Queenie-Boo-Bay Posted January 14, 2009 Posted January 14, 2009 My Mission would be to travel around from Cache to Cache reminding people that we still have many Men and Women in Iraq fight to keep us free. Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted January 14, 2009 Author Posted January 14, 2009 OK, let's try to keep it to no more than two similar Missions from the same person.You can post more than two, but let's have them be substantialy different from each other. I don't want to end up with dozens of similar missions all presented by the same player. I also reserve the right to skip missions that I do not agree with, so let's not get too deep into issues. We're ok so far, but I realized that I'd left myself open to things that I may not agree with. Quote
+surteb Posted January 14, 2009 Posted January 14, 2009 My mission would be to make it to the Sturgis Motocycle Rally and participate in all the festivities. Quote
+Sivota Posted January 14, 2009 Posted January 14, 2009 My mission is to travel to all caches of Route 66 ( that can hold geocoins). Just search by keyword and find the next cache on the route. Along the way spread the message of Bike Awareness by sharing in the log what hazzards you have encountered and what you learned to pay extra attention to now. Quote
+Sivota Posted January 14, 2009 Posted January 14, 2009 (edited) Have a heart for Bike-Riders, watch out for them.. My mission is to travel across the USA from cache to cache. Try to place me in caches that, seen from the air, all together make a big heart across the USA. Start at the point of the heart and end there as well. Edited January 14, 2009 by Sivota Quote
Maine Family Posted January 14, 2009 Posted January 14, 2009 A mission for one of your coins. This coin is in memory of Tod Phillips who lost his life in a bike accident. Please help this coin get to a cache in Michigan, (Roddy can choose a cache) before August where Roddy will pick it up and on the 12 of August will take it on a memorial ride to celebrate Tod's life. Once it makes its mission it can be placed at Tod's memorial cache where it will be permanently placed. Quote
+burgessfour Posted January 14, 2009 Posted January 14, 2009 My mision is to travel to Groundspeak Headquarters and have photo taken with all the lackey's! Quote
+SgtMikal Posted January 14, 2009 Posted January 14, 2009 (edited) My mission is to move from cache to cache spreading the message of care and patience on the road. Always take a 2nd look. I want to spread this message everywhere, "To Hell And Back." I would like to have my picture taken with road signs, indicating where I am, especially one for Hell, Michigan. Once I grow weary of my travels, I wish to travel to south-central Pennsylvania to meet up with SgtMikal. Edited January 14, 2009 by SgtMikal Quote
Maine Family Posted January 14, 2009 Posted January 14, 2009 How Many Bikes Does It Take To Get To Maine? This is a look twice for bikes coin so the mission of the coin is to travel and have my picture taken on bikes, There are motorcycles, pedal bikes, three wheelers, trikes, scooters, some even make their own bikes. So could you help me get to Maine and figure out how many bikes it takes to get me there? Before you drop me in a new cache, please take me for a bike ride and take my picture. Then when you log you dropped me off at a new cache you can post my picture. Thank you for helping me find out how many bikes it takes to get to Maine. Quote
+Sivota Posted January 14, 2009 Posted January 14, 2009 My mission is to go to Japan and to ride over the longest suspension bridge in the World Akashi Kaikyo Bridge Carries: 6 lanes of roadway Crosses: Akashi Strait Locale: Awaji Island and Kobe Design: Suspension bridge Longest span: 1,991 metres (6,532 ft) Total length: 3,911 metres (12,831 ft) Coordinates: 34°36′59″N 135°01′13″E When save!!!! Take a photo please Quote
+RifleMan81 Posted January 15, 2009 Posted January 15, 2009 My mission is to hang out with cachers on bikes. Take me on your biking adventures and log all the miles on me that you log on your ride. Don't for the pictures. Ride safe! Quote
Maine Family Posted January 15, 2009 Posted January 15, 2009 (edited) In 2004 vicbiker, a geocacher from Maine, rode his bike cross country from Washington to Maine. The mission of this coin is to go to Washington state and travel the northern tier to Maine. He has placed many caches but my favorite is Outah Piper, GC1DMTQ, so I would like the coin to come to that cache. I am surre vic will always remember his ride and I remember seeing the news coverage when he got back to Maine. It was exciting. I think this would be a nice tribute to vicbiker who had a dream and made it a reality. I will have to come back with more details after I get an email back from vic. He rode a bicycle not a motorcycle. Edited January 15, 2009 by Maine Family Quote
