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URWIGO builder


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Hi, I have learnt today the hard way that the Wherigo builder doesn't support Windows 7 64 bit. It let me create a cartridge, create zones, characters, items, save all the above but would fall over trying to open the cartridge for further work. Before I download URWIGO and start again, will it work ? I am not overly technical so please use small words in your answers

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Hi, I have learnt today the hard way that the Wherigo builder doesn't support Windows 7 64 bit.

The answer to that problem is here. It's a thread called "Wherigo Builder and 64-bit Windows", pinned to the top of the "Building Wherigo Cartridges" forum. Post #8 has something you can type into the command prompt (to get to the command prompt, go to Start: Run and type "cmd" (without the quotes).


Urwigo also works. From what I can tell, most people on the forum seem to prefer it. My preference varies depending on what I'm trying to do--especially towards editing the lua text file directly.

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I'm having an issue with compiling a cartridge. I keep getting this error (another cartridge it compiles just fine)



Anyone knows what it can be? I tried deleting stuff like Zones, Characters, Items, Inputs, Function and Variables one by one. But it will only compile and run when everything is deleted.

Is there any way to debug the compilation process? If I build a GWZ file for online compilation, I only get a 7kB archive while my Urwigo file is 834kB in size.


Hereby attacted is my Urwigo file. It is a mastermind/cluedo type of game in a very early stage of development, but I can't work any further on it if I can't run it to test :(


Thanks for the help!


EDIT: Already found the solution. Apparently giving the objects custom identifiers wasn't a good idea. Lesson learned ^^

Edited by triga
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After being in a pinch because of some "non-standard" way of doing a multi (by phoning in at the stages to get questions and answering them), I looked a bit closer at using Urwigo for creating the alternative way of doing the cache ... turns out this program is really amazing! I ended up doing most of the coding by hand, as some of the features I needed were pretty hard or impossible to do with the GUI programming ... but short of that, Urwigo is a great piece of work! Haven't had a single problem, no crashes, etc ... thanks for all the work and effort that went into it!! GS should really just dump their WIG builder from the WIG website and replace it with Urwigo ...


Only have one suggestion - some kind of auto-save to recover from crashes ... while the GUI itself never crashed, I managed to build an endless loop at one point that kept the PPC simulator busy ... had to kill the program, which of course meant the last changes were lost ...

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Only have one suggestion - some kind of auto-save to recover from crashes ... while the GUI itself never crashed, I managed to build an endless loop at one point that kept the PPC simulator busy ... had to kill the program, which of course meant the last changes were lost ...

Maybe I misunderstand your suggestion, but isn't the checkbox "Save the project when the cartridge is built or run" under File>Settings>Build exactly what you desire?

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If you want real security, write a Vigenère decipher function in Lua and have the user find a keyword in the field which decodes the message. It seems like rather a lot of work, though. If people want to cheat, they're only cheating themselves.


Not that concerned about high security; but this workaround is too easy.

ie: One the folks who found a Wherigo of mine pointed out that if he uses a text editor on the Cartridge file (downloaded from Wherigo.com) he found the UNLOCK code in the 1st few lines of readable bits in the binary stuff.


Is there a way to HIDE this or create an alternative code??? I'm using URwigo.

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Is there a way to HIDE this or create an alternative code??? I'm using URwigo.


no, and there is also no point in doing it - after all, the unlock operation on Wherigo.com is completely useless


Exactly. The only use of the completion code is to unlock it on Wherigo.com and most people don't even care about that.


It is virtually impossible to thwart cheaters.


I gave up trying to code around cheaters. Instead, I negated the benefit of cheating. I set up the geocache such that you still have to hike the same distance to the cache. If you chose to figure out the cartridge at home, fine. You still have to walk by all of the zones are the way to the cache.

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Only have one suggestion - some kind of auto-save to recover from crashes ... while the GUI itself never crashed, I managed to build an endless loop at one point that kept the PPC simulator busy ... had to kill the program, which of course meant the last changes were lost ...

Maybe I misunderstand your suggestion, but isn't the checkbox "Save the project when the cartridge is built or run" under File>Settings>Build exactly what you desire?

Yup, I guess you're right! Didn't come across that before ... :) Tnx!

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A beginners question:

How do you deactivate zone 1 and then activate zone 2 ?


Thx, Heredium


Use "Set". To the left you drag ZoneN.Active (appears when you opened the zone at the bottom left), at the right you select True/False.


