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New Explorist Xl Due Out Soon


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Between the XL and the 4/5/600s, the end of the road for Meridians and SporTracks is looming more clearly.


It will be interesting to see if the XL incorporates anything from the Meridian that's been left out on explorists so far (e.g., more data fields and display screens).


Nice find, D0t-C0m; doesn't look like this has made it to the Magellan press releases yet.

My personal view is Magellan should address the present issues with the explorist models they already have on the market before introducing new ones

Soo,, they should have got the Meridians & Sporttracks working perfectly before releasing the Explorists too? <_<


Sometimes some bugs aren't easily fixable. I'm sure Magellan has become familiar with the frustrating boomerang effect a lot of enthusiasts claim about, but no corrective action was forthcoming. And they're pretty leasurly in their firmware updates too.


I wonder if the XL will be the same form factor as the current crop of Explorists.


I heard through the grapevine that the XL won't use a li-ion battery. I'm not positive, but I think it will use 4 AAs.


It will last 72 hours on a set of batteries. (This assumes that a set of batteries is actually 12 batteries, bwahahaha.) Just kidding. I hope that the battery life is similar to the 60C(S).



Posted (edited)

"Measuring 6.4 x 2.9 x 1.3 inches"

This thing is like a brick compared to the explorist 4/5/600. However if they build in a better geocache manager (i.e., editable geocache spots with more than 50 character of information displayed) this thing might be able to replace a separate PDA to do paperless geocacing.


My dream handheld right now is a ruggedsized iQue M5 that doesn't crash often. That thing does everything I want but is too fragile and unstable.

Edited by hoxbox
It will last 72 hours on a set of batteries. (This assumes that a set of batteries is actually 12 batteries, bwahahaha.) Just kidding. I hope that the battery life is similar to the 60C(S).



<sarcasm>No I'm sure it'll use a 12V sealed car-type lead acid battery instead. Oh and the geocache manager will randomly drop waypoints after 250 now instead of 200. Part of the new features will be the 116db buzzer that will beep incessantly while you're waiting for the light to change</sarcasm>


The 30MB is not a major thing to me, seeing as the current eXplorists have glitches that make it risky business to actually put a map on the internal memory. Hopefully this thing's release triggers a firmware update for the others in the family.

Posted (edited)
...Soo,, they should have got the Meridians & Sporttracks working perfectly before releasing the Explorists too?  :lol: ...

Building things that works. It's one way to win market share. It's a seldom used marketing strategy, but about the only one that works in the long run. Doesn't Lowrance do that just now? They are making inroads into the GPS market so they must be doing something right.


On topic: I like the screen size. Garmin should of done that with the 76 to help justify it's size. The VI when and if it comes out could use a larger screen too.

Edited by Renegade Knight
Hmmm.....could explain why we're seeing some relatively sharp discounting of the 600....?

NOt really. the 500 and 600 have been around long enough for the retailers to be getting more competitive with their marketing.


The explorist looks like it will replace the meridans, My guess they will be in the stores for the holiday season. Magellan and Garmin have history of not getting new products out as predicited.


I will have to look at the XL as repalcement for my meridian.


Thanks for the link and discussion re: the new exorcist XL.


After reading all about the wonderful download options for this unit I was left wondering if the folks at Thales/Magellan had decided to include the ability to upload waypoints and tracks to your PC. I did a quick search on the interjet but came up empty handed.

Have any of you heard anything? :lol:

After reading all about the wonderful download options for this unit I was left wondering if the folks at Thales/Magellan had decided to include the ability to upload waypoints and tracks to your PC.

The eXplorist 400,500,600 have this ability already. The eXplorist XL will most likely have that ability too.


Just fired off a happy little note to Magellan...


"Congratulations on the new Xplorist XL! How about fixing the older model Firmware first. Having the capability to use a 1 GB card is great but the limit of 500 waypoints (and only 200 with messages) is crazy. Garmin allows 1000 on one of their units. The Alarm/Backlight problem still is not fixed as is the multiple button presses to use DirectRoute efficently. Not to mention the fact that we are still waiting on an update for that software..."


Won't you send them your regards also! :lol:

"Measuring 6.4 x 2.9 x 1.3 inches"

This thing is like a brick compared to the explorist 4/5/600. However if they build in a better geocache manager (i.e., editable geocache spots with more than 50 character of information displayed) this thing might be able to replace a separate PDA to do paperless geocacing.


My dream handheld right now is a ruggedsized iQue M5 that doesn't crash often. That thing does everything I want but is too fragile and unstable.

I think the plan is to add this capability to both the XL and the 4/5/600 units. I'm betting this doesn't happen until the end of the year, but we'll see. I would love to be proven wrong and see it sooner! :lol:




The eX-XL sounds interesting (a bit big, though). Makes me wonder if Garmin has something planned to compete for the Fall/Holiday period. Anyone heard anything? Seems like they gone quite a while without a major new product...

