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URWIGO builder


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Don't think there is one. I basically taught myself using the builder program I taught myself all the commands and there functions by trial and error and looking at what other people have done. Use there examples compare them to what you want to do and start off with something simple 1 or 2 zones and then build on that. import zooventure into urwigo (or any of the unlocked carts, and see how they did it then use the run command. go back and read though this whole thread and get ideas

Have fun! ask all the questions here you want someone will usually answer


I've recently built a Wherigo for an upcoming event; and the best guidance I can offer is: Create your Media; Zones; and Characters first. Then things in the interface start to fall together. You can do a lot without resorting to user functions; which tend to act as 'advanced user' augmentations; and require more serious LUA and system understanding. Luckily, some of that advanced programmimg wizardry can be acquired by looking at the generious examples offered here, by other users. ;)



Thanks to URwigo's great Development interface, I've been able to successfully launch my 1st multizone Wherigo, with nighttime trap and code capture at the end. It launched as an option in a night cache puzzle cache GC2EEVE, for the October 30th 5th annual BFL event in Ontario Canada.


Despite the Puzzle, most chose to follow the Wherigo to the Night Cache and rated it a 4.5/5 experience.


I can't wait to do another :rolleyes:)

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What version of Windows are you running?


Note that "username" in the Documents and Settings folder should be YOUR username, not "username".

I am running Windows Seven and the C: \ Documents and Settings \ my name \ Local Settings \ Apps is not present

It looks like Windows 7 changed the file structure a bit. The above path works for XP, but for Windows 7, look for C:\ Users \ your username \ Local Settings \ Apps.


I don't know about your exact error or if this will fix it, but for a few of us, when the program started doing weird things, we deleted the Apps folder and re-installed a fresh copy of the program.


If you don't see the Local Settings folder in your home directory, you may have to change the View Option to show Hidden files. (I think...I'm doing this off of memory, because I'm using my Mac right now.)

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I've created a cartrige using the urwigo builder. The cartrige has some inputs which were multiple choice questions. Everything is fine in emulator, but if I run the cartrige on the oregon, the question and answers are just one textbox instead of one box for each answer. Can anybody help me?





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I love the URWIGO builder... but I encountered some.... "features" :-)


1.) I have a cartridge, and it's about 1 MB size. I removed all of the soundfiles for a soundless version (some pocket pc had a problem with the sounds) the resulting file didn't shrink. Is this normal?

The soundproblem concerns the Groundspeak-player, so forget about it.


2.) The features to encrypt and to avoid simulating the cartridge are good, but it took one of the players not very long, to find a way to get the plain text again. ;-) Well I suppose it's IMPOSSIBLE to make a software secure... and also the hacker is playing the cartridge the normal way... I just wanted to mention it ;-)


3.) Whish: I have soo much zones and items... can you update something in the Builder: When the focus is in the window "objects and properties" and I press any key that it jumps to the letter? Or maybe sort it A..Z?


Would be helpful


THX a lot for your work!!!

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For #1, the reference to the sound files may not have been removed from the lua script.


As for #2, there are some rather devious things you can do to the person. If I had that problem, I'd create a cartridge a certain way where the hacker thinks s/he hacked it. At the very end, though, I'd say the final cache is in a different location. Sit back, now, and watch the person spend an hour searching for a cache that's not even at that spot.


Another solution is to ask people numeric questions while playing the cartridge. The numbers wouldn't be checked against anything and would, later, be used to piece together the final's coordinates. At that point, your hacker wouldn't know the numbers because they'd be dependent upon what someone sees in the field.

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I am trying to use the value of Player.ObjectLocation.latitude in a User Expression but it always returns a value of zero.


Here is what the expression looks like:


function getIntegerLatitude()


local x = Player.ObjectLocation.latitude; --get raw version of Latitude


return x;



When I use the result in a message, the number is always zero.


If I replace the user expression in the message with the value of Player.ObjectLocation.latitude, I get the Latitude.


What am I doing wrong?





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I am trying to use the value of Player.ObjectLocation.latitude in a User Expression but it always returns a value of zero.


Here is what the expression looks like:


function getIntegerLatitude()


local x = Player.ObjectLocation.latitude; --get raw version of Latitude


return x;



When I use the result in a message, the number is always zero.


If I replace the user expression in the message with the value of Player.ObjectLocation.latitude, I get the Latitude.


What am I doing wrong?






Further complication. When I use the latitude in a display message, I get the correct value. However if I try to Set a variable to the latitude, the variable is set to zero.

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For #1, the reference to the sound files may not have been removed from the lua script.


