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Complaint Dept!!

Seeker BP

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I would like to complain that I think its unfair that I have to travel all the way to Pittsburgh to leave a hamster in a cache. I believe it is completly unfair for the Pittsburgh geocachers to have a lock on hamsters in caches. Come on guys, be nice and share!!!!!!!!!


Lapaglia icon_cool.gif

Muga Muchu (forget yourself, focus)


We will make one of the signature item hamsters into a travel bug (travel rodent?) and send it on its way to you. No guarantee that it will make it to you alive, or that some cacher won't keep it 'cuz it's cute, but hey, that's a risk with all travel bugs, right?


The other option is to make a hamster into a "traveling cache." Just put the little rat into his roly-poly ball, give him a map and point him West. I don't believe in logging my own hamster, but I guess that's another thread.


By the way, nice avatar.



I was formerly employed by the Department of Redundancy Department, but I don't work there anymore.


Originally posted by brdad:

Originally posted by Criminal:

Solving my own dadgum problem:










OK, a third complaint: People that post a URL so long it makes the page 6000 pixels wide! icon_wink.gif


Personally, I just use a plastic bag and hang it from a tree afterward... icon_biggrin.gif


_I think your problem is low self-esteem. It is very common among losers._


Pepole who don't know how to adjust their Browser so that it isn't 6000 pixels wide!


Happy. Hunting. burnout.gif


Originally posted by The Leprechauns:

We will make one of the signature item hamsters into a travel bug (travel rodent?) and send it on its way to you. No guarantee that it will make it to you alive, or that some cacher won't keep it 'cuz it's cute, but hey, that's a risk with all travel bugs, right?


The other option is to make a hamster into a "traveling cache." Just put the little rat into his roly-poly ball, give him a map and point him West. I don't believe in logging my own hamster, but I guess that's another thread.


By the way, nice avatar.



I was formerly employed by the Department of Redundancy Department, but I don't work there anymore.


Just make sure you set the little guy up with a maping GPS so he knows how to get here. Set Destenation as N39 36.783 W104 44.171


Lapaglia icon_cool.gif

Muga Muchu (forget yourself, focus)


Originally posted by Lapaglia:

Originally posted by The Leprechauns:

We will make one of the signature item hamsters into a travel bug (travel rodent?) and send it on its way to you. No guarantee that it will make it to you alive, or that some cacher won't keep it 'cuz it's cute, but hey, that's a risk with all travel bugs, right?


The other option is to make a hamster into a "traveling cache." Just put the little rat into his roly-poly ball, give him a map and point him West. I don't believe in logging my own hamster, but I guess that's another thread.


By the way, nice avatar.



I was formerly employed by the Department of Redundancy Department, but I don't work there anymore.


Just make sure you set the little guy up with a maping GPS so he knows how to get here. Set Destenation as N39 36.783 W104 44.171


Lapaglia icon_cool.gif



Muga Muchu (forget yourself, focus)


Originally posted by Lapaglia:

Originally posted by The Leprechauns:

We will make one of the signature item hamsters into a travel bug (travel rodent?) and send it on its way to you. No guarantee that it will make it to you alive, or that some cacher won't keep it 'cuz it's cute, but hey, that's a risk with all travel bugs, right?


The other option is to make a hamster into a "traveling cache." Just put the little rat into his roly-poly ball, give him a map and point him West. I don't believe in logging my own hamster, but I guess that's another thread.


By the way, nice avatar.



I was formerly employed by the Department of Redundancy Department, but I don't work there anymore.


Just make sure you set the little guy up with a maping GPS so he knows how to get here. Set Destenation as N39 36.783 W104 44.171


Lapaglia icon_cool.gif



Muga Muchu (forget yourself, focus)


Something has to be done about these gas prices!!! It is getting to be bullpucky that they can raise it whenever the weekends roll around. Its time for the United States people to get some hair and do something about it!! icon_eek.gif


Something has to be done about these gas prices!!! It is getting to be bullpucky that they can raise it whenever the weekends roll around. Its time for the United States people to get some hair and do something about it!! icon_eek.gif


Originally posted by Jacksons:

_hey,no hampsters....they are are food items and thus forbidden by all the rules_ icon_biggrin.gif


I'm a man and I can change if I have to,I guess.


Sorry, but according to the Geniva Convention, hamsters are NOT food.


