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Inventory Time> What GPS Units Do You Own ?


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Went through, and edited the entire database, by checking against all the POSTS so far, and fixed a few errors. Putting Lists below in separate quotes.













OTHER Models=244




Garmin eMap = 6

Garmin eTrex Camo = 3

Garmin eTrex Legend = 21

Garmin eTrex Legend C = 6

Garmin eTrex Legend Cx = 3

Garmin eTrex Mariner = 1

Garmin eTrex Summit = 1

Garmin eTrex Venture = 1

Garmin eTrex Vista = 16

Garmin eTrex Vista C = 5

Garmin eTrex Vista Cx = 1

Garmin eTrex Yellow = 16

Garmin Forerunner 201 = 3

Garmin Forerunner 301 = 3

Garmin Foretrex 101 = 2

Garmin Foretrex 201 = 1

Garmin Geko 101 = 2

Garmin Geko 201 = 5

Garmin GPS 12 = 8

Garmin GPS 12CX = 1

Garmin GPS 12Map = 1

Garmin GPS 12XL = 3

Garmin GPS 45 = 1

Garmin GPS 45XL = 1

Garmin GPS 72 = 1

Garmin GPS II = 1

Garmin GPS III = 3

Garmin GPS IIIplus = 5

Garmin GPS IIplus = 2

Garmin GPS V = 8

Garmin GPS10 with iPaq = 1

Garmin GPSmap162 = 1

Garmin GPSMap376C = 1

Garmin GPSMap60 = 3

Garmin GPSMap60C = 18

Garmin GPSMap60CS = 22

Garmin GPSMap60CSx = 25

Garmin GPSMap60Cx = 12

Garmin GPSMap76CS = 6

Garmin GPSMap76CSx = 4

Garmin GPSMap76S = 6

Garmin iQue 3600 = 3

Garmin iQue M5 = 2

Garmin Nuvi = 2

Garmin Nuvi 350 = 1

Garmin Quest = 4

Garmin Quest2 = 2

Garmin Rino 110 = 3

Garmin Rino 120 = 4

Garmin Rino 520 = 1

Garmin Rino 530 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot 2610 = 3

Garmin StreetPilot c320 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot i3 = 1