What I do is after the player gets to the next zone "on enter" That's when I set the previous zone=false, then I "set" the next zone active =true at the same time. But i guess there could be times when you don't want that?

But that way if they go back into the zone after they finished it doesn't trigger all over again. If you use "on exit" make sure the zone is large so the don't go out of the zone accidentally before they finish otherwise they would have to start all over. You can also set the next zone active after they input a right answer to a question which is my favorite way to do it then I set the current zone=false and displayed=false then set the next zone displayed=true and active=true but if you are just having them go into a zone and not ask a question then just use "on enter" and "on exit"

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I completed my first Wherigo cartridge using Urwigo, and the reactions are very positive. http://www.Wherigo.c...5c-e1bfb7628401


I would like to finetune the cartridge a bit, I would like to give the users the possibility to display a screener if they push a button on the final screen.

How do I do that?


What is a "screener"? It's not an expression I have come across before.

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I completed my first Wherigo cartridge using Urwigo, and the reactions are very positive. http://www.Wherigo.c...5c-e1bfb7628401


I would like to finetune the cartridge a bit, I would like to give the users the possibility to display a screener if they push a button on the final screen.

How do I do that?


What is a "screener"? It's not an expression I have come across before.


oops, must be my autocorrector, I ment a "spoiler" so just an image to show at the end by pressing a button.

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I imported a *lua file of a well working catridge, built with the groundspeakbuilder.


Whenn trying the online Compilation in Urwigo, I get an error message, that a kind of timeout occurs and I should set the parameters.


But what? How?


Does anyone know this problem and can help me?



Team Eifelyeti

post-1019927-043157200 1299310513_thumb.jpg

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I downloaded URWIGO builder, but I have no clue where to start. The posts on this forum all seem to be from people with much greater technical understanding than I have. Are there any instructions or tutorials to help me? Do I need to know lua programming? I'd appreciate some advice.


look under the help menu, there's a basic tutorial linked in there.


I disagree that a technical understanding is required, it just requires a willingness to dive in at the deep end and mess around- don't worry, you won't break anything!

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I'm working on my first cartridge, and would like to use "user-expressions" to simplify some of the code and allow reuse of functions. I have defined a character called MisterX (and given him the LUA variablename "MisterX"). now I would like to check if this character is in the same location as the player.


This is what I've come up with so far, but it doesn't seem to work:


Wherigo.Player.ObjectLocation == MisterX.ObjectLocation


I have tried to compare the Names of the locations:


Wherigo.Player.ObjectLocation.Name == MisterX.ObjectLocation.Name


but the names seems to be nil. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to do this?


I also need to display the name of the current location in a messagebox to the user. how can I get the name of the current zone?


I'm sure I will run into other issues along the way, any help will be appreciated



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I'm working on my first cartridge, and would like to use "user-expressions" to simplify some of the code and allow reuse of functions. I have defined a character called MisterX (and given him the LUA variablename "MisterX"). now I would like to check if this character is in the same location as the player.

there are two kinds of "location": the zone kind, and the geo coordinates kind. they don't relate to each other too much (which can be very dangerous in some situations).

you seem to want the zone kind, but ObjectLocation is the geo kind. the right syntax would be:


(why not MisterX.Container == Player.Container? because Player can have many containers, i.e. be in more than one zone, when zones overlap. MisterX can only be in one zone, so this way we check whether that zone contains the player)


I also need to display the name of the current location in a messagebox to the user. how can I get the name of the current zone?

Player.Container.Name is the name of the last zone the player entered. if you have overlapping zones, this might not be what you want; OTOH, if you have overlapping zones, you can't expect such messagebox to work properly anyway


also, if you're launching that messagebox from a zone event (such as OnEnter), you can use this.Name

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As Urwigo is a Builder application and not a Player, Urwigo should not have anything to do with creating and/or uploading a save file.


In what way can your users, DonderVogel, not upload a save file? Which Player are they using? Is someone trying to upload a save file generated by a cartridge downloaded by another user? Is the cartridge marking itself as complete before the save file is generated?

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Can I reuse a cartridge for another location? With the Wherigo Builder I would just open the LUA file and change the GUID so I wouldn't have a conflict on the Wherigo site. What do I do here to ensure that a cartridge for one location doesn't override the same cartridge adopted for another spot?

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I'm an enthousiastic user of Urwigo.

It works great. The only problem is that, after completing the cache, users apparently cannot log the cache by uploading the save file to Wherigo.com.

