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"I am Geocaching" translations

Gill & Tony

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Posted (edited)

I am planning a European tour in September/October and the thought of an encounter with police who don't speak English and who don't know about geocaching has prompted me to design a business card which explains the game.


I am hoping that this thread can become a collection of translations of this card into various languages and that, if the moderators deem it suitable, it could become a pinned thread somewhere so the translations can become a community resource.


Please keep this thread for translations. There is already a discussion thread available here.


A suggested format for the translation would be one line stating the language (in both English and the actual language), followed by the translation. My English original follows - the text above the line will be on the front of the card, the text below on the back.

Edited by Gill & Tony



I am Geocaching


Geocaching is a world-wide family-friendly hide-and-seek game played using GPS-enabled devices.


There are over 7,500,000 players searching for more than 2,500,000 caches in over 170 countries.


I am searching for a cache hidden nearby. Please look at my GPS device for details.




A cache may be as small as the eraser on a pencil or as large as a barrel, but it must contain a paper log so players can sign their name as evidence of their visit. A cache will often be camouflaged to make it more of a challenge to find.


There may be trinkets inside, but players are strictly prohibited from leaving dangerous items, food or things which may not be family-friendly


See www.geocaching.com for more information.

Posted (edited)



Ja upravo geokeširam.


Geokešing (Geocaching) je globalna, obiteljska igra skrivanja i potrage koja se igra pomoću GPS uređaja.


Trenutno postoji preko 7.500.000 igrača koji tragaju za više od 2.500.000 skrivenih keševa u više od 170 zemalja.


Ja upravo tražim keš koji je skriven nedaleko odavde. Molim Vas pogledajte moj GPS uređaj za detalje.




Keš može biti malen kao gumica na vrhu olovke ili velik kao bačva, ali u svakom slučaju mora sadržavati papirnati dnevnik u kojega se igrači potpisuju kao dokaz da su pronašli keš. Keš je često kamufliran kako bi bio dodatan izazov pronaći ga.


U kešu mogu biti i razne sitnice, ali strogo je zabranjeno ostavljati opasne predmete, hranu ili predmete koji nisu prikladni za djecu.


Za više informacija pogledajte web stranicu: www.geocaching.com

Edited by GCEdo
Posted (edited)



Estou a praticar geocaching.


O geocaching é um jogo mundial de caça ao tesouro que utiliza aparelhos de GPS e é praticado por muitas famílias.


Há mais de 7,5 milhões de jogadores em busca de mais de 2,5 milhões de caches (caixas) em mais de 170 países.


Estou à procura de uma cache escondida aqui perto. Por favor, consulte o meu aparelho de GPS para mais detalhes.




Uma cache pode ser tão pequena quanto uma borracha na ponta de um lápis ou tão grande como um barril, mas deve conter uma folha de registos para que os jogadores possam escrever o seu nome como prova da sua visita. Uma cache costuma estar camuflada para tornar o desafio de encontrá-la ainda maior.


Pode haver presentes no seu interior, mas as regras do jogo proíbem os jogadores de deixarem objetos perigosos ou comida.


Consulte o website www.geocaching.com para mais informação.

Edited by AntMadeira



Geocaching ist ein weltweites familienfreundliche versteck und such Spiel gespielt mit GPS-fähigen Geräten.


Es gibt mehr als 7,5 Millionen Spieler die mehr als 2,5 Millionen Caches suchen in über 170 Ländern.


Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Cache der in der Nähe versteckt ist. Bitte schauen Sie auf meine GPS-Gerät für weitere Einzelheiten.




Ein Cache kann so klein sein wie der Radiergummi auf einem Bleistift oder so groß sein wie einem Fass, aber es muss ein Logbuch haben, so können Spieler ihren Namen als Beweise ihres Besuches eintragen. Ein Cache wird häufig getarnt, um es eine größere Herausforderung zu machen.


Kleinigkeiten zum Tauschen könnten auch drin sein. Spieler werden gebeten Tauschobjekte nicht da zu lassen die verboten oder gefährlich sind sowie Essen oder Dinge die nicht familienfreundlich sind.


Siehe www.geocaching.com für mehr Information.