Lapaglia icon_cool.gif

Muga Muchu (forget yourself, focus)


Originally posted by Jacksons:

_hey,no hampsters....they are are food items and thus forbidden by all the rules_ icon_biggrin.gif


I'm a man and I can change if I have to,I guess.


Sorry, but according to the Geniva Convention, hamsters are NOT food.


Lapaglia icon_cool.gif

Muga Muchu (forget yourself, focus)


1. data are plural

2. satellites do NOT take photos, they acquire or collect data, IMAGES, or imagery


In the early days satellites had film canisters and dropped them, but that's ancient history. Photography refers to images directly recorded on film. Digital cameras and satellite sensors don't carry film.






In the early days satellites had film canisters and dropped them, but that's ancient history. Photography refers to images directly recorded on film. Digital cameras and satellite sensors don't carry film.


So "Digital Photography" is an oxymoron? icon_smile.gif



Scott Johnson (ScottJ)


Originally posted by Lapaglia:

Originally posted by Jacksons:

_hey,no hampsters....they are are food items and thus forbidden by all the rules_ icon_biggrin.gif


I'm a man and I can change if I have to,I guess.


Sorry, but according to the Geniva Convention, hamsters are NOT food.


Lapaglia icon_cool.gif

Muga Muchu (forget yourself, focus)

But You wouldn't uphold that If you only knew how good they could taste if properly seasoned and cooked icon_wink.gif




Originally posted by brad.32:

In the early days satellites had film canisters and dropped them, but that's ancient history. Photography refers to images directly recorded on film. Digital cameras and satellite sensors don't carry film.


So that's where micro-caches come from! icon_eek.gif


Originally posted by brad.32:

Photography refers to images directly recorded on film.


Says who?


Photography comes from "light writing," it was it was started on sheets of metal and glass, not film, and a photo-sensitive chip is as valid a light-writing medium as any other.




Originally posted by brad.32:

Photography refers to images directly recorded on film.


Says who?


Photography comes from "light writing," it was it was started on sheets of metal and glass, not film, and a photo-sensitive chip is as valid a light-writing medium as any other.




Sorry if its been said already...(I don't have the patience to read 16 pages!!)

Monster SUVs and luxury vehicle drivers who park their behemoths in small car spots! I drive a tiny Suzuki, and that is what the spots are for! If your vehicle doesn't leave a few inches/centimeters between it and the lines on both sides IT DOESN'T FIT!

Also, people who are too lazy to use spell-check.


ok, now I've got a complaint:

Places that descriminate against drivers of particular vehicles by having different sizes of parking spaces in their lots.....


I'm lost. I've gone to find myself. If I should happen to get back before I return, please ask me to wait.


Originally posted by welch:

Originally posted by Lapaglia:

Originally posted by Jacksons:

_hey,no hampsters....they are are food items and thus forbidden by all the rules_ icon_biggrin.gif


I'm a man and I can change if I have to,I guess.


Sorry, but according to the Geniva Convention, hamsters are NOT food.


Lapaglia icon_cool.gif

Muga Muchu (forget yourself, focus)

But You wouldn't uphold that If you only knew how good they could taste if properly seasoned and cooked icon_wink.gif


http://brillig.com/geocaching/http://img.Groundspeak.com/user/22008_1700.gif http://www.gpgeocaching.com/


Just because you can eat it does not make it food. Consider Cats and BBQ sauce. Tasty but not in the food catagory. However, in retrospect, it is the only good use for a cat.


Lapaglia icon_cool.gif

Muga Muchu (forget yourself, focus)


[This message was edited by Lapaglia on February 27, 2003 at 07:29 AM.]


Originally posted by Dru Morgan:

Thank you for coming to Oddburger restaurant, home of the Oddburger, would you like to try our Oddburger special today consisting of an Oddburger, fries and a shake?


You want an OddApple Pie with that???


Vini Vidi Velcro I came I saw I stuck around. Capn Skully


Originally posted by ApK:

Originally posted by brad.32:

Photography refers to images directly recorded on film.




Photography comes from "light writing," it was it was started on sheets of metal and glass, not film, and a photo-sensitive chip is as valid a light-writing medium as any other.




Ah, no, it's not.


Ok, ok, so my complaint wasn't pedantic enough for everyone.


