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Inventory Time> What GPS Units Do You Own ?


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Magellan Explorist 600

Magellan Platinum

Garmin Forerunner 301

Some weird Fortuna BT SIRF II mouse




Garmin III+

Magellan Meridian Gold

Magellan Meridian Color

Garmin Geko 201



Garmin Forerunner 305

(Plat, 301 are on their way from "have" to "had")

Edited by DocW
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TOTAL GPS Units= 234

Number of Models listed = 88

Garmin eMap = 2

Garmin Etrex Camo = 1

Garmin Etrex Legend = 10

Garmin Etrex Legend C = 2

Garmin Etrex Summit = 1

Garmin Etrex Venture = 1

Garmin Etrex Vista = 7

Garmin Etrex Vista C = 3

Garmin Etrex Yellow = 12

Garmin Forerunner 201 = 2

Garmin Forerunner 301 = 3

Garmin Foretrex 101 = 1

Garmin Foretrex 201 = 1

Garmin Geko 101 = 2

Garmin Geko 201 = 2

Garmin GPS 12 = 1

Garmin GPS 12XL = 3

Garmin GPS 45 = 1

Garmin GPS 72 = 1

Garmin GPS III = 2

Garmin GPS IIIplus = 4

Garmin GPS IIplus = 2

Garmin GPS Map60 = 1

Garmin GPS V = 4

Garmin GPS10 with iPaq = 1

Garmin iQue 3600 = 2

Garmin iQue M5 = 2

Garmin Map60C = 14

Garmin Map60CS = 14

Garmin Map60CSx = 10

Garmin Map60Cx = 8

Garmin Map76CS = 4

Garmin Map76CSx = 2

Garmin Map76S = 3

Garmin Nuvi 350 = 1

Garmin Quest = 4

Garmin Quest2 = 2

Garmin Rino 120 = 3

Garmin Rino 530 = 1

Garmin Street Pilot i3 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot 2610 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot c320 = 1

Lowrance AirMap 1000 = 2

Lowrance AirMap 500 = 1

Lowrance Eagle Expedition = 1

Lowrance Expendition C = 1

Lowrance Ifinder H2O = 1

Lowrance Ifinder Pro = 1

Lowrance LMS-350 Marine GPS = 1

Lowrance Lowrance Expedition = 1

Magellan ? Meridian XL = 1

Magellan ? Original Magellan = 1

Magellan Explorist 100 = 3

Magellan Explorist 200 = 1

Magellan Explorist 400 = 3

Magellan Explorist 500 = 7

Magellan Explorist 600 = 5

Magellan Explorist XL = 3

Magellan GPS 2000XL = 1

Magellan GPS 315 = 3

Magellan GPS Companion Visor = 1

Magellan Meridian Basic = 5

Magellan Meridian Color = 3

Magellan Meridian Gold = 3

Magellan Meridian Platinum = 10

Magellan RoadMate 300 = 2

Magellan RoadMate 700 = 1

Magellan SporTrak Color = 3

Magellan SporTrak Map = 5

Magellan SporTrak Pro = 3

Magellan SporTrak Topo = 1

Other BMW integral Satnav = 1

Other Delorme Earthmate = 1

Other Destinator 3 on Win mobile bluetooth PDA = 1

Other Fortuna BT SiRF II mouse = 1

Other Fortuna GPSmart = 1

Other GlobalSat BC-337 CF = 1

Other GlobalSat BT GPSr = 1

Other GlobalSat BT338 = 1

Other Haicom HI-204E = 1

Other Itrek M3 bluetooth = 1

Other Pharos - i360 = 1

Other Pharos IGPS-CF = 1

Other Rand McNally Streetfinder = 1

Other TomTom 3 Mobile on Nokia N70 bluetooth = 1

Other TomTom Go 300 = 1

Other TravRoute Co-Pilot = 1

Other Trimble Geo Explorer II = 1

Edited by GOT GPS?
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I have currently own an eTrex Vista, Geko 201 and 60CS. Once owned an eTrex Legend.


Not sure if it really counts, but for 3 months I used a Lowrance iFinder H20 and an iFinder Go2. They were on loan from Lowrance, as I was evaluating them for Todays Cacher.


