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The San Diego Thread

Night Hunter

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I don't even know what the Over The Line tournament is or was???



from a random news article.

"Organizers said some 20,000 spectators and players showed up at the Fiesta Island event and a total 50,000 are expected over the course of the two-weekend tournament, which is known for its raunchy team names, female chest flashers and alcohol-fueled participants and spectators."


I love this country!


Is someone going to let Night Hunter know we are going to flip to 200 pages soon?


Is he going to be the first post on that page?

Perhaps we should be thinking about what image we see when we flip to that momentous page: will it be Jeff's arm; D-Jollymon's toucas; the "shrubbery"; or... :laughing:



Is someone going to let Night Hunter know we are going to flip to 200 pages soon?


Is he going to be the first post on that page?









Oh...there are so many things I want to say right now... :laughing:




Question for you guys: why do people find and log puzzle caches that they haven't solved themselves? Not just occasionally, it seems to be rampant. I read it over and over again. Either someone got the coordinates from someone else, or there was a group caching together, and they all log a puzzle cache because one person in the group had solved the puzzle (or got the answer from someone else; or had been there before). Don't the people involved feel a bit dirty? Just a bit? Isn't it like looking in the back of a crossword puzzle book for the entire puzzle and then waving the solution around like you've solved it?


I don't want to come across that harsh, I mean, it's inevitable, and I understand there's really no way to stop it. And I guess for the people who log them, once they know the location, they probably figure its just like a traditional cache, so what is the harm in finding it and logging it? It took the same amount of effort as a traditional cache. I guess it is just a numbers thing, which I can relate to, having pushed to reach a milestone recently. And it sucks having those nearby puzzles keep showing up on your list. So I understand that part. But I wonder about the people who spill the solution to the others--what do they get out of it? If I was with a group and knew we were passing by a puzzle location that I spent 4 hours figuring out the location to, I think I'd think twice about telling everyone where it was. Am I unusual? I guess so. I guess that means I'll be geocaching in groups less frequently...


Question for you guys: why do people find and log puzzle caches that they haven't solved themselves? Not just occasionally, it seems to be rampant. I read it over and over again. Either someone got the coordinates from someone else, or there was a group caching together, and they all log a puzzle cache because one person in the group had solved the puzzle (or got the answer from someone else; or had been there before). Don't the people involved feel a bit dirty? Just a bit? Isn't it like looking in the back of a crossword puzzle book for the entire puzzle and then waving the solution around like you've solved it?


I don't want to come across that harsh, I mean, it's inevitable, and I understand there's really no way to stop it. And I guess for the people who log them, once they know the location, they probably figure its just like a traditional cache, so what is the harm in finding it and logging it? It took the same amount of effort as a traditional cache. I guess it is just a numbers thing, which I can relate to, having pushed to reach a milestone recently. And it sucks having those nearby puzzles keep showing up on your list. So I understand that part. But I wonder about the people who spill the solution to the others--what do they get out of it? If I was with a group and knew we were passing by a puzzle location that I spent 4 hours figuring out the location to, I think I'd think twice about telling everyone where it was. Am I unusual? I guess so. I guess that means I'll be geocaching in groups less frequently...


Don't worry. Not everyone does this. And as far as I am concerned, to each his own. Personally, I don't think I have ever logged a puzzle cache that I didn't participate in solving. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I've solved all of the by myself. But I have certainly tried to solve all of them by myself, or been part of a group that solved them together. And I have certainly taken my fair share of nudges along the way. But I wouldn't feel right logging any cache that I hadn't worked on and figured out the solution to in one way or another.


I've also experienced the other side of the coin as well -- where I logged a cache after having solved all the puzzle aspects but hadn't done any of the physical challenges. In the end, I changed my log to a note since I didn't really do the full monte (although in my original find log I made it quite clear that I wasn't taking credit for having done anything other than the puzzle solutions). That cache was in NJ, so I really didn't have the opportunity to do any of the physical challenges.


