+badger Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 (edited) After finding a cache while out today, I was a little peeved as the listed co-ordinates for a traditional cache were not in fact the cache co-ordinates but those for parking!!! And they were out by 30-40 feet giving an indication well into some bushes/trees... After searching for a while the cache description was read, which had the correct co-ordinates! Now, my understanding is that a traditional cache should have the actual cache co-ordinates listed, and not the parking... In this instance I would have listed the cache as a mystery or offset/multi or used the cache co-ordinates and listed parking (which was bloody obvious anyway) in the description! And before you all say that I should have read the cache description first, what about those cachers that don't have a print out or PDA with cache info? What would they do? Matt Edited November 26, 2005 by mattwaggie Quote
+Tupperware Hunters Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 yehh i got a thorn stuck in my head looking in the wrong place Quote
+Moote Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 (edited) Now that is bad, that should have been marked as a Puzzle, or Mystery cache. I have attempted to do a cache on the Wirral rated 1/1 that you had to take a bearing on, thing was you had to read loads about the general area of the cache before it said take a bearing. Now to me a bearing requires special equipment so does that not up the grade. I wish people would think about there caches, I agree with Mattwaggie here. Milton (aka Moote) Edited November 26, 2005 by Moote Quote
+Stuey Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Mis-categorised caches are very annoying. All you need to do if you find one is to email the owner and tell them to get it changed (or "ask" if you are feeling plite, hehe). If you get no joy, I have had success from approaching our esteemed reviewers and pointing out the mis-categorisation. Quote
+Bill D (wwh) Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 mattwaggie wrote:Now, my understanding is that a traditional cache should have the actual cache co-ordinates listed, and not the parking... Absolutely. If the co-ords at the top of the page aren't where the cache is , then in my view it isn't a traditional. I can't immediately bring them to mind, but I've seen a couple like this, where the parking co-ords are at the top of the page, but the cache is listed as, and is obviously intended to be, a traditional. Wrong! Quote
+HazelS Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Hi I realise what cache you're on about, and we did exactly the same in the summer when we were up that way... We parked up and spent half an hour looking at the spot where the coordinates where, and only by chance rechecked the PDA for the corrdinates... then we realised that they were indeed only the car parking ones... Grrr gets my goat that does!!! Quote
+Stuey Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 I realise what cache you're on about, and we did exactly the same in the summer when we were up that way... Why didn't you ask to get it changed? or maybe you did and your request was ignored? I always get any wrong ones I find recategorised. That way it saves the next person having problems. Quote
+Sensei TSKC Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 Just being picky - where is the mystery or puzzle if the co-ords are listed in plain view for all to see? Should there not be another type of cache report like - RTCP Read the Cache Page Quote
+badger Posted November 27, 2005 Author Posted November 27, 2005 Just being picky - where is the mystery or puzzle if the co-ords are listed in plain view for all to see? Should there not be another type of cache report like - RTCP Read the Cache Page Quite simply, No! A traditional listed cache should have the cache co-ordinates listed, not the parking co-ordinates. (insert relevant smiley here) Any other co-ordinates are an off-set/multi. Quote
+Cryptik Souls Crew Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 Now to me a bearing requires special equipment so does that not up the grade. My gpsr will plot a bearing, does that count as special equipment? Quote
+Moote Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 Now to me a bearing requires special equipment so does that not up the grade. My gpsr will plot a bearing, does that count as special equipment? Yes it does, not all Cachers have a GPS with compass incorporated and you should field your cachers as this as a denominator. At the cache I mentioned I did have 2 compasses at hand on in GPS and one in my Phone, but because it was marked 1/1 I wrongly assumed a traditional cache of that grade would not have a twist. It was one of them days when you were just passing and thought I'll grab so info was sketchy apart from the co-ordinates having been downloaded from GSAK. As I had not seen the full details I went for the spot GSAK had placed and the caches was not there, it was at a range of 63m on a bearing of 260 degrees. Not a traditional cache and not 1/1; but maybe Puzzle / Mystery at 1/2. Milton (aka Moote) Quote
+rutson Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 My etrex and my sportrak are both compass-free but can calculate a bearing without difficultly. Quote
