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Big Bag 'O' Doots... Can someone explain this?


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Originally posted by scoobydum:

Reminds me of something sick and twisted I saw a while back... http://www.bonsaikitten.com/

Sick and twisted, I LIKE that. icon_eek.gif



__STURGEON GENERAL WARNING:_ Fishing can decrease the risk of long-term employment, a meaningful relationship, and any chance of financial independence... Oh well._


Never thought I'd take a militant stance on anything like this before!


Bonsai Kittens? BLASPHEMY!




People! That site is JUST PLAIN WRONG!


I leave you with,

Warm regards,




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Originally posted by scoobydum:

Reminds me of something sick and twisted I saw a while back... http://www.bonsaikitten.com/

Sick and twisted, I LIKE that. icon_eek.gif



__STURGEON GENERAL WARNING:_ Fishing can decrease the risk of long-term employment, a meaningful relationship, and any chance of financial independence... Oh well._


Never thought I'd take a militant stance on anything like this before!


Bonsai Kittens? BLASPHEMY!




People! That site is JUST PLAIN WRONG!


I leave you with,

Warm regards,




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*please* tell me that nobody is taking bonsai kittens seriously??????


It's a well-known web prank that is just a little more believable than most.


Complaints have already been registered with every agency under the sun, so don't waste your time. The site was kicked off its first webserver (an .edu, if I recall correctly) but has since found a new home.



I keep missing my ex-wife. But my aim is getting better.

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Originally posted by The Leprechauns:

*please* tell me that nobody is taking bonsai kittens seriously??????


Barnum was right, y'know.


Back when Omni Magazine was still in-print, it ran a series of memos discussing the "manufacture" and marketing of legless cats to apartment dwellers. I remember one covering the necessity of carrying the cat to its letter pan and how best to sell this as a feature....


Wish I could remember the author's name.





Wendy Chatley Green


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it struck me... Who would go thru SOOOOOO much trouble to repeatedly take a dump in a bag, tie it to a tree, and just leave it there? It seems they put so much effort into it already, it'd be a shame for it to go to waste...


Ok, I should know better than to keep this thread going, but today over my lunch break I stopped by a local bookstore to browse some books on hiking, local trails, etc. Among these books was one entitled, "How to s*** in the Woods". I thought, "No, I can't be," but sure enough, it was *an entire book* written on this topic!! Don't ask me how the author conviced the publisher of this one. After reading this thread,as disgusting as it was, I just had to check and see if it said anything about tying a bag full of it to a tree. Maybe it would give some explanation. Sadly, even this author hadn't thought of that one. icon_eek.gif I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or relieved!



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it struck me... Who would go thru SOOOOOO much trouble to repeatedly take a dump in a bag, tie it to a tree, and just leave it there? It seems they put so much effort into it already, it'd be a shame for it to go to waste...


Ok, I should know better than to keep this thread going, but today over my lunch break I stopped by a local bookstore to browse some books on hiking, local trails, etc. Among these books was one entitled, "How to s*** in the Woods". I thought, "No, I can't be," but sure enough, it was *an entire book* written on this topic!! Don't ask me how the author conviced the publisher of this one. After reading this thread,as disgusting as it was, I just had to check and see if it said anything about tying a bag full of it to a tree. Maybe it would give some explanation. Sadly, even this author hadn't thought of that one. icon_eek.gif I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or relieved!



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Originally posted by The Leprechauns:

*please* tell me that nobody is taking bonsai kittens seriously??????


It's a well-known web prank that is just a little more believable than most.


You mean this isn't possible? I was wondering what I was doing wrong. Oh well, the neighbor had too many cats anyway...


On my first day of school my parents dropped me off at the wrong nursery. There I was...surrounded by trees and bushes.

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Originally posted by GoPherStash:

"How to s*** in the Woods". I thought, "No, I can't be," but sure enough, it was *an entire book* written on this topic!!

You might be surprised that this is a very popular and well-written book. It should be required reading for anyone spending time in the wilderness.



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Originally posted by Jamie Z:

You might be surprised that this is a very popular and well-written book. It should be required reading for anyone spending time in the wilderness.


