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Originally posted by GeoGryffindor:

Okay Mopar, we have had this discussion before about virts and Oklahoma. I know you have said before that NJ is famous for its Lime Disease. I invite you to come to Oklahoma and cache with us - but, do it in the summer - I want you to get a real look at what it's all about. It is impossible to go out with our children to other caches besides virts at this time. My 8 year old daughter, who is allergic to ticks, just came down with Rabbit Fever due to ticks. Also, we do geocaching as a family sport, we don't leave the kids with someone to go off on our own. (I've heard you argue about NJ, but I know people that have been there and the vote is that Oklahoma is worse for the pesty things.) And, you are not going to be able to take a child into the woods with a stroller here, as you have said you have done in NJ.


As far as being judged for only caching for 9 weeks, have you seen how many caches we have actually found - virts or otherwise (we shouldn't be judged for what kind we do - seems to me you are the one being bias)? I am not bias towards certain kinds of caches - I am helpful. I have time on my hands and volunteer to help out the world of geocaching. I love all the caches and can't wait for cooler weather so that I can do the 5/5's here in Oklahoma. I am not scared or intimidated to take on the challenge of becoming an approver.


Like I said, come visit us in Oklahoma. We would enjoy meeting you.


"Nice find! I must go tell Harry, Ron and Hermione."

I would love to hit some caches out there, and maybe one day I will. I still say, if you think the ticks are bad there, then dont come here. I've picked 10 off of me after hunting a cache in Feb.

It's been discussed plenty of times here how myself and most cachers prepare to SAFELY go into the woods. I thought you might want to see a map the CDC has predicting the risk of contracting Lyme:




See that big area of black thats labeled "high risk"? That's where I live, and hike and cache.

Now look at OK. Depending on the part of the state, its either "low risk" or "no risk". PLEASE don't tell me you have a clue. I'm sorry you have been personally effected by this, but chances are you don't know anyone else who has. Me, problably 25% of the people in my circle have been treated for Lyme. It's a way of life. If I stayed indoors or in my ccar during tick season, there would only be 4-5 weekends a month resonable safe to go out without my plastic bubble.

Now go look at a topo map for the central/north part of NJ, and NE PA, and compare it to OK. I think I know about terrain.


As for you personally being an approver. If I were Groundspeak, and looking for an OK approver (and I saw posted elsewhere they already have one) I would 1st be looking at all the people that have been geocaching longer then you, and have more finds. Thats a pretty big list right there. Then, I don't think I would pick someone who has problems with the current guidelines. I mean, if it was my website, and I wanted someone to help me out approving caches, I'm not gonna pick someone who is going to be approving caches I don't want posted on my website, am I? That's just my 4 cents (inflation) My name is Chris, not Jeremy, and my opinion carries zero (or less) weight around here


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


Hey Mopar, I would like you to join me in a private discussion. I'll send you an invite. I think it would be great fun to get to know you better. You are an alright guy.


"Nice find! I must go tell Harry, Ron and Hermione."


Is it possible to have 1008 complaints with only 940 views?


==============="If it feels good...do it"================


**(the other 9 out of 10 voices in my head say: "Don't do it.")**




Originally posted by Zartimus:

Originally posted by Rigour:

I would like to complain about the beautiful naked women in my bed.


I can't tell if that is plural or not[grin].


The way the sentence is written - it means plural.


Originally posted by SamLowrey:

Look, I came here for an _argument_[/Monty Python]





Black holes are where God divided by zero.


Originally posted by SamLowrey:

Look, I came here for an _argument_[/Monty Python]


Don't give me that, you snotty-faced heap of parrot droppings....




Originally posted by Team GPSaxophone:

I'd like to complain about Jomarac5. Read his latest posts for why.


I'll complain about Team GPSaxophone then, as they want to sink to Jomarac5's level.


frog.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location


...and my latest post for Jomarac5 to have place where the subject couldn't go off-topic was promptly shut down by Jeremy. Must be a record, only 10 minutes or so after it was posted! I didn't even have time to comment on Woodsters' new avatar...


Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness bandbass.gif


Originally posted by Jomarac5:

Jeremy wrote:

I'll complain about Team GPSaxophone then, as they want to sink to Jomarac5's level.

