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Posted (edited)
I couldn't find a place to list my found caches. .....  How can I find this list of found caches?

As RobertLipe posted previously:


The unit keeps track of the found list by creating an additional file. For foo.gs, it will create foo.fnd


I am not sure but I dont think the firmware is yet advanced enough that you can view the found caches from within the gps in list format. I'm not even sure if the format is compatible with GSAK or other gpx capable software but you can try downloading the *.fnd file and loading it in GSAK to see if the found points displayable. I would hope this is an option that magellan is going to add in the future.


While the found button is truly a great feature and much appreciated, I would hope that other features would be added, such as, a longer hint field, so that it doesnt get cut off and the ability to attach a short note to the geocache POI which would make it ideal for people who want to go paperless.

Edited by D0T-C0M
You can mark caches as found.  They then do not show on the list when you search, and are displayed on the screen with a check marked icon.

Unfortunately, I sent off my 500 for repair a few hours ago. I couldn't find a place to list my found caches. I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. You say they are removed from the list (I've observed this) and then they are displayed on the screen with a checkmark. Those statements seem to be contradictory.


How can I find this list of found caches?

In the Map Display setup, found caches can be toggled on or off (as can cache icons and/or names). So you've got the option.


The found list was described by fathergoose a ways back, although I found I had to execute his directions a little differently than how I first read them: essentially, use the usual way to search for a gs poi, but when you get to the gs poi list hit menu/show found cache.

anyone yet worked out how to remove a cache from the found list?

So far the best that I have come up with is to delete the file that is created. DOT-COM mentioned the file type earlier. It seemed even if I deleted the original geocache file then reloaded it the cache would be listed as found. It was only when I deleted the found cache file that they went away. To delete the file I had to hook the GPS up to the computer and delete that way. I did not see the file on the GPS at all. In my case the FOUND file was saved with no extension but was called under file type "a saved search" the name was the same as the original geocache file.

Posted (edited)

I keep getting a "Please make sure there is space on the card and files are not write protected" when I click on "continue to upload" and it won't update the firmware for my explorist 600, if I then boot the unit while the update exe is still running, upon startup it will start the update process and say "Upload complete!!!" and give a "Warning unable to delete temporary files", but it doesn't actually update it, every time I plug it back in it says current version 1.67 and there are no changes on the unit, what the hell Am I doing wrong, and yes I have cleared the memory just like the nfo tells me to do before trying to update



Edited by loso
Posted (edited)
You can mark caches as found.  They then do not show on the list when you search, and are displayed on the screen with a check marked icon.

Unfortunately, I sent off my 500 for repair a few hours ago. I couldn't find a place to list my found caches. I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. You say they are removed from the list (I've observed this) and then they are displayed on the screen with a checkmark. Those statements seem to be contradictory.


How can I find this list of found caches?



Go to your geocache list either using the go to, or menu, highlight a cache and hit the menu button. It should then show find by cache ID, and show found caches.

Highlight found caches hit the click stick and it will show the caches you have found, if you've used the found mode. And that is the only place I've found a checkmark, haven't seen anything on the map as of yet, either using goto or just the map.

edit to add I had toggled the found caches off. with found caches toggled on they show with a check mark on the map

Edited by vagabond
I keep getting a "Please make sure there is space on the card and files are not write protected" when I click on "continue to upload" and it won't update the firmware for my explorist 600, if I then boot the unit while the update exe is still running, upon startup it will start the update process and say "Upload complete!!!" and give a "Warning unable to delete temporary files", but it doesn't actually update it, every time I plug it back in it says current version 1.67 and there are no changes on the unit, what the hell Am I doing wrong, and yes I have cleared the memory just like the nfo tells me to do before trying to update



Your sd card has a tiny slider switch on the side. Make sure it's in the "unlocked" position.

I keep getting a "Please make sure there is space on the card and files are not write protected" when I click on "continue to upload" and it won't update the firmware for my explorist 600, if I then boot the unit while the update exe is still running,  upon startup it will start the update process and say "Upload complete!!!" and give a "Warning unable to delete temporary files", but  it doesn't actually update it, every time I plug it back in it says current version 1.67 and there are no changes on the unit, what the hell Am I doing wrong, and yes I have cleared the memory just like the nfo tells me to do before trying to update



Are you sure you removed the SD card before updating the firmware?

Posted (edited)

Hey, hey, the best is that the annoying backlight alteration during street routing is gone!

The unit simply doesn't change the backlight from the user's setting. This I love the most


But where is the sort Geocaches to ID/name/found option?

edit:Thx to Vagabond, now I see it!!!