Posted (edited)

It is not all that large, it is about the same size as my meridian gold which I used as my number one GPS for about two years. Sure it is bigger than my Explorist 500 or my Sport track color but I carried my Meridian gold to hundreds of caches. It will fit into my shirt pocket ;)


I still use my Meridian gold with my Explorist 500- I like the larger screen on the Meridian gold for street navigation.

Edited by JohnnyVegas
Just fired off a happy little note to Magellan...


"Congratulations on the new Xplorist XL! How about fixing the older model Firmware first. Having the capability to use a 1 GB card is great but the limit of 500 waypoints (and only 200 with messages) is crazy. Garmin allows 1000 on one of their units. The Alarm/Backlight problem still is not fixed as is the multiple button presses to use DirectRoute efficently. Not to mention the fact that we are still waiting on an update for that software..."


Won't you send them your regards also! ;)

I agree with the 200 descriptions. However I don't understand your reference to only 500 waypoints. All Magellans with SD can store unlimited waypoints.

Are you disappointed by the inconvenience of switching between waypoint files? I find this waypoint file system very convenient. It's the perfect way to organize different search criteria between Queries.

As a side note. The more waypoints on the screen at the same time slows things down. It also clutters up the zoomed out screen. I often erase waypoints before navigating with Directroute. Then reload them later, as needed.

Just fired off a happy little note to Magellan...

The more waypoints on the screen at the same time slows things down. It also clutters up the zoomed out screen. I often erase waypoints before navigating with Directroute. Then reload them later, as needed.

No need to erase waypoints on a 400/500/600. Just deactivate that POI file.

You can route to *any* POI in your memory or on the SD card by picking "up folder" and then navigating to the file that has the waypoint you want.


I use this trick all the time when I'm out caching. I de-activate my master POI file and create a new one to hold the various waypoints that get created on that session (stages in a multi, locationless caches, etc). If I decide to divert to one of my regular waypoints, or a waypoint from a previous session, I just pick that waypoint out of the file for the goto. When I get home, I switch the POI back to my "main one"

Shoot MAN...ya'll are scaring me will all the negative talk on the 600 seein' as though I JUST put my order in for one!!!

Don't worry - the 600 is a fantastic unit and I'm not in any hurry to switch mine. The only issues I have will more than likely be fixed by a firmware update - eventually.


The key with the 600 is to dump the geocache manager software and use GSAK instead, and keep your POI/Geocache files at or under 200.


The eXplorist XL claims you can leave the PDA at home. Fat chance of that even if the Geocache manager is a vast improvement. I doubt the newer software will handle multis or mystery caches with any grace.


I've presently got information for 4300 geocaches on my eXplorist, and maps that are much larger than anything I've had before in my hand. It sniffs out geocaches like no tommorrow.


I can basically drive about 500km from home in any direction and go caching with the information in my GPS. Multis require my PDA to follow me. It's great though to be able to go somewhere and 'happen to see' a little green traditional cache go by on the map. I can opportunity cache right then and there - something the 500 waypoint Garmin universe doesn't allow.


The XL will be an interesting addition to the line, but as I said earlier - I've got my 600 and I'm sticking with it.

Just fired off a happy little note to Magellan...

The more waypoints on the screen at the same time slows things down. It also clutters up the zoomed out screen. I often erase waypoints before navigating with Directroute. Then reload them later, as needed.

No need to erase waypoints on a 400/500/600. Just deactivate that POI file.

You can route to *any* POI in your memory or on the SD card by picking "up folder" and then navigating to the file that has the waypoint you want.


I use this trick all the time when I'm out caching. I de-activate my master POI file and create a new one to hold the various waypoints that get created on that session (stages in a multi, locationless caches, etc). If I decide to divert to one of my regular waypoints, or a waypoint from a previous session, I just pick that waypoint out of the file for the goto. When I get home, I switch the POI back to my "main one"

Are waypoints generalized as POI now? I am still using a Meridian. I do not recognize the POI management you are referring to. Thanks for the info though.

However I don't understand your reference to only 500 waypoints. All Magellans with SD can store unlimited waypoints.

And I can lift 5,000 pounds.


...just not all at the same time.


I love my 500 and the way you can set up your caches to different files or folders

and gsak makes it a snap in 3 weeks I've found over 100 caches with it. Almost all of them have been dead on. Its been consistently closer then my gold, it shows more sats and a few times it's showed both waas sats.

Now if they would just tweak the firmware like some of the others have mentioned :lol::P:P:P

However I don't understand your reference to only 500 waypoints. All Magellans with SD can store unlimited waypoints.

And I can lift 5,000 pounds.


...just not all at the same time.

