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FTF Geocacher

Team Idasam

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I hardly ever chase a FTF but I still brag a little when I get one.


I decided to pre-subscibe... its not the first or second geocaching magazine I have given a chance to. I do hope that one of them eventually catches on. Magazines are perhaps becoming a bit obsolete, but I do feel they have their place. I look at a computer screen all day... I like to sit in my easy chair and read something non-Electronic when I can.


I subscribe to another magazine with a total distribution of about 500 and it is printed monthly since 2001 so I know that even with a small number of subscribers a magazine can work.


With the advent of electronic reproduction becoming less expensive, it's easier to actually "print" the magazine but with the cost of labor, a magazine with a 500 person distribution isn't making money. It has to be a labor of love.


I would be interested to know where the "FTF" will be printed because there are lots of low cost ways of printing and binding something like that.


Still wondering who these folks are...


From their FAQ

Q. Who are you? And what made you decide to publish a magazine about geocaching?


A. We are a Texas-based marketing firm with 20+ years experience in design and publishing. We were amazed to find there was not a single print magazine devoted to the sport of geocaching. We wish to fill this void.


Are these even geocachers or are they a marketing firm looking to make money from our game?

Are these even geocachers or are they a marketing firm looking to make money from our game?

Interesting. I didn't even read that far. As for making money... good luck to them.


I did read the article you linked to earlier. Funny :) I found one such cache around here, let me know if you want to add it to your bookmark :)

Posted (edited)

Still wondering who these folks are...


From their FAQ

Q. Who are you? And what made you decide to publish a magazine about geocaching?


A. We are a Texas-based marketing firm with 20+ years experience in design and publishing. We were amazed to find there was not a single print magazine devoted to the sport of geocaching. We wish to fill this void.


Are these even geocachers or are they a marketing firm looking to make money from our game?


I don't care whether or not they are geocachers. I want to see observable, measurable and tangible results.


I'd be surprised if every entity that has profited from geocachers is also a geocacher. I want to see them put out their own investment capital or to develop their own start up capital from intestment firms or some sort of venture capitalist outfit.


Things like the iPhone, Colorado, Triton, Oregon, etc... did not require the end user's to send in a check before the product existed.


With a 20+ year track record in the publishing industry, they ought to be able to get this new venture of the ground without too much trouble. Given a believable business and marketing plan.


I wouldn't touch this with YOUR money.

Edited by Team Cotati

Still wondering who these folks are...


From their FAQ

Q. Who are you? And what made you decide to publish a magazine about geocaching?


A. We are a Texas-based marketing firm with 20+ years experience in design and publishing. We were amazed to find there was not a single print magazine devoted to the sport of geocaching. We wish to fill this void.


Are these even geocachers or are they a marketing firm looking to make money from our game?


According to the other active (bumped) thread that was started in 2003, and inspired El Diablo to start the first failed magazine, the publisher joined in the summer of 2008. He has about 140 finds and 11 hides.


In addition to this being the 3rd attempt at a print magazine, I seem to remember a 0 find account from a publishing firm proposing a 4th one (before this attempt). I could be wrong there though.


It's a tough market, but print magazine obviously still exist, and are doing well in some cases. Me, I've been a subscriber to Outside Magazine for about 10 years now, and read it every month. Also American Legion Magazine, but they just send that anyways when I pay my dues. :) I'm actually leaning toward sending my 12 bucks in.


Are these even geocachers or are they a marketing firm looking to make money from our game?


Whats wrong with wanting to make a buck? That's the American way.


I wonder if my ultra rare second issue of Today's Cacher is worth any money?

Posted (edited)



I took the day off to help my son move out of his apartment (he is transferring to another college) and my iPhone kept pinging me with new PayPal subscriptions. "What is going on?" I thought. Well, my wife and I finally get home after an exhausting day of lugging around convertible couches to see that Team Idasam has posted a new topic in the forums and my little project, FTF Geocacher, is the star of the show. I guess that explains it. I spent the next twenty or thirty minutes reading through the comments and let me tell you; what an eye opener! (Side note: I thought I knew what the term "sock puppet account" meant but googled it just to be sure - and unless I have an undiagnosed alternate personality disorder, Idasam and I are very definitely two separate people;-)


I really enjoyed reading everyone's comments and concerns. So, while I should be working on the finishing touches to the first issue, I will take a moment to respond to some of the comments (in bulk).


