+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 My mission is to go to South of the Border it is a rest stop and roadside attraction on Interstate 95 and US 301-501 near Dillon, South Carolina, so named because it is just "south of the border" – the border between the U.S. states of South Carolina and North Carolina. The rest area features not only restaurants, gas stations and a motel, but also a small amusement park, and, famously, fireworks. Its mascot is Pedro, an extravagantly stereotypical Mexican bandido. It is advertised by hundreds of billboards along surrounding highways that start 175 miles away. Well-known landmarks in the area, the irreverent signs feature Pedro, wearing a sombrero and poncho, counting down the number of miles to South of the Border. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578700 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 My mission is to go to the Dutch mills of Kinderdijk, have a picture taken with me and to end up in this cache: De Wipmolen; GCKEC7 De mills of Kinderdijk can be found here: 51°52′57″N 4°38′58″E Kinderdijk (Childs Dyke) is situated in a polder at the confluence of the Lek and Noord rivers. To drain the polder, a system of 19 windmills was built around 1740. This group of mills is the largest concentration of old windmills in the Netherlands. It lookes like this: http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578486 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 My mission is to Visit and be photographed at the Tulum Ruins. About 80 miles from Cancún, high above the water, lies the post-Classic Mayan ruins of Tulum. Perched with a view of the Caribbean, this walled city fortress holds palace as well as fortress building ruins, set above a sandy beach. With the fascinating Maya stucco buildings and stone relief set near a sandy, deserted beach with no commercial development in sight, the ruins and their beach are a popular spot with vacationers from Cancún. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578711 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 My mission is to make it to the northen most geocache in the U.S. and then travel to the eastern most cache in the U.S. and then its off to the westen most cache in the U.S. After all of that, you guessed it its off to the southern most Cache in the U.S. but not before stopping by north central Florida to have its picture taken with Team CeDo. Then its Key West bound for some relaxation on the beach. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578661 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 My mission is to be left in at least one cache in all 50 states in the United States of America. I would love to visit some local landmarks in each of the states as well. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578528 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 My mission is to go to the Netherlands to visit the monument for all youthful travic victims and their families. It was erected at the corner of the Europalaan/Panakkers in Neunen. It is near the starting point of this cache: GC3665. The monument has no waypoint yet in any known directories. Waymark this point, take a picture and put it in this coins’ log and on waypoint/landmarks site. INSCRIPTION: “PLOTSELING DICHTBIJ”. "TOEKOMST TROOST TRANEN" IS EEN GESCHENK AAN ALLE JONGE MENSEN, EN HUN VRIENDEN EN FAMILIE, DIE GETROFFEN ZIJN DOOR EEN VERKEERSONGEVAL, OM TE LATEN ZIEN DAT WIJ EVEN STILSTAAN BIJ HUN VERDRIET. “SUDDENLY REAL CLOSE”. "FUTURE COMFORT TEARS" IS A GIFT TO ALL YOUNG PEOPLE, THEIR FAMILY AND FRIENDS, WHO ARE VICTIMS OF ROAD ACCIDENTS, TO SHOW THAT WE STAND BY THEM IN THEIR SORROW. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578513 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 TEACHING YOUNG PEOPLE ABOUT SAVE TRAVIC! My mission is to travel from cache to cache and to be found by scouts all over the world. I am asking the scouts to learn and tell something about bike awareness and save travic in their troop or group gatherings. Tell us, in the logs, what you did or discuss in your gatherings and if possible post pictures http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578525 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 TEACHING YOUNG PEOPLE ABOUT SAVE TRAVIC! My mission is to travel from cache to cache and to be found by students all over the world. I am asking the students to learn and present something about bike awareness and save travic in their classes. Tell us, in the logs, what you did or discuss and if possible post pictures. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578761 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 My mission is to visit the home of one of the most influential musicians of all time: the King of Rock-N-Roll, Elvis Presley. I would also like to visit the Rock-N-Roll Hall of Fame to see the Elvis exhibit there, as well. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578660 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 WATCH OUT FOR ANIMALS ON THE ROAD! My mission is to travel to Sweden, Finland, Norway, Alaska and Canada to collect different pictures of MOOSE warning signs. They look like this: http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578683 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 WATCH OUT FOR ANIMALS ON THE ROAD! My mission is to travel to Australia and be photographed with animal road signs, such as the kangaroo, the wombat, the koala bear and others. They look like this: http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578531 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 I am on a mission to see the capital cities of all 50 states of the United States and also go to Washington, DC. Can you take me to the White House even? Post pictures of my travels. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578500 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 My mission is to visit the seven wonders of the world, I just don't know which list of wonders to choose from so take me to any wonder on any of the seven wonders lists! http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578757 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 A GIANT PEDESTRIAN? My mission is to go to Ireland to the Giant’s Causeway and to have my picture taken at location. It is located here: N 55° 14.410 W 006° 30.671 It looks like this: http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578530 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 My mission is to go to Denmark and Sweden to ride or drive the Oresund Bridge and tunnel. It connects both countries from Copenhagen to Malmo. It is located here: 55°34′31″N 12°49′37″E. It looks like this: While travelling from cache to cache I will spread the message of safety on the roads. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578510 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 My mission is to go where no bike has gone before and head underwater! I would love to visit as many underwater/scuba caches as possible, especially those around the Hawaiian Islands. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578504 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 My mission is to see as many ghost towns as possible. If none are nearby then anyplace that is rumored to be haunted or even a graveyard (but never a graveyard at night). Pictures are most welcome!!! http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578481 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 My mission is to visit all of the National Parks in the United States. Even though geocaches aren't allowed in these parks I would like to represent geocachers by having my picture taken at the entrance gates and at a point of interest in each park. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578480 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 My mission is to travel around the U.S. Starting with going to Maine and have my picture taken eating a huge lobster dinner with OPALSNS , then comming down to Florida for a day of Geocaching and orange juice sipping with Team CeDo. After that going out to California for some sight seeing and wine tasting with JohnMac56 and finally head to Michigan for some R and R aboard Rockin Roddy's motorcycle. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578718 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 Mission Travel to all the users who made a mission for this look twice geocoins. (we have to make a list of al users worked at this project) http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2278598 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 Mission Travel the world! Log your experience with traffic accidents. Tell the stories of family, friends or other people who had been in an accident. Pictures of accidents is good. We have to make people awareness of traffic accidents http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578543 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 QUOTE(Team CeDo @ Jan 22 2009, 11:53 AM) My mission is to travel around the U.S. Starting with going to Maine and have my picture taken eating a huge lobster dinner with OPALSNS , then comming down to Florida for a day of Geocaching and orange juice sipping with Team CeDo. After that going out to California for some sight seeing and wine tasting with JohnMac56 and finally head to Michigan for some R and R aboard Rockin Roddy's motorcycle. I like this one. Can I be attached to this coin ( in the summer, I am not going to R &R on Rockin Roddy's Motor now). If Opals will post her beautiful poem here we are at 96 missions now. 4 to go people. (Anybody did a recount, Im not sure I counted right?) Be Aware Of Bikes Around You! This code, we should all be bound to. Look where they are and where they'll be And if you do then you will see What you should do to keep a distance to avoid a tragic collision for instance. Life is a gift that we can give. Such a fast paced time in which we live. Slow down, and give more space. Make the roads a better place. So here's to Tod and Tim and Karey And the wonderful man she was to marry. And Motogrrl and all who've passed. Keep this code , make it last last. It's one we should all be bound to. BE AWARE OF BIKES AROUND YOU !!!!!!!! http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578522 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 mission! Are you brave enough??? Do you like ghost stories? Do you know any ghost story that is related to your area? I want to hear a ghost story in your log! I hope this coin to travel a lot, see now places, meet new people, hear ghost stories and... why not, go to caches in haunted places! I hope with your log and your story, to post photos of the cache and...or the haunted place!!! Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 Do we have 100 yet? If not, here is an other one! I do not know if it will sound strange... Mission: Travel and help all of us on the roads! Please, post photos in your log, of very dangerous roads, crossroads etc in your area, where many accidents happen! Let us all know of the danger there, and where exactly is this road! It will be great to give us all details and info of the place, and why not, even cordinates of it, so if we ever pass from there to be more careful!!! http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578565 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 My mission is to get to japan and visit The Top of The Mount Geocache(GC7AA7). Top of the most popular mountain in the world. The mountain has over 100,000 climbers every year. This is a long difficult climb to the summit of Mount Fuji-San. A climb that is very honarable if you can reach the top. Cachers climb to the top and log the find. The hike take between 4 to 6 hours to the top and about 3 to 4 down. Bring lots of water and snacks to eat on the way up. Also bring a couple thousand yen and by a hiking stick and there are little camps as you hike up the mountain. You can have them stamp your hiking stick for 200 yen each camp. Also there are places to by food on the way up. At the top you can by a flag that says Top of Mt Fuji. It is a challenging hike, but rewarding when you know that you accomplished something that difficult. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578655 Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted August 1, 2014 Author Posted August 1, 2014 All done setting up these Coin pages. I'm still working on attaching a car to each Coin and they will all be released at an Event near HQ in August. Perhaps at the Block Party or another Event that weekend. Quote
+Toojin Posted August 1, 2014 Posted August 1, 2014 All done setting up these Coin pages. I'm still working on attaching a car to each Coin and they will all be released at an Event near HQ in August. Perhaps at the Block Party or another Event that weekend. Robert, You are amazing! Thank you for doing all this to raise awareness. I wish for the awareness to go both ways! Quote
+SgtMikal Posted August 4, 2014 Posted August 4, 2014 My mission is to move from cache to cache spreading the message of care and patience on the road. Always take a 2nd look. I want to spread this message everywhere, "To Hell And Back." I would like to have my picture taken with road signs, indicating where I am, especially one for Hell, Michigan. Once I grow weary of my travels, I wish to travel to south-central Pennsylvania to meet up with SgtMikal. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578703 VERY cool! I have put this coin on my watch list! What a great undertaking, WSR!! That must have taken you quite a while to set up. Best of luck, and I look forward to visiting this thread a bunch more again, as activity picks up. Quote
+Tschakko Posted August 12, 2014 Posted August 12, 2014 Really cool work! Keep it up! I still have this one from one of the early forum missions regarding bile awarenes travelling with me to all teh events I am going to The other one unfortunately did not make it far. Quote
+Tschakko Posted August 12, 2014 Posted August 12, 2014 I would give one the mission of travelling to the headquarters of the carmanufactures in the world and have a picture taken of an employee in front of the company holding the coin in hands http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=2578686 I´ll put this one on my watchlist Great work!! Quote
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