But in the end, if someone trips over some tupperware in the woods by mistake, the GC cache sheet we leave in our caches invites the finder to join the game and log a find. So in that vein, I've never gotten too worked up over someone out there who wants to shortcut the intended method of finding any cache.


That's my $.02.

Posted (edited)

Question for you guys: why do people find and log puzzle caches that they haven't solved themselves? Not just occasionally, it seems to be rampant. I read it over and over again. Either someone got the coordinates from someone else, or there was a group caching together, and they all log a puzzle cache because one person in the group had solved the puzzle (or got the answer from someone else; or had been there before). Don't the people involved feel a bit dirty? Just a bit? Isn't it like looking in the back of a crossword puzzle book for the entire puzzle and then waving the solution around like you've solved it?


I don't want to come across that harsh, I mean, it's inevitable, and I understand there's really no way to stop it. And I guess for the people who log them, once they know the location, they probably figure its just like a traditional cache, so what is the harm in finding it and logging it? It took the same amount of effort as a traditional cache. I guess it is just a numbers thing, which I can relate to, having pushed to reach a milestone recently. And it sucks having those nearby puzzles keep showing up on your list. So I understand that part. But I wonder about the people who spill the solution to the others--what do they get out of it? If I was with a group and knew we were passing by a puzzle location that I spent 4 hours figuring out the location to, I think I'd think twice about telling everyone where it was. Am I unusual? I guess so. I guess that means I'll be geocaching in groups less frequently...



My name is GoBolts! and I have not solved every puzzle that I have logged! :D Nor have I logged every puzzle that I have solved!


I can not speak for everyone but I will speak for myself....I most often cache with Duncan! and Chuy! Some times we end up in an area with a puzzle...some times one of us has solved it...some times two some times all three have. We are not going to say..."Hey now! stop...we can’t go...have not solved....take me home...you suck...no no no...not a puzzle...I won't...I can't...I have sand in my vagina!"! We just go with it...we all solve puzzles...we all help each other out...we all are able to sleep at night...and to this point it has been ok with the cache owners. We are not cheating...we do not say..."I am the man! I solved this one!"...no we are honest and say "we were along for the ride" or we got help...or???"


On the other hand John and Jahodi do not log a puzzle until they have solved it...that is what they are comfortable with...and there are some other cachers that do not even attempt puzzles...and they are the first to say "they hate them and they were with some one else". I wound say all and all the San Diego cachers are an honest bunch and we do not care as long as people are having fun...I know I am!


Oh and I have seen a few puzzles where a cache owner asked that people not work as a team...or get help...if that is the case I will honor that.

Edited by GoBolts!
Question for you guys: why do people find and log puzzle caches that they haven't solved themselves? Not just occasionally, it seems to be rampant. I read it over and over again. Either someone got the coordinates from someone else, or there was a group caching together, and they all log a puzzle cache because one person in the group had solved the puzzle (or got the answer from someone else; or had been there before). Don't the people involved feel a bit dirty? Just a bit? Isn't it like looking in the back of a crossword puzzle book for the entire puzzle and then waving the solution around like you've solved it?


I don't want to come across that harsh, I mean, it's inevitable, and I understand there's really no way to stop it. And I guess for the people who log them, once they know the location, they probably figure its just like a traditional cache, so what is the harm in finding it and logging it? It took the same amount of effort as a traditional cache. I guess it is just a numbers thing, which I can relate to, having pushed to reach a milestone recently. And it sucks having those nearby puzzles keep showing up on your list. So I understand that part. But I wonder about the people who spill the solution to the others--what do they get out of it? If I was with a group and knew we were passing by a puzzle location that I spent 4 hours figuring out the location to, I think I'd think twice about telling everyone where it was. Am I unusual? I guess so. I guess that means I'll be geocaching in groups less frequently...


This doesn't bother me at all. I got into this game for the fun so it doesn't bother me how other people play it. I know some people that never log a find and I have heard of others that pad their numbers because they think it's some kind of competition. Oh well, to each his own.

There have been times when I have worked on a puzzle and not finished it or had not worked on it at all and logged it while out caching with friends. There have been times when I had done the puzzle and others had not, it didn't bother me that they logged it.