+Cryptik Souls Crew Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 Now to me a bearing requires special equipment so does that not up the grade. My gpsr will plot a bearing, does that count as special equipment? Yes it does, not all Cachers have a GPS with compass incorporated and you should field your cachers as this as a denominator. At the cache I mentioned I did have 2 compasses at hand on in GPS and one in my Phone, but because it was marked 1/1 I wrongly assumed a traditional cache of that grade would not have a twist. It was one of them days when you were just passing and thought I'll grab so info was sketchy apart from the co-ordinates having been downloaded from GSAK. As I had not seen the full details I went for the spot GSAK had placed and the caches was not there, it was at a range of 63m on a bearing of 260 degrees. Not a traditional cache and not 1/1; but maybe Puzzle / Mystery at 1/2. Milton (aka Moote) My gpsr has no compass. The scenario you describe is one which I believe any Garmin will cope with. Choose project waypoint, punch in the distance and the bearing and off you go. I would agree that it has been classified wrongly, as a stipulation of a traditional cache is "The coordinates listed on the traditional cache page is the exact location for the cache." But hey, if you feel everyone who sets a cache has made a 5 star effort, surely you should extend them the courtesy of reading their listing page thoroughly? Quote
+Kryten Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 Hey Cryptik Souls Crew, get a Santa hat on his satanic majesty immediately, you're letting the side down. I don't know, anybody would think that the lord of misrule doesn't have space in his busy schedule to pop down to woolies and ... [leaves muttering] Quote
Lactodorum Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 Everyone is right here ! If you come across a mis-categorised cache, please contact myself or Eckington and we can quickly get the error corrected. We try and make sure that things are right at the review stage but occasionally miss one or two Quote
+Pengy&Tigger Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 The cache in question doesn't need listing as a different type of cache, as there is no mystery element to it. It just needs the listed co-ords and those in the description switching around. At the moment, the parking co-ords are the listed co-ords and the cache co-ords are in the description. Quote
alistair_uk Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 Slightly off topic, but, I am guessing that the person listing the cache has put the coordinates that way round on the principle that it will be the first place people will go to. What about thinking for the future and allowing multiple waypoints? The main waypoint will remain as it does, but other flagged waypoints could be added for parking, multicache mid-waypoints and other points of interest. It would make my life easer being able to download multi mid-waypoints instead of entering them in to the GPS directly. Quote
+Nellies Knackers Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 Although it's very useful having parking coords surely part of the fun is working out for yourself where to park and best route to the cache, you can't have it too easy or there's no point in caching. And yes the listed coords should definately be cache not parking for trads. Quote
+Sensei TSKC Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 Although it's very useful having parking coords surely part of the fun is working out for yourself where to park and best route to the cache, you can't have it too easy or there's no point in caching. This is an excellent point and I must admit, that on some of the caches I have placed, I have intentionally NOT given parking co-ords for this purpose. However, what happens then? Flaming! Why? For not providing parking co-ords. There is NO requirement for the setter to give this info. It sometimes adds to the challenge of the find. Well pointed out NK. Oss! Quote
alistair_uk Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 I don’t think anyone is saying that parking coordinates should be compulsory, although I have had a few comment about one of my caches because people though parking was easy but found it all double yellow and residents parking. As a direct result I tend to put parking coordinates on caches where parking is available close by. Quote
+KiwiGary Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 The thing that gets me is why does everyone assume every one has a car??? I either walked of rode to most of the caches we have found, so why don't all caches list where the closest cycle or bridleway is??? On that note I do try and list a parking co-ordinate for all our caches, just to help people out. Often people complain that all they found the parking co-ordinates was a huge bike shed??? See ya...Gary Quote
alistair_uk Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 The thing that gets me is why does everyone assume every one has a car??? As someone who does not drive regally and hires one when I need one I tend to think more along the lines of a pedestrian. That being said it can not be ignored that a majority of cachers not only drive but drive to go caching. Quote