Is there something to configure to make this work? Is this a known issue?


do you have the cartridge set complete at the end?

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Can I reuse a cartridge for another location? With the Wherigo Builder I would just open the LUA file and change the GUID so I wouldn't have a conflict on the Wherigo site. What do I do here to ensure that a cartridge for one location doesn't override the same cartridge adopted for another spot?

you will have to create a whole new gwz file to upload for the new location

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Can I reuse a cartridge for another location? With the Wherigo Builder I would just open the LUA file and change the GUID so I wouldn't have a conflict on the Wherigo site. What do I do here to ensure that a cartridge for one location doesn't override the same cartridge adopted for another spot?

I guess im confused so you are using the same cart at a new location and it is someone elses cart? is this it?
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So how would I go about creating an item that would be stored on the players unit that would have to completion code in it so the player doesn't have to write it down

You set the item's description equal to the completion code (or concatenate the completion code with some text). Don't forget to mark the cartridge as complete as well. Later, when a Wherigo API is available to the Player devices, they should be able to unlock the cartridge on the site for the player automatically when the cartridge is marked as complete. This is what I'm envisioning as Wherigo's future, among other things.

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Can I reuse a cartridge for another location? With the Wherigo Builder I would just open the LUA file and change the GUID so I wouldn't have a conflict on the Wherigo site. What do I do here to ensure that a cartridge for one location doesn't override the same cartridge adopted for another spot?

I guess im confused so you are using the same cart at a new location and it is someone elses cart? is this it?


Well, I've developed a cartridge that I would like use a second time (just tweak the zones) for a second Wherigo Geocache across the state. Rather than having to re-code from scratch I was wondering if I do do a "save as", give it a new name, update the coords for the start and zones, and viola.


I used to be able to do it with the Groundspeak builder by do all of the above that I just mentioned and then open the .LUA file in notepad and tweak the GUID to be something different. See the thread two years ago that I posted when I learned about how to reuse the cartridge by manually changing the GUID. I think that will give you a good historical background.


ARGH! I hate this. I want to add another question here and it forces me to add it to this post. Anyway, here goes: Does anyone know if I can copy "zone commands" with a simple copy / paste between cartridges so I can reuse that code and logic rather than re-doing it?


I just want to know if I can do that here in Urwigo.

Edited by kvhollis
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kvhollis sure you can use the same cart over and over in urwigo just save it as another name and go in and change it however you want.

As far as copying zone commands I think you can I know I have have 2 carts open at the same time so I can use one as a template.

Sorry I took so long to reply


Yes ... I second that point. Having multiple monitors is a great way to go .... I have several of my creations open at a time, borrowing across them as needed. It sure speeds up things. :))

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I have searched through this thread but have not found any replayed post.

I use german umauts chars in dialog and message boxes.

They are visible in Wherigo Builder and Player.

I imported the lua file to Urwigo and I even created a new cartridge completely with Urwigo. Same result:

instead of Umlauts "äöüÄÖÜß" the Player connected to Urwigo just shows "auoAOU?" which makes it nearly useless for me.


How can I fix that behavoir? I tried to set the language of the Urwigo player to german and restarted it. No fix.


Thanks for help.

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Is there a problem with the link to Google Maps in Urwigo?

I don't get the map anymore with the 'Edit in map'-function :( . I only get the zones and I can edit them, but without a map: see screendump.

Yesterday and Sunday it worked fine.

Anybody the same problem?

Or does someone know how to fix this. I just installed Urwigo again, but that didn't solve the problem...



Edited by Geinponem
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I have searched through this thread but have not found any replayed post.

I use german umauts chars in dialog and message boxes.

They are visible in Wherigo Builder and Player.

I imported the lua file to Urwigo and I even created a new cartridge completely with Urwigo. Same result:

instead of Umlauts "äöüÄÖÜß" the Player connected to Urwigo just shows "auoAOU?" which makes it nearly useless for me.

I'm not sure how you got accented characters to work in the Groundspeak builder, which as far as I know just eats anything beyond 127 ASCII, at least when compiling for the Colorado etc.


When Urwigo came out, I was surprised that it didn't do accents. I sent the instructions for how to do it to the developers, but I don't know if they got round to including the code.


Accents are fully supported in Earwigo, to the extent that the player software allows. That means limited support ("Western European" only, including all German accented characters) on Garmin, and full UTF-8 on other devices.

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Is there a problem with the link to Google Maps in Urwigo?