Geocaching ist ein weltweites familienfreundliche versteck und such Spiel gespielt mit GPS-fähigen Geräten.


Es gibt mehr als 7,5 Millionen Spieler die mehr als 2,5 Millionen Caches suchen in über 170 Ländern.


Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Cache der in der Nähe versteckt ist. Bitte schauen Sie auf meine GPS-Gerät für weitere Einzelheiten.




Ein Cache kann so klein sein wie der Radiergummi auf einem Bleistift oder so groß sein wie einem Fass, aber es muss ein Logbuch haben, so können Spieler ihren Namen als Beweise ihres Besuches eintragen. Ein Cache wird häufig getarnt, um es eine größere Herausforderung zu machen.


Kleinigkeiten zum Tauschen könnten auch drin sein. Spieler werden gebeten Tauschobjekte nicht da zu lassen die verboten oder gefährlich sind sowie Essen oder Dinge die nicht familienfreundlich sind.


Siehe www.geocaching.com für mehr Information.

Das ist allenfalls der Versuch Deutsch zu sein. :rolleyes:


Okay, I have taken what has been contributed so far, created a project in Github and added the English, Croatian, Portuguese, and German versions. As more translations are added I'll commit them to the repository. When I get some time I want to write a simple web application that will allow one to select a language and it will generate a printable PDF that looks a little more Authentic. I'll ask GS about using the logo or any other graphics that might make the "I Am Geocaching" cards a little nicer to look at.


The repository is at:




all of the files are in the resources directory. They're all named "text" with a file extension which indicates the language (using the standard locale string). I named them this way so that when I write an application for it I can use standard multi-language support tools to select the files in a different language.


For now, I'll just follow this thread and add any translations that are contributed.


Gill & Tony: You might want to post a pointer to this thread to the All Nations and perhaps other regional forum sections to see if you can get other translations.


Okay, I have taken what has been contributed so far, created a project in Github and added the English, Croatian, Portuguese, and German versions. As more translations are added I'll commit them to the repository. When I get some time I want to write a simple web application that will allow one to select a language and it will generate a printable PDF that looks a little more Authentic. I'll ask GS about using the logo or any other graphics that might make the "I Am Geocaching" cards a little nicer to look at.


I would not recommend to use the German version suggested. It is full of mistakes and not by a native speaker.


Okay, I have taken what has been contributed so far, created a project in Github and added the English, Croatian, Portuguese, and German versions. As more translations are added I'll commit them to the repository. When I get some time I want to write a simple web application that will allow one to select a language and it will generate a printable PDF that looks a little more Authentic. I'll ask GS about using the logo or any other graphics that might make the "I Am Geocaching" cards a little nicer to look at.


I would not recommend to use the German version suggested. It is full of mistakes and not by a native speaker.


Instead of pointing out flaws, perhaps offer up a different version instead? :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Okay, I have taken what has been contributed so far, created a project in Github and added the English, Croatian, Portuguese, and German versions. As more translations are added I'll commit them to the repository. When I get some time I want to write a simple web application that will allow one to select a language and it will generate a printable PDF that looks a little more Authentic. I'll ask GS about using the logo or any other graphics that might make the "I Am Geocaching" cards a little nicer to look at.


I would not recommend to use the German version suggested. It is full of mistakes and not by a native speaker.


Instead of pointing out flaws, perhaps offer up a different version instead? :rolleyes:


I explained in the discussion thread why I'm not doing this. Originally I thought hhl's comment about the mistakes should be sufficient and wanted to stay away from this thread at all but when NYPaddlecacher used the German version posted here, it appeared to me that hhl's German post got overlooked due to being written in German.

Edited by cezanne

Okay, I have taken what has been contributed so far, created a project in Github and added the English, Croatian, Portuguese, and German versions. As more translations are added I'll commit them to the repository. When I get some time I want to write a simple web application that will allow one to select a language and it will generate a printable PDF that looks a little more Authentic. I'll ask GS about using the logo or any other graphics that might make the "I Am Geocaching" cards a little nicer to look at.


I would not recommend to use the German version suggested. It is full of mistakes and not by a native speaker.