LOL... From Amazon... "Paperback: 128 pages" It's even available in a "non-offensive" cover... I would think this topic could probably be nailed in a paragraph or two, (poop and run.)


Now "How to **** in a WalMart", that's a book I'd read icon_smile.gif



Contents Under Pressure...

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Originally posted by Jamie Z:

You might be surprised that this is a very popular and well-written book. It should be required reading for anyone spending time in the wilderness.


LOL... From Amazon... "Paperback: 128 pages" It's even available in a "non-offensive" cover... I would think this topic could probably be nailed in a paragraph or two, (poop and run.)


Now "How to **** in a WalMart", that's a book I'd read icon_smile.gif



Contents Under Pressure...

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Carefull examination of this threads original post, had any of you taken the time, would have revealed that this person is an avid outdoorsperson with a tragic and congenital hearing ailment. This person at a youthfull age attempted to strive out on their own and enjoy the wilderness by, responsibly, taking a "Bush Survival Course". They obviously misheard their instructor's comments about bush lore, and brought plastic 'dropping' bags in place of the ever useful shopping bags. I hope this person isn't reading this thread, to save them the embarassment.


P.S. The hanging it from the tree... Well that's because they are obviously nuts, Kookoo for Coco Puff, one datum off the right path, not the crispiest dorito in the bag, snuck into the gene pool when the lifeguard wasn't looking.


**NOTE** This is humour folks so please don't flame me. No physically nor mentally empowered individuals where hurt in the creating of this posting. icon_wink.gificon_wink.gificon_wink.gificon_razz.gif


GPSr's...A step in the right direction!

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Carefull examination of this threads original post, had any of you taken the time, would have revealed that this person is an avid outdoorsperson with a tragic and congenital hearing ailment. This person at a youthfull age attempted to strive out on their own and enjoy the wilderness by, responsibly, taking a "Bush Survival Course". They obviously misheard their instructor's comments about bush lore, and brought plastic 'dropping' bags in place of the ever useful shopping bags. I hope this person isn't reading this thread, to save them the embarassment.


P.S. The hanging it from the tree... Well that's because they are obviously nuts, Kookoo for Coco Puff, one datum off the right path, not the crispiest dorito in the bag, snuck into the gene pool when the lifeguard wasn't looking.


**NOTE** This is humour folks so please don't flame me. No physically nor mentally empowered individuals where hurt in the creating of this posting. icon_wink.gificon_wink.gificon_wink.gificon_razz.gif


GPSr's...A step in the right direction!

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Originally posted by Acceptable Risk:

Who would go thru SOOOOOO much trouble to repeatedly take a dump in a bag, tie it to a tree, and just leave it there? It seems they put so much effort into it already, it'd be a shame for it to go to waste...

I prefer to leave bags of crap on the neighbor's doorstep, light the bag on fire, ring the doorbell, then run... icon_biggrin.gif



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Originally posted by Acceptable Risk:

Who would go thru SOOOOOO much trouble to repeatedly take a dump in a bag, tie it to a tree, and just leave it there? It seems they put so much effort into it already, it'd be a shame for it to go to waste...

I prefer to leave bags of crap on the neighbor's doorstep, light the bag on fire, ring the doorbell, then run... icon_biggrin.gif



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This article about wild cougar in Michigan may provide a solution to the bag of doot mystery, or maybe not.


from the article:


Rusz has been tracking the big cats in Kalkaska County and other parts of the state for a year and collecting their scat (droppings) for DNA analysis. He said the results of the first DNA analyses by Central Michigan University scientists prove indisputably that cougars live in Alcona, Presque Isle and Roscommon counties in the Lower Peninsula and Menominee and Dickinson counties in the UP.

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Originally posted by cachew nut:

http://www.freep.com/news/mich/cougar28_20020928.htm about wild cougar in Michigan may provide a solution to the bag of doot mystery, or maybe not.


from the article:


Rusz has been tracking the big cats in Kalkaska County and other parts of the state for a year and collecting their scat (droppings) for DNA analysis. He said the results of the first DNA analyses by Central Michigan University scientists prove indisputably that cougars live in Alcona, Presque Isle and Roscommon counties in the Lower Peninsula and Menominee and Dickinson counties in the UP.