As for #2, there are some rather devious things you can do to the person. If I had that problem, I'd create a cartridge a certain way where the hacker thinks s/he hacked it. At the very end, though, I'd say the final cache is in a different location. Sit back, now, and watch the person spend an hour searching for a cache that's not even at that spot.


Another solution is to ask people numeric questions while playing the cartridge. The numbers wouldn't be checked against anything and would, later, be used to piece together the final's coordinates. At that point, your hacker wouldn't know the numbers because they'd be dependent upon what someone sees in the field.


#1... hmm... I removed the files from the "media"list


#2... yep.. I made a wrong final-area, and put the correct coordinates as picture in the message... after searching somewhere completly different he grabbed the picture-file


I thought also about the variable-things, but I'Ve been afraid what might happen if a user inserts the wrong value by accident (I also had the idea of checking the input...I have to make the input redoable...)


#2.1 My newest "solution" contra hacking was a 2nd cartridge where I sent the hacker a mail: Don't bother hacking... it's even more open than the last one with fake-coords... so it's not a challenge for him to hack it, but to play it.

the FTF is still available ;-)


#2.2 he encountered a possibility to manipulate the borderpoints of a zone win LUA. I have to figure this out, so I can use it myself...

Edited by HowC
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Has anybody encountered a soundproblem with the combination URWIGO and OpenWIG-Player?


It's just not playing the sound... wheres Urwigo ->Originalplayer or Originalbuilder->Whereyougo/Openwig doesn't have this problem?

Edited by HowC
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Newbie in need of some major help:

First I would like to say, I am very new to the Wherigo concept. I just did my first Wherigo a few weeks back, and I loved it. Which prompted me to want to do my own. I tried the Wherigo builder, but had no luck with it. I then found the urwigo builder, and I got a lot more done on that. Now I am putting it all together, I got all my locations, and items set. But now when I am putting the whole cartridge together, I am just missing something. Basically I am looking at doing a 7 total stage Wherigo. All of it takes place in an old amusement park lot, that is empty, but still has some of the foundations. I want the person to go to the parking coords, and see their first location on their handheld. when they get there, they will be given 6 "tickets" for the other attractions that I will be taking them to. when they get in the first location, I want the 2nd location to then become visible to them. when they get to that location I want them to have to surrender one of their "tickets" from their inventory to unlock a message about the place they are standing at, and to unlock the next location, and so on and so on, until the 6th attraction, it will unlock the coords to a cache container.

I can use some major help from someone who has strung together a Wherigo using the urwigo builder. I have been at this for days, and I cant seem to get it to do what I want. I am sorry this is such a beginners question, but I can really use the help. If you could help me out, send me a message through geocaching.com username. Thank you so much, I do appreciate it. and a p.s. I would like to get this cartridge done soon, because there is NO Wherigo caches in this area at all!!! and I want to be able to spread the joy of a Wherigo. thanks, charlie

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If the cartridge is linear, pumpkinking27, and there isn't a way for the player to waste tickets, all you need is one ticket item. When the player enters the first zone, the ticket item is placed into his/her inventory and the second zone is active. You'll need a "Use Ticket" command associated with the item. When the command is fired, you should check to see if the player is within one of the other zones. If so, you show whatever message, make the current zone inactive, and make the next one active.


I've attached a demo cartridge that will work with a Colorado. I'd prefer to use commands with zones, but the Garmin units don't support this (grrr...).


Due to some logic, though (a if/then statement a little more complicated than Groundspeak's Builder likes), I have a small author script handling most of the logic. I think Urwigo should be able to figure that part out. Anyway, that's the gist of what I see you doing and asking.


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I can not get Urwigo to run on my computer. .net 3.5 is installed and urwigo installs from the webpage and downloads all of the files. When all of this is done, I go to urwigo in the start menu and click on it. I get a little bit of harddrive activity and then nothing. No failure message, no window popups, nothing. Anyone have any idea what could be going on? The link in the start menu doesn't really seem to point to anything.

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If the cartridge is linear, pumpkinking27, and there isn't a way for the player to waste tickets, all you need is one ticket item. When the player enters the first zone, the ticket item is placed into his/her inventory and the second zone is active. You'll need a "Use Ticket" command associated with the item. When the command is fired, you should check to see if the player is within one of the other zones. If so, you show whatever message, make the current zone inactive, and make the next one active.


I've attached a demo cartridge that will work with a Colorado. I'd prefer to use commands with zones, but the Garmin units don't support this (grrr...).


Due to some logic, though (a if/then statement a little more complicated than Groundspeak's Builder likes), I have a small author script handling most of the logic. I think Urwigo should be able to figure that part out. Anyway, that's the gist of what I see you doing and asking.