I also had the use of a Magellan Meri Gold for a few months. It was my dad's and he gave it to me so I could learn it, then teach him how to use it.

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At last, a question I can answer as a newbie!


I was introduced to Geocaching last month and purchased a Garmin Legend within two weeks. I did not care for the black and white display and one week later, when I went back to REI to buy the MapSource Topo software, they had the Vista Cx instock. I traded in my Legend and have been thrilled since then.

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Currently own and use:

Garmin Vista (looking to sell), Garmin Geko 201


Just got, have yet to use:

Garmin Legend Cx


I like the Legend Cx for all around mapping, driving directions, hiking, geocaching, but the Geko is great for when you want to be unobtrusive with the GPSr, I can basically hide it in the palm of my hand, and it works great for just taking along to check mileage, etc.

Edited by blang
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Garmin 12Map

Garmin 12Cx

In the car: Motorola Oncore build in for the Ipaq navigation.



Garmin 60Cx or newer if(when) one of the others give up.

Perhabs a used Magellan Meriplat og color, just to try something other than Garmin.

If anyone have a cheap one for sale......and would send it to Denmark.

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Magellan = 70

Garmin = 161

Lowrance = 10

Other = 20

Total Units = 261

Number of different models = 96


Garmin eMap = 2

Garmin Etrex Camo = 1

Garmin Etrex Legend = 12

Garmin Etrex Legend C = 3

Garmin Etrex Legend Cx = 1

Garmin Etrex Summit = 1

Garmin Etrex Venture = 1

Garmin Etrex Vista = 9

Garmin Etrex Vista C = 3

Garmin Etrex Vista Cx = 1

Garmin Etrex Yellow = 12

Garmin Forerunner 201 = 2

Garmin Forerunner 301 = 3

Garmin Foretrex 101 = 1

Garmin Foretrex 201 = 1

Garmin Geko 101 = 2

Garmin Geko 201 = 4

Garmin GPS 12 = 2

Garmin GPS 12CX = 1

Garmin GPS 12Map = 1

Garmin GPS 12XL = 3

Garmin GPS 45 = 1

Garmin GPS 72 = 1

Garmin GPS II = 1

Garmin GPS III = 2

Garmin GPS IIIplus = 4

Garmin GPS IIplus = 2

Garmin GPS Map60 = 1

Garmin GPS V = 4

Garmin GPS10 with iPaq = 1

Garmin iQue 3600 = 2

Garmin iQue M5 = 2

Garmin Map60C = 16

Garmin Map60CS = 15

Garmin Map60CSx = 11

Garmin Map60Cx = 8

Garmin Map76CS = 4

Garmin Map76CSx = 2

Garmin Map76S = 3

Garmin Nuvi 350 = 2

Garmin Quest = 4

Garmin Quest2 = 2

Garmin Rino 120 = 3

Garmin Rino 530 = 1

Garmin Street Pilot i3 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot 2610 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot c320 = 1