This sounds like it could turn into a real cat's-***-trophy, or at least material for a new "Da Yoopers" song.

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As a good friend said: Well, the ship high in transit theory was great, but I propose Shouldn't Heed Internet Truths. I think acronyms are more recent in usage, perhaps only going back to the

early twentieth century, mainly due to wartime activities and organizations. I will accept corrections on that.

If you have access to a print version of the Oxford English Dictionary,

turn to page 715 in the compact or 2791 in large version.

's**t' first appears in the english language around 1300... always refers to excrement... most people had way too much cow s**t hanging (no pun intended, no, wait, yes it is)around to have any need for shipping it...


Cache you later,


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Originally posted by Planet:

If you have access to a print version of the Oxford English Dictionary,

turn to page 715 in the compact or 2791 in large version.

's**t' first appears in the english language around 1300... always refers to excrement... most people had way too much cow s**t hanging (no pun intended, no, wait, yes it is)around to have any need for shipping it...


Cache you later,


This just proves that the English don't know doot. There are similar words in all the Germanic languages. The Korean word, at least I think it's a word, sounds like they're imitating someone with the Hershey squirts. Yes, that's disgusting, but not any more than the smell of the kimshee that they eat.

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Originally posted by The Leprechauns:

If Acceptable Risk decided to keep his own doots instead of sharing with UMC, would that make him anal retentive?


==> Naw, just a surly rear admiral, full o' doots and vinegar! (j/k umc)



Please attend our seminar, "Geocaching for Time Travelers," which will be held two weeks ago.


==> I'll bring my detergent, but for what Era shall it be?




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I was caching in a nice little common at the edge of town. It had a lot of history it seems it was an old chain factory. I had a lot of really nice stone work and a beautiful river. I finally found the spot where the cache was and found I was on some sort of a bridge.I went around and under figuring that was where the cache was I got to a spot where I couldn't see and took out my flash light to look in the rock wall and found toilet paper stuffed in the rocks I looked down to find that I was standing in human waste. I think I would have enjoyed the cache more if they s*%t in a plastic bag. icon_mad.gif

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In the park behing my Chicago home, people carry plastic bags to clean up after their dogs. They then throw the bags into the 55 gallon drums used as trash receptacles.

Young people, being young people, will take these bags and fling them into the trees. Most snag on a limb and become odorous tree decorations. I've seen a tree looking like it was bearing some strange white fruit.

So now they've started doing this in the forest?

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Originally posted by Lyra:

Glad to see it made its way back to the top!

I guess technically, that would make it a "floater." icon_biggrin.gif


Oh, and my hamster was wondering whether your mouse had a spare helmet?



I was formerly employed by the Department of Redundancy Department, but I don't work there anymore.

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I have an explanation of what’s being found hanging from those trees.. A while back I was doing some solo camping, and before bedding for the night, I took my food – consisting of some pretty lean ground round, a couple of steaks, and other side dishes wrapped in plastic bags, and strung it up from a tree. Gotta keep it from the critters, ya’ know..


A little later that night, I hear some commotion in the camp, and I looked out of my tent and saw this dadgum bear – jumping and swinging at this hanging goodie bag. It was just out of his reach, and I just laughed like hell !!! Well, that scared him off, and I went back to sleep.


The next morning I was ready for a good breakfast, and went to take the food down. The rope had been placed higher on the tree trunk, and I couldn’t reach it. Well, I took a little run and jumped to try and get the bag down, and it was just out of my reach.. I tried this for hours, and finally after getting a large stick, I was able to bring it down so I could grab it with both hands., When I got it open, It was full of Bear ****… As I was scratching my head, trying to possibly conceive how this happened, I heard this little noise behind a rock… I walked around the rock, and there was that dadgum Bear – laughing his *** off – eating one of my burgers… So – that’s how they get there!

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