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Hounds & Ravens


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Posted (edited)

Hi all, I thought I would give you a heads up on what I'm bringing to GeoWoodstock 7 with me:










100 Shiny Silver, 100 Shiny Gold, 25 Black Nickel (PMS colors), 25 Black Nickel (translucent colors on the Raven side - not pictured). Trackable on geocaching.com, Unique icon, etc...


See you at GW7! :blink:


Edited by Crowesfeat30



I'm not going and you know I gotta have aleast one.


AHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , I'm Gonna have KD1EJ look for you when he get's there.




How 'bout $10.50 each for the shiny gold & shiny silver + $2.00 shipping (.50 for additional coins).


I'm limiting orders to 1 of each finish because of limited numbers.


The Black Nickel versions will be in person trade only. Also know that I did not have samples of the BN with translucents made so for all I know the will be butt ugly. I have not seen them yet. I should have them in hand by this weekend or early next week. If I get them next week I will NOT be mailing anything out until AFTER GeoWoodstock !


E-mail requests & questions to sarah_cf30@yahoo.com. Include your Paypal address for invoicing.


How 'bout $10.50 each for the shiny gold & shiny silver + $2.00 shipping (.50 for additional coins).


I'm limiting orders to 1 of each finish because of limited numbers.


The Black Nickel versions will be in person trade only. Also know that I did not have samples of the BN with translucents made so for all I know the will be butt ugly. I have not seen them yet. I should have them in hand by this weekend or early next week. If I get them next week I will NOT be mailing anything out until AFTER GeoWoodstock !


E-mail requests & questions to sarah_cf30@yahoo.com. Include your Paypal address for invoicing.




I'll be looking forward to meeting the Hound and Raven and getting one of these while at GW. :blink:


Thank you everyone for your kind remarks! :huh: I want to right now acknowledge those who helped me bring this coin design to fruition: Rusty at Personal Geocoins who worked tirelessly making all my silly adjustments, answering all my dumb questions and being my advocate with the mint. And Chris Mackey who's sage advice on design & color were absolutely indispensable! Thank you so much guys!!! :D You ROCK!!


I have replied back to all who have e-mailed me and will begin invoicing tomorrow. I'm gonna have to set up another spreadsheet... :blink: LOL


I also neglected to include international shipping in my initial post about how to order - totally my bad. I was in a bit of a hurry as I was also getting ready to go to work and I forgot. I hope no one will be upset about the price difference. International shipping is $3.00 + .50 for each additional. And orders may be combined to save on shipping. This can be the case for domestic as well if needed... (the combining to save on shipping, that is)


I'm going to stop accepting orders when I reach half of my available coins so I will have plenty to trade (or sell) at GW7. If I have any left over after that I will open up sales again. I'll know more tomorrow.


Thanks again for all your interest & kind comments! :mad:


Very, very nice! Maybe if you have any left at the MWGB but I doubt you will. Are you even going? I can't get to GW

MWGB is looking pretty grim for me. Strider (who half of this coin was made for) volunteered us to help at a nongeocaching event to demo geocaching on that same Saturday. GRRRRRR!!! :blink: Although to be fair, I think he was unaware of the date conflict. But still - GRRRRR!!! :huh:


To try to simplify things for myself I will handle trade offers after GW7. I expect to be busy getting ready for that trip this weekend & into next week as well as packaging up purchases. Also I'm sure I will re-mint with different metals (and perhaps some different enamels) sometime in the future so don't despair if you don't get these versions. Who knows, the next incarnations may be even better than the first ones. :D




Love the design. It may have been said somewhere in the thread, but my eyes are not clear enough to see it - who did the design work for you?


Hopefully I'll have something you'll trade one for at GW7.


The coins are in hand!!! They are all gorgeous - if I do say so myself - including the BN with translucents on the Raven side! I'll be stuffing bubblers tonight & tomorrow between work shifts. All paid for coins will be shipped tomorrow, Sunday or Monday at the latest. Domestic shipping I can do myself with the Auto Postal machine but International shipping requires an attandant so if I cannot get to the PO on Saturday while attendants are working I will have to wait until Monday. I will do my best to get them all shipped on Saturday. Thank you all! :laughing:



Posted (edited)

When I got home this afternoon, I was totally surprised to find a whole set of these on my desk. They are fantastic! I had no idea these were even being planned. Thanks dear,





We'll see everyone at GW7

Edited by Strider

Can't wait to see mine. Not sure I'd want to carpe corvus -- I'd probably end up with some big meaty holes in my hands. ; ) (Off topic: on my honeymoon, my husband went to England. Primarily we were in Portsmouth to see the HMS Victory, but we also spent a few days in London (getting delightfully lost in the British Museum) and touring the Tower of London. The ravens there -- ravens, not crows -- were big, solid bruisers who were fed raw meat every day. Their beaks were, no kidding, at least 3" long. I have a healthy respect for ravens. : )


Carpe corvus is strictly my perogative.... :laughing::lol:B):D:laughing::laughing:


Can't wait to see mine. Not sure I'd want to carpe corvus -- I'd probably end up with some big meaty holes in my hands. ; ) (Off topic: on my honeymoon, my husband went to England. Primarily we were in Portsmouth to see the HMS Victory, but we also spent a few days in London (getting delightfully lost in the British Museum) and touring the Tower of London. The ravens there -- ravens, not crows -- were big, solid bruisers who were fed raw meat every day. Their beaks were, no kidding, at least 3" long. I have a healthy respect for ravens. : )


When I was in Socoro New Mexico 1999 I was with my dad and waiting outside a store for him to come out. I had bought a sandwich and was eating it.

7 Ravens came and landed next to me. One single one came over right up to me. He walked this way and that, back and forth eyeing me. Then he stopped and stared at me. Then spoke. CAWWW he said..

Yes Grandfather I said.. you want something to eat? I reached and pulled some of my roast beef off and offered it to him,. He carefully walked over to me ever so slow. Then took the meat from my hand.

When he did I felt a chill past through me,. I knew something very magical had just happened.

Grandfather went back to the other 6 Ravens. They looked at me, spoke to each other and then left.

That was one of the most perfect moments I count in my life. Other then the birth of my daughter.

Right afterwards, a Cherokee chief contacted me and said my name was given in a dreamwalk, and that I was to be given my name for empowerment.


And thats the rest of the story.... until I saw this coin. This was the 2nd perfect moment.



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