Thanks for the help. I downloaded your cartridge, and from what I picked apart at it, I got a little bit better understanding of how it should be set up. I am, however not having much luck with mine. I get it so you get to parking, then it brings up you need to go to the first zone to pick up the tickets. (for some reason, 2 zones show on your locations) you go to zone 1, the roll of tickets is there, and when you buy them, all the zones light up on the map. when you go to zone 2, it tells you about it, but then no locations show up after that. Not sure why, I imaged your sample pretty well, but I had to have done something wrong. Is there a way I might be able to send you what I have so far, so you could see what Im talking about? If not, I understand, but I can not figure this out. I wish it was easier so there would be more Wherigo caches out there. I was trying to have this one done for an event I am holding this saturday, but i do not think that is going to happen, with all the problems I am having building the thing! Thanks in advance for the help.

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Hi, I have started to play with urwigo and I test some simple situations I would like to use in my cartridge.


I have a problem with function "Distance to a zone" when used as a condition in an if/else branch. If I use the option "inside", "in proximity" or "in distance", the condition will never pass.


How can this be used? It does not work as direct condition function nor as the inner function together with compare.

post-3042385-1291155172.png post-3042385-1291155322.png

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Please check Task Manager to see if it's running. I know the application does phone home for updates, so I wonder if it's being caught on that.


I installed Urwigo on two of my other laptops, one is a vista and the other is running the same XP pro that is on this one. It runs perfect on those two machines. It has to be something with the way this laptop handles the startup process. It doesn't show that it is running on this laptop.

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Hello all!


Currently I am getting lost with the following issue: In case a wrong answer is provided to a question (input), this question must be shown again automatically without letting the user to go out and back into a zone.


I think it must be something with a loop until a task is complete (providing the correct answer sets a task to complete (this works)).


Thanks for your help!



==>>> EDIT: I found the solution to my problem. Thanks anyway!


I'm struggling with the same exact issue, but I have not found the solution for myself yet.


Anyone care to enlighten me on how to keep asking for an input until the correct one is provided?

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Hello all!


Currently I am getting lost with the following issue: In case a wrong answer is provided to a question (input), this question must be shown again automatically without letting the user to go out and back into a zone.


I think it must be something with a loop until a task is complete (providing the correct answer sets a task to complete (this works)).


Thanks for your help!



==>>> EDIT: I found the solution to my problem. Thanks anyway!


I'm struggling with the same exact issue, but I have not found the solution for myself yet.


Anyone care to enlighten me on how to keep asking for an input until the correct one is provided?


look at the attached file


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Sorry to ask a stupid question but, how do I look at this file? Do I have to change the extension to something else and open it in urwigo? Do I have to unzip it?

Unzip it then open the resulting file in urwigo.


It basically shows a recursive input. That is, it's an input that, when the player enters an incorrect answer, "calls itself" and the player is presented with the same question. And so on and on until the player enters the correct answer. I've attached a picture of the input.



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This morning, I made an edit or two to the cartridge that I'm working on, and then I saved it.


This afternoon, I went to open the urwigo project again and I get an "Error while opening project"!


I didn't save different versions; I just saved the revised one with the same name as the old one.


I do have what I think is a good gwc file that was compiled from the project.


Is there a way to salvage my project without having to start all over again?


I hope someone can help…

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So if you download the source file of a (with Urwigo build) cartridge from www.Wherigo.com you have to be a lua-programmer to do something with it. Because you can't open the cartridge in de Urwigo builder (?)


I was looking through the post's and seen this post so I thought I would comment on it. If I download the source from the Wherigo website and then I import it into the builder program first and then generate a .lua and then import that to the urwigo program it works great and you can do this with any of the source programs available on the Wherigo website. The calamity train heist works good. I have made 3 of them now I just change the coords and add a zone for the cache and I find something at the location where I am putting this cart that has the numbers I need for (the number of days before the flood, and the combo for the fire box and I change some wording about the location it is quick this way) this would be a good one for beginners to start with.

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Being new to Wherigo building I started like most of us with the Wherigo Builder just to realize how inappropriate it is. One of my main concerns was with the clear text for answers we can easily read from the compiled cartridge. I then switched to Urwigo and made giant leaps in building a first scenario. I still have concerns about the encryption. I read in one of the posts that a player had reverse engineered the code. Do you know if the use of these decompilers is widespread? If it becomes common practice to decompile and resolve the whole cartridge from home, I am not sure I want to pursue much further the venture. There are tricks we can use to force players to go the field but then the whole thing becomes a lot more complicated and the resolution of small puzzles by string comparison is totally useless. Your opinion would be welcome. Thank you.