Lowrance AirMap 1000 = 2

Lowrance AirMap 500 = 1

Lowrance Eagle Expedition = 1

Lowrance Expendition C = 1

Lowrance Ifinder H2O = 1

Lowrance Ifinder Pro = 1

Lowrance LMS-350 Marine GPS = 1

Lowrance Lowrance 100m = 1

Lowrance Lowrance Expedition = 1


Magellan ? Meridian XL = 1

Magellan ? Original Magellan = 1

Magellan Explorist 100 = 3

Magellan Explorist 200 = 2

Magellan Explorist 400 = 3

Magellan Explorist 500 = 9

Magellan Explorist 600 = 6

Magellan Explorist XL = 3

Magellan GPS 2000XL = 1

Magellan GPS 315 = 3

Magellan GPS Companion Visor = 1

Magellan Meridian Basic = 6

Magellan Meridian Color = 3

Magellan Meridian Gold = 3

Magellan Meridian Platinum = 10

Magellan RoadMate 300 = 2

Magellan RoadMate 700 = 1

Magellan SporTrak Color = 3

Magellan SporTrak Map = 5

Magellan SporTrak Pro = 3

Magellan SporTrak Topo = 1


Other BMW integral Satnav = 1

Other Delorme Earthmate = 1

Other Destinator 3 on Win mobile bluetooth PDA = 1

Other Fortuna BT SiRF II mouse = 1

Other Fortuna GPSmart = 1

Other GlobalSat BC-337 CF = 1

Other GlobalSat BT GPSr = 1

Other GlobalSat BT338 = 2

Other Haicom HI-204E = 1

Other Itrek M3 bluetooth = 1

Other Motorola Oncore Ipaq navagation = 1

Other Navman iCN 510 = 1

Other Pharos - i360 = 1

Other Pharos IGPS-CF = 1

Other Rand McNally Streetfinder = 1

Other TomTom 3 Mobile on Nokia N70 bluetooth = 1

Other TomTom Go 300 = 1

Other TravRoute Co-Pilot = 1

Other Trimble Geo Explorer II = 1

Edited by GOT GPS?
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In desending order by quantity of each model:


Garmin Map60C = 16

Garmin Map60CS = 15

Garmin eTrex Legend = 12

Garmin eTrex Yellow = 12

Garmin Map60CSx = 11

Magellan Meridian Platinum = 10

Garmin eTrex Vista = 9

Magellan eXplorist 500 = 9

Garmin Map60Cx = 8

Magellan eXplorist 600 = 6

Magellan Meridian Basic = 6

Magellan SporTrak Map = 5

Garmin Geko 201 = 4

Garmin GPS IIIplus = 4

Garmin GPS V = 4

Garmin Map76CS = 4

Garmin Quest = 4

Garmin eTrex Legend C = 3

Garmin eTrex Vista C = 3

Garmin Forerunner 301 = 3

Garmin GPS 12XL = 3

Garmin Map76S = 3

Garmin Rino 120 = 3

Magellan eXplorist 100 = 3

Magellan Explorist 400 = 3

Magellan eXplorist XL = 3

Magellan GPS 315 = 3

Magellan Meridian Color = 3

Magellan Meridian Gold = 3

Magellan SporTrak Color = 3

Magellan SporTrak Pro = 3

Garmin eMap = 2

Garmin Forerunner 201 = 2

Garmin Geko 101 = 2

Garmin GPS 12 = 2

Garmin GPS III = 2

Garmin GPS IIplus = 2

Garmin iQue 3600 = 2

Garmin iQue M5 = 2

Garmin Map76CSx = 2

Garmin Nuvi 350 = 2

Garmin Quest2 = 2

Lowrance AirMap 1000 = 2

Magellan RoadMate 300 = 2

Other GlobalSat BT338 = 2

Garmin eTrex Camo = 1


eTrexes = 44

eXplorists = 26

GPSMap = 60

Meridian = 22

OTHER = 109

Edited by GOT GPS?
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Having hung around this forum for while, I can't say that I'm too surprised by the count so far. Of course, this is not a fair survey of Geocachers, just a sample of people in this forum interested in replying to this thread. I would bet the general population has more Yellows and Legends, more Merigolds and SporTraks.


Slightly surprise that the Explorist 500 outnumbers the 600 9 to 6, and that we don't have replies from any 76C owners and so few 76CS people.


Also surprised at the number of new 60CSx and 60Cx owners!

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Just added in my last post above the Quantities of eTrexes, eXplorists, GPSMap, and Meridians.


It was quite hard to do this so far, having to relearn MicroSoft Excel '97.

Not easy stuff, lots of copy and pasting, till I learn to do Macros in Excel '97

Edited by GOT GPS?
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I had been holding off on this, but since I have a couple that aren't on the list yet I must reply.