And projection is only half of the deal! You can find a coordinate in a certain distance and direction from a point, but you cant caclulate distance and direction of two points (which was part of the powerful projection screen on Meridian)


Somhow you can also switch back from P2P-routing to street routing: There is a new menue coming up if pressing the goto button during P2P-routing. This Menu allows you to select several goto options, and a new one is "view on map" (which shows the actual target on the map), if it is shown just press goto again, select "new goto" and select street routing and there you are!


The Card utilities menue seems to be quite beta: I just tried to "Test Card", which is the same then switching the unit off and on.

Edited by DocW

I updated the firmware for my Explorist 500. I can no longer switch from the alphabetical list of geocaches or POIs to the "nearest" listing. This is a problem, and with geocaching expeditions coming up, I called Magellan. Of course, their support phone system was (is) not working.


I tried reinstalling it, without any better luck. I wish I could get the old firmware and reinstall that.

I updated the firmware for my Explorist 500. I can no longer switch from the alphabetical list of geocaches or POIs to the "nearest" listing. This is a problem, and with geocaching expeditions coming up, I called Magellan. Of course, their support phone system was (is) not working.


I tried reinstalling it, without any better luck. I wish I could get the old firmware and reinstall that.

You should be able to do this. Menu/POI/Geocache Pts (nearest/alphabetical) is a go on my screen, i.e., I can switch between the two. You might review the first page of this thread, I think JamieZ saw what you saw the first time he tried it but not subsequently. I don't recall if he said why.


On another note: I don't know if anyone has mentioned it or not, but when I was trying an autoroute today the keypunch to shut off the beeping for each turn behaved well. I could punch any key and the only effect was to silence the unit...so screen shift, change in zoom, what have you.


Updated my 500 and all is well. Two things I noticed right off:


1) Cold boot acquire time is around 40 seconds. This is inside the house. It used to either take upwards of 5 minutes or would not lock on at all. I haven't tested in the car yet.


2) Moving between screens is super fast now.


A few other things I like is when looking up geocaches in alphabetical mode, you can now narrow the search by spelling the cache name out. The only drawback is it seems once you hit the toggle stick, you cannot easily get back to spelling out the cache name. You are stuck moving up and down like the old way. To get back to spelling it out, you must escape and go back.


woooooooee... sitting here looking at the gps on the couch and all of a sudden it shows me travelling 39.8MPH in a southeasternly direction. Hmmmmm. Now I am moving back towards my original location at 2.3MPH.... on my couch. I need to check on this.


Couple of questions on the new Found option:

1. Where is the actual file stored? Couldn't seem to find it in either SD or internal memory

2. Assuming it can be found, can the file be edited? I found a cache earlier today but waited until I got home to actually select "found" within the ex600. The time is off and I'd like to correct it to reflect the actual time found. Bit of a detail but am curious.

3. Not sure if I read correctly, but can't seem to find the post where it indicates the file cana be deleted. I know you can toggle the viewing, but would like to know if it can be deleted altogether.


Thx in advance.

So far the best that I have come up with is to delete the file that is created. DOT-COM mentioned the file type earlier. It seemed even if I deleted the original geocache file then reloaded it the cache would be listed as found. It was only when I deleted the found cache file that they went away. To delete the file I had to hook the GPS up to the computer and delete that way. I did not see the file on the GPS at all. In my case the FOUND file was saved with no extension but was called under file type "a saved search" the name was the same as the original geocache file.

My post above tells what I found about the found file. I do not think there is a way to edit it.


small (read one) geocache trip today. Payback for having to go last minute shopping with the wife. :D Just a couple of quick, unscientific, data point of one observations.


1. satellite lock, cold boot to 3d map screen - 31 seconds

2. screen switch nearly instantly

3. no light on autoroute beep, one touch to kill alarm

4. go-to cache got me to within 5 ft of the hide site. Normally don't trust the heading/distance and I lag for a while at 50 ft out, but the cache was on the side of a cliff face, so I just charged ahead. started to climb down the hill (many hiding spots in the honeycombed rock face) and saw on the eX600 that I was 4-5 feet from the cache. Looked in the first spot and BINGO! Another one bites the dust.

5. autoroute likes to stick to the bigger roads (while I like the curvy back roads) ;)

3. no light on autoroute beep, one touch to kill alarm

Like I said, I don't have my 500 for the next couple of weeks... just a quick question about this.