FTF the name: In a forum posting way back in 2003 titled "Geocaching Magazine?...," cacher "Golfhaus" wrote "If you're looking for a trendy, inside-joke title for the magazine, I'd like to offer 'FTF' as a possiblilty." I thought that sounded appropriately catchy but would mean nothing to someone seeing the magazine for the first time. So, I added the word "Geocacher" which I admit is only slightly more helpful to those unfamiliar with the hobby/sport but would at least make sense to those of us most likely to subscribe. That's it... the extent of my thought on the subject. If this reflects poor judgement on my part, I plead guilty-as-charged but the magazine will very definitely not be restricted to any particular aspect of geocaching, FTF'ing or otherwise.


FTF the subject: My sons and I were out caching over the holidays and a friend posted an LPC nearby - FTF and LPC; two of the most hated concepts combined?-) It was just a few miles away so we said "What the heck" and had a really good time going for the FTF together (especially since it was their first). To each his own.


Who "we' are: As you can see from my profile, I am relatively new to geocaching but I have been involved in the marketing/graphic design/publishing business since 1988 and founded "Icon Creative Services" way back in 1994. A few months ago, I decided to subscribe to a magazine related to geocaching only to find none existed. It seemed like a great opportunity to combine business and play so I posted a note to the forums on the subject and here we are.


Will it work?: Only time will tell. I decided on a take-it-slow approach by offering a 6-month/3-issue trial subscription that I could fulfill even if the magazine was a total flop. I started taking subscriptions the day after Christmas, posted a note to half a dozen regional forums, and watched as subscriptions slowly trickled in (at least until today's microburst). We are still short of our goal but are encouraged by the apparent increase in interest.


Thanks to all for commenting on this thread. Your feedback is extremely helpful in understanding the potential challenges the magazine will face.


Keith Petrus

Edited by ckpetrus

FTF just screams negative. I won't be subscribing.


It's just a name. Like I said, I've spoken with the party that's going to produce this magazine, and they have every intention of making it a great all around geocaching magazine. So what if it's called "FTF Geocacher"? There's no reason why you can't contact them and suggest other names . I'm sure that they would appreciate it. After all, it's all of us as cachers that make this game what it is. If it weren't for us, geocaching wouldn't exist. As for the argument about finding what you need to find online in regards to caching, well it's a good argument, but you can say that about anything. I go into Hastings, or Barnes and Noble and see huge racks of magazines. Why is that? I guarantee you that the people who argue this point have books and magazines in their homes, but they can just as easily go online and get the same info. If you don't like the idea of this magazine, then don't subscribe to it. Don't judge a book by its cover. :)


Unfortunately names can make or break a magazine.

An example would be if you changed the title of the magazine "Time" to "Whassup" the audience would change immediately and even if the content didn't change a single bit, the magazine would die.


TFTC eliminates the competetiveness of FTF but it's more than just that.


on every cache there is only ONE FTF but every cache has the ability to have hundreds of thousands of TFTC's (even though we would all love to see a longer post). TFTC also would be a way to draw people into the concept of "rights and wrongs" of geocaching. While TFTC would be perfectly acceptable, there is more to logging many caches and the magazine could do a few features to highlight that.


As I said in another thread on this subject, I have been in the printing industry for a VERY long time and have seen projects come and go. I've seen successes and failures and, unfortunately, with the name of "FTF Geocacher", it's a little doomed. Many people don't like the FTF competetion and for that reason alone people will hate the idea of the magazine without even opening the cover.

When I read the original post very early on I was immediately turned off by the Title, and that alone is a deal breaker for me. The fact that the publisher so casually picked the name without considering it would thoroughly alienate some makes me wonder if they really understand this community.


