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You write the caption (April 3)

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Ned Beatty's Deliverance Cache


To log this virtual cache, take a photo of yourself at the posted coordinates, squealing like a pig, and e-mail your photo to the hider at hillbilly@redneck.com .



I was formerly employed by the Department of Redundancy Department, but I don't work there anymore.


Hey look! I just found the "Petrified Hydrant" cache. Sure smells like four footed cachers have marked their territory here.

Canine History books have documented this as "... the oldest known hydrant ever to exist; over 2000 years. That is over 14000 in dog years."


I'm not gonna drink from that!




According to his or her personal experience, each person must decide by himself or herself where they have been. Always for me the most important thing is not where the others have gone but the experience lived through.-Reinhold Messner


Hmmm, You don't have to be a weatherman, to tell which way the wind "BLOWS"


Mzee ~~~ "There must be someway out of here", Said the Joker to the Thief ~~~


As Helen prepared to plunge into the festering pool which conatined the ammo box, she wondered again if she should trust the cache's instructions that the water was deep enough to dive into.


Will cache for food.migo_sig_logo.jpg


To log this cache, you must hold your breath until the next cacher comes along




Dang, two yellow eTrex's and I still can't upload maps


"I would give my right arm to be ambidextrous!"

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