Garmin GPS 12

Garmin GPS III+

Garmin eTrex Vista

Garmin GPSMAP 76S

Garmin GPS V

Garmin eMap

Garmin Rino 110

Garmin Rino 120

Garmin StreetPilot 2610

Garmin iQue 3600


Magellan SporTrak Pro

Magellan RoadMate 700

Magellan eXplorist 210

Magellan eXplorist XL


Sony Etak

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Magellan = 74

Garmin = 174

Lowrance = 10

Other = 21

Total = 279


eTrexes = 45

eXplorists = 28

GPSMap = 64

Meridian = 22

SporTraks = 13

OTHER = 107


Total GPS units so far

Garmin eMap = 3

Garmin eTrex Camo = 1

Garmin eTrex Legend = 12

Garmin eTrex Legend C = 3

Garmin eTrex Legend Cx = 1

Garmin eTrex Summit = 1

Garmin eTrex Venture = 1

Garmin eTrex Vista = 10

Garmin eTrex Vista C = 3

Garmin eTrex Vista Cx = 1

Garmin eTrex Yellow = 12

Garmin Forerunner 201 = 2

Garmin Forerunner 301 = 3

Garmin Foretrex 101 = 1

Garmin Foretrex 201 = 1

Garmin Geko 101 = 2

Garmin Geko 201 = 4

Garmin GPS 12 = 3

Garmin GPS 12CX = 1

Garmin GPS 12Map = 1

Garmin GPS 12XL = 3

Garmin GPS 45 = 1

Garmin GPS 72 = 1

Garmin GPS II = 1

Garmin GPS III = 2

Garmin GPS IIIplus = 5

Garmin GPS IIplus = 2

Garmin GPS V = 5

Garmin GPS10 with iPaq = 1

Garmin GPSMap60 = 1

Garmin GPSMap60C = 16

Garmin GPSMap60CS = 15

Garmin GPSMap60CSx = 13

Garmin GPSMap60Cx = 9

Garmin GPSMap76CS = 4

Garmin GPSMap76CSx = 2

Garmin GPSMap76S = 4

Garmin iQue 3600 = 3

Garmin iQue M5 = 2

Garmin Nuvi 350 = 2

Garmin Quest = 4

Garmin Quest2 = 2

Garmin Rino 110 = 1

Garmin Rino 120 = 4

Garmin Rino 530 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot 2610 = 2

Garmin StreetPilot c320 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot i3 = 1


Lowrance AirMap 1000 = 2

Lowrance AirMap 500 = 1

Lowrance Eagle Expedition = 1

Lowrance Expedition C = 1

Lowrance Ifinder H2O = 1

Lowrance Ifinder Pro = 1

Lowrance LMS-350 Marine GPS = 1

Lowrance Lowrance 100m = 1

Lowrance Lowrance Expedition = 1


Magellan ? Meridian XL = 1

Magellan ? Original Magellan = 1

Magellan eXplorist 100 = 3

Magellan eXplorist 200 = 2

Magellan eXplorist 210 = 1

Magellan Explorist 400 = 3

Magellan eXplorist 500 = 9

Magellan eXplorist 600 = 6

Magellan eXplorist XL = 4

Magellan GPS 2000XL = 1

Magellan GPS 315 = 3

Magellan GPS Companion Visor = 1

Magellan Meridian Basic = 6

Magellan Meridian Color = 3

Magellan Meridian Gold = 3

Magellan Meridian Platinum = 10

Magellan RoadMate 300 = 2

Magellan RoadMate 700 = 2

Magellan SporTrak Color = 3

Magellan SporTrak Map = 5

Magellan SporTrak Pro = 4

Magellan SporTrak Topo = 1


Other BMW integral Satnav = 1

Other Delorme Earthmate = 1

Other Destinator 3 on Win mobile bluetooth PDA = 1

Other Fortuna BT SiRF II mouse = 1

Other Fortuna GPSmart = 1

Other GlobalSat BC-337 CF = 1

Other GlobalSat BT GPSr = 1

Other GlobalSat BT338 = 2

Other Haicom HI-204E = 1

Other Holux GPSlim 236 w TomTom = 1

Other Itrek M3 bluetooth = 1

Other Motorola Oncore Ipaq navagation = 1

Other Navman iCN 510 = 1

Other Pharos - i360 = 1

Other Pharos IGPS-CF = 1

Other Rand McNally Streetfinder = 1

Other TomTom 3 Mobile on Nokia N70 bluetooth = 1

Other TomTom Go 300 = 1

Other TravRoute Co-Pilot = 1

Other Trimble Geo Explorer II = 1


GPS Models in Desending Order:

