+RUFFLEDOSTRICH Posted February 4, 2006 Posted February 4, 2006 There's a local thread on our caching group page that's talking about how some guy caught his wife cheating by putting his GPS/similar device in her car on a mapping or routing mode (can't think of what it's called right now). Maybe you could plant a cache likely to be victim to the muggler and follow him or track him in some way. I'm kidding of course, but how funny would that be? Better yet, TheMuggler opens a cache that has a camera inside linked to a computer that will capture his image. If you have a lot of time on your hands, don't fear being accused of being petty and have money to spare... Quote
+Cpt.Blackbeard Posted February 4, 2006 Posted February 4, 2006 Maybe you could place a new cache or replace the old one and hide in the bushes waiting for the muggler to come swipe it. What you'd do after that, I have no idea. Point your wand at him and say "petrificus totallus"... Oh, wait, that's the wrong story Quote
teameverest Posted February 4, 2006 Author Posted February 4, 2006 You can pick up GPS tracking units for about 250 bucks .. but then there goes your tracking unit and the muggler will keep it, destroy it, or just drop it on the ground and leave it, plus dont know if it'd pick up signal through an ammo can. I know those small units are better at acquiring signals then our personal GPSr's ... but I think it's unlikely... Haved toy'd with those tracking units, pretty neat stuff. Quote
+Gryffindor1 Posted February 4, 2006 Posted February 4, 2006 (edited) Cpt.Blackbeard wrote: Point your wand at him and say "petrificus totallus"... Oh, wait, that's the wrong story Hey - that's my line! Edit - I can't figure out the whole quote thing.... ~shrug~ Edited February 4, 2006 by Gryffindor1 Quote
+olbluesguy Posted February 4, 2006 Posted February 4, 2006 They do make motion sensitive cameras for photographing wild game. Check Cabella's or someplace similar. Place it right ,and he'd never know he was on candid camera. Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted February 6, 2006 Posted February 6, 2006 Let's see here... "Found the cache today, took logbook, container, and all the goodies. Left ratty old glove and my signature Muggled note" Seems like typical trading behavior to me. What's wrong with that? Quote
+BigFurryMonster Posted February 6, 2006 Posted February 6, 2006 This is quite similar to what is happening in France nowadays: http://www.flnjfrance.com Front de Libération des Nains de Jardins for non-Francophones: this is about the Garden Gnomes Liberation Front It's people who steal your garden gnome, take it to London, and send you a postcard of it standing in front of the Big Ben... See also http://www.slate.com/id/2095541 Quote
+sbell111 Posted February 6, 2006 Posted February 6, 2006 This is quite similar to what is happening in France nowadays: http://www.flnjfrance.com Front de Libération des Nains de Jardins for non-Francophones: this is about the Garden Gnomes Liberation Front It's people who steal your garden gnome, take it to London, and send you a postcard of it standing in front of the Big Ben... See also http://www.slate.com/id/2095541 Actually, that's kind of funny. I'm sure it wouldn't be if it were my gnome, though. (I'd like to go on record with the fact that we own no gnomes.) Quote
+clearpath Posted February 6, 2006 Posted February 6, 2006 It's people who steal your garden gnome, take it to London, and send you a postcard of it standing in front of the Big Ben... Unbelieveable ... what some people do for kicks. I wish someone would steal me and take me to London. Quote
+foxfire949 Posted February 6, 2006 Posted February 6, 2006 It's people who steal your garden gnome, take it to London, and send you a postcard of it standing in front of the Big Ben... See also http://www.slate.com/id/2095541 Funny..I was on a cache hunt a while back. Didn't find the cache, but right near where it should have been was a perfectly decapitated garden gnome. Kind of creepy.... Quote
Stache Rats Posted February 6, 2006 Posted February 6, 2006 Maybe you could place a new cache or replace the old one and hide in the bushes waiting for the muggler to come swipe it. What you'd do after that, I have no idea. Well I have a few. Quote
+wandererrob Posted February 6, 2006 Posted February 6, 2006 Better yet, TheMuggler opens a cache that has a camera inside linked to a computer that will capture his image. If you have a lot of time on your hands, don't fear being accused of being petty and have money to spare... Hidden webcam set up near the cache? Quote
[RR]Macavity Posted February 6, 2006 Posted February 6, 2006 Myself, I'd set the cache up with an alarm that sounds if it's moved more than 30 feet from where it's supposed to be. Either that, or stick him in a room with a malware-infested computer and a dial-up connection to the Internet, and have his disinfect the PC as penance (and do it without using the F+R - Format and Reload - technique!). Quote
+RUFFLEDOSTRICH Posted February 6, 2006 Posted February 6, 2006 It's people who steal your garden gnome, take it to London, and send you a postcard of it standing in front of the Big Ben... Unbelieveable ... what some people do for kicks. I wish someone would steal me and take me to London. We used to exchange neighbors lawn ornaments, get drunk, and then wait hidden nearby for the people to get their morning paper. People would have the best figuring-this-out-is-far-more-than-my-pre-caffinated-brain-can-take looks. That's good stuff when you're in high school. BTW, I would like to go on record by saying that I do not have any lawn gnomes, but wish I did. I'm a lawn gnome having wannabe. Quote