Lowrance AirMap 1000 = 2

Lowrance AirMap 500 = 1

Lowrance Eagle Expedition = 1

Lowrance Eagle Explorer = 2

Lowrance Expedition C = 2

Lowrance iFinder = 1

Lowrance Ifinder H2O = 1

Lowrance Ifinder Pro = 1

Lowrance LMS-350 Marine GPS = 1

Lowrance Lowrance 100m = 1

Lowrance Lowrance Expedition = 1

Magellan eXplorist 100 = 4

Magellan eXplorist 200 = 4

Magellan eXplorist 210 = 2

Magellan eXplorist 300 = 1

Magellan Explorist 400 = 3

Magellan eXplorist 500 = 12

Magellan eXplorist 600 = 7

Magellan eXplorist XL = 5

Magellan GPS 2000XL = 1

Magellan GPS 3000 = 1

Magellan GPS 310 = 1

Magellan GPS 315 = 6

Magellan GPS 320 = 1

Magellan GPS Companion - Handspring Visor = 2

Magellan GPS Tracker = 1

Magellan Map330 = 1

Magellan Map330x = 1

Magellan Meridian Basic = 8

Magellan Meridian Color = 3

Magellan Meridian Gold = 5

Magellan Meridian Platinum = 10

Magellan Meridian XL ? = 1

Magellan Original Magellan ? = 1

Magellan RoadMate 300 = 2

Magellan RoadMate 700 = 2

Magellan SporTrak = 1

Magellan SporTrak Color = 3

Magellan SporTrak Map = 6

Magellan SporTrak Pro = 8

Magellan SporTrak Topo = 1

Other BMW integral Satnav = 1

Other Delorme Earthmate = 3

Other Destinator 3 on Win mobile bluetooth PDA = 1

Other Fortuna BT SiRF II mouse = 1

Other Fortuna GPSmart = 1

Other GlobalSat BC-337 CF = 1

Other GlobalSat BT GPSr = 1

Other GlobalSat BT338 = 2

Other Haicom HI-204E = 1

Other Holux GPSlim 236 w TomTom = 1

Other Itrek M3 bluetooth = 1

Other Motorola Oncore Ipaq navagation = 1

Other Navman 4420 Bluetooth GPS = 1

Other Navman iCN 510 = 1

Other Pharos - i360 = 1

Other Pharos IGPS-CF = 1

Other Rand McNally Streetfinder = 1

Other TomTom 3 Mobile on Nokia N70 bluetooth = 1

Other TomTom Go 300 = 1

Other TomTom Go w bluetooth PPC = 1

Other TravRoute Co-Pilot = 1

Other Trimble Geo Explorer II = 1

Other Trimble Navigation Ensign GPS = 1


58 of the most popular models:

Garmin GPSMap60CSx = 25

Garmin GPSMap60CS = 22

Garmin eTrex Legend = 21

Garmin GPSMap60C = 18

Garmin eTrex Vista = 16

Garmin eTrex Yellow = 16

Garmin GPSMap60Cx = 12

Magellan eXplorist 500 = 12

Magellan Meridian Platinum = 10

Garmin GPS 12 = 8

Garmin GPS V = 8

Magellan Meridian Basic = 8

Magellan SporTrak Pro = 8

Magellan eXplorist 600 = 7

Garmin eMap = 6

Garmin eTrex Legend C = 6

Garmin GPSMap76CS = 6

Garmin GPSMap76S = 6

Magellan GPS 315 = 6

Magellan SporTrak Map = 6

Garmin eTrex Vista C = 5

Garmin Geko 201 = 5

Garmin GPS IIIplus = 5

Magellan eXplorist XL = 5

Magellan Meridian Gold = 5

Garmin GPSMap76CSx = 4

Garmin Quest = 4

Garmin Rino 120 = 4

Magellan eXplorist 100 = 4

Magellan eXplorist 200 = 4

Garmin eTrex Camo = 3

Garmin eTrex Legend Cx = 3

Garmin Forerunner 201 = 3

Garmin Forerunner 301 = 3

Garmin GPS 12XL = 3

Garmin GPS III = 3

Garmin GPSMap60 = 3

Garmin iQue 3600 = 3

Garmin Rino 110 = 3

Garmin StreetPilot 2610 = 3

Magellan Explorist 400 = 3

Magellan Meridian Color = 3

Magellan SporTrak Color = 3

Other Delorme Earthmate = 3

Garmin Foretrex 101 = 2

Garmin Geko 101 = 2

Garmin GPS IIplus = 2

Garmin iQue M5 = 2

Garmin Nuvi = 2

Garmin Quest2 = 2

Lowrance AirMap 1000 = 2

Lowrance Eagle Explorer = 2

Lowrance Expedition C = 2

Magellan eXplorist 210 = 2

Magellan GPS Companion - Handspring Visor = 2

Magellan RoadMate 300 = 2

Magellan RoadMate 700 = 2

Other GlobalSat BT338 = 2


People with more than 2 GPS units

- List in Desending Order:

14 for allory

10 for Contryguy

9 for Cacheoholic

9 for JDan150

9 for maleki

8 for The Wombles

7 for Maeglin

6 for bblhed

6 for nchmura

6 for SergZak

6 for Wienerdog

5 for baloo&bd

5 for Corp Of Discovery

5 for GOT GPS?

5 for Jacko65

5 for jeepman2

5 for Oneyedjack

5 for Rubberhead

5 for Timpat

4 for BlueDeuce

4 for centme37

4 for DocW

4 for EScout

4 for jbclimber

4 for peter

4 for ryguyMN

4 for rynd

4 for speedy FFW

4 for Team Sidewinder

3 for blang

3 for briansnat

3 for camel cacher

3 for DustyWalker

3 for embra

3 for Fhantazm

3 for gpsblake

3 for Grasscatcher

3 for ilike2hike

3 for JDandDD

3 for kimmot

3 for Road Rabbit

3 for rontved

3 for Segerguy

3 for sunpazed

3 for SwampYankee

3 for synergicity

3 for tzphotos.com

3 for waypoint

3 for wb5ury


I'm near the TOP with 5 GPS units.