+Sensei TSKC Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 As someone who does not drive regally and hires one when I need one I tend to think more along the lines of a pedestrian. That being said it can not be ignored that a majority of cachers not only drive but drive to go caching. Your Highness! I didn't realise we were in the presence of Royal cachers. Doesn't anybody tell anybody anything nowadays?!! Quote
alistair_uk Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 No, no, no. I do "NOT" drive regally. Interestingly enough I don't pay enough attention to the spellchecker or drive regularly either. Quote
+dino-irl Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 Is this all not just a simple mistake? The setter had two sets of coords for his/her cache, one for the box, the other for the parking coords. When they submitted the cache could they have mixed them up. Surely a dicrete email to the owner or a reviewer is better than creating a fuss here? Quote
+purple_pineapple Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 The thing that gets me is why does everyone assume every one has a car??? I either walked of rode to most of the caches we have found, so why don't all caches list where the closest cycle or bridleway is??? On that note I do try and list a parking co-ordinate for all our caches, just to help people out. Often people complain that all they found the parking co-ordinates was a huge bike shed??? See ya...Gary cos cycling around all over the place looking for a suitable route is good for you Gary! Whereas driving around all over the place looking for a car park is bad for everyone Dave PS, I agree that parking coordinates should in no way be compulsory, but haven't I heard that TPTB are looking at a way of having extra coordinate fields for the car park, and also for multis, so that they are downloaded and available to put on a GPS without skimming the description? Quote
alistair_uk Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 ...but haven't I heard that TPTB are looking at a way of having extra coordinate fields for the car park, and also for multis, so that they are downloaded and available to put on a GPS without skimming the description? I hadn't herd that but I have suggested it a few times and I doubt I am the only one. A great development if it comes off in my humble opinion. Quote
+dino-irl Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 If you use GSAK try the following in the main menu bar Waypoint > Custom Url > Coord Grabber. It's a nice little utility when there are multiple coords on one page. They can be downloaded, loaded into GSAK and from there into the GPSr. Quote
+third-degree-witch Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 I always check Co-Ords...been caught out once n wasted time n fuel.wont again Quote
+purple_pineapple Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 i knew clyde had mentioned co-ord grabber for gsak, but i thought that was on the 6.5 beta release currently out?? I may be wrong, and I'm not at home to check at moment! I believe it creates a new waypoint for the coords, linked to the GC code for the original? It would be nice if it could add a new column/field and keep it within the same waypoint of GSAK, but then i suppose problems would arise with downloading to the GPSr and to palms/PPCs etc.... <-------------- looking forward to checking when I get home! Dave Quote
+rutson Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 you're right PP, it's in public beta. Quote
+Tharagleb Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 I did a cache once where the coords took you to a monument and the HINT gave you the offset from the monument to the cache. Lots of people I know don't ever use the hint. (I am not one of them. ) Quote
+Moote Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 If you use GSAK try the following in the main menu bar Waypoint > Custom Url > Coord Grabber. It's a nice little utility when there are multiple coords on one page. They can be downloaded, loaded into GSAK and from there into the GPSr. Just looked on my GSAK and can't fine this facility! It's a fully registered version V6.0.2 Build 24 using GPSBabel V1.2.7. When I look for a newer version it appears updated correctly. Anyone any ideas? Milton (aka Moote) Quote
+Moote Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 If you use GSAK try the following in the main menu bar Waypoint > Custom Url > Coord Grabber. It's a nice little utility when there are multiple coords on one page. They can be downloaded, loaded into GSAK and from there into the GPSr. Just looked on my GSAK and can't fine this facility! It's a fully registered version V6.0.2 Build 24 using GPSBabel V1.2.7. When I look for a newer version it appears updated correctly. Anyone any ideas? Milton (aka Moote) Panic over answer on GSAK forum, anyone with this missing add this line to your custom url list Co-Ord Grabber=http://boulter.com/gps/grabber/grabcoords.php?url=www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=%code Quote
+Just Roger Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 Panic over answer on GSAK forum, anyone with this missing add this line to your custom url list Co-Ord Grabber=http://boulter.com/gps/grabber/grabcoords.php?url=www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=%code I've just tried it out and it's great. It'll save a lot of time on multis especially and hopefully avoid the typos which always seem to appear when entering a lot of waypoints by hand. Quote