But I'll make the publisher a deal. You take FTF out of the name and I will sign up for the 6 month subscription.


One minor quibble here.

I signed up for what they call "presubscription" one place and "trial subscription" somewhere else on the website.

The website did not mention that it is a recurring subscription, nor was there a choice when I paid through paypal. The only notice was at the bottom of the paypal email that my subscription fee had been sent.

I guess I naively thought that the words "trial" and "pre" indicated that I would only have to take action if I wanted to continue, not if I wanted to stop.


Still wondering who these folks are...


From their FAQ

Q. Who are you? And what made you decide to publish a magazine about geocaching?


A. We are a Texas-based marketing firm with 20+ years experience in design and publishing. We were amazed to find there was not a single print magazine devoted to the sport of geocaching. We wish to fill this void.


Are these even geocachers or are they a marketing firm looking to make money from our game?


For me I really don't see that it matters that they are Geocachers or not if the content is good. But still want to see it take off before I bite.



Will it work?: Only time will tell.


I'm wondering who the contributors are going to be. While you may be well versed in publishing, what can you bring to the geocaching world?


One thing I would like to see in a magazine is hide techniques. I see so many times folks claim they can't hide anything larger than a micro somewhere I could hide a small, if not a regular. The only thing I can figure is if it's not pure laziness, it's they don't know how to hide a cache. Can't fix the laziness, but you can take care of the know-how.


I don't particularly care about cacher profiles. Not that I'm some major profile, but if asked, I'd refuse. That's just me.


Now, if you're interested in the cache that has been voted "Best Camo" in South Carolina since the awards started, then we'll talk.


If you're going to do profiles, it might be best to highlight folks who actually did something. For instance, a retired couple who, at first, couldn't do very physical caches, but has they pushed on became more fit and now can do those more physical caches. The hobby does get folks interested in more things than simply following an arrow. We have a canoe, mountain bikes, and climbing gear that we probably wouldn't have it weren't for the adventure of caching.


For me, it's about the caches and caching.


Here's an issue with me. With just about any hobby, you can highlight a "hunt" or round of "play" so to speak. You can't do that very often with geocaching, especially with the more interesting one, as you will spoil the hunt. The very nature of the hobby makes it pretty much prohibitive. Archived caches can be fair game with the owner's permission. Call it "Caches Gone" or something. You could start with the original "Tube Torcher." See the Tube Torcher II for the owners and get with them.


Caching equipment is more than a GPS. How do folks carry cache data? What about the other gear they carry? How is their vehicles set up? Stuff like that.


I'm still on the fence on subscribing.


One minor quibble here.

I signed up for what they call "presubscription" one place and "trial subscription" somewhere else on the website.

The website did not mention that it is a recurring subscription, nor was there a choice when I paid through paypal. The only notice was at the bottom of the paypal email that my subscription fee had been sent.

I guess I naively thought that the words "trial" and "pre" indicated that I would only have to take action if I wanted to continue, not if I wanted to stop.

The pre-subscription billing for three months rolls over to a regular subscription?


For how long, one year?


Forever if you don't cancel it?


I think that's the way most subscriptions work, but for folks who aren't used to subscribing with a credit card you're right, that should be clearly stated.


They should go after a broader audience like this mockup. I would subscribe to that.

Yeah, like Rambler said; That magazine actually made it to print. I have the first copy sitting right here, then the guy that was doing that mag. simply vanished and he took everyone's dough with him. That's one of the reasons that this thread is here now. A lot of people got burned, including me. We'll see what happens with this new magazine.

Posted (edited)

I am a little disappointed to see that people say they won't buy the magazine because of the title.

I'm also disappointed that people say they want to see the content before giving it a try.

And I'm disappointed that people say they want to see if it takes off before they are willing to give it a shot.


Where is the trust?