I'm glad you concur. I think.? :lol:

Posted (edited)
I've presently got information for 4300 geocaches on my eXplorist, and maps that are much larger than anything I've had before in my hand. It sniffs out geocaches like no tommorrow.

You can show 4300 geocaches at the same time on map on the eXplorist?! And is it POIs or geocache mode you are using?

Edited by hoxbox
You can show 4300 geocaches at the same time on map on the eXplorist?!

You can't SHOW that many at the same time; the screen would just be a mass of black pixels.


You can STORE as many POIs and/or caches as you can stuff on the removable memory card (depends on the size of the card), though you'd have to save big groups into separate files.

Shoot MAN...ya'll are scaring me will all the negative talk on the 600 seein' as though I JUST put my order in for one!!!

Most of the negative talk is directed towards magellan so that they get off their lazy butts to fix the minor firmware bugs and to upgrade their geocaching software. :lol: As far as the explorist600 goes its a great piece of hardware. Magellan really needs to step up the plate as far as product support goes. :P


Like I said the Explorist600 is a nice piece of hardware but I truly think that the explorist line of GPSs could be so much better if magellan would listen to the feedback its most likely getting, but from the reply I got from their tech support I got a couple weeks back, I'm not to expect any firmware or enhancements before the end of the year.

You can show 4300 geocaches at the same time on map on the eXplorist?! And is it POIs or geocache mode you are using?


You can make active one Geocache file of 200 and one POI (standard waypoint file) of 500 and have them show on the screen at one time. You can quickly change which files you want active and show on the screen. The POI file can be of geocaches, this is easy to create from a .gpx file using GSAK.


Another interesting thing is that if you are in the field and create a new waypoint, you can save it in any POI file, whether it is active or not. YOu can save it in a file on your SD card or in the internal memory.

I've presently got information for 4300 geocaches on my eXplorist, and maps that are much larger than anything I've had before in my hand. It sniffs out geocaches like no tommorrow.

You can show 4300 geocaches at the same time on map on the eXplorist?! And is it POIs or geocache mode you are using?

I have separate files for the various regions I travel to stored on the SD card. 200 geocaches are active at one time. I activate the file for whatever area I happen to be in at the time.


Same goes for POI files, I tend to activate the one for what I'm doing, but I can still get at the other waypoints if I want to establish a GOTO. Around here the cache density is pretty high and even 200 waypoints can clutter the screen.


This Explorist XL Measures 6.4"H x 2.9"W x 1.3"D


Not much different than the size of the 276C, which is:

5.7"W x 3.2"H x 1.9"D


Only difference is one is landscape mode and the other is portrait mode.

Here's a picture of the XL:




What does everyone think of the size/style and capabilities?

Well, I took a look at the screen and noticed a different waypoint icon, which I'll call the mapquest star. It sure would be nice it the eXplorists developed some new waypoint icons over the (quite lousy) ones that are there already. Now that's something I'd like to see.


As I've said before, I'm hoping this beast (and it is a beast at that size) triggers a firmware update for the rest of us eXplorist users.


I'm sticking with my 600, since one of the primary reasons I got it was to avoid some of those VCR tape sized GPSrs out there. I like the small size of mine. I do think the 3" screen would be nice on the dashboard. Then again, I can always hook up my 15" laptop screen for that.....


From the link...

color TFT LCD screen


Does TFT color imply a "full" 256 color palette, or just 16 like the other Explorists?


..looks pretty much like basic color to me(?)



Here's a picture of the XL:




What does everyone think of the size/style and capabilities?

Well, I took a look at the screen and noticed a different waypoint icon, which I'll call the mapquest star. It sure would be nice it the eXplorists developed some new waypoint icons over the (quite lousy) ones that are there already. Now that's something I'd like to see.


As I've said before, I'm hoping this beast (and it is a beast at that size) triggers a firmware update for the rest of us eXplorist users.


I'm sticking with my 600, since one of the primary reasons I got it was to avoid some of those VCR tape sized GPSrs out there. I like the small size of mine. I do think the 3" screen would be nice on the dashboard. Then again, I can always hook up my 15" laptop screen for that.....

When you load GPX files the icons on the screen of the explorist are just like the one on the Geocaching web site, A green box for a reg cache and Two yellow boxes for a multi.

I do not have any Virtual caches loaded on my GPS now because I did all the virt. in this area already, it will show the icon for an event cache on the explorist screen


My guess is that they would keep this feature for the explorist XL.


The icon in the photo may not be geocaching related, there are people who buy GPSr that are not interested in geocaching <_<


As far as the size issue, I remember when Magellan anounced the Explorist 400 500 and 600, then there was a bunch of posters complaining they are too small to use. :rolleyes:


I wonder if the same posters that have said having an SD card slot is a waste in a GPSs will say the same thing when the new Garmin XXXX comes out next year with an SD card slot.

