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Did I see Warthog pass the 600 mark this weekend? Well done. :blink:


It looks as though GlobalRat is fast approaching his 1000 as well.


Happy caching.



Posted (edited)


Well done Anlufu and Wizki on becoming Western Province Champions! We are so proud of you!! :D [/size]


Thank you Cownchicken. It must have been the great support we got from you.

Edited by anlufu

It is great to see all the very big numbers being reached this year...

600's (Warthog & Brick)

400 (Nish4)

300 (Rhino & Hedgehog)

Awaiting GR's BEEEG one.....


Keep it up guys & gals - it is sooo great to meet the various cachers at events, at caches etc. Such a great bunch of people all over the country loving the same thing... It is great!


Congrats to all!!

Posted (edited)

Wazat made 100 recently but i must say it must be one of the most difficult first 100's i have heard of, as we all know he like lives in the last outpost in n/natal where he is the most active cacher there and has done so much for the area in terms of placement. Speaking to him last night it would seem he has covered about 8000km to get his 100 and i think that deserves a special mention, if nothing else it shows his determination and eagerness on finding the little plastic containers we all love to find. So from us here in N/Ireland a BIG shoutout to WAZAT for his sheer foolishness in chasing plastic container

Edited by batsgonemad and his squirrel
Posted (edited)

Thanks Bats and Squirrel. It was a while back that I had my very first cache find. (a year ago almost). The third cache I found was one of Bat's caches. I got a mail from Bats congratulating me on my find after I was running all over the top of the hill looking for it. I admit that it was not easy I only found it on the second go. But it was found in the end and I was all excited, I found another.... The first two were pretty hard for me but this one had me stumped the first time. I went back a few days later and found it. Can you beleive I was searching in a radius of about 50 meters for it. What did I know at that stage. There was no-one to show me and I Didn't know what I was really looking for. Then this one just had to be a camo too. But soon after logging it I get mail from a Bat dude in Durban saying congrats and welcome to Geocaching. I was told to join the forums as it is informative and generally fun. So I did. We swapped chatter and mail and hey I was getting into this whole Geocaching thing. Then came the rest, a few tough little caches out in the far reaches of Northern KZN. I was getting hooked on this. I found interesting places and some were right there on our doorstep. I found out that the first, second and fourth caches I found were by people that I know, although they are not active nowadays. Then a few months down the line I get a mail from Bats, he is coming up to Newcastle to visit his parents, we must meet up and have a coffee and a chat. I have never met the guy in my life but only his little plastic cache containers. What do I expect.... what are they like..... I walked into the coffee shop and you can see a cacher a mile away. We chatted as if we were old friends. Common interests flow throughout the conversation. Discover some coins and TB's he says... What? Discover? Huh? He hauls out a bag full of coins and TB's. People in the place look at us funny. I cower under my hat. What is this grown man doing pulling out all these toys and things right here in a public place. I get the kids closer to make it look like their stuff. I discover some assortment of coins and weird TB's.... We drink coffee and converse some more but alas this mad guy and his wife must be one their way. We part our separate ways and I say to my wife that these people are great. Weird but great. A few months later I am climbing mountains with my weird friend and another cacher. It always feels weird meeting another cacher. But they are like best friends when you do meet them.


So now 100+ under the belt and ready for more. It has been a long journey to get to them but the best is the friendships we build. Although the milestones are reached and celebrated. The best milestone is meeting the man or woman behind them little boxes we search for. Thank you Tim, Sam, Stuart, Helen, Johan, Neville, Andy, Anton, Johan, Pine, Andy, Alf, Stan, Rodney, Brett, Vic, André..... and all the rest of the cachers out there.... You guys are the real milestones.


Oooops that was a bit of a long reply and I went all sentimental there. Milestones are great but the greatest are the friends you make through the common interest.


Now would someone come up here and place a few more caches for me to find...... Aaaaargh. I am going to go mad here...... LOL

Edited by Wazat
Posted (edited)

Congratulations to Carbon Hunter on 200 finds. Logged at Al Khor Gardens [one of MY caches] in Qatar today!!


Well Done



Edited by cincol

Trackz - well done.

Also to Noddy who hit 50 hides! Very good. Thanks that I have managed to find a few - they have been great fun, and I llok forward to many more.

Also Kwenda T - great to reach 300! Go for it Sharks country.

Posted (edited)

:)WOW!!! We were waiting for this to happen this weekend! Well done Globalrat and Noddy!!!! 1000 :)Hope you both have many, many happy hours of caching ahead of you!


AND to TVM, congratulations on the 1500!!!! :)

Edited by cownchicken



Wooooow, congratulations to Global Rat and Noddy to 1000th caches this weekend, great achievement. Keep up the good spirit of Geocaching for the next 1000, its just around the corner.


Greetings from Cache Fan




Well done to Noddy and Globalrat on their 1000 each. Quite an achievement. Just looked at my Gsak prediction - should do it during 2011.


Well done Noddy and GlobalRat on the BIG 1000 numbers, you guys are showing us the good spirit of Geocaching and are our mentors. :):):):)


Greetings from RedGlobe

Posted (edited)

Couldn't resist getting to be the 1000th post on this thread! I wish that I had 1000 caches under the belt though. Congratulations to those who have!


Lest we forget the beginners - Congratulations to Strider_SA who notched up his 1st 50 during the recent NOLY Event.


Well Done and may there be many more 50's in the future. :unsure: Keep going.



Edited by cincol

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