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Magellan Vs Garmin

aka Monkey

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Here we go again...


I know many of the French suck


How can you disagree with this? Do you love every French person you have ever met? I sure don't love every American I have ever met. I by no means said all of them suck. I said many of them do, as do many Americans, Mexicans, etc etc...


made by a bunch of stinky, cheese eating cowards.


This one was a complete JOKE and somewhat of an inside joke. I got into it a while ago with DessertWarrior, because BELIEVE IT OR NOT I was DEFENDING the French. I like Magellan GPS's and I was saying that French are people too, and just because during the war, some of them acted with cowardice, doesnt mean that we should hate all French people. I did add the little :lol: at the end. I was not being serious by any means, and will apologize completely to you. I have no reason or desire to start a war again. Coming from a family of immigrants, I do not take an "America is the best country" stance. I have dealt with enough generalizations to know that I shouldnt be making them. I know it probably wasnt the most PC statement, but I am a little sick of the "sensitivity" that people have about EVERYTHING.


So, again, I apologize for your take on my statement, which didnt contain any seriousness. I hope we can still be frends.

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I just want to add a non-political response to say that I have been happy with my Meri-Plat, Sportrak Pro and Sportrak Color. I think they perform excellent under tree cover. I also think they do a good job of marking waypoints because of their continuous averaging.


We also have an eTrex yellow and a Geko 301 that we like as well. They seem to perform better (patch vs quad antenna) in areas where there are lots of reflective surfaces (like tall buildings).


If I were to go buying a new GPS right now, I'd be looking hard at the Garmin 60C. I think that one is pretty nice.



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Coming from a family of immigrants, I do not take an "America is the best country" stance.

You're all immigrants! An occupying force on our lands. :lol:

Most all of you come from the same genetic lines as the French and Germans. You're just on our side of the Atlantic pointing fingers at your relatives.


Magellan makes the only quality GPSr with unlimited memory. I'm not going to boycott it because some of the companies pencil pushers are in France.


BTW: America is the best country. I wouldn't live in any other. We just have to keep the Liberal freaks from turning it into a Germany or Franch.

Edited by leatherman
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It's amazing how easily Americans can get whipped up into a religious fervor to hate some race, creed, religion, sex, political affiliation, or whatever.


My company is a US government contractor that has a joint venture with Thales to provide battlefield systems for the US military.


Magellan's home base is located right on El Camino Real in Santa Clara. You can't miss it.


As for the comparison between the two makes, I would normally accept the opinions of just about anybody here as expert, since I'm new to GPSr ownership. But now I'm starting to think that GPS'ers who post are a bunch of backwards hillbillies.


Isn't owning a GPSr supposed to make you a bit more "worldly?"



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But now I'm starting to think that GPS'ers who post are a bunch of backwards hillbillies.


You said it. You might as well get out while you still can! :lol:


Pretty soon (if not already) you will find youself drawn to these forums. Sometimes they can even keep you from going caching!


Oh my god! I have 734 posts! What the hell have I been doing?! At least that's less than Sparky...


BTW... I do agree that America is the best country. I wouldnt really want to live anywhere else.


Magellan's home base is located right on El Camino Real in Santa Clara. You can't miss it.


I hope you are right about that, for my sake. What do we do now Dessert Warrior? We are back to square one! Do you have any proof baozebub? I'd be curious to know for sure!

Edited by SBPhishy
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Go to superpages.com and type in Magellan for the business name. Type in Santa Clara for city and California for state.


Any company that contracts with the US government is not gonna go off onto some tax shelter. That's not good for Americans like you and me.


I'll probably stick around these forums despite the crazies. I love my Magellan Meridian Color so far. It's my latest cool toy. But then, not having any experience with an equivalent Garmin, I don't realy know any better.



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So, again, I apologize for your take on my statement, which didnt contain any seriousness. I hope we can still be friends.


No problem.


For the record: I love America as much as I love France. Having spent a 3rd of my life here in the US (12 years now), I've learned to appreciate it deeply. In many ways, I like living in the US a lot more than living in France. But that's it.


Having lived in 6 different countries, I can assure you that the 'best' one is only in the eye of the beholder.





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You're all immigrants! An occupying force on our lands. :o

Most all of you come from the same genetic lines as the French and Germans. You're just on our side of the Atlantic pointing fingers at your relatives.........


NOT all uf us. :lol:


Throwing gas on the fire and running :lol:


Now to get back on topic. I like my MeriGold, I have never used a Garmin product so I will not comment on their abilities. The big factor for me was the SD cards.


On a side Off-topic note:

Yes the manufacturer is a French company, as stated earlier they employ lots of Americans here in the States, and I will not boycott American Labor.

Edited by Cherokeecacher
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It's definately just a personal preference thing.


