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Mmmm, Breasts!


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Man, I really like breasts.


Although I also enjoy a nice set of juicy legs.


Too bad we don't have Thanksgiving here in Canada tomorrow -- I really enjoy a good turkey dinner.


Guess I'll just have to dream about those breasts instead. :(



Edited by Jomarac5
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Man, I really like breasts.


Although I also enjoy a nice set of juicy legs.


Too bad we don't have Thanksgiving here in Canada tomorrow -- I really enjoy a good turkey dinner.


Guess I'll just have to dream about those breasts instead. :(



Another reason Canada is broken. :D Just kidding. :P

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Chris&Cindy wrote:

Another reason Canada is broken.  :(  Just kidding.  :D 

Nothing broken about it, and I know you're just joking.


We had our breasts, er, I mean Thanksgiving, last month -- it was great.


Tomorrow's Canadian dinner will be followed by more thoughts about that succulent, juicy, tender meat that our US friends will be enjoying.


I think we're having Lasagna or something for dinner at our house tomorrow.



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Too bad we don't have Thanksgiving here in Canada tomorrow -- I really enjoy a good turkey dinner.



Some people also happen to think that, along with Thanksgiving, which Canada celebrates a month before the USA, Canada should also align it's July 1 holiday with the USA's July 4...


I suppose a female geocacher should now feel entitled to start a thread about 'dicks' (subtitled 'for all those geocachers named Richard')



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Dark Meat: The meat used to do work

White Meat: The meat of the lazy parts


I'm sure there's been some reasearch on this, but my personal observations show dark meat eaters are more energeitc, and the white meat people need a nap. I'm not sure if that is because white meat has more tryptophan...or mabye dark meat has more iron.



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Did someone mention turkey?!?! *drool* man i am salivating again. I plan on taking one of my nephews to find a local cache after dinner.. dadgum the tryptophan, and full speed ahead to the cache!


This will hopefully mark my second find, and in hand introduce another person to geocaching. He needs it, he's at that age where he thinks everything in his life is a drag (middle child syndrome). We'll pull him aside and give him something to talk about when he returns to school.


Now,back to that turkey. Oh, wait, was this thread about food? :(

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Dark Meat: The meat used to do work

White Meat: The meat of the lazy parts


I'm sure there's been some reasearch on this, but my personal observations show dark meat eaters are more energeitc, and the white meat people need a nap. I'm not sure if that is because white meat has more tryptophan...or mabye dark meat has more iron.


Hey! The one time where my cell-bio class comes in usefull! The best park of the bird for fuel is in fact the dark meat. I'm not sure about the iron thing, or the tryptophan, but the for sure thing is the mitochondria. As we all have tried to forget from high school biology, the mitochondria is the "powerhouse of the cell", it's where ATP (the cellular energy/currancy) is made, so all of those little organelles are giving you that boost of energy. Sort of.... I'm not sure how that transfers over once you get into digestion, but there you go.


And I agree with the previous post, the white meat makes the best sandwiches. :(

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Yeah, the Packer Lion game, I think this is another thread but hmmmm.


I'll be watching that game and cheering for the opposite team that you will be cheering for, who knows maybe we'll get lucky. :(


Oh yeah, I will be eating a white breast meat turkey sandwich while watching that game. :D

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Turkey Day:

I stock shelves for Hungry Humans at night, and I have to work on the nites of Turkey Day, Christmas, New Years eve, Easter, and etc. I supply food for the lucky few, who get lots of time off. I work for a large store chain, and they gave me wednesday, and Friday off, so this means that I would be getting a quick taste of turkey before work, at a house, where they invited alot of people. As far as the Turkey holiday weekend, it will be mostly rain.


I like 50/50:

Good Breasts, and nice juicey Dark meat.


TURKEY: An Ugly critter with good breasts.


This post has been chewed on by GOT GPS? on Nov 27 2003, 07:33 AM

Edited by GOT GPS?
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Zuuky wrote:

Canada should also align it's July 1 holiday with the USA's July 4...

Maybe the US should change it's Fourth of July to the First of July.


Heck, maybe we should all just take the whole week off. Yeah, that's it. :(



Living close to the border, I think it's great just the way it is.


When us Canuks are celebrating July 1, everything up here is closed, so the US being open gives us a place to go. And you folks in the US are celebrating July 4, we're open for business up here.


Around here, it's pretty much a 4 day celebration.

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Hey! The one time where my cell-bio class comes in usefull! The best park of the bird for fuel is in fact the dark meat. I'm not sure about the iron thing, or the tryptophan, but the for sure thing is the mitochondria. As we all have tried to forget from high school biology, the mitochondria is the "powerhouse of the cell", it's where ATP (the cellular energy/currancy) is made, so all of those little organelles are giving you that boost of energy. Sort of.... I'm not sure how that transfers over once you get into digestion, but there you go.


And I agree with the previous post, the white meat makes the best sandwiches.  ;)

Actually, both the white meat and the dark meat are metabolized the same way, all the protein is broken down to its simplest components amino acids which are absorbed and then used by the body for rebuilding complex proteins.


More on the ATP cycle here and the Krebs Cycle which generates the energy to recycle ADP back to ATP




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Breast's and Football. What a pair, pun intended. GO DOLPHINS!! ;)

I agree with all of this. Woo Hoo! Run Ricky Run.


I like chicken breast meat better than turkey breast meat.


There's a benchmark up near my parent's house that hasn't been recovered in almost 70 years. It's very tempting, but I'd have to cross some private property and haven't done the necessary footwork to deal with that aspect of it yet, so I guess I'll be watching some football instead today.

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I must admit, I'm not much of a breast gal myself, but thighs... oh yeah.


Then of course there's the stuffing. I cannot believe NO ONE has mentioned stuffing. Maybe we should discuss the relative merits and safety issues involved it being cooked inside or out.






Edited by CurmudgeonlyGal
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A user reported this topic to the moderators with the following message:


"I think this topic should be closed. It is ovbious people are

referring to breasts in a way that is not okay. I thought this was supposed to

be a family oriented place?"


Closing this thread.

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