I don't get the map anymore with the 'Edit in map'-function :( . I only get the zones and I can edit them, but without a map: see screendump.

Yesterday and Sunday it worked fine.

Anybody the same problem?

Or does someone know how to fix this. I just installed Urwigo again, but that didn't solve the problem...


I solved the problem :rolleyes:

I first deinstalled Urwigo and after that I installed it again. Now it works fine!

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I have searched through this thread but have not found any replayed post.

I use german umauts chars in dialog and message boxes.

They are visible in Wherigo Builder and Player.

I imported the lua file to Urwigo and I even created a new cartridge completely with Urwigo. Same result:

instead of Umlauts "äöüÄÖÜß" the Player connected to Urwigo just shows "auoAOU?" which makes it nearly useless for me.

I'm not sure how you got accented characters to work in the Groundspeak builder, which as far as I know just eats anything beyond 127 ASCII, at least when compiling for the Colorado etc.


When Urwigo came out, I was surprised that it didn't do accents. I sent the instructions for how to do it to the developers, but I don't know if they got round to including the code.


Accents are fully supported in Earwigo, to the extent that the player software allows. That means limited support ("Western European" only, including all German accented characters) on Garmin, and full UTF-8 on other devices.


I work with WherigoBuild in a german windows xp professional.

Umlauts work in Dialog boxes but not in zinput<var>.Text

I have only tested that in the emulator for Pocket PC yet.

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My first post in this forum ^^


Three days ago I started experiencing the Wherigo topic with installing WhereYouGo on my Droid smartphone and playing the Wherigo Tutorial cartridge. It worked fine so today I wanted to start creating my first own little Wherigo Cache.

So I downloaded and installed the official Groundspeak Builder from the Wherigo.com site.

But after around five hours of working it crashed and there was no way to restore my work. So I wanted to install the Urwigo builder to work on. I downloaded it and started installing. First all worked fine. The setup downloaded the required files but after that the setup crashed showing an error message saying "The validity of the application could not be verified. The process can not continue."


Is the Urwigo setup file corrupted? If not how can I fix this error? I've read Urwigo is so much better than the Groundspeak builder so I really want to try it out.


Thanks for your help


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Is the 'Save Game' option in the Urwigo Builder the same as the 'Set status of cartridge to complete or incomplete' ??


See attached photos.



To accomplish the same action in Urwigo as the builder 'Set status of cartridge to complete or incomplete' use the Set action, then drag the complete property under your cartridge in the objects and property section to the Set action and set it to either true or false.


'Save Game' is the equivalent to 'Save a cartridge game' and 'Save and Close Game' is the equivalent to 'Save and close the current cartridge'.

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I would like to use the German Umlauts (äöü) in my cartridge.

At the moment this is not possible as URWIGO seems to translate them to aou.

I know the original Wherigo Builder has problems with such umlauts. But at least my Garmin Oregon does not have such problems: I replaced the aou in the *.gwc file with äöü and these äöü appeared fine on the GPS device.


An option or so to switch off this translation would be fine.

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I would like to use the German Umlauts (äöü) in my cartridge.

At the moment this is not possible as URWIGO seems to translate them to aou.

I know the original Wherigo Builder has problems with such umlauts. But at least my Garmin Oregon does not have such problems: I replaced the aou in the *.gwc file with äöü and these äöü appeared fine on the GPS device.


An option or so to switch off this translation would be fine.


Interesting idea! I had the same problem and came up with searching similiar words without umlauts with a thesaurus :-).


However, I have not managed to import my LUA file into URWIGO, because I have done some custom additions.

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hi guys,


In the name of making better caches I am embarking on a Wherigo cache. I have been messing around with the urwigo builder but really need some help along the way...I dont want someone to build it for me but would love someone to consult on a regular basis about building as I go along....Ill even make it worth someones while and perhaps even gift them a premium membership out of my pocket! please pm me if your interested in working with me....

I would like to use the German Umlauts (äöü) in my cartridge.

At the moment this is not possible as URWIGO seems to translate them to aou.

I know the original Wherigo Builder has problems with such umlauts. But at least my Garmin Oregon does not have such problems: I replaced the aou in the *.gwc file with äöü and these äöü appeared fine on the GPS device.


An option or so to switch off this translation would be fine.


Interesting idea! I had the same problem and came up with searching similiar words without umlauts with a thesaurus :-).


However, I have not managed to import my LUA file into URWIGO, because I have done some custom additions.

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