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Famous Quotes that could pertain to Geocaching.

El Diablo

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I just thought I'd include my most favorite recent quote, whether it has anything to do with Geocaching is up to your own interpretation...lol.


*Over the years the United States has sent many of it's fine young men and women into great peril to fight for freedome beyond our borders.


The only amount of land we have ever asked for in return is enough to bury those that did not return.*


General Collin Powell.


(I sure wish I had a little saluting icon right about now....)



"Afghanistan was a battle. Iraq was a battle. The war goes on."

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For the forums:


Attempting to debate with a person who has abandoned reason is like giving medicine to the dead. - Thomas Paine


'Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.' - Euripides


Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.


When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the Fire Department usually uses water.


Never argue with an idiot. Bystanders can't tell the difference.



Next time, instead of getting married, I think I'll just find a woman I don't like and buy her a house.

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He who hesitates is not only lost, but miles from the next exit.



All that is gold does not glitter; not all those that wander are lost.

J. R. R. Tolkien (1892 - 1973), The Fellowship of the Ring, 1954


Whoever said, "It's not whether you win or lose that counts," probably lost!

M. Navratilova


Nothing which has entered into our experience is ever lost.

William E. Channing


Man's chiefest treasure is a sparing tongue.

Hesiod (~800 BC)


Treasure your relationships, not your possessions.

Anthony J. D'Angelo, The College Blue Book


stealyourcache.gif Ever notice how anyone that caches more than you do is a maniac, while anyone that caches less than you do is an idiot? -Dru Morgan

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OK, for those of you with young or sensitive ears nearby, please be advised that the following quote may not be appropriate:


“Excuses are like a$$ho!es, everyone has one and they all stink!”


From a football coach in high school when I made an excuse.


See the happy moron

He doesn't give a da**

I wish I were a moron

My God, perhaps I am

Author Unknown

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"I looked for it and I found it

Miles Standish proud: Congratulate me"

--R.E.M., "Begin the Begin"


"Stay off that highway: word is it's not so safe

The grasses that hide the green-backs,

the amber waves of gain again

the amber waves of gain


Green grow the rushes go

Green grow the rushes go

Green grow the rushes go

The compass points the workers home"

--R.E.M., "Green Grow the Rushes"


"We're all doing fine beneath the satellites."

--Rhythm Corps, "Life Beneath the Satellites"


And of course:




"I saw two shooting stars last night,

I wished on them--but they were only satellites!

Is it wrong to wish on space hardware?

I wish, I wish, I wish you'd care."

--Billy Bragg, "A New England"

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I would like to reassign this one to the Cache Pirates:


May they LIVE this as a daily plague...


The Archbishop of Glasgow's "Monition of Cursing" against the Border Reivers


Note: This was taken from George MacDonald Fraser's book THE STEEL BONNETS, and was included in the Blacksheep Society's "Shades of Gray" book, I published in 2000.


Jeff Scism


"Gude folks, heir at my Archibischop of Glasgwis letters under his round sele, direct to me or any uther chapellane, makand mensioun, with greit regrait, how hevy he beris the pietous, lamentabill, and dolorous complaint that pass our all realme and commis to his eris, be oppin voce and fame, how our souverane lordis trew liegis, men, wiffis and barnys, bocht and redeimit be the precious blude of our Salviour Jhesu Crist, and levand in his lawis, are saikleslie (innocently) part murdrist, part slayne, brynt, heryit, spulziet (spoiled) and reft, oppinly on day licht and under silens of the nicht, and thair takis (farms) and landis laid waist, and thair self banyst therfra, als wele kirklandis as utheris, be commoun tratouris, ravaris, theiffis, dulleand in the south part of this realme, sic as Tevidale, Esdale, Liddisdale, Ewisdale, Nedisdale, and Annandereaill; quhilis hes bene diverse ways persewit and punist be the temperale swerd and our Soverane Lordis auctorite, and dredis nocht the samyn.