If you read the definitions on the page you linked for us, they write, e.g., "producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces" (usually by chemical processes). Read: image recorded on a surface/film.


There is no image formed on a CCD array. One can't look at the CCD and see anything. The array produces voltages that are converted to digital numbers (DNs), when the DNs are displayed in the same configuration as the array on a display device (screen) or printed, then one can see the image. That is not photography, but isn't software wonderful?


Complaint 3: People who take the fun out of complaining.


Originally posted by brad.32:

There is no image formed on a CCD array. One can't look at the CCD and see anything.


You can look at exposed film and see an image? Pretty good eyes.

Me, I can't see anything until the chemical changes latent on the film are developed by a chemical process that creates an image, just like I can't see the pattern of electrical changes on the chip until they're rendered into a visible image by an electrical/digital process.


Don't make me start another off topic language thread...I've got a keyboard and I'm not afraid to use it.




Originally posted by ApK:

Me, I can't see anything until the chemical changes latent on the film are developed by a chemical process that creates an image, just like I can't see the pattern of electrical changes on the chip until they're rendered into a visible image by an electrical/digital process.




Fine, develop the media, then look at the negative, it's still on the media. In photography the image is recorded on the media/film. A CCD is just a sensor.


Originally posted by brad.32:

Fine, develop the media, then look at the negative, it's still on the media. In photography the image is recorded on the media/film. A CCD is just a sensor.


I complain about the Humpty-Dumptian view of language.


"'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone,' it means just what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less.' "


Anyway, I figured this must have been argued before (since so many artsy types are excusionary elitests, and so many techie types are sticklers for precision and accuracy, digital photography would presumably be a petrie dish for elistist-sticklerism), so I tried to search, but I can't find any web sites where people even suggest your point of view. How did you come by your opinion?

Why do you feel the art of photography would resist the inclusion of new technology?




Originally posted by brad.32:

Fine, develop the media, then look at the negative, it's still on the media. In photography the image is recorded on the media/film. A CCD is just a sensor.


I complain about the Humpty-Dumptian view of language.


"'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone,' it means just what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less.' "


Anyway, I figured this must have been argued before (since so many artsy types are excusionary elitests, and so many techie types are sticklers for precision and accuracy, digital photography would presumably be a petrie dish for elistist-sticklerism), so I tried to search, but I can't find any web sites where people even suggest your point of view. How did you come by your opinion?

Why do you feel the art of photography would resist the inclusion of new technology?




My complaint was about satellite imagery. I did not make up a definition to match my needs. Two online sources I found were





(there are others), but none that I found define photography v. imagery, just make a distinction between aerial photography and digital imagery and data.


Two textbooks that define photography v. imagery are Avery and Berlin (Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and Airphoto Interpretation, 1992) and Jensen (Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective, 1996).


My complaint was about satellite imagery. I did not make up a definition to match my needs. Two online sources I found were





(there are others), but none that I found define photography v. imagery, just make a distinction between aerial photography and digital imagery and data.


Two textbooks that define photography v. imagery are Avery and Berlin (Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and Airphoto Interpretation, 1992) and Jensen (Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective, 1996).


Originally posted by brad.32:

My complaint was about satellite imagery.


I see the distinction. Seriously, though, judging from those pages you linked, not the textbooks, which I don't have, I don't think they are trying to say that imaging is distinct from photography because of the recording medium (the comment about not using film notwithstanding) but rather because the image data is produced by scanning with sensors, not simply by optically focusing incoming light.


But, as I said, I have a more importan complaint:

Why do resturants seat non-smoking customers DIRECTLY ADJEACENT to the smoking section and call it non-smoking? I don't ask for non-smoking because _I_ don't want to smoke, I can not smoke anywhere. I ask for it because I don't want to smell OTHER people's smoke while I eat! Geesh! Space the sections farther apart or invest in a fan!




My personal "favorite" was an elevated Non-smoking section. with the tables surrounding it all smoking. So not only was the table next to you a smoking area, but you were up higher....and we all know smoke rises....WHY didn't they put the SMOKING section in the ELEVATED AREA?????


I'm lost. I've gone to find myself. If I should happen to get back before I return, please ask me to wait.


They didn't want smokers to feel they were above others, even though that's how they act


I regret that,I smoke and I refuse to smoke in Resteruants, in others cars unless they smoke,others houses even if they do smoke etc etc.