When you load GPX files the icons on the screen of the explorist are just like the one on the Geocaching web site, A green box for a reg cache and Two yellow boxes for a multi.

I do not have any Virtual caches loaded on my GPS now because I did all the virt. in this area already, it will show the icon for an event cache on the explorist screen

Yup, I like seeing all those green boxes, ghosts and their kin. Earthcaches and Letterbox caches look *cool* on my eXplorist screen. It's the regular POI icons that stink. My eTrex Legend, with a black and white screen had much better icons for things.


I find myself just using the bullseye "Shooting" icon for all my POI waypoints. A little disappointed considering that I consider my eXplorist 600 to be leagues beyond the eTrex Legend.


My money is on that screen still being a 16 colour screen on the XL. So far the product is basically an overgrown 600 with a bigger screen and more memory.


My 600 on the other hand seems to be a Meridian that was shrunk. So expanding on that thinking, which is basically if I'm limited to the same waypoint icons that mapsend has had for several years, it is quite unlikely that Magellan has bothered to tweak things much for a 256 colour screen.

Posted (edited)

To me it looks like the eX600+ The only visual change I can see is the lager screen and the SD card door on the side. On that note, the door seems to be larger than necessary. Wondering if "possibly" they could be hiding a small USB port behind that door for truly easy charging and upload/download. A person can dream...


Nah, couldn't be. Kind of like lame anime, only one thing changes at a time. :blink:



Oh, and if you look closely at the pics, it appears as if they have changed the click stick configuration. Or is it just my old eyes?

Edited by Jhwk
Posted (edited)
To me it looks like the eX600+  The only visual change I can see is the lager screen and the SD card door on the side.


Ok, I like the door concept. Ripping the battery out every time I change cards is a pain with my 600.

I wonder sometimes if that may have contributed to the early death of my first 600 (I'm on #2 now).


Holding my 600 in front of the screen while I look at the picture, the click stick looks the same to me

Edited by northernpenguin
Posted (edited)

has anybody noticed on the new explorist xl that on the side of it is the words "sd" thats looks like where the sd card will go? so the unit is going to have a lithium battery area and a seperate sd card slot area?I don't see how this unit will pass for any kind of water resistance,after a couple of removals of the rubber gasket and it banging on your hip or backpack, anybody think thats going to be problem, . what do you think,might be easier to remove card but at what cost. maybe I could be completely wrong on this. but the unit looks very nice.


Edited by flir67

I don't know why there is even a need for a door to change the SD card. at least with my 500 I can load my maps onto the SD card while it is in the GPS. It only takes a few minutes. Of course today I bought a large card so I guess I my change it now.


As part of the eXplorist XL there are new map products on that DVD, namely DirectRoute NA 3.0 and Topo3D Canada.

This was posted on the eXplorist group at yahoo:



Passing along the information that Magellan has posted quickstart

guides for these programs (thanks, Allory):


DirectRoute North America 3.0



Topo 3D USA version 1.5



Topo 3D Canada version 1.5





One thing I don't like already on those links is the product activation like method of locking you to one GPS unit. While it's all fine and dandy that they don't want me to be giving all my friends maps, I think I should be able to load maps on my wife's unit with re-purchasing all the software again.


Even better, what happens when I upgrade to say an "eXplorist 1200" in a couple years. Has Magellan forgotten the marketing method of map-product loyalty? If I have to buy $400 in maps every time I upgrade --- what stops me from going Garmin on my next unit?


My next question for Magellan -- since they had us all run out and buy DR 2 and Topo Canada for our brand new units in May -- are we going to get a deal on the upgrade prices?


What's next for Magellan?


I'm half expecting to open the box for that eXplorist 1200 in the future and read:


"Magellan GPS units are licensed to one individual only. Magellan GPS products require DNA encoding that will be kept on file at the Magellan Web. Magellan GPS units must be connected to the web for authorization before each use."

From the link...
color TFT LCD screen


Does TFT color imply a "full" 256 color palette, or just 16 like the other Explorists?


..looks pretty much like basic color to me(?)



I notice these units are still being designed for people with small hands. The rest of us have to use one hand just to hold it, the other hand for pressing the buttons :laughing: I think I'll keep the Garmin 76C on my Christmas list.

Posted (edited)

I made the image below much bigger using photoshop.



When you Press MARK or GOTO buttons on the GPS, these buttons are too close to the bottom edge of the unit, and I had this problem with my Platinum I had. When I Pressed the bottom buttons on the Platinum while running from cache to cache, I was afraid of dropping the GPS unit, and hopefully a wrist stap can remedy this problem, when pressing the bottom 2 buttons, and the GPS not flying out of your hands, onto the rocks below.

Edited by GOT GPS?

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