+Sensei TSKC Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 If you use GSAK try the following in the main menu bar Waypoint > Custom Url > Coord Grabber. It's a nice little utility when there are multiple coords on one page. They can be downloaded, loaded into GSAK and from there into the GPSr. Just looked on my GSAK and can't fine this facility! It's a fully registered version V6.0.2 Build 24 using GPSBabel V1.2.7. When I look for a newer version it appears updated correctly. Anyone any ideas? Milton (aka Moote) Panic over answer on GSAK forum, anyone with this missing add this line to your custom url list Co-Ord Grabber=http://boulter.com/gps/grabber/grabcoords.php?url=www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=%code Hi, Stupid here. How do you add the url to the list in GSAK to make it work? Quote
+Sensei TSKC Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 I appear to have done this now. Ta. Quote
+purple_pineapple Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 I've just done this myself, but I can't get the right click bit to do anything useful. All it does at the moment is open up the relevent cache page. What am i doing wrong? Have I copied the code above correctly? http://boulter.com/gps/grabber/grabcoords....s.aspx?wp=%code But all one line.... anyone help? Quote
+Moote Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 (edited) I've just done this myself, but I can't get the right click bit to do anything useful. All it does at the moment is open up the relevent cache page. What am i doing wrong? Have I copied the code above correctly? http://boulter.com/gps/grabber/grabcoords....s.aspx?wp=%code But all one line.... anyone help? You need to add everything below here: Co-Ord Grabber=http://boulter.com/gps/grabber/grabcoords.php?url=www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=%code Edited November 28, 2005 by Moote Quote
+civilised Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 This seems very helpful - I'm not sure, though, that I'm doing it right ( as ever ). Do I have to right click every listing in GSAK and then go through the process of downloading all sets of co-ords for all caches ? Is there a way of automating this ? Thanks in advance. civilised Quote
+Chris n Maria Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 If you want to getloads of coordinates from a GPX file you could use Waypoint Workbench or Spoodle whch was a project I started but stopped work on when clyde said he would be including the functionality in GSAK, but you are welcome to play with it. Chris Quote
+ClydeE Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 If you like the ability to Grab waypoints then I suggest you download the latest beta of GSAK This "grabber" is way more versatile than the URL link, is fully integrated with GSAK, and allows grabbing waypoints from your database, the windows clipboard, and text files. For more information please see http://gsak.net/ver650/hs42000.htm Quote
+civilised Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 (edited) If you want to getloads of coordinates from a GPX file you could use Waypoint Workbench or Spoodle whch was a project I started but stopped work on when clyde said he would be including the functionality in GSAK, but you are welcome to play with it.Chris Yes that's exactly what I thought - WaypointWorkbench is automatic - and I'm very pleased with what it does - I'm just trying to understand what this new method does that is different. civilised sorry Clyde - not into betas Edited November 29, 2005 by civilised Quote
+woZere Posted December 1, 2005 Posted December 1, 2005 Its our cache and we took on board the comments from the cachers who visited it on saturday 26/11/05 and the page as been amended and hopefuly all who use this bug box for swops, drops etc in the past have been infromed of this. We do respond to advice/criticsm as and when given because nobody is perfect or is that another forum topic. Quote
+woZere Posted December 1, 2005 Posted December 1, 2005 yehh i got a thorn stuck in my head looking in the wrong place even looking in the right place you might have had a thorn in the head, as it had been wrongly re- placed under a tree by a previuos finder. Quote
+walkergeoff and wife Posted December 1, 2005 Posted December 1, 2005 Hi, Stupid here. How do you add the url to the list in GSAK to make it work? Even more stupid here! How do you add it? Quote
+walkergeoff and wife Posted December 1, 2005 Posted December 1, 2005 Don't worry about how to add it! I have downloaded the GSAK Beta. Seems to work fine. Quote
+Just Roger Posted December 1, 2005 Posted December 1, 2005 Don't worry about how to add it! I have downloaded the GSAK Beta. Seems to work fine. Where do you get the beta? I cant find it on the GSAK site. Quote
+purple_pineapple Posted December 1, 2005 Posted December 1, 2005 Its not on the site. Clyde doesn't release betas to the 'public'. Its available to download from this thread. I believe Build 54 is the latest. Any bug reports, report to that thread, not the general GSAK one.... Hope that is some help! Quote
+Just Roger Posted December 1, 2005 Posted December 1, 2005 Thanks for that. I've downloaded it and the coord grabber seems to work very well. Now to find all the other neat things it will do. Quote
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