Edited by GOT GPS?
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Ya missed my Lowrance Expedition C that I posted Saturday. The total should be two. That's OK, since I didn't have it yet when I posted. UPS delivered it today, so now it's official. :P


You were already in the List in the Excel file, but it didn't get pasted to this Topic, but it is there now.

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Own Now:


...couldn't resist all the new features when they first came out!


...Garmin's ONLY handheld with expandable memory at the time I bought it (I just gotta have mapping!)


Used to Own:

eTrex Legend™

...My 1st unit - LOVED IT! But 8MB proved to be its Achilles Heel with me. Bought the eMap® a few months later

iQue 3600®

...Just not what I'd hoped it would be. Battery life sucked, couldn't see tracks and couldn't easily plot waypoints.


Will Own Next:


- OR -


...Expandable memory AND uploadable custom POIs - just waitin for Uncle Sammy's refund!


Please add to my "Own Now" list:


and remove it from my Will Own Next:


Now I made it to the BIG TIME! :)

Please also add me to the "People with more than 2 GPS units"

Edited by Neo_Geo
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Own Now:


...couldn't resist all the new features when they first came out!


...Garmin's ONLY handheld with expandable memory at the time I bought it (I just gotta have mapping!)


Used to Own:

eTrex Legend™

...My 1st unit - LOVED IT! But 8MB proved to be its Achilles Heel with me. Bought the eMap® a few months later

iQue 3600®

...Just not what I'd hoped it would be. Battery life sucked, couldn't see tracks and couldn't easily plot waypoints.


Will Own Next:


- OR -


...Expandable memory AND uploadable custom POIs - just waitin for Uncle Sammy's refund!


Please add to my "Own Now" list:


and remove it from my Will Own Next:


Now I made it to the BIG TIME! :)

Please also add me to the "People with more than 2 GPS units"


You dawg!!! :huh::rolleyes:


[slumps shoulders and walks away...with "antique" 60cs]

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Magellan 2000 (bought this dog on eBay). Works but not accurate.


Dolorme Earthmate Serial (again, bought this on eBay). This is for some experimenting with laptop programming.


Magellan eXplorist 100 (bought new). Love the unit. Basic unit without all the frills I don't use. Oops, I better not say that, as I am looking for a better unit with PC connectivity :-)

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Garmin eMap = 6

Garmin eTrex Camo = 3

Garmin eTrex Legend = 21

Garmin eTrex Legend C = 7

Garmin eTrex Legend Cx = 3

Garmin eTrex Mariner = 1

Garmin eTrex Summit = 1

Garmin eTrex Venture = 1

Garmin eTrex Vista = 16

Garmin eTrex Vista C = 5

Garmin eTrex Vista Cx = 1

Garmin eTrex Yellow = 18

Garmin Forerunner 201 = 3

Garmin Forerunner 301 = 3

Garmin Foretrex 101 = 2

Garmin Foretrex 201 = 1

Garmin Geko 101 = 2

Garmin Geko 201 = 5

Garmin GPS 10 = 1

Garmin GPS 12 = 8

Garmin GPS 12CX = 1

Garmin GPS 12Map = 1

Garmin GPS 12XL = 3

Garmin GPS 45 = 1

Garmin GPS 45XL = 1

Garmin GPS 72 = 2

Garmin GPS II = 1

Garmin GPS III = 3

Garmin GPS IIIplus = 5

Garmin GPS Iiplus = 3

Garmin GPS V = 10

Garmin GPS10 with iPaq = 1

Garmin GPSmap162 = 1

Garmin GPSMap376C = 1

Garmin GPSMap60 = 3

Garmin GPSMap60C = 19

Garmin GPSMap60CS = 24

Garmin GPSMap60CSx = 30

Garmin GPSMap60Cx = 16

Garmin GPSMap76C = 1

Garmin GPSMap76CS = 6

Garmin GPSMap76CSx = 4

Garmin GPSMap76S = 7

Garmin iQue 3600 = 3

Garmin iQue M5 = 2

Garmin Nuvi = 2

Garmin Nuvi 350 = 1

Garmin Quest = 4

Garmin Quest 2 = 1

Garmin Quest2 = 2

Garmin Rino 110 = 3

Garmin Rino 120 = 4

Garmin Rino 520 = 1

Garmin Rino 530 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot 2610 = 4

Garmin StreetPilot c320 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot i3 = 1