I don't think it's about the numbers because one cache won't make or break you, it's just that you're there so you log it.

I haven't yet hidden any puzzle caches, but if I had I wouldn't care if someone tagged along for the find as long as they had fun with it.

Question for you guys: why do people find and log puzzle caches that they haven't solved themselves? Not just occasionally, it seems to be rampant. I read it over and over again. Either someone got the coordinates from someone else, or there was a group caching together, and they all log a puzzle cache because one person in the group had solved the puzzle (or got the answer from someone else; or had been there before). Don't the people involved feel a bit dirty? Just a bit? Isn't it like looking in the back of a crossword puzzle book for the entire puzzle and then waving the solution around like you've solved it?


I don't want to come across that harsh, I mean, it's inevitable, and I understand there's really no way to stop it. And I guess for the people who log them, once they know the location, they probably figure its just like a traditional cache, so what is the harm in finding it and logging it? It took the same amount of effort as a traditional cache. I guess it is just a numbers thing, which I can relate to, having pushed to reach a milestone recently. And it sucks having those nearby puzzles keep showing up on your list. So I understand that part. But I wonder about the people who spill the solution to the others--what do they get out of it? If I was with a group and knew we were passing by a puzzle location that I spent 4 hours figuring out the location to, I think I'd think twice about telling everyone where it was. Am I unusual? I guess so. I guess that means I'll be geocaching in groups less frequently...



I thought of this more than once. Especially when a certain cacher introduced puzzles onto the scene in SD ( I won't mention names, but his initials are TT :D ). His puzzles drove me bonkers, up the freakin' wall, crazy :laughing: . Got to the point where I came out with the anti-puzzle caches, but that's another story.

It came to another point where I was glued to this machine, ignoring my girls and my wife due to a puzzle or two. That wasn't good (or fun :laughing: ).


I eventually got to yet another point where I'd give the puzzle a good try, but I wasn't gonna let it run my life.

You can see plenty of my FTF's on puzzle caches ( 2 of them TT's caches), but I'll admit to "short-circuiting" plenty of caches. I'll also admit to grabbing a puzzle cache if someone I was caching with has the coordinates. I'll admit to all of the above charges. :laughing:


As for my puzzle caches, I'd rather someone be able to find it, log it, and clear it from their radar. I really don't care if they solve the puzzle or not. Finding the cache is the main goal, not solving a puzzle. If people want to get the coordinates by solving the puzzle, fine. If they can get the coordinates by any means necessay, fine. Afterall, it's just a game. I hope my ramblings made some sense. :ph34r: Happy caching,



We are not going to say..."Hey now! stop...we can't go...have not solved....take me home...you suck...no no no...not a puzzle...I won't...I can't...I have sand in my vagina!"


We are not going to say..."Hey now! stop...we can't go...have not solved....take me home...you suck...no no no...not a puzzle...I won't...I can't...I have sand in my vagina!"



I won't even ask.....

Question for you guys: why do people find and log puzzle caches that they haven't solved themselves? Not just occasionally, it seems to be rampant. I read it over and over again. Either someone got the coordinates from someone else, or there was a group caching together, and they all log a puzzle cache because one person in the group had solved the puzzle (or got the answer from someone else; or had been there before). Don't the people involved feel a bit dirty? Just a bit? Isn't it like looking in the back of a crossword puzzle book for the entire puzzle and then waving the solution around like you've solved it?


I don't want to come across that harsh, I mean, it's inevitable, and I understand there's really no way to stop it. And I guess for the people who log them, once they know the location, they probably figure its just like a traditional cache, so what is the harm in finding it and logging it? It took the same amount of effort as a traditional cache. I guess it is just a numbers thing, which I can relate to, having pushed to reach a milestone recently. And it sucks having those nearby puzzles keep showing up on your list. So I understand that part. But I wonder about the people who spill the solution to the others--what do they get out of it? If I was with a group and knew we were passing by a puzzle location that I spent 4 hours figuring out the location to, I think I'd think twice about telling everyone where it was. Am I unusual? I guess so. I guess that means I'll be geocaching in groups less frequently...


