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Everything posted by siggel

  1. siggel

    URWIGO builder

    Question about concurrency Hi Urwigo experts, I'm refactoring my wherigos a bit and have a hopefully simple question about concurrency in Urwigo/Lua. The situation is: I have Urwigo functions for switching from level to level (so I know where to update things if I change a level). Within the functions (named e.g. L1_to_L2, L2_to_L3, ...) the order of statements is not important, just several things related to the previous level are disabled while the ones related to the next one are enabled. However, when I want to jump from level 1 to 4, can I just call L1_to_L2, L2_to_L3, L3_to_L4 after each other or will those function calls also be treated in parallel (if yes, that would mean that things may not be correctly disabled in the end, because disabling L3 things in L3_to_L4 might happen before enabling L3 things in L2_to_L3. So what is the situation there, when e.g. doing several such function calls in a message's onclick part? And if it is parallel, is there a way to force it to be done sequentially to achieve my goal? Happy new year, siggel PS: For the ones questioning why I would want someone to jump from level 1 to 4, the reason is: Save/resume seems too unreliable. So I provide a personalized cheat code after each successful level.
  2. siggel

    URWIGO builder

    Question about task.OnActivityChange: I want to trigger some actions when a task becomes active. Is it intended that the if statement for checking non-active to active has to check if the task is *in*acitve, i.e. the state *before* the activity change? Fine with me, if it is intended, just want to be sure that this will not change in future. And maybe the name in Task.Properties.Events "On active change*d*" is a bit misleading. In the flow diagram it's called "On activity change" without d which better fits the behavior.
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