I knew I wanted a color screen. Wasn't concerned about memory cards, but thought they would be a nice bonus. Went to Outdoor World and played with both a Meridian Color and a 60C. I felt they would both do the things I wanted them to do, but I couldn't get comfortable with the size of the Meridian. The 60C just felt better in my hand. Since my wife would be using it, too, I had her look at them. Without any comments from me, she came to the same conclusion. So, we ended up with the 60C


I was really hoping I'd like the Meridian better, 'cause it had a much nicer price. Dang these smaller hands!!! :lol:

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I have many friends who use Garmins, and a few who use Magellan's (like me). The Garmins seem to not be as accurate in tree cover, but they are smalller and easier to find cases for (though my Meridian and a spare pair of AA's fit nicely in a large sunglass case.)


I think that the Rhino's are of questionable value given that they are FRS and seem to have a hard time transmitting more than a mile (especially when in woods or when one or more of you is in a car. (based on my limited experience)


Color is nice, but do you REALLY need it? Remember the PDA development arc. You paid more to go from a Palm to a Palm III, and more to go to a Handspring. Each time getting more useful stuff. Then the arc flattened and we kept paying more, but getting only marginally useful stuff for the extra money. This progressed till we get the Sonys that have cameras and revolving screens and on and on, but the fundamentally useful stuff, isn't much different from the Handspring. Get to pay more, but does it really help you?


Overall, try them both at a store that carries both, skip stores that only carry one brand. See how they acquire a signal in the store. If they can get a signal inside a big metal and concrete box, there is little that some tree is going to do to you.

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1. You can bash the French government all you want, I couldn't care less. Just don't lump all things 'French' together.


I do not mean to start another flame war here.


2. Really? Did you expect a medal instead?

1. It isn't just the Government. Do you vote? The voters put them in office, and keep them there too.


2. No, got enough already, from countries still grateful for the help.


BTW, been to France a few times. Friendly isn't a word I would use in most of the country. This excludes the Normandy area. Guess they remember.


If I didn't have family in Europe, don't believe I would go at all anymore.


My experience alone, but valid for me.

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With all my High Tech Devices, I found it interesting to do some caches with the Magellan GPS 315, and a very easy GPS to use on cache hunts.


High Tech TOYZ

My big thing with the fancy new GPS units is as a Tracklogger, and a device for keeping track of my Running and Hiking, and something to play with.


One thing I think is interesting is that all the GPS units I like, use the round 4pin Garmin plug, and that makes it quick to plug in, download, then unplug quickly. I don't like the interface cable that you have to screw in, to make a connection.


With the Magellans, and GPSmap 60C, You can turn off all the pages that don't apply to finding a cache, which makes it simple.



These things I mentioned above are the factors in my selection of a GPS unit.

Your needs may be different.

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I hope you are right about that, for my sake.  What do we do now Dessert Warrior?  We are back to square one!  Do you have any proof baozebub? I'd be curious to know for sure!


Well, if you read back in THIS THREAD about the 15th message down, I provided the links to Thales in France, and Magellan. Let the links speak for themselves. :)


AND NOTE: I didn't, and never have said that the Magellans are terrible units. I have simply stated why I will never own one. Well, never is a long time. You can't tell the future. But I bet I could get odds on that one!


BTW, Thales got its beginning in the late 1800s from an American company, Thompson something-or-other.

Edited by Desert_Warrior
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I own a Garmin eTrex Legend. It has been working quite well. The downside is it takes awhile to find satelites. Magellan SportTraks have lit keypads, Garmin dosn't. But since Garmin has the buttons laid out on the sides it's easier to memorize what buttons does what. So their isn't really a need for them to be lit. garmin eTrex units are also very durable. They can take a beating and still work. I also like Etrex over SportTracks because they don't have a big hump sticking out the top. But I guess the hump is probably for the built in antenna, and it gives it a advantage over the Etrex for finding satelites and working better in tree cover. The basemap for Garmin units are alot better in Canada. But the basemaps for Magellans is better in the US than Garmin. The Garmins are also more affordable. So if you live in Canada I would get a Garmin, if your live in the US get a Magellan.

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After having read through this entire thread I still find price and maybe the SD card to be the only thing I like about Magellan.


On an old two digit Magellan one cool feature was a little lock. When the lock was open it meant that you had lost your lock and when it was closed the signal was good. Why they changed that so that you had to re-set your Magellan in some buried menu to tell you you lost lock instead of guessing I don't know.


Even on my Garmin I'd rather see that little symbol than have to listen to it beep and whistle like R2D2. Then again, I should probably try it out under tree cover before I form my final opinion on it. At least I do know there is a lock issue when there is a lock issue.

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Another cool feature that doesnt exist anymore is that on the old 315's, when the backlight was on, you would get a little lightbulb logo, like on the eTrex's. It was cool because you could tell if the light was on in the day time. Now, with my MeriGold, it doesnt do that, and I have to hold the MeriGold up to my ear and listen for the buzzing sound to know if its on or not.

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So happy to see that the Garmin c/cs button layout looks suspiciously like my Magellan Meridian. Glad they came around.

I wish everyone would stick the buttons on the top of the hand held instead of the bottom like the GPS V has. That way you can operate your GPS one handed easily. Moving them to the bottom looks nicer but when I'm holding a GPS my thumb is on top. Normally I've got a hicking stick in the other hand so one handed operation is nice.