I'm an official member of Puzzle Hackers Anonymous. We have regular meetings whenever there is a new puzzle in town. :laughing: But seriously, I "try" to solve puzzles without help from my friends but sometimes it just isn't worth spending hours and hours pounding your head into the ground. So there are some puzzles that I have had to say "Uncle!" Hmmm, maybe we should ask that people that don't solve a puzzle write "Uncle!" in their logs! :D


I just wish I could solve a puzzle cache [:D]


Most of the time I look at them and try to just figure how to go about decoding it, then just give up. There was one that popped up yesterday (Medical Mania) while I was checking my mail. I figured out the words I needed and got the letters, but had no clue whatsoever how to turn the letters into numbers...

We are not going to say..."Hey now! stop...we can't go...have not solved....take me home...you suck...no no no...not a puzzle...I won't...I can't...I have sand in my vagina!"





Posted (edited)

Question for you guys: why do people find and log puzzle caches that they haven't solved themselves? Not just occasionally, it seems to be rampant. I read it over and over again. Either someone got the coordinates from someone else, or there was a group caching together, and they all log a puzzle cache because one person in the group had solved the puzzle (or got the answer from someone else; or had been there before). Don't the people involved feel a bit dirty? Just a bit? Isn't it like looking in the back of a crossword puzzle book for the entire puzzle and then waving the solution around like you've solved it?

Lots of people have already chimed in and most of what I'd say has already been said, but I will add a couple of things...


First, if you want to explore this topic to the nth degree, hop on over to the Geocaching Topics Forum. It comes up periodically and you can mine previous threads to get a huge range of opinions.


Second, awhile back, someone posted a URL for a site that contained answers to geocache puzzles (it's gone now, BTW). At first, I was incensed and I expressed my feelings vociferously on this thread. A wiser man than I responded with some words that made me realize that even if others had the solution handed to them, it made absolutely no difference to my enjoyment of solving a puzzle or finding a difficult cache.


As for myself, I have always tried to solve puzzles by myself first but I will ask for help after I've hit a wall too many times. I've "solved" a few puzzles by thinking outside the box. Some might say I cheated, but regardless, I found those caches without being told where they were. I "solved" one puzzle by accidently stumbling across it in the field. Lastly I've logged one puzzle cache where I was given the coordinates. I had already spent months on that puzzle and I debated with myself for quite awhile before I surrendered to temptation. As penance, I wrote a poem about it in my log (well, actually, I plagiarized Shakespeare, but that's an ethical discussion for another thread :D ) I am guilty as charged, but I stand unrepentent.


Oh, yeah, one more thing. Most people around here honest in their logs. If someone pointed them to the cache location or they got a hint, that's how they report it in their logs. They aren't claiming that they solved the crossword when, really, they looked at the back of the book. Instead, what they come right out and say "I got the answer from the back of the book."

Edited by Let's Look Over Thayer

I just wish I could solve a puzzle cache [:D]


Most of the time I look at them and try to just figure how to go about decoding it, then just give up. There was one that popped up yesterday (Medical Mania) while I was checking my mail. I figured out the words I needed and got the letters, but had no clue whatsoever how to turn the letters into numbers...

Start with the easy ones; create a pocket query of 1.5 difficulty and below. You should get a couple of hits. Lostguy has an easy one in Chula Vista using Roman numerals. BBB's have a new easy one in Spring Valley, Frog Pond Mystery Cache. He rates it a 2-star, but common. Don't be embarrased to ask for additional hints; we've all been there, and continue to go there :laughing: .

A wiser man than I responded with some words that made me realize that even if others had the solution handed to them, it made absolutely no difference to my enjoyment of solving a puzzle or finding a difficult cache.


That is wise! :laughing: Was his name Confucius? :D

A wiser man than I responded with some words that made me realize that even if others had the solution handed to them, it made absolutely no difference to my enjoyment of solving a puzzle or finding a difficult cache.