Garmin GPSMap60C = 16

Garmin GPSMap60CS = 15

Garmin GPSMap60CSx = 13

Garmin eTrex Legend = 12

Garmin eTrex Yellow = 12

Garmin eTrex Vista = 10

Magellan Meridian Platinum = 10

Garmin GPSMap60Cx = 9

Magellan eXplorist 500 = 9

Magellan eXplorist 600 = 6

Magellan Meridian Basic = 6

Garmin GPS IIIplus = 5

Garmin GPS V = 5

Magellan SporTrak Map = 5

Garmin Geko 201 = 4

Garmin GPSMap76CS = 4

Garmin GPSMap76S = 4

Garmin Quest = 4

Garmin Rino 120 = 4

Magellan eXplorist XL = 4

Magellan SporTrak Pro = 4

Garmin eMap = 3

Garmin eTrex Legend C = 3

Garmin eTrex Vista C = 3

Garmin Forerunner 301 = 3

Garmin GPS 12 = 3

Garmin GPS 12XL = 3

Garmin iQue 3600 = 3

Magellan eXplorist 100 = 3

Magellan Explorist 400 = 3

Magellan GPS 315 = 3

Magellan Meridian Color = 3

Magellan Meridian Gold = 3

Magellan SporTrak Color = 3

Garmin Forerunner 201 = 2

Garmin Geko 101 = 2

Garmin GPS III = 2

Garmin GPS IIplus = 2

Garmin GPSMap76CSx = 2

Garmin iQue M5 = 2

Garmin Nuvi 350 = 2

Garmin Quest2 = 2

Garmin StreetPilot 2610 = 2

Lowrance AirMap 1000 = 2

Magellan eXplorist 200 = 2

Magellan RoadMate 300 = 2

Magellan RoadMate 700 = 2

Other GlobalSat BT338 = 2

Edited by GOT GPS?
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On the decending order, you forgot my eXplorist 200.


The eXplorist 200 is there at the bottom of the list due to being only 2 of that model, and the list was cut to only the first 48 most popular GPS models. Also this coding of MicroSoft Excel is not easy, since I had a rash of errors before I tried additional coding on multiple spreadsheets.

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Garmin eMap = 3

Garmin eTrex Camo = 1

Garmin eTrex Legend = 12

Garmin eTrex Legend C = 3

Garmin eTrex Legend Cx = 1

Garmin eTrex Summit = 1

Garmin eTrex Venture = 1

Garmin eTrex Vista = 10

Garmin eTrex Vista C = 3

Garmin eTrex Vista Cx = 1

Garmin eTrex Yellow = 14

Garmin Forerunner 201 = 2

Garmin Forerunner 301 = 3

Garmin Foretrex 101 = 1

Garmin Foretrex 201 = 1

Garmin Geko 101 = 2

Garmin Geko 201 = 4

Garmin GPS 12 = 3

Garmin GPS 12CX = 1

Garmin GPS 12Map = 1

Garmin GPS 12XL = 3

Garmin GPS 45 = 1

Garmin GPS 72 = 1

Garmin GPS II = 1

Garmin GPS III = 2

Garmin GPS IIIplus = 5

Garmin GPS IIplus = 2

Garmin GPS V = 5

Garmin GPS10 with iPaq = 1

Garmin GPSMap60 = 1

Garmin GPSMap60C = 17

Garmin GPSMap60CS = 15

Garmin GPSMap60CSx = 16

Garmin GPSMap60Cx = 9

Garmin GPSMap76CS = 4

Garmin GPSMap76CSx = 2

Garmin GPSMap76S = 4

Garmin iQue 3600 = 3

Garmin iQue M5 = 2

Garmin Nuvi 350 = 2

Garmin Quest = 4

Garmin Quest2 = 2

Garmin Rino 110 = 1

Garmin Rino 120 = 4

Garmin Rino 530 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot 2610 = 2

Garmin StreetPilot c320 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot i3 = 1