Now there's a responsible reply.



Ah! So you admit that you are on a lower level than us!


Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness bandbass.gif


My complaint is about site owners who don't know how to moderate their own forums. Like this discussion that was not only allowed to, but encouraged to be reduced to a pathetic juvenile level.


For future reference, I suggest the site owner spend some time at these forum management sites as it would be beneficial to all:


Community Building on the Web


The Art of Hosting Good Conversations Online


The Cult of the Community




Originally posted by Jomarac5:

My complaint is about site owners who don't know how to moderate their own forums. Like http://ubbx.Groundspeak.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=5726007311&f=4016058331&m=62760387 that was not only allowed to, but encouraged to be reduced to a pathetic juvenile level.


For future reference, I suggest the site owner spend some time at these forum management sites as it would be beneficial to all:










You're my Troll Hero!


Originally posted by Criminal:

I s that the real Jeremy? The pic is a little fuzzy and it says "Geocacher" underneath instead of "Working on it". Is this an imposter? If so, I wish to complain.


I think Jeremy got banned. icon_wink.gif



Notice: Driver carries less than $20 cache.


[This message was edited by mrkablooey on August 18, 2003 at 10:07 AM.]


Originally posted by Jomarac5:

My complaint is about site owners who don't know how to moderate their own forums.


Just my opinion, but...


Unless you post every single message to a thread yourself, there's no way to ensure that any thread will stay completely on-topic. Something that one individual brings up will bring up a germination of an idea in another - even if it is just a joke - and will want to share it with others... it's all part of the evolution of the thread.


There is a point where that could degrade into Trolling, but in the examples you cite (in both your complaints) it all seems pretty good humoured to me.


Threads go off-topic on occasion. Deal with it.



"There's Sparticus. That's him, over there."


[This message was edited by Kouros on August 18, 2003 at 10:13 AM.]


Kouros, I've seen lot's of forums that are moderated quite well. It's not a matter of stopping the joking -- heck, that keeps things interesting and light. But when a topic is bastardized and is so far off the mark, and when people in the discussion try to bring it back on track and get flamed for it, there's a problem. A big problem, because this will inhibit those with valid opinions to post.


Consider the group that have posted replies to my post this morning. None of them posted anything of any relevance to the topic -- only flamed me for bringing up the subject. It's exactly the kind of adolescent mentality I was referring to.


There is a responsiblity to the caching community to provide intelligent discussion and by this site letting things get this much out of hand, they are not being responsible. It's no wonder so many people are complaining about the way this game is headed.




Originally posted by Jomarac5:

Consider the group that have posted replies to my post this morning. None of them posted anything of any relevance to the topic -- only flamed me for bringing up the subject. It's exactly the kind of adolescent mentality I was referring to.


There is a responsiblity to the caching community to provide intelligent discussion and by this site letting things get this much out of hand, they are not being responsible. It's no wonder so many people are complaining about the way this game is headed.




My remark to you was not a flame. It was actually on topic and I agreed with you. These comments however are way off the mark.


I can't believe that you would place the concerns of the entire geocaching community on those that disagree with you. How immature is that?



texasgeocaching_sm.gif Sacred cows make the best hamburger....Mark Twain.


Consider the group that have posted replies to my post this morning. None of them posted anything of any relevance to the topic -- only flamed me for bringing up the subject.


I think your definition of what is on topic is way off of mine. In that thread, I saw relevant posts from: Briansnat, Team Saxaphone, myself, Harrald, Jeremy, Snoogans, Planet, and maybe Criminal. Some of those people also posted off-topic silly stuff, but there were plenty of relevant posts. I don't think many were flames either.


Anyway, I will also lodge a complaint: I want to complain that I resurected this thread a few days ago. I also apologize for that!




Snoogans wrote:

My remark to you was not a flame.

True. Please accept my apology for lumping you in with the adolescent posters.


Snoogans wrote:

I can't believe that you would place the concerns of the entire geocaching community on those that disagree with you.