+Geo.Error Posted January 15, 2009 Posted January 15, 2009 May i go on Or maybe to enthusiastic ....yep that is my problem Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted January 15, 2009 Author Posted January 15, 2009 Yes, keep them coming. i just want to make sure that one person doesn't give me 50 copies of the same Mission, especialy if it is "Issue Based" Quote
+Team CeDo Posted January 15, 2009 Posted January 15, 2009 (edited) My mission is to go to the island of St Maarten and get a picture with the manager of The Villas On Great Bay, Josh and his wife Zoey. A number of years ago we Got to spend 3 months there but it was before we were involved in Geocaching. The Villas On great Bay are located a short walk from the cruise ship terminal there very close to the end of the boardwalk. Financialy we will not be able to do this ourselves anytime soon, But someday we plan to visit again. There is also a Very cool Harley Davidson retailer there that rents bikes and had VERY cool shirts for sale. Edited January 15, 2009 by Team CeDo Quote
+Tschakko Posted January 15, 2009 Posted January 15, 2009 I would give one the mission of travelling to the headquarters of the carmanufactures in the world and have a picture taken of an employee in front of the company holding the coin in hands Quote
+Geo.Error Posted January 15, 2009 Posted January 15, 2009 (edited) Travel all around the world seeking the best of most clever invention ever. I think the best invention is ..........[ your answer write shop robert] What invention do think is the best of the world?? Edited January 15, 2009 by Geo.Error Quote
+Geo.Error Posted January 15, 2009 Posted January 15, 2009 I want to climb every hill or mountain you come across and maybe you can make a picture just as it looks like i have climb the mount everest. Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you... while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. autor:John muir Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted January 15, 2009 Posted January 15, 2009 I wasn't going to post a mission, I didn't know exactly what I'd want the coin to do. BUT, after receiving an email today, I thought about it and here's my idea: To travel west spreading bike awareness to one of the favorite caches Tod and I found on our last trip to Vegas. In Red Rock Canyone, visit TurtleHead. Tod and I are only 1 of four visitors to this cache so far! Also, please go to Rock Art. Tod and I searched for this briefly on our last day in Vegas, just not enough time...we would have loved to find it, so please take Tod there! Another I would love to visit is Bridge Mountain. This is another peak Tod and I climbed before knowing about caching. We always thought we'd make it back... Last cache in Red Rock Canyon is Mt Wilson. This is another mountain we had climbed before we knew about caching! The memories of these climbs will always stay with me in my heart!! Lastly, I would like this coin to travel to this very special cache, Geocoin Highway: Rockin Roddy. From here' I would like to travel on wherever the spirit takes me, spreading bike awareness as I go!! Quote
+Sivota Posted January 15, 2009 Posted January 15, 2009 There are twelve million bycicles in BEIJING....... and Beijing has some of the worst innercity travic savety in the world. My mission is to go to China. I want to go to this (virtual) cache (GCA209) and I want to have my picture taken with the bycicles that come by on the roads surrounding the Tianamen Square in Beijing. This square covers 40.5 hectares (100 acres) which makes it the largest open-urban square in the world. ( please don't stand ON these roads while taking the picture, you are bount to get knocked over) Quote
+Sivota Posted January 15, 2009 Posted January 15, 2009 You want to ride a bycicle? Can you swim? My mission is to travel to the Netherlands, to Amsterdam and to have my picture taken while cycling on a Canalbike. It looks like this: Quote
+Sivota Posted January 15, 2009 Posted January 15, 2009 Drinking and Driving? NEVER!!!!! My mission is to travel the world and to have pictures taken from all sorts of cabs/taxi’s. When we have had a drink we can always find a cab, everywhere in the world. Quote
+Sivota Posted January 15, 2009 Posted January 15, 2009 I wasn't going to post a mission, I didn't know exactly what I'd want the coin to do. BUT, after receiving an email today, I thought about it and here's my idea: To travel west spreading bike awareness to one of the favorite caches Tod and I found on our last trip to Vegas. In Red Rock Canyone, visit TurtleHead. Tod and I are only 1 of four visitors to this cache so far! Also, please go to Rock Art. Tod and I searched for this briefly on our last day in Vegas, just not enough time...we would have loved to find it, so please take Tod there! Another I would love to visit is Bridge Mountain. This is another peak Tod and I climbed before knowing about caching. We always thought we'd make it back... Last cache in Red Rock Canyon is Mt Wilson. This is another mountain we had climbed before we knew about caching! The memories of these climbs will always stay with me in my heart!! Lastly, I would like this coin to travel to this very special cache, Geocoin Highway: Rockin Roddy. From here' I would like to travel on wherever the spirit takes me, spreading bike awareness as I go!! That's a beautiful mission, writen right from your heart. Quote