And thairfoir my said Lord Archbischop of Glasgw hes thocht expedient to strike thame with the terribill swerd of halykirk, quhilk thai may nocht lang endur and resist; and has chargeit me, or any uther chapellane, to denounce, declair and proclame thaim oppinly and generalie cursit, at this market-croce, and all utheris public places.

Hairfor throw the auctorite of Almichty God, the Fader of hevin, his Son, our Saviour, Jhesu Crist, and of the Halygaist; throw the auctorite of the Blissit Virgin Sanct Mary, Sanct Michael, Sanct Gabriell, and all the angellis; Sanct John the Baptist, and all the haly patriarkis and prophets; Sanct Peter, Sanct Paull, Sanct Andro, and all haly appostillis; Sanct Stephin, Sanct Laurence, and all haly mertheris (martyrs); Sanct Gile, Sanct Martyn, and all haly confessouris; Sanct Anne, Sanct Katherin, and all haly virginis and matronis; and of all the sanctis and haly company of hevin; be the auctorite of our Haly Fader the Paip and his cardinalis, aned of my said Lord Archibischop of Glasgw, be the avise and assistance of my lordis, archibischop, bischopis, abbotis, priouris, and utheris prelatis and minesteris of halykirk.

I denounce, proclamis, and declaris all and sindry the committaris of the said saikles murthris, slauchteris, brinying, heirchippes, reiffis, thiftis and spulezeis, oppinly apon day licht and under silence ofnicht, alswele within temporale landis as kirklandis; togither with thair partakeris, assitaris, supplearis, wittandlie resettaris (knowing receivers) of thair personis, the gudes reft and stollen be thaim, art or part thereof, and their counsalouris and defendouris, of thair evil dedis generalie CURSIT, waryit (execrated), aggregeite, and reaggregeite, with the GREIT CURSING.

I curse their heid and all the haris of thair heid; I curse thair face, thair ene, thair mouth, thair neise, thair tongue, thair teeth, thair crag, thair shoulderis, thair breist, thair hert, thair stomok, thair bak, thair wame(womb), thair armes, thais leggis, thair handis, thair feit, and everilk part of thair body, frae the top of their heid to the soill of thair feet, befoir and behind, within and without.

I curse thaim gangand (going), and I curse them rydland (riding); I curse thaim standand, and I curse thaim sittand; I curse thaim etand, I curse thaim drinkand; I curse thaim walkand, I curse thaim sleepand; I curse thaim risand, I curse thaim lyand; I curse thaim at hame, I curse thaim fra hame; I curse thaim within the house, I curse thaim without the house; I curse thair wiffis, thair barnis, and thair servandis participand with thaim in their deides. I way thair cornys, thair catales, thair woll, thair scheip, thjair horse, thair swyne, thair geise, thair hennes, and all thair quyk gude (livestock). I wary their hallis, thair chalmeris (rooms), thair kechingis, thair stanillis, thair barnys, thair biris (cowsheds), thair bernyardis, thair cailyardis (cabbage-patches) thair plewis, thair harrowis, and the gudis and housis that is necessair for their sustentatioun and weilfair.