Lowrance AirMap 1000 = 2

Lowrance AirMap 500 = 1

Lowrance Eagle Expedition = 1

Lowrance Eagle Explorer = 2

Lowrance Expedition C = 2

Lowrance iFinder = 1

Lowrance iFinder GO2 = 1

Lowrance Ifinder H2O = 1

Lowrance Ifinder Pro = 1

Lowrance LMS-350 Marine GPS = 1

Lowrance Lowrance 100m = 1

Lowrance Lowrance Expedition = 1

Magellan eXplorist 100 = 5

Magellan eXplorist 200 = 4

Magellan eXplorist 210 = 2

Magellan eXplorist 300 = 1

Magellan Explorist 400 = 3

Magellan eXplorist 500 = 12

Magellan eXplorist 600 = 8

Magellan eXplorist XL = 5

Magellan GPS 2000 = 1

Magellan GPS 2000XL = 1

Magellan GPS 3000 = 1

Magellan GPS 310 = 1

Magellan GPS 315 = 6

Magellan GPS 320 = 1

Magellan GPS Companion - Handspring Visor = 2

Magellan GPS Tracker = 1

Magellan Map330 = 1

Magellan Map330x = 1

Magellan Meridian Basic = 8

Magellan Meridian Color = 3

Magellan Meridian Gold = 5

Magellan Meridian Platinum = 12

Magellan Meridian XL ? = 1

Magellan Original Magellan ? = 1

Magellan RoadMate 300 = 2

Magellan RoadMate 700 = 2

Magellan SporTrak = 1

Magellan SporTrak Color = 3

Magellan SporTrak Map = 6

Magellan SporTrak Pro = 8

Magellan SporTrak Topo = 1

Other BMW integral Satnav = 1

Other Delorme Earthmate = 5

Other Destinator 3 on Win mobile bluetooth PDA = 1

Other Fortuna BT SiRF II mouse = 1

Other Fortuna GPSmart = 1

Other GlobalSat BC-337 CF = 2

Other GlobalSat BT GPSr = 1

Other GlobalSat BT338 = 2

Other Haicom HI-204E = 1

Other Holux GPSlim 236 w TomTom = 1

Other Itrek M3 bluetooth = 1

Other Motorola Oncore Ipaq navagation = 1

Other Navman 4420 Bluetooth GPS = 1

Other Navman iCN 510 = 1

Other Pharos - i360 = 1

Other Pharos IGPS-CF = 1

Other Rand McNally Streetfinder = 1

Other TomTom 3 Mobile on Nokia N70 bluetooth = 1

Other TomTom Go 300 = 1

Other TomTom Go w bluetooth PPC = 1

Other TravRoute Co-Pilot = 1

Other Trimble Geo Explorer II = 1

Other Trimble Navigation Ensign GPS = 1

Edited by GOT GPS?
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GPS units Sold, Lost, or Given away