+Sivota Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 Accidents can happen. How do handicapped persons deal with life? My mission is to make it to the Paralympic games. The 2010 Winter Paralympics, officially known as the X Paralympic Winter Games, will be celebrated in Vancouver and Whistler, British Columbia between March 12 to March 21, 2010. The Opening Ceremony will take place in BC Place Stadium, Vancouver, British Columbia. If possible take a picture from the atletes in action during these games. In the mean time, while this coin is traveling from cache to cache spreading Bike Awareness, find out where handicapt people can sport in your town/surroundings and share it in your logs. Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted January 16, 2009 Author Posted January 16, 2009 We still need lots of missions! It looks like we did a good job in designing this Coin!! I had several out on the table ready to activate, and my server Kathy saw them and said "Ooh, these are Cool, What are they??" I got to explain GeoCaching to her, and she sounds interested, so now she has a Look Twice Geocoin to get started with. It turns out that the manager here is already a Geocacher, so he has one to set loose too!! Quote
+burgessfour Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 My mission is to travel to The Original Stash Tribute Plaque GCGV0P in Oregon. During this journey please post a driving safety message when you log it. Let's look out for our two wheeled friends! Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 We still need lots of missions! It looks like we did a good job in designing this Coin!! I had several out on the table ready to activate, and my server Kathy saw them and said "Ooh, these are Cool, What are they??" I got to explain GeoCaching to her, and she sounds interested, so now she has a Look Twice Geocoin to get started with. It turns out that the manager here is already a Geocacher, so he has one to set loose too!! Great job Robert!! Quote
+Geo.Error Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 My mission is to travel to Dakar rally 2010 The Dakar Rally (or simply "The Dakar"; formerly known as "The Paris-Dakar" or "Paris to Dakar Rally") is an annual rally raid type of off-road automobile race, organised by the Amaury Sport Organisation. Most events since the inception in 1978 were from Paris in France to Dakar in Senegal, but due to political instability in Africa, the 2009 Dakar Rally is run in South America, the first time the race takes place outside of Europe and Africa. The race is open to amateur and professional entries. Amateurs typically make up about eighty percent of the participants. Despite its name it is an off-road endurance race, called a rally-raid rather than a conventional rally — the terrain the competitors traverse is much tougher and the vehicles used are true off-road vehicles rather than the modified sedans used in rallies. Most of the competitive special sections are off-road, crossing dunes, mud, camel grass, rocks and erg among others. The distances of each stage covered vary from short distances up to 800–900 km (500–560 mi) per day. Quote
+Geo.Error Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 My mission is to travel to the Nurburgring in germany The Nürburgring, known as simply "The Ring" by enthusiasts, is a motorsport race track in Nürburg, Germany. It was built in the 1920s around the village and medieval castle of Nürburg in the Eifel, which is about 70 kilometres (43 mi) south of Cologne, and 120 kilometres (75 mi) northwest of Frankfurt. Nicknamed The Green Hell by Jackie Stewart, it is widely considered the toughest, most dangerous and most demanding purpose-built race track in the world. Originally, the track featured four track configurations: the 28.265 kilometres (17.563 miles) long Gesamtstrecke ("Whole Course"), which in turn consisted of the 22.810 km (14.173 mi) Nordschleife ("Northern Loop"), and the 7.747 km (4.814 mi) Südschleife ("Southern Loop"). There also was a 2.281 km (1.417 mi) warm-up loop called Zielschleife ("Finish Loop") or better known as Betonschleife, around the pit area.[1] Between 1982 and 1983 the start-finish area was demolished to create a new GP-Strecke, and this is currently used for all major and international racing events. However, the Nordschleife is still in use. The Nürburgring also plans to build a massive Air Thrust Coaster by S&S Power in 2009. It will be called Ring°Racer and will reach speeds of nearly 135 mph (217 km/h), making it the fastest roller coaster in the world, claiming the record from Kingda Ka. Quote
+Sivota Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 DON’T SPEED; YOU MIGHT HAVE TO BREAK FOR AN ELEPHANT! My mission is to go to India, Shri Lanka and Sumatra and be photographed while riding on the back of an elephant. (in all three countries) In the mean time I travel from cache to cache spreading Bike Awareness. Especialy watching out for those vulnerable travic participants that don’t have a skin as thick as an elephant. Quote