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Being new to Wherigo building I started like most of us with the Wherigo Builder just to realize how inappropriate it is. One of my main concerns was with the clear text for answers we can easily read from the compiled cartridge. I then switched to Urwigo and made giant leaps in building a first scenario. I still have concerns about the encryption. I read in one of the posts that a player had reverse engineered the code. Do you know if the use of these decompilers is widespread? If it becomes common practice to decompile and resolve the whole cartridge from home, I am not sure I want to pursue much further the venture. There are tricks we can use to force players to go the field but then the whole thing becomes a lot more complicated and the resolution of small puzzles by string comparison is totally useless. Your opinion would be welcome. Thank you.

I have found 24 Wherigo caches so far in ten different US states. I have never once considered trying to see if I could gain information about the location of the final coords before going to the field to play the cartridge. In fact, I usually don't even try to begin to play the cartridge on my receiver until I'm near the parking coords. Perhaps I'm naive, but if someone wanted to "cheat" a Wherigo and go straight to the final, wouldn't this type of person just as likely enter a "found it" log without ever leaving their computer keyboard?


I think Wherigos are wonderful; over half the enjoyment of Wherigo comes from playing someone else’s creation to see what ideas they had, and how they were able to build a cartridge in a way that you may not be expecting, etc. Cachers who cheat at Wherigo are only cheating themselves out of the experience.


That being said, I think some mild encryption is appropriate in order to try to keep generally honest people... well, honest. I think this is much like locking the door to your house. This practice will keep most folks out, but it will not deter a criminal who is determined to get in.


I would recommend not worrying so much about the few folks who will try to hack your code, and focus on developing a cartridge that cachers will flock to… because it is a great cartridge that they want to play.

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Well Said KJKlock. Thats the way I see it if they want to cheat they are going to cheat and those people are not worth your time or effort. It's a game everyone plays different. They only hurt themselves just use the disable emulator and the other one. Thats plenty of security. Most of the people playing Wherigo's are not into cheating.

Just build the cartridge and don't worry about it! It's a GAME.

Have Fun! Fun! Fun!

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Being new to Wherigo building I started like most of us with the Wherigo Builder just to realize how inappropriate it is. One of my main concerns was with the clear text for answers we can easily read from the compiled cartridge. I then switched to Urwigo and made giant leaps in building a first scenario. I still have concerns about the encryption. I read in one of the posts that a player had reverse engineered the code. Do you know if the use of these decompilers is widespread? If it becomes common practice to decompile and resolve the whole cartridge from home, I am not sure I want to pursue much further the venture. There are tricks we can use to force players to go the field but then the whole thing becomes a lot more complicated and the resolution of small puzzles by string comparison is totally useless. Your opinion would be welcome. Thank you.

I have found 24 Wherigo caches so far in ten different US states. I have never once considered trying to see if I could gain information about the location of the final coords before going to the field to play the cartridge. In fact, I usually don't even try to begin to play the cartridge on my receiver until I'm near the parking coords. Perhaps I'm naive, but if someone wanted to "cheat" a Wherigo and go straight to the final, wouldn't this type of person just as likely enter a "found it" log without ever leaving their computer keyboard?


I think Wherigos are wonderful; over half the enjoyment of Wherigo comes from playing someone else’s creation to see what ideas they had, and how they were able to build a cartridge in a way that you may not be expecting, etc. Cachers who cheat at Wherigo are only cheating themselves out of the experience.


That being said, I think some mild encryption is appropriate in order to try to keep generally honest people... well, honest. I think this is much like locking the door to your house. This practice will keep most folks out, but it will not deter a criminal who is determined to get in.


I would recommend not worrying so much about the few folks who will try to hack your code, and focus on developing a cartridge that cachers will flock to… because it is a great cartridge that they want to play.


Thank you for this excellent post. This is only a game, afterall, and any effort to encrypt the outcome seems a waste of effort, unless it is to avoid an unintended 'screen spoiler' in the game play itself. Your intended audience are honest players, and all the others don't matter anyway.

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for better support of sourcecode-repositories like subversion it would be helpful to split the .urwigo-files into multiple lines and not just fill some very long lines.


This would be nice.




Cool, in version 1.4 this is changed !

thank you for this great tool

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I'm experimenting with adding some intro sound, and the user shall wait until it completes. Better realize problems at the beginning than 5 miles later within the woods ;) Two questions arise:

1. Is there a simple "wait x seconds" statement? Currently I added a timer and display messages and activate stuff when it elapsed, but there should be an easier way? Preferrably not showing the main page during the sound but some image? Or is there a general way to block everything during sound playback?