That is wise! :laughing: Was his name Confucius? :laughing:

Close. Though it was not the name he used at the time, he is sometimes called Ramius... :laughing::D

Question for you guys: why do people find and log puzzle caches that they haven't solved themselves? Not just occasionally, it seems to be rampant. I read it over and over again. Either someone got the coordinates from someone else, or there was a group caching together, and they all log a puzzle cache because one person in the group had solved the puzzle (or got the answer from someone else; or had been there before). Don't the people involved feel a bit dirty? Just a bit? Isn't it like looking in the back of a crossword puzzle book for the entire puzzle and then waving the solution around like you've solved it?


I don't want to come across that harsh, I mean, it's inevitable, and I understand there's really no way to stop it. And I guess for the people who log them, once they know the location, they probably figure its just like a traditional cache, so what is the harm in finding it and logging it? It took the same amount of effort as a traditional cache. I guess it is just a numbers thing, which I can relate to, having pushed to reach a milestone recently. And it sucks having those nearby puzzles keep showing up on your list. So I understand that part. But I wonder about the people who spill the solution to the others--what do they get out of it? If I was with a group and knew we were passing by a puzzle location that I spent 4 hours figuring out the location to, I think I'd think twice about telling everyone where it was. Am I unusual? I guess so. I guess that means I'll be geocaching in groups less frequently...


I'm an official member of Puzzle Hackers Anonymous. We have regular meetings whenever there is a new puzzle in town. :D But seriously, I "try" to solve puzzles without help from my friends but sometimes it just isn't worth spending hours and hours pounding your head into the ground. So there are some puzzles that I have had to say "Uncle!" Hmmm, maybe we should ask that people that don't solve a puzzle write "Uncle!" in their logs! :huh:





:huh:;) Oh NO...I just cached with Duganrm, Team Adelos and Miragee last night. We visited at least 3 puzzles I haven't solved yet. Oh No..I have work to do now. I'll sign the log book without solving but I will get the coords myself before I officially log it..even if it is with a HUGE push form others. Not all of us are computer programmers or artists or Flagmans so we need help once in awhile. I believe we all have to do what we feel is right in our hearts. You can only worry about your own conscience....as with lots of things in life, it will drive you crazy if you worry about what others are doing. ...Gotta go..lots of puzzles to solve....Jodi


I just wish I could solve a puzzle cache [:huh:]


Most of the time I look at them and try to just figure how to go about decoding it, then just give up. There was one that popped up yesterday (Medical Mania) while I was checking my mail. I figured out the words I needed and got the letters, but had no clue whatsoever how to turn the letters into numbers...

Start with the easy ones; create a pocket query of 1.5 difficulty and below. You should get a couple of hits. Lostguy has an easy one in Chula Vista using Roman numerals. BBB's have a new easy one in Spring Valley, Frog Pond Mystery Cache. He rates it a 2-star, but common. Don't be embarrased to ask for additional hints; we've all been there, and continue to go there :huh: .

Don't forget "One, Two, Vector My Shoe!"

We are not going to say..."Hey now! stop...we can't go...have not solved....take me home...you suck...no no no...not a puzzle...I won't...I can't...I have sand in my vagina!"





Ok…PW…stop stirring the pot….that is a joke that a few cachers will understand…and was not meant nor directed toward anyone in the forums.

Posted (edited)

Question for you guys: why do people find and log puzzle caches that they haven't solved themselves? Not just occasionally, it seems to be rampant. I read it over and over again. Either someone got the coordinates from someone else, or there was a group caching together, and they all log a puzzle cache because one person in the group had solved the puzzle (or got the answer from someone else; or had been there before). Don't the people involved feel a bit dirty? Just a bit? Isn't it like looking in the back of a crossword puzzle book for the entire puzzle and then waving the solution around like you've solved it?


