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Log Edit Function not working.


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12 minutes ago, MolsonBlue2001 said:

I usually log the cache with a short placeholder and then edit with more thoughts later.

Note that the CO may see only your short placeholder log. The system sends email when that log is created, but not when you edit it to turn it into a real log.

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30 minutes ago, MolsonBlue2001 said:

I usually log the cache with a short placeholder and then edit with more thoughts later. I click on the Edit feature and it just reloads the same page and does not allow me to edit me log. I have tried a couple of different browsers and it is not working in any of them.

Is anyone else having this issue?


Just tried to edit a cache I entered a full log for today , and I can concur, the edit function isn't working (for me) either.  :)

MolsonBlue ,  if you look at the latest privacy release in The Release Notes forum, it'd probably be good to add that one there too.

A couple glitches caused by this one.


Edited by cerberus1
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This problem started for me yesterday...I posted some logs yesterday and was not able to correct a couple of typos.  I can edit if I use my iPhone and go in through the safari browser, but I make far more mistakes using the keyboard on the phone that on my computer.  I also use my computer to add my TB visits to the logs at home rather than in the field.   The edit function simply returns me to the same screen, no matter how many times I click on the little pencil icon.






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I am having the same problem.  I accidentally logged a found it on the wrong cache and can't delete it on my laptop.  I was however able to go through my phone onto the geocaching website and edit/delete the log.  It is a backdoor kind of way to get it done but it works for anyone willing to go that route until they fix the issue.

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21 hours ago, MolsonBlue2001 said:

Is anyone else having this issue?


It doesn't work for me in IE11 or Edge.  It works for me in Brave (a Firefox port) and Chrome, but at the moment it's slow and sometimes takes a couple of attempts.  I haven't tested other functions.


I haven't tried clearing "cookies", but I "accepted cookies" when the warning popped up.

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Edit function still does not work in the browser edge -

Groundspeak is informed -

Changing browsers to Chrome or Mozilla helps. It works for me via Mozilla.  


By the way: Writing in the forum was / is blocked with the Edge browser.

As can be read from a previous post on the problem, it may also help to adjust the settings (Edge / Check cookies etc.) accordingly in Edge.





Edit Funktion geht immer noch nicht im Browser Edge -

Groundspeak ist informiert -

Browserwechsel auf Chrome oder Mozilla schafft Abhilfe.  Bei mir klapp's über Mozilla.


Übrigens: Auch das Schreiben im Forum wurde/wird mit dem Browser Edge blockiert.

Wie aus einem vorherigen Post zum Problem zu lesen ist, hilft es vielleicht auch, in Edge die Einstellungen (Sicherheit/Cookies etc. checken) entsprechend anzupassen.

Edited by CrazyCacheCats
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Experienced exactly the same problem.  The edit function is simply not working with MS Edge browser but switched to Mozilla browser and worked a treat.  The Geocaching people really should get this sorted.  In the meantime they should post this as a known problem and advise on work-arounds.

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9 minutes ago, HyppeSyster said:

I've had this issue since the first of the year.   Today I tried creating a new Cache locally (Washington State)... I have good Co-ords… but when I enter them in, I am shown that my co-ords are in China... what's with that???


Which web browser?


Are you typing the N/S/E/W part?  Depending on what you enter, the same numbers will be in different parts of the map.

For example, N 47° 46.585' W 117° 21.764' is in Washington State.


Google Maps shows 47° 46.585' 117° 21.764' in China.

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10 hours ago, kunarion said:

Google Maps shows 47° 46.585' 117° 21.764' in China.

Yes, there should be a minus in front of 117° (- means West in Longitude and South in Latitude) => 47° 46.585' -117° 21.764'

Edited by HHL
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11 hours ago, ambegador said:

I have been having the same problem using Microsoft Edge, probably at least since the beginning of the year.  Usually do at least a short log on my phone. Sometimes want to correct my thumb typing, add another thought or TB, but unable to do so.



On 2/10/2020 at 12:15 PM, cerberus1 said:

I haven't any issues noticed after I went to the "new" Edge.  :)


And the post directly above yours...

16 hours ago, kunarion said:

There’s a New Edge that seems OK.  Tell your friends! :)


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On 12/31/2019 at 2:44 PM, MolsonBlue2001 said:

I usually log the cache with a short placeholder and then edit with more thoughts later. I click on the Edit feature and it just reloads the same page and does not allow me to edit me log. I have tried a couple of different browsers and it is not working in any of them.


Is anyone else having this issue?

Yes. I have not had Edit or delete capability on saved logs for more than two months. Another change is I no longer get a listing I can open and view when I create a pocket query or cache along a route. This change happened about the same time.  I am a Premium member since 2005 and it is frustrating that GC cannot fix this problem. I have reported it several times and GC wants me to send snip-its of the problem.  This is not a single-user issue.  I have opened the Gecaching website under Foxfire and Google Chrome but have the same issues.  Very Frustrating.  TexasGreg

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On 2/15/2020 at 4:05 PM, kunarion said:


Which web browser?


Are you typing the N/S/E/W part?  Depending on what you enter, the same numbers will be in different parts of the map.

For example, N 47° 46.585' W 117° 21.764' is in Washington State.


Google Maps shows 47° 46.585' 117° 21.764' in China.

OOoooooh.  Ok.. yeah... if I enter the N & W then yes... I go to Wash State... I had not been using the letters.  Thnx Kunarion…. 

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59 minutes ago, rich-c said:

the only way I have got round it is to use firefox instead of Microsoft edge


There is an entirely new version of Edge with updated icon and everything, that also works.  Microsoft Edge Version 80.  If you mainly use "Edge" anyway or don't like to change Windows defaults too much, it's a pretty good option.


Edited by kunarion
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