Instead of pointing out flaws, perhaps offer up a different version instead? :rolleyes:


I explained in the discussion thread why I'm not doing this. Originally I thought hhl's comment about the mistakes should be sufficient and wanted to stay away from this thread at all but when NYPaddlecacher used the German version posted here, it appeared to me that hhl's German post got overlooked due to being written in German.


Since I don't understand German I didn't notice that HHL had corrected the initial translation. It looked to me like HHL had just quoted the version that was posted. The nice thing about using Github (or some other source control system...but github is, by far, the most commonly used) is that I can commit an update, but one can still get to the earlier version.

Posted (edited)

Since I don't understand German I didn't notice that HHL had corrected the initial translation.


He did not correct it. He commented that this is at best an attempt to try write German and I guess he wrote it only in German as it was directed to the guy posting

the translation who understands German. The correction would be quite long and it would be better to start from scratch.


I'm aware of github but it will not resolve the key problem involved here.

Edited by cezanne

Since I don't understand German I didn't notice that HHL had corrected the initial translation.


He did not correct it. He commented that this is at best an attempt to try write German and I guess he wrote it only in German as it was directed to the guy posting

the translation who understands German. The correction would be quite long and it would be better to start from scratch.


I'm aware of github but it will not resolve the key problem involved here.


I disagree. It will make it easy for others to download the most recent (and presumably the most accurate translation available). I have been using github since 2011 and have made over 800 commits (additions, deletions, or updates) in the past year. I've also been part of community open source projects for at least 15 years and felt that a community open source model for this project would work well to manage all the different translations. Open source projects are successful when people contribute to the project rather than just complain about it.



Posted (edited)

I disagree. It will make it easy for others to download the most recent (and presumably the most accurate translation available). I have been using github since 2011 and have made over 800 commits (additions, deletions, or updates) in the past year. I've also been part of community open source projects for at least 15 years and felt that a community open source model for this project would work well to manage all the different translations. Open source projects are successful when people contribute to the project rather than just complain about it.


I agree with you with respect to open source projects and managing translations under the assumption that qualified people are willing to contribute. I'm just concerned that those who will download the stuff from your site do not know German and will believe that the text there is ok and that the native speakers who are aware of your page will not contribute for the same reasons no German version of the G+T text has been posted here by a native speaker (which will then create a deadlock situation).


However, good luck with your project - it's a good idea but I guess that will not help you with respect to the German version. I just wanted to make you and others who do not understand German and so could not understand hhl's comment aware of the issues with the posted German version. I will not comment on this in this thread any more. I'd wish that we would not have all this discussion in this thread anyway but there is no way to change that now.

Edited by cezanne
Posted (edited)

Hi NYPaddler,

I sent you a PN with a (hopefully) improved translation to german

Enjoy Europe



Edited by Thore

Hi NYPaddler,

I sent you a PN with a (hopefully) improved translation to german

Enjoy Europe




Thanks Thore,


I've added your version to the repository with a de_DE locale (indicating it's in German as spoken in Germany). I'm almost reluctant to post a copy of it here out of concern that it'll be picked apart.



Posted (edited)

Sorry for the wrong translation. Please ignore it. Topic now closed, for me anyway.

I find it interesting that people are willing to pull things (comments) apart but are not willing to offer a correction. As they said Im not a native Speaker.

Edited by speakers-corner

Hi NYPaddler,

I sent you a PN with a (hopefully) improved translation to german

Enjoy Europe




Thanks Thore,


I've added your version to the repository with a de_DE locale (indicating it's in German as spoken in Germany). I'm almost reluctant to post a copy of it here out of concern that it'll be picked apart.


I think for quality control it's a good thing if people who know can point out that there are issues to be resolved with any of the translations - but please, please don't let that put you off what you are doing.


This is the single most positive, useful exercise I've seen in these forums for a very long time and those driving it forward are to be commended for undertaking it B)

Posted (edited)

I've added your version to the repository with a de_DE locale (indicating it's in German as spoken in Germany). I'm almost reluctant to post a copy of it here out of concern that it'll be picked apart.


Definitely not by me. I would welcome if this thread stays for translations and I only became active here when I realized that you did not get the meaning of hhl's comment.