I don't want to come across that harsh, I mean, it's inevitable, and I understand there's really no way to stop it. And I guess for the people who log them, once they know the location, they probably figure its just like a traditional cache, so what is the harm in finding it and logging it? It took the same amount of effort as a traditional cache. I guess it is just a numbers thing, which I can relate to, having pushed to reach a milestone recently. And it sucks having those nearby puzzles keep showing up on your list. So I understand that part. But I wonder about the people who spill the solution to the others--what do they get out of it? If I was with a group and knew we were passing by a puzzle location that I spent 4 hours figuring out the location to, I think I'd think twice about telling everyone where it was. Am I unusual? I guess so. I guess that means I'll be geocaching in groups less frequently...


One more quick thought. The FTF on puzzle caches does seem to be rather sacred, and most of the time the person who is FTS or FTF has done so completely on their own (or with a team who all participated in the puzzle). That's also why Marko Ramius' alter ego (who ever THAT might happen to be) is sort of out of the FTF race on puzzle caches (official rule is can't be FTF until at least 7-days after listing). After the first (and maybe second and third) finders, it does seem like just about anything goes and noboby seems to get too worked up about it so long as the logs are honest.

Edited by FlagMan


:huh::huh: Oh NO...I just cached with Duganrm, Team Adelos and Miragee last night. We visited at least 3 puzzles I haven't solved yet. Oh No..I have work to do now. I'll sign the log book without solving but I will get the coords myself before I officially log it..even if it is with a HUGE push form others. Not all of us are computer programmers or artists or Flagmans so we need help once in awhile. I believe we all have to do what we feel is right in our hearts. You can only worry about your own conscience....as with lots of things in life, it will drive you crazy if you worry about what others are doing. ...Gotta go..lots of puzzles to solve....Jodi


Jodi - I admire your ethical position and I think I understand why the others do as they do. Again, I don't mean to be too judgmental--everyone plays the game as they want, and that's cool. But for me, I would feel dirty logging a puzzle find that I hadn't solved, so I hope I can resist that as much as possible. (Hints are OK in my ethical framework, though!) I'm happy to say I just logged my 100th puzzle/mystery cache and only needed minor hints on a few of them. That's my way of getting maximum enjoyment out of this sport! To each their own.

Posted (edited)

( Flagman)


One more quick thought. The FTF on puzzle caches does seem to be rather sacred, and most of the time the person who is FTS or FTF has done so completely on their own (or with a team who all participated in the puzzle). That's also why Marko Ramius' alter ego (who ever THAT might happen to be) is sort of out of the FTF race on puzzle caches (official rule is can't be FTF until at least 7-days after listing). After the first (and maybe second and third) finders, it does seem like just about anything goes and noboby seems to get too worked up about it so long as the logs are honest.



:huh::huh: Yeah..some of the fun is gone knowing that a green Jeep Cherokee (did I get that right? ) or a Gary Fischer Tassajara won't come flying around the corner chasing you to a puzzle FTF anymore.....but I guess the benefits outweigh the negatives don't they?

Edited by jahoadi and john


...I have sand in my vagina!"!

I've seen ads on TV for a product that should help you with that... :huh:
Do you think that this subject might become the first post on the 200th page of this thread? :huh:;)


...I have sand in my vagina!"!

I've seen ads on TV for a product that should help you with that... :huh:
Do you think that this subject might become the first post on the 200th page of this thread? :huh:;)


You know.....I can't say I have ever had that problem. :D


Question for you guys: why do people find and log puzzle caches that they haven't solved themselves?



To answer your question as it applies to me, I just cannot figure out the puzzles. :D I cannot even do the Monday USA Today crossword puzzle. :D My brain simply doesn't work that way.