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I wish everyone would stick the buttons on the top of the hand held instead of the bottom like the GPS V has. That way you can operate your GPS one handed easily. Moving them to the bottom looks nicer but when I'm holding a GPS my thumb is on top. Normally I've got a hicking stick in the other hand so one handed operation is nice.

I started with apples you started with oranges. I've used the GPS V. I think the button layout is poorly thought out. Your palm reaches across the screen while reaching for buttons.


It just feels natural to nestle the GPS in your palm. The buttons are right there at your thumb tip. I would be very angry if the buttons were moved to the top of the screen.

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Garmin or Magellan (handhelds)


My latest handheld was a SporTrak Color. It´s now returned.

It´s of course a personal choice from me. And the Color was not

bad at all. Good style and finish. But very battery-draining, seems to me

that about 5 hours with 1800mAh was the time before that beeping and

warnings signal started. Annoying short!


Also, Magellan SporTrak trip/ odometer function seems to shorten the

trip with say at least 5-10% and i some circumstances up to 30%.

When plotting down to my notebook the length is far more correct.


We have done several test in different surroundings, parks, streets.

And my friends now "old" Garmin Vista, won that competition every

time we walk side by side, and the gps-signals were probably exactly the same

to our gps.


In a national park, we were walking in some hour, measuring gps signal.

My SporTrak showed me a distance that was about 30% wrong, shorter,

than my friends Garmin Vista.


A his Vista wasn´t indicating WAAS/ EGNOS signal, (to old) but my SporTrak did.

In spite of that, Vista was the winner.


We did know the lenght, precisely 5 km.


My SporTrak showed me 3,65. And the Vista, about 5 km, I don´t

remember exactly.


For me, the 60C would be great, (ordered today). I don´t think I

need the compass. (CS)




Newest tech. most often refined ....

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1. You can bash the French government all you want, I couldn't care less. Just don't lump all things 'French' together.


I do not mean to start another flame war here.


2. Really? Did you expect a medal instead?

1. It isn't just the Government. Do you vote? The voters put them in office, and keep them there too.


2. No, got enough already, from countries still grateful for the help.


BTW, been to France a few times. Friendly isn't a word I would use in most of the country. This excludes the Normandy area. Guess they remember.


If I didn't have family in Europe, don't believe I would go at all anymore.


My experience alone, but valid for me.

Ok, there hasn't been much oil in the fire for a few days, so here I go then ...


Being a Kraut in the US, I am constantly faced with all these Americans that simply forgot which great European countries send their best to build this nation! And especially we Germans - was it not Germany who hieved the United States to the top of the pecking order 70 years ago! Simply no respect for that LOL


Ok, I hope you all take this the right (humorous) way ... And yes, Desert Warrior, I do respect your decision - as I do respect the views of all who think differently from me (including the French at times)


On the GPS units: I bought a SporTrack Map a week ago, but returned it because I did not feel comfortable with it. Got a Legend instead. Sure, not really a good technical argument, but at least I admit it :-)


Btw, does anybody know what OS the Garmin units run on?



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IndyStef... the Legend uses a modified version of WindowsCE... I don't know what the rest of 'em run on... I just got a 60c today and it's interface is similar to my Legend - minus the thumbstick (which I miss!).


I started out on a Magellan, got a Garmin StreetPilot III, then bought the Purple eTrex (which was the biggest piece of junk EVER :blink:), returned it for the Legend - which has served me well for a couple of years. I really had a tough time deciding whether I wanted the iQue 3600 (not a big fan of Palm Pilots... removable memory would have been cool, but a rechargable Lithium Ion battery that only lasts 10 hours was not), and finally decided that AutoRoute wasn't as important as 30 hour (removable) battery life and a more rugged case (and Geocaching mode).


One more note to all: I got a pretty good deal for my 60c on eBay... $410 including shipping for the 60c, the high-end auto kit (with portable mount, permanent mount, and auto adapter), and the North American MapSource CD. :D


I was able to load MapSource info for everything from Bowling Green, KY across to Johnson City, TN and then south to Tampa, FL (including all info for Nashville, Chattanooga, Atlanta, and Orlando and all connecting Interstate Highways in between) using 48 megs of memory, with 8 more megs available for caches.


So far I'm pleased... we'll see how it works on my first Geocache expeditions. Oh yea, it locates the sats about 10x faster than my Legend does, and can even peg 3 of 'em from inside my house.

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I was able to load MapSource info for everything from Bowling Green, KY across to Johnson City, TN and then south to Tampa, FL (including all info for Nashville, Chattanooga, Atlanta, and Orlando and all connecting Interstate Highways in between) using 48 megs of memory, with 8 more megs available for caches.


So far I'm pleased... we'll see how it works on my first Geocache expeditions. Oh yea, it locates the sats about 10x faster than my Legend does, and can even peg 3 of 'em from inside my house.

gBeast, throw some more maps on there. The waypoints don't exist in the same memory so you can use it all up.


I agree about satellite pickup. My 60C picks up about 5-6 satellites inside my condo. My Vista gets 1-2.

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