Come on people. If you WANT to have a magazine about geocaching (and I would like to see one) pony up a trial for $12. What is that in caching dollars? One day of cache run expenses? The cost of ONE ammo can shipped to you? The cost of 3 ammo cans if you are really lucky? The cost of 2 tb's if you include shipping?


It's not that expensive. Give it a shot and then give feedback. I think the publisher is VERY willing to give your ideas of content (and title) some serious consideration. I'd also be willing to bet that they would love to have a regular writer or two (pro-bono of course)


And, no, I am in no way affiliated with the publication.


Edited to add..


If nobody gives it a try, then how will it ever take off?

Edited by bittsen

One minor quibble here.

I signed up for what they call "presubscription" one place and "trial subscription" somewhere else on the website.

The website did not mention that it is a recurring subscription, nor was there a choice when I paid through paypal. The only notice was at the bottom of the paypal email that my subscription fee had been sent.

I guess I naively thought that the words "trial" and "pre" indicated that I would only have to take action if I wanted to continue, not if I wanted to stop.

The pre-subscription billing for three months rolls over to a regular subscription?


For how long, one year?


Forever if you don't cancel it?


I think that's the way most subscriptions work, but for folks who aren't used to subscribing with a credit card you're right, that should be clearly stated.


From Service@PayPal.com:


Subscription Terms:

$12.00 USD for each 6 months


Your subscription will automatically renew at the rates stated above unless you cancel prior to the end of the billing period.

If you have any questions or concerns about this subscription, please contact Icon Creative.


I guess this is pretty common. I haven't subscribed to a magazine in a long time. Still, it seems like when I've considered subscribing, it says somewhere on the offer that it will be a recurring charge. Also, in this case I don't even know when the "billing peroid" starts. How will I know when it ends?



From Service@PayPal.com:


Subscription Terms:

$12.00 USD for each 6 months


Your subscription will automatically renew at the rates stated above unless you cancel prior to the end of the billing period.

If you have any questions or concerns about this subscription, please contact Icon Creative.


I guess this is pretty common. I haven't subscribed to a magazine in a long time. Still, it seems like when I've considered subscribing, it says somewhere on the offer that it will be a recurring charge. Also, in this case I don't even know when the "billing peroid" starts. How will I know when it ends?


That's the standard way a subscription works on PayPal. So, from PayPal's own help, here's how to cancel a subscription: http://tinyurl.com/how2cancel


From Service@PayPal.com:


Subscription Terms:

$12.00 USD for each 6 months


Your subscription will automatically renew at the rates stated above unless you cancel prior to the end of the billing period.

If you have any questions or concerns about this subscription, please contact Icon Creative.


I guess this is pretty common. I haven't subscribed to a magazine in a long time. Still, it seems like when I've considered subscribing, it says somewhere on the offer that it will be a recurring charge. Also, in this case I don't even know when the "billing peroid" starts. How will I know when it ends?


The automatic renewal is a reason why I would not subscribe. I don't like having to work to get someones hand out of my pocket.


i just wouldn't subscribe. i don't hold any subscriptions to existing print magazines with good track records and the quality of which is assured.


neither do i have time for online magazines; as soon as i open that front page and see errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation, i'm outta there.


i have a complete failure to care whether or not a geocaching magazine will ever succeed. not every activity needs a magazine.


Bittsen apriciate your optimism but us older folks have been down the "give me the money now" then I will produce only to see no results it's not the money just don't like being taken.



Posted (edited)

In the beginning cachers were encouraged to trade evenly.


Somehow the later FTF craze enabled them to take the most valuable object out and leave nothing in return..


Just saying..



Edited by 4wheelin_fool
Posted (edited)

neither do i have time for online magazines; as soon as i open that front page and see errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation, i'm outta there.

I am sure that we've lost a few readers who feel this way... it's something that I am still up in the air about, trying to decide if I want to edit the stories that geocacher's submit.


I really like geocacher's stories in geocacher's words. We're not all accomplished writers but we all have stories to tell.


I most often come down on the side of 'less is better' and publish the stories as submitted, though I do sometimes correct the more egregious errors if I can do it without changing the writer's tone. If we were sitting around a campfire and someone told me a story I wouldn't correct their speech, so I take the same approach to their writing.