All the malesouns and waresouns (curses) that ever gat warldlie creatur sen the begynnyng of the world to this hour mot licht on thaim. The maledictioun of God, that lichtit apon Lucifer and all his fallowis, that strak thaim frae the hie hevin to the deip hell, mot licht apon thaimr. The fire and the swerd that stoppit Adam far the yettis (gates) of Paradise, mot stop thaim frae the gloire of Hevin. quhill (until) thai forbere and mak amendis. The malesound that lichtit on cursit Cayein, quhen his slew his bruther just Abell saiklessly, mot licth on thaim for the saikles slauchter that thai commit dailie. The maledictioun that lichtit apon all the warlde, man and beist, and all that ever tuk life, quhen all was drownit be the flude of Noye, except Noye and his ark, mot licht apon thame and drouned thame, man and beist, and mak this realm cummirless (free) of thame for thair wicked synnyes. The thunnour and fireflauchtis (lightning) that set doun as rane apon the cities of Zodoma and Gomora, with all the landis about, and brynt thame for thair vile sunnys, mot rane apon thame, and birne thaim for oppin synnis. Tha malesoun and confusion that lichtit on the Gigantis for thair oppressioun and pride, biggand (building) the tour of Bablloun, mot confound thaim and all thair werkis, for thair opppin reiffs and oppressioun. All the plagis that fell apon Pharao and his pepill of Egipt, thair landis, cornse, and cataill, mot fall apon thaim, thair takkis, rowmys (places) and stedingis, cornys and beistis. The watter of Tweid and utheris watteris quhair thair ride mot droun thaim, as the Reid Say drownit King Pharoao and his pepil of Egipt, sersewing Godis pepill of Israell. The erd mot oppin, riffe and cleiff (cleave), and swelly (swallow) thaim quyk to hell, as it swellyt cursit Dathan and Abiron, that genestude (withstood) Moeses and the command of God. The wyld fyre that byrnt Thore and his fallowis to the nowmer of twa hundredth and fyty, and utheris 14000 and 7000 at anys, usurpand aganis Moyses and Aaron, servandis of God, not suddanely birne and consume thaim dailie genestandand the commandis of God and halykirk. The malediction that lichtit suddanely upon fair Absalon, rydant contrair his fader, King David, servand of God, throw the wod, quhen the branchis of ane tre fred (parted) him of his horse and hangit him be the hair, mot lie apon thaain trew Scottis men, and hang thaim siclike tha all the warld may se. The Maledictioun that lichtit apon Olifernus, lieutenant to Nabogodonooser, makand weair (war) and heirchippis apon trew cristin men, the maledictioun that lichtit apon Judas, Pylot, Herod and the Jowis that chucifyit Our Lord, and all the plagis and trublis that lichtit on the citte of Jherusalme thairfor, and upon Simon Magus for his symony, bludy Nero, cusit Ditius Makcensisu, Olibruis, Julianus Apostita and the laiff (rest) of the cruell tirrannis that slew and murthirit Crits haly servandis, mot licth apon thame for thair cruel tiranny and murthirdome of cristin pepill.

And all the vengeance that evir was takin sen the warlde began for oppin synnys, and all the plagis and pestilence that ever fell on man or beist, mot fall on thaim for thair oppin reiff, saiklesse slauchter and schedding of innocent blude. I disserver and pairtis thaim fra the kirk of God, and deliveris thaim quyk to the devill of hell, as the Apostill Sanct Paull deliverit Corinthion. I interdite the places thay cum in fra divine service, minitracioun of the sacramentis of halykirk, except the sacrament of baptissing allenerlie (only); and forbiddis all kirkmen to schriffe or absolbe thim of theire synnys, quhill they be firs abolyeit of this cursing.

I forbid all cristin man or woman till have ony company with thaime, etand, drynkand, spekand, prayand, lyand, gangand, standand, or in any uther deid doand, under the paine of deidly syn. I discharge all bandis, actis, contractis, athis (oaths) and obligatiounis made to them by ony persounis, outher of lawte (out of loyalty), kyndenes or manrent (personal fealty), salang as thai susteined this cursing, sub that na man be bundin to thaim, and that this be bundin till all men. I tak fra thame and cryis douned all the gude dedis that ever thai did or sall do, quhill thai rise froae this cursing. I declare thaim partles (excluded) of of all matynys, messis, evinsangis, dirigeis or utheris prayeris, on buke or beid; of all pilgrimagis and almouse deids done or to be done in halykirk or be cristin pepill, enduring this cursing.