I don't. I readily accept that some people don't agree with my opinions and that's fine, they're entitled to disagree if they want. But that is not what I said -- I said that there is a responsiblity of this site to provide fair and intelligent, moderated discussion forums so that those with valid opinions don't feel inhibited to join in these discussions. Is that wrong? If it is, then why are so many people recently complaining about the way this game is headed and refusing to renew or purchase new subscriptions to this site?




Originally posted by Jomarac5:

then why are so many people recently complaining about the way this game is headed and refusing to renew or purchase new subscriptions to this site?


IMHO that has nothing to do with the forums. The problem is that there's no real written policy other than a fac sheet and the he said/she said of these forums.


The problem for geocaching.com of promulgating policy is that they would have to adhere to it too, or lose all credibility. If it was my site, I certainly wouldn't do it.


I have to admit that even I sometimes think that this place is run like a dictatorship. Mostly I don't. The minute that I find no joy here, I'm gone. You won't see me complaining about it. Except maybe on texasgeocaching.com, but probably not even there. I won't ever quit caching.......



texasgeocaching_sm.gif Sacred cows make the best hamburger....Mark Twain.


fair and intelligent, moderated discussion forums so that those with valid opinions don't feel inhibited to join in these discussions


That sounds good to me. I'd like to have a serious question taken seriously. Seems like too many people are so self absorbed that they have to crush legitimate discussion if it isn't something they thought up themselves.



"Chock full of essential vitamins and waypoints"


Originally posted by Criminal:

I s that the real Jeremy? The pic is a little fuzzy and it says "Geocacher" underneath instead of "Working on it". Is this an imposter? If so, I wish to complain.




Yes Criminal, click on the profile, it appears to be him. He's having fun in the forums today.


Cache you later,



So many caches, so little time.


I'd like to complain about people who want to decide whose opinions are valid.


Cache you later,



So many caches, so little time.


[This message was edited by Planet on August 18, 2003 at 11:59 AM.]


Originally posted by Planet:

I'd like to complain about people who want to decide whose opinions are valid.


Cache you later,



So many caches, so little time.


I would like to complain about that too. Is there a line?



texasgeocaching_sm.gif Sacred cows make the best hamburger....Mark Twain.


Originally posted by Jomarac5:

why are so many people recently complaining about the way this game is headed and refusing to renew or purchase new subscriptions to this site?

I renewed my subscription in hopes that you would not purchase a new subscription. icon_biggrin.gif


Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness bandbass.gif


Originally posted by Planet:

Originally posted by Criminal:

I s that the real Jeremy? The pic is a little fuzzy and it says "Geocacher" underneath instead of "Working on it". Is this an imposter? If so, I wish to complain.





Yes Criminal, click on the profile, it appears to be him. He's having fun in the forums today.


Cache you later,



So many caches, so little time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>



It could be a very sophisticated sock puppet. Just not sure how he was able to lock a thread and delete one of my responses completely.


Originally posted by Jomarac5:

....then why are so many people recently complaining about the way this game is headed and refusing to renew or purchase new subscriptions to this site?




Most of the posts I've seen "threatening" to not renew have had to do with people complaining about their caches not being approved, or the perceived emphasis on virts. I really doubt people posting off-topic messages will be the downfall of geocaching as we know it......


Then again, I don't read every single post in every topic in every forum, so I'm able to admit that this is all my opinion.




Originally posted by mckee:

Most of the posts I've seen "threatening" to not renew have had to do with people complaining about their caches not being approved, or the perceived emphasis on virts. I really doubt people posting off-topic messages will be the downfall of geocaching as we know it......


Then again, I don't read every single post in every topic in every forum, so I'm able to admit that this is all my opinion.



That was not a complaint. Please complain about something or this thread will get locked. icon_wink.giffrog.gif


I would like to formally complain about people who don't complain on this thread. icon_biggrin.gif



texasgeocaching_sm.gif Sacred cows make the best hamburger....Mark Twain.


I'd like to complain about people who "collect" TBs. I don't mean having a few in your possession, but revisiting caches they'd already found just to be able to grab a newly placed TB before anyone else. It would be one thing if you could fulfill the TB's quest (e.g., the TB wants to go to Botswana, and you happen to be heading there in a week), but just snaking the TB in order to possess it for a while? How selfish is that?


Thanks for this thread; its mighty therapeutic. [icon_smile.gif]

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