One thing that I never want to happen is for someone to feel that they don't write well enough to share their story.


If we were trying to make a buck and attract advertisers I might think differently, in fact I would do a total overhaul of the format and layout, but since this is just for fun, cacher's telling each other their stories, I think I'm fine with keeping it simple and letting folks tell their stories in their words.


I will edit or even re-write it if they ask me to; so far no one has.


Besides all that, I am not a writer myself, and by no means a qualified editor, so my own work would need editing if it were to be published in a 'professional' setting as well. :rolleyes:

Edited by TheAlabamaRambler

I am a little disappointed to see that people say they won't buy the magazine because of the title.

I'm also disappointed that people say they want to see the content before giving it a try.

And I'm disappointed that people say they want to see if it takes off before they are willing to give it a shot.


Where is the trust?


Come on people. If you WANT to have a magazine about geocaching (and I would like to see one) pony up a trial for $12. What is that in caching dollars? One day of cache run expenses? The cost of ONE ammo can shipped to you? The cost of 3 ammo cans if you are really lucky? The cost of 2 tb's if you include shipping?


It's not that expensive. Give it a shot and then give feedback. I think the publisher is VERY willing to give your ideas of content (and title) some serious consideration. I'd also be willing to bet that they would love to have a regular writer or two (pro-bono of course)


And, no, I am in no way affiliated with the publication.


Edited to add..


If nobody gives it a try, then how will it ever take off?


I don't care whether or not they are geocachers. I want to see observable, measurable and tangible results.


I'd be surprised if every entity that has profited from geocachers is also a geocacher. I want to see them put out their own investment capital or to develop their own start up capital from intestment firms or some sort of venture capitalist outfit.


Things like the iPhone, Colorado, Triton, Oregon, etc... did not require the end user's to send in a check before the product existed.


With a 20+ year track record in the publishing industry, they ought to be able to get this new venture of the ground without too much trouble. Given a believable business and marketing plan.


I wouldn't touch this with YOUR money.

Those of you who love to hate on the FTF so much are the ones that don't have the dedication to chase the FTF and are jealous of those who do.

You do know Groundspeak has a policy against sock puppet accounts, right?


I'm wondering how they created the account.


I attempted to spoof 4wheelin_fool to make other variations, and the system told me that it would not allow accounts beginning with a number anymore..


neither do i have time for online magazines; as soon as i open that front page and see errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation, i'm outta there.

I am sure that we've lost a few readers who feel this way... it's something that I am still up in the air about, trying to decide if I want to edit the stories that geocacher's submit.


I really like geocacher's stories in geocacher's words. We're not all accomplished writers but we all have stories to tell.


I most often come down on the side of 'less is better' and publish the stories as submitted, though I do sometime correct the more egregious errors if I can do it without changing the writer's tone. If we were sitting around a campfire and someone told me a story I wouldn't correct their speech, so I take the same approach to their writing.


If we were trying to make a buck and attract advertisers I might think differently, in fact I would do a total overhaul of the format and layout, but since this is just for fun, cacher's telling each other their stories, I think I'm fine with keeping it simple and letting folks tell their stories in their words.


I will edit or even re-write it if they ask me to; so far no one has.


I have to say that with any publication, proper spelling is important.

Though I make MANY typos, I do try to make sure my spelling is accurate. I do this for a couple of reasons.

1) I can't stand poor spelling or misuse of proper spelling (there/their, too/to, etc). Typos are excepted (not accepted).

2) I would hate to give anyone reason to doubt my Uber Geniusness.


I especially hate to read textspeak.


Though I would have worded it much differently, I have to agree, in part, with flask's sentiments about reading a publication that has poor spelling whether online or in print.


Please, for those who are poor spellers, don't take this as an insult. This merely represents my view on poor spelling. It isn't very difficult, once you have learned the basics of written communication, to refine the basic abilities. Not doing so is not a sign of stupidity but merely a desire to pursue things in life that are more interesting (I suppose).