However, I cache with people who can figure out the puzzles. ;)


Last year when I cached with Princess Toadstool two days a week, I would not sign the log for the Puzzles she had solved if she explained it to me and I knew there was no way, even with a nudge, I could have figured it out. confused.gif


However, one day, after walking more than five miles around Puzzle Valley finding several puzzle caches with her, I said, "If I have to walk this far, I'm signing the log." If you look at my log for "Dream State," I was almost begging QDman to accept my log since I walked two miles. icon_smile_tongue.gif


QDman said he didn't mind that I hadn't solved the puzzle. Team Adelos has said the same thing. However, if any Puzzle cache owner does not want me to log a cache I found with my smarter companions, I won't . . . Since the Puzzle cache owner has the option of deleting an "offending" log, they can do that, and I would understand. If I have logged any of your Puzzle caches and you want me to change my "Found it" to a "Note," I will. :huh:


Maybe that is TMI, but that is my story and I'm stickin' to it . . . :huh:

Posted (edited)
QDman said he didn't mind that I hadn't solved the puzzle. Team Adelos has said the same thing. However, if any Puzzle cache owner does not want me to log a cache I found with my smarter companions, I won't . . . Since the Puzzle cache owner has the option of deleting an "offending" log, they can do that, and I would understand. If I have logged any of your Puzzle caches and you want me to change my "Found it" to a "Note," I will. :huh:


That's a great point! It should be up to the cache owner. I have one puzzle that I know of only two (or maybe three people) that were able to solve it without any help. But I'm not going to delete anyone's log that found it some other way. The challenge is just there for those that want the challenge. Most people write in their logs that they got help and that is a good enough! :huh:

Edited by TrailGators
Posted (edited)

Y'all are just mincing words about puzzle-cache ethics. Lets just get to the meat of the subject.


Whenever FlagMan solves a puzzle cache he should just post the solution on this thread and/or as his cache-page log entry. Not only that, he should just sign each logbook as "FlagMan and the San Diego Geocachers." That way all of us can score all of the puzzles without breaking a mental or physical sweat.


Better yet let's cut out the middle-man. Puzzle-cache owners should just post a complete solution with each and every new puzzle-cache description. This makes things "fair" for everybody rather than just a few.


For practice why not start with the MTRP puzzle caches that FlagMan has already scored? Once he posts the solutions I'll trot over to MTRP and sign in for all of as the "San Diego Geocachers."


Anything wrong with this picture? :huh::huh:

Edited by SD Rowdies

Since this discussion has come up, I have emailed one Puzzle cache owner to ask them if they want me to post a "Note" instead of a "Found It" for some caches of theirs I found with the group last night.


I don't want to do something they consider to be wrong . . . :huh:

Posted (edited)

Y'all are just mincing words about puzzle-cache ethics. Lets just get to the meat of the subject.


Whenever FlagMan solves a puzzle cache he should just post the solution on this thread and/or as his cache-page log entry. Not only that he should just sign each logbook as "FlagMan and the San Diego Geocachers." That way all of us can score all of the puzzles without breaking a mental or physical sweat.


Better yet let's cut out the middle-man. Puzzle-cache owners should just post a complete solution with each and every new puzzle-cache description. This makes things "fair" for everybody rather than just a few.


For practice why not start with the MTRP puzzle caches that FlagMan has already scored? Once he posts the solutions I'll trot over to MTRP and sign all of us in as the "San Diego Geocachers."


Anything wrong with this picture? :huh::huh:


I think you have to buy the book on e-Bay!



Edited by FlagMan
Puzzle-cache owners should just post a complete solution with each and every new puzzle-cache description.



...I'll trot over to MTRP and sign all of us in as the "San Diego Geocachers."




Wow.. great discussions!


I have place a puzzle or two and agree with most of the comments mentioned prior. Geocaching, for me, is about having fun. Collaboration and team work is what makes the San Diego cachers a GREAT group. Everything else has already been said. I welcome the free rides to my puzzles. I just hope that it may spark an interest in puzzle for them, probably not though. Now, there is a cacher group out there, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, that find mine without the help of others and without the puzzle. :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: All that means is that I need to place them better... :laughing:


It's all good!




Y'all are just mincing words about puzzle-cache ethics. Lets just get to the meat of the subject.


Whenever FlagMan solves a puzzle cache he should just post the solution on this thread and/or as his cache-page log entry. Not only that he should just sign each logbook as "FlagMan and the San Diego Geocachers." That way all of us can score all of the puzzles without breaking a mental or physical sweat.


Better yet let's cut out the middle-man. Puzzle-cache owners should just post a complete solution with each and every new puzzle-cache description. This makes things "fair" for everybody rather than just a few.