+Sivota Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 NO CLOWNING AROUND ON PUBLIC ROADS!!!! My mission is to travel to circus shows and be photographed with artists on one wheel bikes, clowning around. In the mean time, while travelling from cache to cache I will spread the message of Bike Awareness asking everybody to obey the rules and laws and to stay alert. Quote
+Sivota Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 looks good put me down for a few. We will put you down for a few. Read post # 217 and come and join us. Quote
+LadyBee4T Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 I would like to be at the Daytona races, the Sturgis event, even the La Tour de France and all places in between where bikers congregate--both motorcycles and bicycles-- to spread the word about biker safety. All bikers need to be aware of their surroundings and of other vehicles on the road. All bikers need to wear protective clothing and approved helmets. Help us spread the word!! This coin is being released in loving memory of Todie Phillips of Manitou Beach, Michigan--Tod of Team Rod and Tod w/KAboom...the Cachestalkers. Tod died in a tragic motorcycle accident on August 12, 2008 when a truck turned in front of him and he tried to avoid it. Sadly Tod was wearing a novelty helmet that wasn't DOT approved when he died. Quote
+Sivota Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 EVERYONE WANTS TO LIVE A FULL LIFE AND GROW OLD! My mission is to be photographed with The World's Oldest Tree. A tree that has seen everything and still stands (in spite of it) Earth's oldest living inhabitant "Methuselah" has reached the age of 4,768 years. You will find it in California at waypoint: N 37° 22.724 W 118° 09.941 In the mean time, while travelling from cache to cache I want to spread the message of Bike Awareness and tell everybody to practice save driving. Quote
+Sivota Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 WHEN GIVEN SPACE, RIDING IS FREEDOM!! My mission is to do the Grand Tour in Europe. I want to see touristic spots in at least 10 European countries. You may choose the touristic spots and place me into caches nearby. Tell me in your logs what you would like me to see and if possible, please add a picture. While I am travelling I want to spread the message of Bike Awareness. Especially the message: Riders face more hazards then drivers, PLEASE give us more room!!! Quote
+bearly_sane Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 Here's one. My mission is to travel to GCH8Q7, Head of the Dragon, which is the start of a road that is very popular with motorcyclist because it is an 11 mile stretch of road with 318 curves. There are a good number of accidents on this road because of motorcyclist pushing their limits and non-motorcyclist not noticing motorcyclist and this coin would be a good reminder for them to be careful and for the non-motorcyclist on this road to keep an eye out for others. It would be great for this coin to make it to this cache by September 11, in time for the Women's Sportbike Rally which is held at Fontana Village a few miles from the Dragon. This way not only could the coin remind motorcyclist to be safe, non-motorcyclist to watch out for motorcycles and it could hang out with a large group of women who ride motorcycles. Quote
Maine Family Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 There is some things I want to do but doubt I would actually do it so I am going to live vicariously though this coin. Here is what I want to do. 1. Ride in a big rig. I like my pick up so think the big rigs would be fun. 2. Travel to Alaska when it is always sunny. 3. Go to the Mount Washington Observatory 4. I don't like crowds so go to a geocaching event. Mega event would be nice. I might do a small one. 5. Go to Arizona. 6. A very special part of my mission is when you get back into your vehicle, drive safe, look twice and please pay attention. 7. I wish I was more adventurous so have lots of adventure, lots of fun, and show me all the things I am missing. Please don't keep me. I want to travel, see the world and meet lots of people. I want to live vicariously through this coin so let the adventures begin. Quote
+Sivota Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 PLEASE COME TO A FULL STOP BEFORE ZEBRA CROSSINGS TO LET PEDESTRIANS CROSS OVER SAVE! I want to travel from cache to cache to spread the message of safety on the roads. I would like to visit as many different Zoo’s across the world and have my picture taken with some real Zebra’s, before you drop me in another cache. Quote