New to the forums and to Geocaching. (42 finds as of today) After reading numerous posts regarding the name of the magazine I went ahead and subscribed. While I have no daily desire to be FTF I certainly am willing to let others have that drive. I have so much to learn about this new sport/family activity that I feel my $12.00 will be another great way to sit with my son and enjoy our newfound hobby. I do like the "TFTF" better but will not let that stop me from exploring a possible positive addition to the sport. As one of my favorite authors once wrote, (Tom Robbins)


"There are two kind of people. Those who thnk there are two kinds of people and those who know better."


If it doesn't turn out to meet my needs, I won't renew. What a great country!


neither do i have time for online magazines; as soon as i open that front page and see errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation, i'm outta there.

I am sure that we've lost a few readers who feel this way... it's something that I am still up in the air about, trying to decide if I want to edit the stories that geocacher's submit.



reader submitted content is one thing, but on the front page!



start with proper use of the apostrophe!


They already lost me with the name. "FTF Geocacher" just screams competitive caching. No thanks.


I thought the exact same thing. FTF are ridiculous and not a real part of anything. I would not buy it due the encouragement of the idiocy of FTF obsessed people. Was that opinionated...? :rolleyes::P

Posted (edited)

I thought the exact same thing. FTF are ridiculous and not a real part of anything. I would not buy it due the encouragement of the idiocy of FTF obsessed people. Was that opinionated...? :):huh:


No more like "narrow-minded" IMO to call people idiots just because it is an aspect of Geocaching you do not like. :rolleyes::P



Edited by Scubasonic
Posted (edited)

neither do i have time for online magazines; as soon as i open that front page and see errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation, i'm outta there.

I am sure that we've lost a few readers who feel this way... it's something that I am still up in the air about, trying to decide if I want to edit the stories that geocacher's submit.



reader submitted content is one thing, but on the front page!



start with proper use of the apostrophe!

Kettle, meet Pot... come back and diss my punctuation when you learn to use the shift key to produce capital letters. :rolleyes:


Admittedly I'm not much of an editor, and anyone who wishes to volunteer to take over the job is welcome to, but I just checked the home page of The Online Geocacher and do not see where I misused an apostrophe. Point it out and I will be happy to fix it. :P

Edited by TheAlabamaRambler
Posted (edited)

Please don't use the "word" diss...


you lost me there. I know what it means but lose all respect for those that use it.


You could have chosen many better words to convey your thoughts....

Edited by brslk

One minor quibble here.

I signed up for what they call "presubscription" one place and "trial subscription" somewhere else on the website.

The website did not mention that it is a recurring subscription, nor was there a choice when I paid through paypal. The only notice was at the bottom of the paypal email that my subscription fee had been sent.

I guess I naively thought that the words "trial" and "pre" indicated that I would only have to take action if I wanted to continue, not if I wanted to stop.


It is true that the Paypal subscription is set up to automatically renew. PayPal would not allow me to set up a nonrepeating "Subscriptions" button. If you are uncomfortable with an auto-renewing subscription you can simply subscribe, then immediately cancel the subscription. You will still receive your 3 issues but the subscription will not renew at the 6 month renewal date. From the PayPal Help Center: "Canceling a subscription cancels all future scheduled payments of that subscription. A subscription can be canceled up to the day of the next scheduled payment."


Detailed instructions for cancelling a subscription can be found at: https://www.paypal.com/helpcenter/main.jsp;...&isSrch=Yes


I hope this helps.

Posted (edited)
Those of you who love to hate on the FTF so much are the ones that don't have the dedication to chase the FTF and are jealous of those who do.

You do know Groundspeak has a policy against sock puppet accounts, right?


I'm wondering how they created the account.


I attempted to spoof 4wheelin_fool to make other variations, and the system told me that it would not allow accounts beginning with a number anymore..


A side rant, if this website, which for some bizarre top-secret reason refuses to purge over a million (my guesstimate) one day sign-up accounts that are obviously never going to be used, then I would disagree with any added restrictions on usernames whatsoever.