NOW my complaint,I am so sick of coming to these boards and seeing more and more bad press for caching, I spend numorus hours hiking enjoying myself and finding caches. Even if I wasn't into caching I'd think it was neat and great for people to get out...People seem to hate us because we trample the woods with our light footsteps, but I always see atv riders off the trail ripping the woods up. Then for a community that tries to cleanup the woods, people are all over us for littering but you see ignoerant people throwing trash out the window from there car everyday..I'm just getting tired of people jumping all over us before they actually know about the sport..I guess because they can see us in the woods with our gadets it causes concern but since they can't see, tankers leak oil into the ocean or the salt from the roads make way into our drinking water etc etc its ok... icon_confused.gif


Found the cache but where is that damm GPS?

See You In the Woods!!!



They didn't want smokers to feel they were above others, even though that's how they act


I regret that,I smoke and I refuse to smoke in Resteruants, in others cars unless they smoke,others houses even if they do smoke etc etc.


NOW my complaint,I am so sick of coming to these boards and seeing more and more bad press for caching, I spend numorus hours hiking enjoying myself and finding caches. Even if I wasn't into caching I'd think it was neat and great for people to get out...People seem to hate us because we trample the woods with our light footsteps, but I always see atv riders off the trail ripping the woods up. Then for a community that tries to cleanup the woods, people are all over us for littering but you see ignoerant people throwing trash out the window from there car everyday..I'm just getting tired of people jumping all over us before they actually know about the sport..I guess because they can see us in the woods with our gadets it causes concern but since they can't see, tankers leak oil into the ocean or the salt from the roads make way into our drinking water etc etc its ok... icon_confused.gif


Found the cache but where is that damm GPS?

See You In the Woods!!!



Originally posted by Natureboy1376:

I regret that,I smoke and I refuse to smoke in Resteruants, in others cars unless they smoke,others houses even if they do smoke etc etc.


On behalf of non-smoking drivers and resturaunt goers, I thanks you.


A related complaint (and if you don't do this, Natureboy, then you may be the first 'Considerate Smoker' I've ever knowingly encountered.) is smokers, particularly in cars, who think "The World is My Ashtray" and throw their (usually still lit) butts on the ground. If you're not willing to dirty your own ashtray, maybe you should reconsider this smoking thing....


Littering aside, I once had to stop my car and get out and stamp out a fire caused by the oblivious idiot in the car in front of me who threw his butt into dry grass on the road side. I still haven't gotten my thank you from the State of Pennsylvania for saving it.


But the littering is bad enough. I see way too may smokers litter the ground with their garbage even when there is an ashtray not 3 paces from them. One twit of a radio personality here in NJ recently did a bit on her show about how disgusting and inconsiderate littering was "...except for cigarette butts...I don't consider those littering...."





I hate when people take a dump in your cache. It is for that reason I only hide caches in poison ivy patches. For every problem there is payback. Ya gotta love it!! Ain't life great?


Lets see, I have a jar in my car with a hole drilled in it for my butts,and when hiking i carry a slide open hikers ash tray....I understand you point though were I work there is a smoking section to the left of the parking lot with at least 5 ashtrays and people tend not to use them --I always give them dirty looks and sometimes they actually go pick it up and put it in the tray!!!!


Found the cache but where is that damm GPS?

See You In the Woods!!!



NB, I bet if all...or even most...smokers behaved like you, smoking would still be socially acceptable. After all, most folks don't care if people poison themselves, as long as they're not affected themselves.


I always give them dirty looks and sometimes they actually go pick it up and put it in the tray!!!!


The dirty looks never work for me. Maybe I need to work out.


Originally posted by cachew nut:

I hate getting checks in the mail, why can't they mail straight to the bank?


They can (and do...sort of). It's called "direct deposit". icon_cool.gif


Happy Hunting!


~ bcj19


Originally posted by cachew nut:

I hate getting checks in the mail, why can't they mail straight to the bank?


They can (and do...sort of). It's called "direct deposit". icon_cool.gif


Happy Hunting!


~ bcj19


Originally posted by majicman:

My complaint is LapLagia.


What the heck does that mean?




My complaint is you cant spell it right


Lapaglia icon_cool.gif

Muga Muchu (forget yourself, focus)

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