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Black Granite

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I have three travel bugs that is on a mission to race home... My only problem is that I can not get them far enough away to have them race home. I would like to mail them as far away as I can to a location and have them race back home... But everyone who I know on geocaching is in my town... Anyone want to help me start this race...


Best Luck


Black Granite


Ditto in regards to helping you out. I'm in Japan -- if you want to start one here, PM me and I'd be happy to get the guy started.


Note: I'm in Misawa, though, so it might take a while for your bug to get started. Just a fair warning. : )


I have three travel bugs that is on a mission to race home... My only problem is that I can not get them far enough away to have them race home. I would like to mail them as far away as I can to a location and have them race back home... But everyone who I know on geocaching is in my town... Anyone want to help me start this race...


Best Luck


Black Granite


there is a worldwide release regieter at:



and you can count me "IN" to release a TB for you in Qld, Australia if you want to send it to me :unsure:


I have three travel bugs that is on a mission to race home... My only problem is that I can not get them far enough away to have them race home. I would like to mail them as far away as I can to a location and have them race back home... But everyone who I know on geocaching is in my town... Anyone want to help me start this race...


Best Luck


Black Granite


We're in Vancouver, BC and would be more then willing to help

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