You're telling me the bright backlight upon approaching a turn is no longer there, but the beeping is? I can't stand the beeping, but I utilized the backlight. Can the beeps be turned off? Can the backlight be turned back on?



You're telling me the bright backlight upon approaching a turn is no longer there, but the beeping is? I can't stand the beeping, but I utilized the backlight. Can the beeps be turned off? Can the backlight be turned back on?

Beeps can be turned off (Menu/Preferences/Alarms and Beeper I believe is the menu). I hate the incessant beeping at a red light myself.

I will be glad to lose the backlight thing though because the 600 screen is rather well lit and it's a sizable distraction when you've got the thing dashboard mounted at night.


Not to mention it was impossible to notice when the proximity alarm put my unit on full brightness during the daytime draining my battery at lightning speed.


Regarding the found caches, once you mark a cache found, a new file is created with the same name as your geocache file, but with the .fnd extension. You can see this file with your eXplorist connected to a USB port, but not while viewing the GPSr screen.


Once you make a new geocache file active in the preferences, the old found file and its found caches are no longer shown/used. A new found file is created. Only found caches marked as such under the current active geocache file are shown as found (it does not access previous found files.) When you activate an old geocache file, the found caches associated only with that file will show. When you load a new geocache file and activate it, no found caches will show, until you start marking them as found. So each geocache file will have its own found file. This is all good and the way it should be.


Silly me, the problem was that I didn't delete the base maps, so there actually wasn't enough space to update, I thought I did when I copied them, but nevermind, the update went smoothly and everything works :o

Regarding the found caches, once you mark a cache found, a new file is created with the same name as your geocache file, but with the .fnd extension.  You can see this file with your eXplorist connected to a USB port, but not while viewing the GPSr screen. 


Once you make a new geocache file active in the preferences, the old found file and its found caches are no longer shown/used.  A new found file is created.  Only found caches marked as such under the current active geocache file are shown as found (it does not access previous found files.)  When you activate an old geocache file, the found caches associated only with that file will show.  When you load a new geocache file and activate it, no found caches will show, until you start marking them as found.  So each geocache file will have its own found file.  This is all good and the way it should be.

The one curious thing that I haven't figured out is that I did manage to toggle a found cache to unfound. I was in the vicinity of the cache and did a find, then a new go to the cache by locating the found cache on the map and the next time I looked it showed as an unfound cache. but I haven't been able to reproduce it. Only thing I can think is that I managed to delete the found file in active memory before it wrote the .fnd file to the SD card.


BTW the .fnd extension is the one used by Windows Explorer for saved searches which confused me briefly when I tried to look at it from the PC.

Posted (edited)

Is there a TRIP TIME function, or Night Driving mode yet??


Just wondering, in case I replace the Map60C with the explorist XL.


Explorist XL is neat, but missing stuff like Trip Time, Time Moving, and Time Stopped.

Edited by GOT GPS?
Is there a TRIP TIME function, or Night Driving mode yet??


Just wondering, in case I replace the Map60C with the explorist XL.


Explorist XL is neat, but missing stuff like Trip Time, Time Moving, and Time Stopped.

There's a Time to End field, but I think you are asking about an elapsed time from the start of the route, yes? No night driving mode (I think, guess I haven't had it out at night but that wasn't in the change list).

I updated the firmware for my Explorist 500. I can no longer switch from the alphabetical list of geocaches or POIs to the "nearest" listing. This is a problem, and with geocaching expeditions coming up, I called Magellan. Of course, their support phone system was (is) not working.


I tried reinstalling it, without any better luck. I wish I could get the old firmware and reinstall that.

Mine had that problem too. I carried it outside and let it get a signal and now it works. It just needed to know where it was before it could give me the nearest.


More on the Found caches.

The geocache files are not modified after caches are marked found. When a cache is marked found, the new found file is accessed with the geocache file. If the .fnd found file is deleted, the geocache file will show all as unfound again.


I apologize if this is the wrong thread for this question, but without the search function I couldn't seem to locate the correct one. Anyway, Santa just brought me an Explorist600. My CD reader/burner could not read the Mapsend installation CD/DVD. Wasn't there a glitch with blanks CDS sent out? Also, I have Mapsend Topo for the US, that I used for my MeriPlat. Can I use this on the Explorist? Sure hope I don't have to buy a bunch of new software for autorouting and topo.....Finally, thanks to all for the info on the new firmware -- I loaded that before I did anything else, with no trouble.