And, finally, I condemn thaim perpetualie to the deip pit of hell, the remain with Lucifer and all his fallowis, and thair bodeis to the gallows of the Burrow Mure, first to be hangit, syne revin and ruggit (then ripped and torn) with doggis, swyne, and utheris wyld beists, abhominable to all the warld. And their candillis gangis frae your sicht, ast mot their saulis gang fra the visage of God, and thair gude faim fra the warld, quhill thai forbeir thair oppin synnys foirsaidis and ryse frae this terribill cursing, and mak satisfaction and pennance."




A BAAAD Ancestor is Good to Find!!!!


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"Those who can, do (find caches).

Those who can't, write much more entertaining logs!"


"When it comes down to pure ornamental cursing, the native American is gifted above the sons of men." --Mark Twain


(I read this somewhere and probably morphed it in my own head, but it should be fairly closeicon_smile.gif

"Unquestionably, such a thing as leadership does exist. We should not be dismayed if a good measure of it consists of getting out in front of the crowd and heading in whatever direction they happen to be going."


On people who can locate micros in urban areas without resorting to tears, divining rods, or asking everybody passing by on the street to help with the search:

"Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example." --Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson.


What a great thread!

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An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less. Nicholas Murray Buttler


Bumping because it is needed today.


Who do you look at in the mirror in the morning? Is it the one that you want to be or the one that you want to run from?


See the happy moron

He doesn't give a da**

I wish I were a moron

My God, perhaps I am

Author Unknown

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Originally posted by BullDogBob:



"Never rely on the glory of the morning, nor the smiles of your mother-in-law"


(Overheard at 60 MPH)


"YEAH Get out!"


They say this universe is bound to blow,

I say we crank up the Calypso Control!

~Jimmy Buffett


~Someday I Will~

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Originally posted by Right Wing Wacko:

The Lunatic is on the path......


- Pink Floyd




Hmmmmm, I thought the lunatic was on the CROSS, yadda, yadda, something, something, (and then) got to keep the Licon_razz.gificon_razz.gifNEYS on the path.


Some people think Jimi Hendrix sang, "Scuse me while I kiss this GUY."




If you are not failing now and again, it's a sign you're playing it safe. - Woody Allen

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As long as we are quoting from Pink Floyd:


"One of these days, I am going to dash you into little pieces."




The lunatic is on the grass.

The lunatic is on the grass.

Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs.

Got to keep the loonies on the path.


The lunatic is in the hall.

The lunatics are in my hall.

The paper holds their folded faces to the floor

And every day the paper boy brings more.


And if the dam breaks open many years too soon

And if there is no room upon the hill

And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too

I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.


The lunatic is in my head.

The lunatic is in my head

You raise the blade, you make the change

You re-arrange me 'till I'm sane.

You lock the door, And throw away the key

There's someone in my head but it's not me.


And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear

You shout and no one seems to hear.

And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes

I'll see you on the dark side of the moon


[This message was edited by Bo Peep & The Sheep on October 18, 2003 at 09:13 AM.]

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Every time I'm looking for a cache (within the accuracy zone) I'm reminded of this old joke...


A cop on the night beat walks up to a drunk who is weaving around a lightpost. The cop asks the drunk (who is really looped) what he's doing and the drunk says, "looking for my house keys". The cop wants to get the drunk off the street so he starts helping him look. After some searching with no results, the cop asks "are you sure you lost your keys here?" The drunk responds, "no, I lost them halfway down the block." The cop asks the drunk, "why are you looking under this lamppost?" The drunk responds, "because the light is better here."



How many times have you wandered around a cache site looking in the wrong places "because the light was better" - ?

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Everyone plays their own game. There is no sense in trying to police another's mindset as long as it falls within the general perameters of the game. Me (quoting myself from the poll that I posted on 10/23.)




If you are not failing now and again, it's a sign you're playing it safe. - Woody Allen

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Some I try to live by:


Every Obstacle is an Opportunity. Unk.


Adapt, Improvise, Overcome. USMC


The only easy day was yesterday. Navy Seals


A response I once got after explaining GeoCaching: :Ya mean ya don't win no money fer doin' this?"


"There can be only One, Highlander! Don't lose your head!" Highlander

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