For practice why not start with the MTRP puzzle caches that FlagMan has already scored? Once he posts the solutions I'll trot over to MTRP and sign all of us in as the "San Diego Geocachers."


Anything wrong with this picture? :laughing::laughing:


I think you have to buy the book on e-Bay!




I am still waiting on my copy! :laughing:




Wow.. great discussions!


I have place a puzzle or two and agree with most of the comments mentioned prior. Geocaching, for me, is about having fun. Collaboration and team work is what makes the San Diego cachers a GREAT group. Everything else has already been said. I welcome the free rides to my puzzles. I just hope that it may spark an interest in puzzle for them, probably not though. Now, there is a cacher group out there, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, that find mine without the help of others and without the puzzle. :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: All that means is that I need to place them better... :laughing:


It's all good!




That helps make it fun and, as Miragee said, some of us just aren't very good at puzzles.



...I have sand in my vagina!"!

I've seen ads on TV for a product that should help you with that... :laughing:
Do you think that this subject might become the first post on the 200th page of this thread? :laughing::laughing:


You know.....I can't say I have ever had that problem. :laughing:


Hey, let me tell you, it's not fun! <_<:laughing: Not that I've ever had that problem... :laughing:


...I have sand in my vagina!"!

I've seen ads on TV for a product that should help you with that... :laughing:
Do you think that this subject might become the first post on the 200th page of this thread? :laughing::laughing:

You know.....I can't say I have ever had that problem. :laughing:

Hey, let me tell you, it's not fun! <_<:laughing: Not that I've ever had that problem... :laughing:

Anybody have photos?



...I have sand in my vagina!"!


I've seen ads on TV for a product that should help you with that... :laughing:


Is TM aware of this?


You know, it just dawned on me that GoBolts! has to be aware of that particular product. After all...Duncan! used to be called Douche-way!





...I have sand in my vagina!"!


I've seen ads on TV for a product that should help you with that... :laughing:


Is TM aware of this?


You know, it just dawned on me that GoBolts! has to be aware of that particular product. After all...Duncan! used to be called Douche-way!




I'm still trying to figure out how Gobolts! has a...a.....nevermind.... :laughing:


Another $0.02...


First of all, my hat is off to you rjbloom - in a very short time you have solved 100 puzzle caches (several TT caches included) - that is going to be hard to beat.


My viewpoint on solving/tagging along:

I personally do not care if people use other's effort when finding my puzzle caches. Caching is supposed to be a fun experience - a chance to meet up and bond with other people if one desires, or go at it alone.


When it comes down to FTF, my opinion changes a bit. I've had requests for hints before there is a FTF - I do give them, but it's more like a nudge or a cryptic message (which makes sense once the puzzle is solved). I do not want to give away the FTF easily if there is somebody out there that is working really hard by themselves trying to solve it - it's about giving everybody a fair chance. Once there is a FTF though, I give clues until the person can solve it.


Do I expect the same treatment? - NO! It's up to each individual to put restrictions on hints/lifelines etc.


'Nuff said...


I survived my surgery and am now at home recovering. It didn't go as planned. My gallbladder was inflammed and was full off stones, the ultrasound showed it to be fine and two stones. Any how they had to cut me open to remove it. So maybe I can make a chain with the staples in my side as a travel bug. They wouldn't let me have the stones. So i'm stuck at 955. Mybe I can get out next weekend and get my numbers up.




I survived my surgery and am now at home recovering. It didn't go as planned. My gallbladder was inflammed and was full off stones, the ultrasound showed it to be fine and two stones. Any how they had to cut me open to remove it. So maybe I can make a chain with the staples in my side as a travel bug. They wouldn't let me have the stones. So i'm stuck at 955. Mybe I can get out next weekend and get my numbers up. :rolleyes::anitongue::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Hey, get well soon. Sounds like you had some "fun." As far as your numbers are concerned just ask the puzzle-cache fudgers to sign you into the logbooks for the puzzles they "solved." :ph34r:

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