+DJ.J.ROCK Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 PLEASE COME TO A FULL STOP BEFORE ZEBRA CROSSINGS TO LET PEDESTRIANS CROSS OVER SAVE! hey rob or rod ,,do i realease the coins that ar assigned asap or am i waiting for an ok from this project forum? mind sending me a pm or e-mail? thx dj.j.rock Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 PLEASE COME TO A FULL STOP BEFORE ZEBRA CROSSINGS TO LET PEDESTRIANS CROSS OVER SAVE! hey rob or rod ,,do i realease the coins that ar assigned asap or am i waiting for an ok from this project forum? mind sending me a pm or e-mail? thx dj.j.rock If you've been asked to award a coin, you can release it as soon as the adoptee sets it up properly!! Quote
+DJ.J.ROCK Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 thank you i wasent sure so ive had these sitting here,, reminder i have 3 left to assign out. keep me intune as i dont get to read as much here as id like, thx guys dj.j.rock Quote
+DJ.J.ROCK Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 thank you i wasent sure so ive had these sitting here,, reminder i have 3 left to assign out. keep me intune as i dont get to read as much here as id like, thx guys dj.j.rock p.s. i saw some other colors,,,?? wow Quote
+Sivota Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 Mission: While travelling in the USA I would like to visit some natural phenomena landmarks. Please make a picture showing me and put me in a cache nearby to travel on and spreading the message of Bike Awareness. The places I want to visit are: • Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA; 33°48′21.40″N 84°8′43.52″W--- • Great Smoky Mountains, North Carolina, Tennessee; 35°33′46″N 83°29′55″W--- • Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona; 36°3′27″N 112°8′15″W--- • Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming; 44°27′33″N 110°49′34″W--- Quote
+Sivota Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 I hesitated but I am adding a personal mission. If you don't want it, please throw it out. My mission is to visit the two caches of Reintje de Vos adopted by Loper. The caches are located in the Netherlands and are both mathematical multicaches combined with long walks through Dutch forests and heather fields. The caches are: Het Hoogtepunt: GCG44G and Dleeblegeips: GCPH48 Reintje de Vos (Reintje the fox) was a Dutch geocacher and webdeveloper for geocaching.nl. He died in december 2006 of cancer, 45 years old. He was the life compagnion of Sivota for 23 years. Quote
+Sivota Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 My mission is to go to Greece to go to this cache: Meteora: GCGJ59. The Metéora (translated:"suspended rocks", "suspended in the air" or "in the heavens above") is one of the largest and most important complexes of Eastern Orthodox monasteries in Kalambaka, Greece. The monasteries are built on natural sandstone rock pillars, at the northwestern edge of the Plain of Thessaly near the Peneios river and Pindus Mountains, in central Greece. . Although more than 20 monasteries were built, beginning in the 14th century, only six remain today. It looks like this: Quote
+Geo.Error Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 I want to travel to the smiley face series in California and get then a very big smile. ooThe smiley series gc1jerk 01 Smiley, life is shorty gc1jer4 02 3,14 miles of smiles gc1jewq 03 The world's largest Smiley gc1jewr 04 Find a cache, earn a smile gc1jewk o5 Smiley, the freshmaker gc1jewx 06 This smiley will make you smile gc1jewy 07 A smile a day keeps the doctor away gc1jf3x 08 1,000 smiles an hour gc1jf3q 09 Thank god for smiles gc1jf3n 10 Now thats a big smile! gc1jf1b 11 Smiley's smile gc1jf1a 12 Smile, you on caching tv gc1jf15 13 If you don't smile, you can't find me gc1jf1m 14 Got smile? gc1jf1j 15 Put a smile on my face. gc1jf1h 16 Smile now -cry later gc1jf1f 17 This little smile of mine gc1jf3j 18 If you smile, they will come...gc1jf3h 19 Smile sucka gc1jej7 20 Smiley gC1JERE 21 Something Smiley Around Here gc1jerc 22 Crack a Smiley gc1jer9 23 Peace Love Smiley gc1jer7 24 Smile, It's Confuses Muggles gc1j5ch 25 You Can't Say Cache, Without A SMILE gc1jerg If you find al those caches, you get a big smile at your geo map. Thanks rsg Quote
+zoesbrother Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 My mission is to travel from cache to cache via cycle. It can be motorcycle or pedal bike but no cars. All the while spreading helmet awareness Quote
+Sivota Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 1. My mission is to meet up with geocoin ref. nr:……….while spreading the message of Bike Awareness. I am starting in a cache in the USA. Look at the coin page of ……… and put me in a cache that most likely go in the direction of that coin. We will both and up in the same cache somewhere in the world. 2. My mission is to meet up with geocoin ref. nr:……….while spreading the message of Bike Awareness. I am starting in a cache in the Europe. Look at the coin page of ……… and put me in a cache that most likely go in the direction of that coin. We will both and up in the same cache somewhere in the world. Quote
+Sivota Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 If I can still count right, you have 71 missions now. well come on lets think of some more!!! Quote
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