My posts in the other thread were not intended to pick something apart either. I do not translate even my own cache descriptions and sometimes log directly and change often formulation and contents. When doing so, there needs to be a common understanding of the message to be sent across. Creating a direct translation is of course straightforward and the easiest thing, but often not the best.


On the other hand, anyone who wants to see Thore's version can see it at your site anyway which should suffice. (Added comment: I wonder whether you uploaded the version sent by Thore as it contains a strange typo in a word which is an English word anyhow and a substantial grammar mistake. If you wish, I can send you a pm.)

Edited by cezanne

Thank you ... this seems a brilliant idea!


I'm heading to Europe over the summer - no idea if i'll get time to Geocache (but I'm hoping to sneak a few in!) ... a way to explain what I'm doing sounds fantastic, especially as my language skills are not great!!


It is hard for people who do not speak another language to get why using Google Translate or having a translation done by someone who is not an expert in the target language can get so messed up. But I think I can give an example:


"I am geocaching." translated to another language and given to a police officer could easily get a response of (in their language) "I am police officer."


The grammar and volcabulary would be completely correct. The meaning totally wrong.


I've added your version to the repository with a de_DE locale (indicating it's in German as spoken in Germany). I'm almost reluctant to post a copy of it here out of concern that it'll be picked apart.



(Added comment: I wonder whether you uploaded the version sent by Thore as it contains a strange typo in a word which is an English word anyhow and a substantial grammar mistake. If you wish, I can send you a pm.)



Thanks for the pointer Cezanne. I went back and think I found both things you pointed out, the typo (weird indeed) and the grammar mistake)


NYPaddleCacher: I will send the corrected version directly to you again to upload. No point in me registering just for that.


For everyone else, I am happy to help with all GER-ENG or ENG-GER translations, being a native german speaker living in the US, I should be able to help. I know that Speaker's Corner helps too and is 'local' with regards to timezones, so mine is a complementing offer, not a competing one ;-)




Ive learned a lesson here.


At least my comment was not meant in any offending way and also should not discourage you and should not make you learn a lesson. I apologize if it came across in a different manner - I know that you just tried to help (and I know that it's not the first time you did try to help when it came to language issues). I just wanted to make NYPaddlecacher aware of the

fact that your version might not be ready to be uploaded to his database.

Your version was not bad and fully understandable and hhl's comment was not polite.

It however creates a better impression with authorities if a text is free of mistakes (also with respect e.g. to punctuation and spelling - like whether a word starts with a capital letter or not which is something even a lot of native speakers are not good at).


Ive learned a lesson here.


I also hope that I did not contribute to any hard feelings. I know you helped a lot in the past and the speed with which you do that is remarkable and sometimes of the essence.

Based on some of your past work in translations (also in the green forum) I actually assumed you to be a native speaker that moved to the UK, so... fooled me ;-)


Keep it up, you give geocachers a good reputation.



Posted (edited)

I'd love to do an Australian version, but it would be full of Australian slang and vernacular and probably would be almost unpublishable.


From an Aussie China Plate!


It would probably be funny and blue too.

Edited by boothie103



Hraju hru Geocaching


Geocaching je světově rozšířená hra vhodná i pro rodiny. Spočívá v ukrývání a následném hledání schránek (keší) pomocí GPS přijímače.


Na světě je více než 7 500 000 hráčů a 2 500 000 keší ve více než 170 státech.


Momentálně hledám kešku v této oblasti. Podrobnosti můžete vidět na mém GPS přístroji.




Kešky se vyskytují od velikostí velmi malých jako je guma na tužce až po veliké jako třeba sud, ale vždy musejí obsahovat papírový zápisník nebo list papíru, na který se hráč podepíše jako důkaz nálezu. Schránky jsou často maskovány, aby je nebylo lehké najít.


V keši mohou být předměty na výměnu kromě věcí nebezpečných, jídla nebo věcí nevhodných pro rodiny s dětmi.


Více informací najdete na www.geocaching.com.


Okay, I have taken what has been contributed so far, created a project in Github and added the English, Croatian, Portuguese, and German versions. As more translations are added I'll commit them to the repository. When I get some time I want to write a simple web application that will allow one to select a language and it will generate a printable PDF that looks a little more Authentic. I'll ask GS about using the logo or any other graphics that might make the "I Am Geocaching" cards a little nicer to look at.