+sbell111 Posted February 6, 2006 Posted February 6, 2006 We used to exchange neighbors lawn ornaments, get drunk, and then wait hidden nearby for the people to get their morning paper. People would have the best figuring-this-out-is-far-more-than-my-pre-caffinated-brain-can-take looks. That's good stuff when you're in high school. We have two cast iron planters at the end of our driveway. Each one probably weighs 50-60 pounds. Occasionally, the neighborhood kids will move them to the driveway across the street. I figure if that is the most mischief they do, no big deal. Quote
+All4OfUs Posted February 6, 2006 Posted February 6, 2006 (edited) Point your wand at him and say "petrificus totallus"... Oh, wait, that's the wrong story Good One!!! Edited February 6, 2006 by All4OfUs Quote
[RR]Macavity Posted February 7, 2006 Posted February 7, 2006 Point your wand at him and say "petrificus totallus"... Oh, wait, that's the wrong story Good One!!! If only . . . Quote
ImpalaBob Posted February 7, 2006 Posted February 7, 2006 Doesn't The Muggler know that we geocachers know all the great places to hide a body! ImpalaBob Quote
+frivlas Posted February 7, 2006 Posted February 7, 2006 You know those invisible fence things for pets? The one that shocks the animal if they stray beyond the boundry? Set a perimeter around the cache and then wire it to the ammo can. It should conduct the shock nicely. They would probably still steal it, but at least you would have the satisfaction of knowing they got a shock. Quote
+RUFFLEDOSTRICH Posted February 7, 2006 Posted February 7, 2006 You know those invisible fence things for pets? The one that shocks the animal if they stray beyond the boundry? Set a perimeter around the cache and then wire it to the ammo can. It should conduct the shock nicely. They would probably still steal it, but at least you would have the satisfaction of knowing they got a shock. There's the best idea I've heard yet. Quote
+TeamAO Posted February 24, 2006 Posted February 24, 2006 We had a notorious micro-hater from this area go into a Cracker Barrel with "info" on geocaching to give to the management and informed him that one of these (caches) might be in the front of the store. THE INFO HE GAVE THE MANAGEMENT WAS A CNN ARTICLE ON A CACHE BEING CONFUSED AS A BOMB. That's just about the worst cache sabotage (we have that too...targeted at specific cachers notorious for planting micros) I've ever heard. It's one thing not to like micros because ou're afraid it will give the public the wrong idea of the sport, but to intentionally give the public this idea...that's scary, psychotic. That's kind of a one sided view there. But, how do you know what the paper he showed them was if you weren't standing there with him? Quote
+Night Stalker Posted February 24, 2006 Posted February 24, 2006 There was a period of about a year in my area where a cache was lucky to last a week. We even created a special cache with rules that if you tried to find it and it was gone you had to adopt it and hide another one there until it to got taken. At least for now the cache maggot in our area has retired. Quote
+TeamVilla5 Posted February 25, 2006 Posted February 25, 2006 You know those invisible fence things for pets? The one that shocks the animal if they stray beyond the boundry? Set a perimeter around the cache and then wire it to the ammo can. It should conduct the shock nicely. They would probably still steal it, but at least you would have the satisfaction of knowing they got a shock. Yeah, but how would you get him/her to put on the shocking collar? Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5 Quote
+TeamVilla5 Posted February 25, 2006 Posted February 25, 2006 Doesn't The Muggler know that we geocachers know all the great places to hide a body! Maybe he/she is a necrophiliac & is counting on the above! Okay, so I'm suffering CSI withdrawals... Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5 Quote
+TeamAO Posted February 25, 2006 Posted February 25, 2006 If someone actually stoops to muggling all the caches in an area for the sake of muggling them, then they really are a big-time loser. As if they could not find anything better to do than to steal other people's belongings. Quote
+TetrAmigos Posted February 25, 2006 Posted February 25, 2006 If someone actually stoops to muggling all the caches in an area for the sake of muggling them, then they really are a big-time loser. As if they could not find anything better to do than to steal other people's belongings. Imagine this guy years later when he looks over his loot realizing he's got: 123 stickers 17 ammo cans 3 large ammo cans 48 useless foreign coins $7.23 USD in mostly pennies 87 smelling log books 294 35mm film canisters 281 35mm film canister lids 48 keychains (22 of them consisting of "Farmers Insurance") 302 used plastic baggies 21 wooden nickels 2 travel bugs 8 real bugs 2 balls of rolled up cammo duct tape 81 one-inch pencils 55 small kid toys 1 tracked geocoin 4 plastic specimen jars 1 plastic casion watch circa 1980s that refuses to "tick" 7 actual ticks 91 scratches from thorny bushes 2 FTF tags 1 half-used can of deet 13 rusted Altoid tins 1 rainbow necklace 1 partridge in a pear tree... And it hits him.. I should have just logged the caches and left the rest alone. Quote
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