Garmin eMap=2

Garmin eTrex Camo=1

Garmin eTrex Legend C=1

Garmin eTrex Legend=9

Garmin eTrex Mariner=1

Garmin eTrex Venture=1

Garmin eTrex Vista =1

Garmin eTrex Vista Cx=1

Garmin eTrex Yellow=4

Garmin Forerunner 201=1

Garmin Geko 101=1

Garmin Geko 201=1

Garmin GPS 12=3

Garmin GPS 128 (Fixed Mount)=1

Garmin GPS 12XL=1

Garmin GPS 38=1

Garmin GPS 40=1

Garmin GPS 45=1

Garmin GPS III=1

Garmin GPS IIIplus=3

Garmin GPS V=5

Garmin GPSMap168=1

Garmin GPSMap60C=2

Garmin GPSMap60CS=1

Garmin GPSMap76=2

Garmin GPSMap76S=2

Garmin iQue 3600 PDA=1

Garmin Legend C=1

Garmin Quest=1

Garmin StreetPilot c330=1

Garmin StreetPilot ColorMap=2

Garmin StreetPilot III=1


Lowrance Eagle AccuNav Sport=1

Lowrance Eagle Explorer=2

Lowrance Eagle=1

Lowrance iFinder=1

Lowrance iWay 350 portable=1


Magellan Blazer=1

Magellan ColorTrak=2

Magellan eXplorist 100=1

Magellan eXplorist 200=1

Magellan eXplorist 400=1

Magellan eXplorist 600=2

Magellan GPS 2000=1

Magellan GPS 315=3

Magellan GPS 320=1

Magellan GPS 4000XL=1

Magellan Map 330=2

Magellan Meridian Basic=1

Magellan Meridian Color=3

Magellan Meridian Gold=4

Magellan Meridian Platinum=2

Magellan RoadMate 760=1

Magellan Sport ?=1

Magellan SporTrak Map=2

Magellan Sportrak PRO=2


Other Fortuna X=track CF GPS=1

Other Pharos - i360 CF=1


Total = 96 units

Edited by GOT GPS?
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Here are links to very old topics on the same idea as this:


Topic started: Dec 20 2000, 08:26 AM

What model GPS is everyone using?


Topic started: May 10 2001, 07:51 AM

What model GPS is everyone using? II


Topic started: Jun 28 2001, 01:02 PM

What model GPS is everyone using? III


Topic started: Oct 11 2001, 04:01 AM

What model GPS is everyone using? IV


Topic started: May 7 2003, 01:52 PM

What model GPS is everyone using? V

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Before last month I had a Garmin Legend. But that was stolen when I was in Brussels, along with my laptop, phone (useless there), and digital camera (old and with a broken battery latch). The rest of my briefcase with my passport was found and turned into the consulate (a handy 10 minute walk from my hotel) so it only took two extra days and $1000 extra airfare for me to get home.


Since then I've been using a Magellan GPSCompanion for Palm m500 series. I won it at the ION GPS conference 4 years ago but I never had a Palm m500 to connect it to. I kept it in it's box thinking about selling it or buying a Palm m500 on eBay, but never acted on it.


But with the impetus of being without my Legend and thanks to a helpful website. I had a guy at work solder up the serial cable (the pins were way too small for the meager skills of this software guy) and I attached it to adapter I had the foresight to buy for my Dell Axim x51 and using assorted third-party software. It's clumsy with the the cable and the two separate components and it's rather fragile, but I'm able to get by with it until I decide what replacement handheld I should get.


Edit: BTW, since I was travelling on business, the company I work for is being kind enough to replace the lapto and phone since I was using them for work. B) Also, of course, the extra travel expenses.

Edited by GPSlug
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I started caching last summer and got a Garmin Geko 201 online for a great price. I saw an ad in here about someone selling 25 of these for about $125 I thought, what the heck? I can't believe how many units some of you have!! It is the only thing that I have used to cache with, so I have nothing to compare it to. I haven't ever met anyone else that has one, but I see a few people on your list have them. I like that it is so small. It also runs on 2 AAA batteries, and most other ones I have seen use AA batteries.

Edited by aviatrix22
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OK - I'm finally willing to take a chance my wife doesn't read this forum, or otherwise read my posts. I guess I'll know if I'm wrong.


In order of purchase, I still have Garmin:

GPSMAP 76S (my first - "you always remember your first")

Street Pilot III+ (for the caching vehicle)

GPSMAP 60CS (wanted color and couldn't wait for 76)

GPSMAP 76CS (my favorite, just like my first, only better)

iQue 3600 (OK, but short battery and fragile)

HOLUX GR-230 (bluetooth for sale CHEAP)

GPSMAP 276C for 2nd vehicle (great car GPS)

GPS 10 (much better than Holux) for wireless to laptop in car

GPSMAP 76CSx (my new favorite, more mature and extremely sirf-y)


Had brief fling just to compare after #1 above:

Magellan Meridian Platinum (flashy, but didn't last)

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