I would not recommend to use the German version suggested. It is full of mistakes and not by a native speaker.


Instead of pointing out flaws, perhaps offer up a different version instead? :rolleyes:


I explained in the discussion thread why I'm not doing this. Originally I thought hhl's comment about the mistakes should be sufficient and wanted to stay away from this thread at all but when NYPaddlecacher used the German version posted here, it appeared to me that hhl's German post got overlooked due to being written in German.

You are VERY rude! Very! Its ok to criticize someone's work but to refuse to help them is very very rude. If you dont want to help, keep your opinion to yourself. That simple.


You are VERY rude! Very! Its ok to criticize someone's work but to refuse to help them is very very rude. If you dont want to help, keep your opinion to yourself. That simple.


It was not me who wrote the German sentence (which indeed was not very politely formulated) - I just made those apparently not understanding German aware of the situation.

If lots of people create cards with a wrong German text and expect the text to be correct, noone will win.


I explained in detail in the other thread what I would need in order to help with arranging translations (in theory, I could organize quite a number of languages by involving people I know) - if the task is to provide a word by word translation of the suggested English text, then I'm out and that's not rude but just authentic. My working style is different. Of course it's simpler just to spend 1 minute to thoughtlessly translate a given text - that's not my style. I'm not critizing others - it's just not the approach which fits to me - not somewhere else in my life and thus also not when it concerns geocaching.


You are VERY rude! Very! Its ok to criticize someone's work but to refuse to help them is very very rude. If you dont want to help, keep your opinion to yourself. That simple.


It was not me who wrote the German sentence (which indeed was not very politely formulated) - I just made those apparently not understanding German aware of the situation.

If lots of people create cards with a wrong German text and expect the text to be correct, noone will win.


I explained in detail in the other thread what I would need in order to help with arranging translations (in theory, I could organize quite a number of languages by involving people I know) - if the task is to provide a word by word translation of the suggested English text, then I'm out and that's not rude but just authentic. My working style is different. Of course it's simpler just to spend 1 minute to thoughtlessly translate a given text - that's not my style. I'm not critizing others - it's just not the approach which fits to me - not somewhere else in my life and thus also not when it concerns geocaching.

Please just stop. Your insight isnt welcome after the fact that you said you arent going to help.




Hraju hru Geocaching


Geocaching je světově rozšířená hra vhodná i pro rodiny. Spočívá v ukrývání a následném hledání schránek (keší) pomocí GPS přijímače.


Na světě je více než 7 500 000 hráčů a 2 500 000 keší ve více než 170 státech.


Momentálně hledám kešku v této oblasti. Podrobnosti můžete vidět na mém GPS přístroji.




Kešky se vyskytují od velikostí velmi malých jako je guma na tužce až po veliké jako třeba sud, ale vždy musejí obsahovat papírový zápisník nebo list papíru, na který se hráč podepíše jako důkaz nálezu. Schránky jsou často maskovány, aby je nebylo lehké najít.


V keši mohou být předměty na výměnu kromě věcí nebezpečných, jídla nebo věcí nevhodných pro rodiny s dětmi.


Více informací najdete na www.geocaching.com.


Thanks for the Czech translation. I have added it to the repository.


I also updated the Readme.md file with a short backstory and a disclaimer.


Please just stop. Your insight isnt welcome after the fact that you said you arent going to help.


I did not say that. I starting with raising questions and discussing about the English version in the other thread. In order to create something that makes sense in my eyes in another language one needs to understand what is tried to be said between the lines - writing "familienfreundlich" for family-friendly is a correct translation but transmits a different message.

The interest rather seems to be receive quick translations without a longer discussion process. I said that the latter is not what I can participate in.

There would still exist the option to discuss in more detail about what should be the text of such a card in various languages.


Please just stop. Your insight isnt welcome after the fact that you said you arent going to help.


I did not say that. I starting with raising questions and discussing about the English version in the other thread. In order to create something that makes sense in my eyes in another language one needs to understand what is tried to be said between the lines - writing "familienfreundlich" for family-friendly is a correct translation but transmits a different message.

The interest rather seems to be receive quick translations without a longer discussion process. I said that the latter is not what I can participate in.

