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Really cool cache container on E-bay!

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Wow, what a great scam! I wish I had thought of it first. I can't believe 67 idiots actually bid on this thing and it is now going for $14,100. Are people really that naive?


It had me going until I read the part about the journal crumbling in his hands. I think that was a little over the top.


Does any geocacher actually believe that this is legit? I'd be curious to know.



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Oh, man... you just can't make this stuff up sometimes, can you? LOL! That's great!


"I'm a graverobber, but I'm selling this thing I found!"


Joel (joefrog)


"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for ye are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"

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... [in an] old abandoned cemetery with the foundation of a homesite or Church or something nearby. While searching around the foundation, my [metal] detector indicated there was something in the ground close by the southwest corner of the foundation. After digging down about 2 feet my shovel struck a wooden box that had nearly rotted out.


And folks get ****ed at us for walking through the woods? This guy's DIGGING up the place!




What appears to be coming at you is coming from you.

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Originally posted by enfanta:

what, you can't say pi$$ed here anymore??


What appears to be coming at you is coming from you.

Try not to get too PlSSED about it! icon_smile.gif


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.

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Check out this whacky haunted doll auction... this person was almost hysterical with the description. The pictures are really well taken. And the story/sales/snow-job is quite entertaining. In fact the seller made up one auction for the Doll, obviously bidded on it himself, cancelled the auction and then started it back up again with even more drama to the story.

original bogus auction

follow up auction this is grand, it even has video of the doll, with "ghost voices" and the doll's arm moving.


Team Kender - "The Sun is coming up!" "No, the horizon is going down."

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But why pay more? For only $29.95 plus $3.70 shipping, you can get your own!




From a happy customer:

I lived alone for most of my life. My spirit guide led me to a cafe I'd never been in before. [...] Together we are very happy and a child is on the way.
Also available: certification in past lives, ET abductions, and psychic counseling.


Here's the closest cache (so far):




I expect to see a "Ghost in a Jar" cache momentarily. icon_eek.gif



- Team Og Rof A Klaw

All who wander are not lost.


[This message was edited by Team Og Rof A Klaw on June 05, 2003 at 12:06 PM.]

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Originally posted by RedWingBlackBird:

On Ebay, search for 'Ghost in a Jar' - you'll get some really funny returns.

I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. I didn't know that this type of eBay humor existed. What a riot. I needed a good laugh, thanks!



"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"

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Originally posted by Team Kender:

Check out this whacky haunted doll auction... this person was almost hysterical with the description. The pictures are really well taken. And the story/sales/snow-job is quite entertaining. In fact the seller made up one auction for the Doll, obviously bidded on it himself, cancelled the auction and then started it back up again with even more drama to the story.


http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2388&item=2925049301 this is grand, it even has video of the doll, with "ghost voices" and the doll's arm moving.



Isn't it weird that he got NO bids on the second (revised) auction, yet when he relisted the exact same thing he got 28 bids and apparently managed to sell it for $207.50?




Go figure!



Mysteries Inc.



"Their poverty, combined with their na?vete and limited knowledge of the world, left them no choice but to put cheap, uninteresting stuff in their time capsule." -- from an article in the ONION, 14 Oct. 1999

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