On topic, I don't care too much for the recurring subscription thing, but that's the way pay pal is. I should know, I'm one of the very few people who for some reason, pay $3/month to Groundspeak, rather than $30/year.

Edited by TheWhiteUrkel

neither do i have time for online magazines; as soon as i open that front page and see errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation, i'm outta there.

I am sure that we've lost a few readers who feel this way... it's something that I am still up in the air about, trying to decide if I want to edit the stories that geocacher's submit.



reader submitted content is one thing, but on the front page!



start with proper use of the apostrophe!

Kettle, meet Pot... come back and diss my punctuation when you learn to use the shift key to produce capital letters.



are you saying that i don't understand proper use of capitals?


pot may not use caps, but i don't think kettle knows how to use an apostrophe.


you already know why i don't do it for the forums. on my personal webpage it's a style choice, and the use of all caps or all lowercase is a viable style option.


failure to spell correctly or improper use of punctuation is very rarely a style choice, but signals ignorance or carelessness.


when i write for official purposes you'd better bet i take the extra slow and painful minutes to properly work the shift key. the front page of an online publication would be just such a place.


if the style of a publication is casual, that's one thing. if the style of the publication is poor grammar and poorer punctuation, i'll take a pass.


The demographic seems to support a change of name for the magazine though I would submit that these negative title opinions are from some who wouldn't buy the magazine even if it had a more favorable name.


The demographic in question is the eternally whiny and nitpicking joy-vampires that seem to like loudly voicing their opinions on the Groundspeak forum. :rolleyes:

If it annoys people on here, you're probably on to a good thing and should keep doing it for as long as possible. :P


The magazine looks promising. Not sure if I would subscribe to a printed paper though, just because Im not sure what I would actually want to read about. i like the online format, that way you can include video and keep it interactive


The demographic seems to support a change of name for the magazine though I would submit that these negative title opinions are from some who wouldn't buy the magazine even if it had a more favorable name.


The demographic in question is the eternally whiny and nitpicking joy-vampires that seem to like loudly voicing their opinions on the Groundspeak forum. :P

If it annoys people on here, you're probably on to a good thing and should keep doing it for as long as possible. :)


The magazine looks promising. Not sure if I would subscribe to a printed paper though, just because Im not sure what I would actually want to read about. i like the online format, that way you can include video and keep it interactive


+1 :huh::rolleyes:


One minor quibble here.

I signed up for what they call "presubscription" one place and "trial subscription" somewhere else on the website.

The website did not mention that it is a recurring subscription, nor was there a choice when I paid through paypal. The only notice was at the bottom of the paypal email that my subscription fee had been sent.

I guess I naively thought that the words "trial" and "pre" indicated that I would only have to take action if I wanted to continue, not if I wanted to stop.


It is true that the Paypal subscription is set up to automatically renew. PayPal would not allow me to set up a nonrepeating "Subscriptions" button. If you are uncomfortable with an auto-renewing subscription you can simply subscribe, then immediately cancel the subscription. You will still receive your 3 issues but the subscription will not renew at the 6 month renewal date. From the PayPal Help Center: "Canceling a subscription cancels all future scheduled payments of that subscription. A subscription can be canceled up to the day of the next scheduled payment."


Detailed instructions for cancelling a subscription can be found at: https://www.paypal.com/helpcenter/main.jsp;...&isSrch=Yes


I hope this helps.

That does help, thanks! :anibad: I'm glad to know it's PayPal and not the magazine. It's easy enough to deal with, I just didn't like the feeling that the mag people weren't being upfront. Still, if it were me, I think I would give a warning on the website. I use PayPal a lot for one time payments and I like it a lot, I've just never used it for a subscription before.

... I just checked the home page of The Online Geocacher and do not see where I misused an apostrophe. Point it out and I will be happy to fix it. :anibad:

Article "Photo Assignment" - "Photo's in Small Town"


Article "View from the Cache" - "Photo's in View from the Cache will be rotating..."