There would still exist the option to discuss in more detail about what should be the text of such a card in various languages.


I challenge you then to provide what YOU think the cards should say and how they should say it. Please put something out on the table that can be examined, and perhaps people can come to an acceptable compromise.

Posted (edited)



Je pratique le Géocaching


Le Géocaching est un jeu mondial de chasse aux trésors basé sur la technologie GPS et pour toute la famille.


Il y a plus de 7,5 millions de joueurs cherchant plus de 2,5 millions de caches dans plus de 170 pays.


Je suis en train de chercher une cache dissimulée à proximité. Merci de regarder mon appareil GPS si vous voulez plus de détails.




Une cache peut être aussi petite qu'une gomme sur un crayon à papier ou bien aussi grande qu'un tonneau, mais elle doit toujours contenir un papier afin que les joueurs puissent prouver leur découverte. Une cache est souvent camouflée pour qu'il y ait un challenge à relever lors des recherches.


On peut parfois trouver de petits gadgets à échanger à l'intérieur, mais il est interdit d'y placer des objets dangereux, de la nourriture ou tout objet qui ne conviendrait pas à toute la famille.


Rendez-vous sur www.geocaching.com pour plus d'informations.

Edited by fab_seeker

Thanks to all who have provided translations so far. Please keep them coming.




Here is what I've got in my repository so far:


English/United States - resources/text.en_US

Croatian/Croatia - resources/text.hr_HR

French/France - resources/text.fr_FR

Portuguese/Portugal - resources/text/pt_PT

German/Germany - resources/text.de_DE

Czech/Czech Republic - resources/text.cs_CZ

Anyone have a Spanish or Dutch version


Sorry to go a little off topic but the things said in this thread have me scratching my head here.


If someone notices mistakes in a translation, why is it so hard for them to post a corrected version? In this case, Cezanne notice right away, that there were mistakes in the German translation. Instead of simply bringing it to our attention, why didn't she also post the correct translation?


Because sentence format differs around the world, i realize it's not just a case of translating word for word. But in my thinking, the translation doesn't have to be perfect anyway. As long as it gets the main point across, i wouldn't think it would have to be grammatically perfect.


Anyways, i think this is a good project to put together,, Thanks ya'll!


Sorry to go a little off topic but the things said in this thread have me scratching my head here.


If someone notices mistakes in a translation, why is it so hard for them to post a corrected version? In this case, Cezanne notice right away, that there were mistakes in the German translation. Instead of simply bringing it to our attention, why didn't she also post the correct translation?


Because sentence format differs around the world, i realize it's not just a case of translating word for word. But in my thinking, the translation doesn't have to be perfect anyway. As long as it gets the main point across, i wouldn't think it would have to be grammatically perfect.



I completely agree. As I see it, the main point is to answer the question, "What are you doing?" in a way that tells the person asking not only "what" I'm doing but provides enough information to convey the point that it's a legal and harmless activity.


BTW, I've just added an Italian version that was provided by someone that that a similar encounter to mine, but in a German speaking country.



Sorry to go a little off topic but the things said in this thread have me scratching my head here.


If someone notices mistakes in a translation, why is it so hard for them to post a corrected version? In this case, Cezanne notice right away, that there were mistakes in the German translation. Instead of simply bringing it to our attention, why didn't she also post the correct translation?


You obviously don't speak a second language.

One can know "All your base are belong to us!" is wrong, without being able to know what the correct translation should be.

Posted (edited)
One can know "All your base are belong to us!" is wrong, without being able to know what the correct translation should be.

Yes. It's especially tricky on a some Web Forums :ph34r:, to offer specific answers. I once posted what I printed on some cards, including the "Geocacher's Creed". Number one on the list is "I will not endanger myself or others", which for wallet card purposes, I shortened to "Be Safe". This began replies about how Geocachers should not be told to be safe, that they may wish to climb a tree or something which is not a safe thing to do, so a card is wrong to say you must "be safe". :yikes:


Yeah, I can understand why, when a translation isn't correct, someone would bow out of that mine field.


I would like the option to pick & choose the translated phrases. Let's say you wish to print a card, but one particular phrase gives you grief, you could omit that part on your own cards.

Edited by kunarion

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