Lowrance AirMap 1000 = 2

Lowrance AirMap 500 = 1

Lowrance Eagle Expedition = 1

Lowrance Expedition C = 1

Lowrance Ifinder H2O = 1

Lowrance Ifinder Pro = 1

Lowrance LMS-350 Marine GPS = 1

Lowrance Lowrance 100m = 1

Lowrance Lowrance Expedition = 1

Magellan ? Meridian XL = 1

Magellan ? Original Magellan = 1

Magellan eXplorist 100 = 3

Magellan eXplorist 200 = 3

Magellan eXplorist 210 = 1

Magellan Explorist 400 = 3

Magellan eXplorist 500 = 10

Magellan eXplorist 600 = 7

Magellan eXplorist XL = 4

Magellan GPS 2000XL = 1

Magellan GPS 315 = 3

Magellan GPS Companion Visor = 1

Magellan Meridian Basic = 6

Magellan Meridian Color = 3

Magellan Meridian Gold = 3

Magellan Meridian Platinum = 10

Magellan RoadMate 300 = 2

Magellan RoadMate 700 = 2

Magellan SporTrak Color = 3

Magellan SporTrak Map = 5

Magellan SporTrak Pro = 4

Magellan SporTrak Topo = 1

Other BMW integral Satnav = 1

Other Delorme Earthmate = 1

Other Destinator 3 on Win mobile bluetooth PDA = 1

Other Fortuna BT SiRF II mouse = 1

Other Fortuna GPSmart = 1

Other GlobalSat BC-337 CF = 1

Other GlobalSat BT GPSr = 1

Other GlobalSat BT338 = 2

Other Haicom HI-204E = 1

Other Holux GPSlim 236 w TomTom = 1

Other Itrek M3 bluetooth = 1

Other Motorola Oncore Ipaq navagation = 1

Other Navman iCN 510 = 1

Other Pharos - i360 = 1

Other Pharos IGPS-CF = 1

Other Rand McNally Streetfinder = 1

Other TomTom 3 Mobile on Nokia N70 bluetooth = 1

Other TomTom Go 300 = 1

Other TravRoute Co-Pilot = 1

Other Trimble Geo Explorer II = 1

Garmin GPSMap60C = 17

Garmin GPSMap60CSx = 16

Garmin GPSMap60CS = 15

Garmin eTrex Yellow = 14

Garmin eTrex Legend = 12

Garmin eTrex Vista = 10

Magellan eXplorist 500 = 10

Magellan Meridian Platinum = 10

Garmin GPSMap60Cx = 9

Magellan eXplorist 600 = 7

Magellan Meridian Basic = 6

Garmin GPS IIIplus = 5

Garmin GPS V = 5

Magellan SporTrak Map = 5

Garmin Geko 201 = 4

Garmin GPSMap76CS = 4

Garmin GPSMap76S = 4

Garmin Quest = 4

Garmin Rino 120 = 4

Magellan eXplorist XL = 4

Magellan SporTrak Pro = 4

Garmin eMap = 3

Garmin eTrex Legend C = 3

Garmin eTrex Vista C = 3

Garmin Forerunner 301 = 3

Garmin GPS 12 = 3

Garmin GPS 12XL = 3

Garmin iQue 3600 = 3

Magellan eXplorist 100 = 3

Magellan eXplorist 200 = 3

Magellan Explorist 400 = 3

Magellan GPS 315 = 3

Magellan Meridian Color = 3

Magellan Meridian Gold = 3

Magellan SporTrak Color = 3

Garmin Forerunner 201 = 2

Garmin Geko 101 = 2

Garmin GPS III = 2

Garmin GPS IIplus = 2

Garmin GPSMap76CSx = 2

Garmin iQue M5 = 2

Garmin Nuvi 350 = 2

Garmin Quest2 = 2

Garmin StreetPilot 2610 = 2

Lowrance AirMap 1000 = 2

Magellan RoadMate 300 = 2

Magellan RoadMate 700 = 2

Other GlobalSat BT338 = 2

Garmin eTrex Camo = 1

Garmin eTrex Legend Cx = 1

Garmin eTrex Summit = 1

Garmin eTrex Venture = 1

Garmin eTrex Vista Cx = 1

Garmin Foretrex 101 = 1

Garmin Foretrex 201 = 1

Garmin GPS 12CX = 1

Garmin GPS 12Map = 1

Garmin GPS 45 = 1

Garmin GPS 72 = 1

Garmin GPS II = 1

Garmin GPS10 with iPaq = 1

Garmin GPSMap60 = 1

Garmin Rino 110 = 1

Garmin Rino 530 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot c320 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot i3 = 1