... I just checked the home page of The Online Geocacher and do not see where I misused an apostrophe. Point it out and I will be happy to fix it. :P

Article "Photo Assignment" - "Photo's in Small Town"


Article "View from the Cache" - "Photo's in View from the Cache will be rotating..."

Those errors's :D are mine, not TheAlabamRambler's, they have been corrected. We do state that we are not professionals and I do make mistakes. I will happily refund your clicks if you find it impossible to read fellow cacher's experiences due to misuse of an apostrophe. :anibad:

... I just checked the home page of The Online Geocacher and do not see where I misused an apostrophe. Point it out and I will be happy to fix it. :D

Article "Photo Assignment" - "Photo's in Small Town"


Article "View from the Cache" - "Photo's in View from the Cache will be rotating..."

Those errors's B) are mine, not TheAlabamRambler's, they have been corrected. We do state that we are not professionals and I do make mistakes. I will happily refund your clicks if you find it impossible to read fellow cacher's experiences due to misuse of an apostrophe. :D


Let's all sweat the small stuff :anibad::P



Those errors's :anibad: are mine, not TheAlabamRambler's

Please continue your apostrophe abuse! I laughed off several pounds of posterior reading your Cacher's Carol. :P

Thank you! have you read Best Served Cold? That is where A Cacher's Carol came from.


And to keep this on topic, Best wishes to the new publication and the offer made by TAR stands, send in an article about the new magazine and we'll publish it.


I subscribed. I would love to have a new media to share with interested muggles! The name can change, but I really believe that if the content addresses issues that are of interest to our community, it can succeed.


you already know why i don't do it for the forums. on my personal webpage it's a style choice, and the use of all caps or all lowercase is a viable style option.

I guess. If you're e e cummings. Would have to see your poetry before we allow for that...

you already know why i don't do it for the forums. on my personal webpage it's a style choice, and the use of all caps or all lowercase is a viable style option.

I guess. If you're e e cummings. Would have to see your poetry before we allow for that...




both all-caps and all-lowercase are viable style choices in graphic design and other uses outside of the formal arena. since my grammar, spelling, and punctuation are impeccable, i rely on them to convey my meaning reliably.


while my poetry isn't e.e. cummings, xj kennedy, or even pete winslow, i assure you it is very fine poetry nonetheless and i am handy with both traditional forms such as the sonnet and doggerel verse, as one might see in the double dactyl.


d'ailleurs, the reason i gave up on the use of capital letters in informal use is that i have a serious right/left coordination problem coupled with the remnants of old injuries and permanent side effects of long-ago discontinued medications.


for me to type at all is slow and painful; to properly use capital letters doubly so.


you already know why i don't do it for the forums. on my personal webpage it's a style choice, and the use of all caps or all lowercase is a viable style option.

I guess. If you're e e cummings. Would have to see your poetry before we allow for that...




both all-caps and all-lowercase are viable style choices in graphic design and other uses outside of the formal arena. since my grammar, spelling, and punctuation are impeccable, i rely on them to convey my meaning reliably.


while my poetry isn't e.e. cummings, xj kennedy, or even pete winslow, i assure you it is very fine poetry nonetheless and i am handy with both traditional forms such as the sonnet and doggerel verse, as one might see in the double dactyl.


d'ailleurs, the reason i gave up on the use of capital letters in informal use is that i have a serious right/left coordination problem coupled with the remnants of old injuries and permanent side effects of long-ago discontinued medications.


for me to type at all is slow and painful; to properly use capital letters doubly so.


OH Man....... :anibad::anibad::):D:lol::lol:



OH Man.......


i smell mc chicken, the worst of the worst

unpracticed, un-clever, and much un-rehearsed.

stinking and picking and out of condition

can't make the grade; no, can't take competition.


i'm smarter, i'm faster, i'm tougher than you

you can sit on the sidelines until you turn blue

but until you have come out to answer my call

you are still a dim halfwit, frightened and small.

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