnt anything else you can use?), it would be a shame to loose this one.


Mark :lol:

Posted (edited)

I have done this cache, and would say that it should be kept. Just put lots of warnings on the cache page.


edit to add: Thanks for a great cache.

Edited by The Royles

Keep it please. I really enjoyed doing it, and the features that the cache hunt takes you too are quite interesting. Load the page with warnings about potential risks, and leave it up to the cacher to make up their own mind about suitability.


please keep it!

i enjoyed doing it and im sure others will in the future.

i was aware of the 'activity' in the area, so i did it with my daughter and a friend and saw nothing to alarm me.


a note on the listing would be good, and shouldnt put too many people off - how many logs did you get in the past that said 'tnln, saw a gang of men waving their bits around' - not many i should imagine!!


its a good cache and should be available again in my opinion!


with reference to dogging though - seems like quite a few in this area are very close to such hotspots!!


i'm assuming that there aren't any unpleasant debris near the cache?


if not then keep the cache, make a note and let people decide.


time we reclaimed these spots from the freaks and weirdos, i mean fancy them thinking it's ok to lurk around in theundergrowth looking suspicious.!! are you sure that it's not other cachers that have been seen?!! :laughing:


Let them live their lives and we can live ours. Just because some people have a particular persuasion to their own sex, should not affect any of us. I would think there are cachers who actually practice these acts, and good on them, as long as they are happy. Keep it


i'm assuming that there aren't any unpleasant debris near the cache?


if not then keep the cache, make a note and let people decide.


time we reclaimed these spots from the freaks and weirdos, i mean fancy them thinking it's ok to lurk around in theundergrowth looking suspicious.!! are you sure that it's not other cachers that have been seen?!! ;)


The cache route is all on footpaths so no debris etc. I think the activities take place more in the woods. I am more concerned about upsetting peoples sensibilities. I don't think these people are dangerous. As most say it seems like a warning on the cache page should do the trick.


Let them live their lives and we can live ours. Just because some people have a particular persuasion to their own sex, should not affect any of us. I would think there are cachers who actually practice these acts, and good on them, as long as they are happy. Keep it


Sure each to there own. But it is a shame when people are put off going to some areas due activities which are usually kept private. I don't think you can say that about our weird activity of caching.


Let them live their lives and we can live ours. Just because some people have a particular persuasion to their own sex, should not affect any of us. I would think there are cachers who actually practice these acts, and good on them, as long as they are happy. Keep it


i've always thought that people can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't affect anyone else. once it does however..... you'd not be happy finding used syringes around a cache would you? why can't people just be a little more considerate of others? no i'm not really that niave!!!

Posted (edited)

Most of the caches I did on Sunday morning seemed to be near 'meeting places', I blame a certain caching team in the Reading area :laughing:


Edit: coz I don't know my days of the week

Edited by rutson
I have a cache in a bit of a dogging site.
Link please! :P:huh:
Sorry for the slow reply, I've been in Berlin. I don't want to do a naughty cache advert, but if you do a keyword search for 'getting wood' you'll hit paydirt.

Rename it Twedledee's cottage B)


LOL :huh:


I seem to have visited a fair few so called 'dogging spots' whilst I have been caching. I shall not name them. The existence of this type of activity does not in itself offend me, and as long as the cache location is not littered with 'associated rubbish' and there is no history of cachers being approached, then I don't see that it's a really big deal. To try to avoid such places seems a bit futile.


On the plus side, with a nice busy car park there will be less chance of your car being broken into!! :P


Just noticed the cache has been reactivated...yipee


Completed the first part this morning and am waiting to complete the second. Woe betide any misbehaviour in the area otherwise keep your eye out for a man with a Leki pole partially visible from a nether region (his region, my pole)


Its a great area and I wont be put off by those committing criminal acts. Thanks for replacing this series.


....... as long as the cache location is not littered with 'associated rubbish'


Yes you know my views of Rubber in or near caches :laughing:


Quite right! Mind you, Bones1 tends to leave a handy supply of vinyl gloves in caches, so you could wear a pair of these to protect you from the rubber! :ph34r::lol::lol:


Completed the first part this morning and am waiting to complete the second.


I know that there are a couple of cachers attempting both of these two as we speak. There might be a slight problem with the hint in Tweedledum, as the co-ords are taking them well away from where I was sent when I did it. I'm sure they will get there in the end though.....


Completed the first part this morning and am waiting to complete the second.


I know that there are a couple of cachers attempting both of these two as we speak. There might be a slight problem with the hint in Tweedledum, as the co-ords are taking them well away from where I was sent when I did it. I'm sure they will get there in the end though.....


I have just done the two today and I think the first clue may have been muddled by the owner with something else he is in possession of. Found with a good googling and not a perve in sight, although I looked a little strange to the rock climbers poking round the bottom of the cliff. (stone cliff not male Cliff before any clever posts are made)


Apologies to those who did the cache today. SOmehow managed to provide the coordinates to one of my other caches (how embarrising). I'm amazed at how resourceful you guys are at solving this anyway. Needless to say the coords will be repaired in the morning.


Have to add that I popped by to check everything was OK and was disappointed with the tree clearing which had taken place. What had bee a lovely area looked a little desolate. Hopefully it will look a bit better with time.


Take cary yu al



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