Lowrance AirMap 500 = 1

Lowrance Eagle Expedition = 1

Lowrance Expedition C = 1

Lowrance Ifinder H2O = 1

Lowrance Ifinder Pro = 1

Lowrance LMS-350 Marine GPS = 1

Lowrance Lowrance 100m = 1

Lowrance Lowrance Expedition = 1

Magellan ? Meridian XL = 1

Magellan ? Original Magellan = 1

Magellan eXplorist 210 = 1

Magellan GPS 2000XL = 1

Magellan GPS Companion Visor = 1

Magellan SporTrak Topo = 1


Got The MicroSoft Excel File much more improved to be able to do this easier

Edited by GOT GPS?
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It was quite hard to do this so far, having to relearn MicroSoft Excel '97.

Not easy stuff, lots of copy and pasting, till I learn to do Macros in Excel '97


This is some interesting info, Geoff. Thanks alot for your hard work in doing this and keeping it updated. :anibad:

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Currently have a Garmin Nuvi (Vehicle), a Magellan eXplorist 200 (Caching) and a Garmin eTrex Legend C w/MapSource City Select v7(Caching).



Garmin eTrex Yellow

Garmin eTrex Legend

Garmin GPS V (Used as my primary vehicle nav for over a year!)

Garmin Quest I (Used for about a week and traded up to the c330)

Magellan RoadMate 760 (Didnt care for map interface, sold it)

Garmin StreetPilot c330 (Great unit, however it was sold to upgrade to current Nuvi 350)


All are great GPS units and worked as advertised. Still getting used to the explorist. Havent used it enough to give a full opinion as of yet, but me and hitman are going to be doing a few more caches next week, so it should see PLENTY of use! <_<

Edited by Fhantazm
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Garmin=190 (eTrexs=52 GPSMaps=72)

Magellan=79 (eXplorists=32 Meridians=22 SporTraks=13)


OTHER brands=21


Garmin eMap = 3

Garmin eTrex Camo = 1

Garmin eTrex Legend = 15

Garmin eTrex Legend C = 4

Garmin eTrex Legend Cx = 1

Garmin eTrex Summit = 1

Garmin eTrex Venture = 1

Garmin eTrex Vista = 11

Garmin eTrex Vista C = 3

Garmin eTrex Vista Cx = 1

Garmin eTrex Yellow = 14

Garmin Forerunner 201 = 2

Garmin Forerunner 301 = 3

Garmin Foretrex 101 = 1

Garmin Foretrex 201 = 1

Garmin Geko 101 = 2

Garmin Geko 201 = 4

Garmin GPS 12 = 3

Garmin GPS 12CX = 1

Garmin GPS 12Map = 1

Garmin GPS 12XL = 3

Garmin GPS 45 = 1

Garmin GPS 72 = 1

Garmin GPS II = 1

Garmin GPS III = 2

Garmin GPS IIIplus = 5

Garmin GPS IIplus = 2

Garmin GPS V = 5

Garmin GPS10 with iPaq = 1

Garmin GPSMap60 = 1

Garmin GPSMap60C = 17

Garmin GPSMap60CS = 18

Garmin GPSMap60CSx = 17

Garmin GPSMap60Cx = 9

Garmin GPSMap76CS = 4

Garmin GPSMap76CSx = 2

Garmin GPSMap76S = 4

Garmin iQue 3600 = 3

Garmin iQue M5 = 2

Garmin Nuvi = 3

Garmin Quest = 4

Garmin Quest2 = 2

Garmin Rino 110 = 1

Garmin Rino 120 = 4

Garmin Rino 530 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot 2610 = 2

Garmin StreetPilot c320 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot i3 = 1