2. And how do I recognize that the cartridge is compiled for Garmin, so I can leave out waiting for the sound completion, as it is not played there?


And two OpenWIG related observations:

It seems that a sequence of two sounds starts simultaneously instead of after each other like in the emulator.

And when I use "Stop sound" in the OnClick of an afterwards message, the sound is stopped already before hitting the OK button.


Great builder so far, thanks a lot!

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1. i don't think that Wherigo can do anything like "stop processing and wait for X seconds". it's designed with responsibility in mind.

the timer is your best bet, maybe forcibly displaying some messages every second during the first X seconds


ad openwig - it's probably broken in this regard with sounds. if you'd care to report bugs about this different behavior, that would be best

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Question about task.OnActivityChange:

I want to trigger some actions when a task becomes active. Is it intended that the if statement for checking non-active to active has to check if the task is *in*acitve, i.e. the state *before* the activity change?

Fine with me, if it is intended, just want to be sure that this will not change in future. And maybe the name in Task.Properties.Events "On active change*d*" is a bit misleading. In the flow diagram it's called "On activity change" without d which better fits the behavior.

Edited by siggel
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Is there an online tutorial available in english. I like watching the youtube videos and have learned some things. I'm new at making Wherigo players and I'm having a hard time from moving people from zone A to zone B then to zone C, ect, ect. I'm just trying to make a basic one with no sounds. I just want players to enter a zone see a picture and read about the historical site they have visited then direct them to the next zone. Once the tour is done I want to direct them to the final which is thhe actual cache.

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I have have reviewed all of the posts here and most people seem to be doing very well. I, on the otherhand, being completely new to building these have missed something...


  • I would like to make a simple linear module where you start at the parking and then it tells to you go to the first zone - how do I get it to do that?
  • When they get to the zone, I would like to ask them a question that needs to be answered there. I have written the question but I do not know how to make it appear when they get there...
  • I have also included the possible answers but it has not asked me which is the correct one - how do I do that?
  • If they get it right, I would like to tell them to move to the next location and answer another question. So, how do I get that instruction to appear?


I guess there is a simple .urwigo file out there that shows me exactly this but I have not found it yet. I have watched the Youtube videos as far as I can but still seem to be a little lost (pardon the pun). Many thanks for any responses.

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I have been searching for a couple of days and cannot find an English version of the online tutorials. This would be cool software to use but if I don't know how to use it for all the tools it has it will sit on my desk top. If anyone has any online sources to a manual please let me know. I have been trying to get a Wherigo done in my area for six months with no luck. Thanks.

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I have been searching for a couple of days and cannot find an English version of the online tutorials. This would be cool software to use but if I don't know how to use it for all the tools it has it will sit on my desk top. If anyone has any online sources to a manual please let me know. I have been trying to get a Wherigo done in my area for six months with no luck. Thanks.


I came across this site that is quite useful. The text is in English but the examples are/were in Dutch. I hope it is of some help.

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Thank you for the link to that tutorial. I have read through it a few times. It has a lot of useful information. I'm still unclear on how to move any players from zone to zone. I have three zones built in but not sure how to use the "events" tab and how it related to moving people from zone to zone. I'm also struggling with the actions section as well. I contacted the software developer and was refered to the geocaching community for further assistance.

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I'm still unclear on how to move any players from zone to zone. I have three zones built in but not sure how to use the "events" tab and how it related to moving people from zone to zone.

You don't move the player (human geing playing the game, as opposed to the Player software which runs on your GPSr or phone) from zone to zone. The player can go anywhere they like, and your cartridge has to be able to do something vaguely sensible whatever they do.


You have one or more zones which are "active" (if they're not active, they're "switched off" for now) and when the player wanders into the zone, the OnEnter event happens. So you write some lines for what happens when the player enters the zone. There are two other related events, OnDistance and On Proximity. Those basically refer to entering two rings which are outside the zone (Proximity is the inner ring, Distance is the outer one). Again, when the player wanders into one of those rings, an event "fires" and you can say what happens.


Typically, for a simple multi, you might only have one zone active at a time. You would also typically set the "Distance" ranges to -1 so that you are always within the outer ring - then the player can always see the distance to the zone and the arrow. Your player goes to zone 1, where the OnEnter function will typically show a message (with associated picture), ask a question, check the answer, and if it's right, deactivate zone 1 and activate zone 2.

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Your player goes to zone 1, where the OnEnter function will typically show a message (with associated picture), ask a question, check the answer, and if it's right, deactivate zone 1 and activate zone 2.


A beginners question:

How do you deactivate zone 1 and then activate zone 2 ?


Thx, Heredium

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