I apologize if this is the wrong thread for this question, but without the search function I couldn't seem to locate the correct one. Anyway, Santa just brought me an Explorist600. My CD reader/burner could not read the Mapsend installation CD/DVD. Wasn't there a glitch with blanks CDS sent out? Also, I have Mapsend Topo for the US, that I used for my MeriPlat. Can I use this on the Explorist? Sure hope I don't have to buy a bunch of new software for autorouting and topo.....Finally, thanks to all for the info on the new firmware -- I loaded that before I did anything else, with no trouble.

There supposedly was a batch of "bad CDs" used for a recent pressing of some MapSend program; if your reader can't see it then you'll probably need to exchange it with Magellan.


The old MapSend Topo is not compatible with the Explorist, and can lock your unit up if you try it anyway. You'll need Topo3D if you want topo software for the explorist. Any version of DirectRoute should work with the explorist (if you can get it to run).


Thanks. I have a request into Magellan for info on the CD. I also asked them about DirectRoute, which does not seem to recognize the Explorist (I reloaded the program from scratch, still no luck). Have to say the 600 performed very well today in the field.

I also asked them about DirectRoute, which does not seem to recognize the Explorist (I reloaded the program from scratch, still no luck).

I'm a little confused now about where you're getting hung up. You got DR to load ok, but it doesn't see your 600? If you have the 3.0 DR version, it is supposed to be able to talk directly to the explorist, and what you are describing would be a problem. But the 1.0 and 2.0 are not explorist-aware, as they came out before USB communication was needed...so DR would not be capable of seeing your 600 directly. You would need to use the Conversion Manager as a go-between.


(Technically 1.0 and 2.0 do know about explorists, as they generate the proper format detail map files when they see an explorist serial number entered.)


You're confused because I am a techno-moron. I finally got around to reading the manual, correctly entering my serial number, and got DR up and running. Thank you for indulging me, and sorry for wasting space on the forum!

I just got an eXplorist 400 for Christmas. How do I tell what version of firmware I have?


Since you just got your receiver, and the new firmware came out within the last 2 weeks, I doubt you have the newest. But I'll tell you how to find out your version.


When you power-on your eXplorist, look at the first screen that appears after the Checking Media message goes away. Look in the top-right. It will say Ver 4.x.xx. The x's being whatever version you have. I updated my firmware to the newest version earlier this week, so mine says Ver 4.2.02. The new firmware for the 400 is available here. I recommend you install the new firmware, though the receiver will still perform OK without it.


I'm trying to install the firmware update to my 600, but I keep getting an error message that the USB device is not recognized. It basically wants a driver for the gps. I already installed the software that came with it. Anybody know what's going on?


I have noticed that on my 600 it will not always switch from Street route to point-to-point. I know the waypoint needs to be an active POI or Geocache. Sometimes it seems that it will only change when you are off-route, but that is not consistent. Has anyone else figured it out?

I have noticed that on my 600 it will not always switch from Street route to point-to-point. I know the waypoint needs to be an active POI or Geocache. Sometimes it seems that it will only change when you are off-route, but that is not consistent. Has anyone else figured it out?

Yes, I experienced this as well. In the beginning I thought you can't switch over if you passed the first leg of the route, but that is not consistent, too.


Also I experienced some unexpected shutdowns during route generation.


Any more info on Explorist reception under heavy foliage compared to Meridian? I had Garmin Vista and was unhappy with its ability to hold signal in even light foliage. I'd go with a Meridian to get larger Quad Helix ant - but not thrilled to purchase a model that is discontinued by manufacturer. But I'm nervous that patch ant in Explorist will have similar reception problems to Vista under foliage - I live in Southeast and want to use unit for hiking and backpacking - heavy foliage is a given.


I did find that continuously carrying the Vista horizontally gave much better signal lock and have read similar advice for Explorist - but don't want to have to do that.


Explorist is better.

I think it has a little bit larger patch antenna, and a more finely tuned receiver,

than any eTrex, and especially with the latest firmware update, it is even better.


Id go with an Explorist 400 or 500 unit.




Well I have nothing tech related to offer but I just used the new firmware on a weekend trip and it was excellent. Not having to keep a paper list of found caches was great. Didn't have to do any projections so I'm not sure how well it works but so far so good on the updates. Love it!

Any more info on Explorist reception under heavy foliage compared to Meridian?


I have compared my 500 to my Meridian and they are very close. The eXplorists have the patch antenna, but an improved receiver that is very sensitive. You do not even have to carry it horizontal. I often keep it upright in a pocket and it never loses a lock. It is much better than my old Legend. I would say that the eXplorists have one of the best receivers currently available.

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