Lowrance AirMap 1000 = 2

Lowrance AirMap 500 = 1

Lowrance Eagle Expedition = 1

Lowrance Expedition C = 1

Lowrance Ifinder H2O = 1

Lowrance Ifinder Pro = 1

Lowrance LMS-350 Marine GPS = 1

Lowrance Lowrance 100m = 1

Lowrance Lowrance Expedition = 1

Magellan ? Meridian XL = 1

Magellan ? Original Magellan = 1

Magellan eXplorist 100 = 3

Magellan eXplorist 200 = 4

Magellan eXplorist 210 = 1

Magellan Explorist 400 = 3

Magellan eXplorist 500 = 10

Magellan eXplorist 600 = 7

Magellan eXplorist XL = 4

Magellan GPS 2000XL = 1

Magellan GPS 315 = 3

Magellan GPS Companion Visor = 1

Magellan Map330 = 1

Magellan Meridian Basic = 6

Magellan Meridian Color = 3

Magellan Meridian Gold = 3

Magellan Meridian Platinum = 10

Magellan RoadMate 300 = 2

Magellan RoadMate 700 = 2

Magellan SporTrak Color = 3

Magellan SporTrak Map = 5

Magellan SporTrak Pro = 4

Magellan SporTrak Topo = 1

Other BMW integral Satnav = 1

Other Delorme Earthmate = 1

Other Destinator 3 on Win mobile bluetooth PDA = 1

Other Fortuna BT SiRF II mouse = 1

Other Fortuna GPSmart = 1

Other GlobalSat BC-337 CF = 1

Other GlobalSat BT GPSr = 1

Other GlobalSat BT338 = 2

Other Haicom HI-204E = 1

Other Holux GPSlim 236 w TomTom = 1

Other Itrek M3 bluetooth = 1

Other Motorola Oncore Ipaq navagation = 1

Other Navman iCN 510 = 1

Other Pharos - i360 = 1

Other Pharos IGPS-CF = 1

Other Rand McNally Streetfinder = 1

Other TomTom 3 Mobile on Nokia N70 bluetooth = 1

Other TomTom Go 300 = 1

Other TravRoute Co-Pilot = 1

Other Trimble Geo Explorer II = 1

Edited by GOT GPS?
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Lets Start from the begining


Delorme Eatrhmate (2 recievers, one died) (2 caches)

Yellow eTrex (Over 100 caches as primary)(Current "Buddy" unit)

Magellan GPS Companion for handspring (I like it so much I am going to put it in a cache)(Old "buddy" unit)

eTrex Legend (about 100 caches)(Primary)

Tom Tom Go with bluetooth reciever for Pocket PC (New, looks good so far)


Wow, 5 recievers! I guess I could have a problem.

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Garmin GPS 12: This was my first gps and I've had it for many years. This one I plan to keep forever even if it is for now just a back up/loaner. No map, compass, or external antenna connector but it does have a data port.


Lowrance Ifinder: I bought this one at wal-mart on clearance because I wanted mapping. It had a lot of nice features but it wasn't water proof or even resistant and I never did get the maps for it. It had an external antenna jack and a data port, I never used them. It also had an mmc slot which I used to transfer waypoints with. I sold it so my wife would let me buy a new GPS. I got about what I gave for it.


Garmin eTex: I got this one for a bunch of Marlboro miles + $25. I Never really used this one but before I got it I was in a training class in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and one of the other guys had one. He seemed to have a really hard time hearing the birds while my GPS 12 didn't, so I'm not sure about the antenna on these. I traded it and a couple of hundred bucks for a used HF ham radio.


Then I started GeoCaching


When I started I used the GPS 12 and it worked fine but I wanted something from this decade so;


Garmin GPSmap 76CS: This is my latest and greatest and so far I love it. It would be nice if it had enough memory for maps of the entire US., even though I don't think I'll ever get to travel that much. If I did I would probably want to get a dedicated Mobile unit so that isn't so much of a concern to me. As it is I can get the entire state of Tennessee plus, ( I think) most if not all, of the state with an older version of the topo maps. This one has an external antenna connector, both serial and usb data ports, mapping with auto routing (which is awsome), color display, electronic compass, and altimeter.


copied from an earlier, similar topic.

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