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Rudeness In Forum Responses

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Posted (edited)

I know I am wasting my breath as it were but it erks me to no end the level of rudeness that is exhibited in forum responses.


I'll spend about 2 hours a night looking through the topics and read some of them and let me tell you, sometimes I just hit the back button and go on to another one.


I'm sure I am naive but What gives? I thought we were a family of cachers. What ever happened to the idea of common courtesy and valueing(sp) other people's opinions even if you think they are the dumbest person on the planet. I just imagine if we were all in the same building at an event and talked to each other like we do here the cops would have to be called.




reply if you want, move if you must. I just wanted to say it.


edited to remove an offensive word brought up by another person. I'm sorry that I had it in there.

Edited by erikwillke

for some reason the internet brings the ugly out in everyone. just one of those things i guess. i'm usually a very nice person despite anything said to me, but there's those buttons that are a bit easy (maybe too easy) to reach.... alot of times on here (and I bet this gets flammed like you wouldn't believe) someone that responds nastily because they think they are either 1) better then the person in one way or another 2) know more then the person (for what ever reason) or 3) just for fun.. sad as the latter maybe.


know exactly what you are saying just try to remember that they recon it's just down to the fact that it's too easy to just knee jerk reply and not really think about the repercussions of what you type.


not being face to face lowers inhibitions and normal social rules.


just try to relax and cut some slack mostly i've seen that arguments and differences tend to be resolved after a few comments....


and anyhow how many families do you know that don't argu now and then? :laughing:


....<snip> I'm sure I am naive but WTF. I thought we were a family of cachers. What ever happened to the idea of common courtesy and valueing(sp) other people's opinions even if you think they are the dumbest person on the planet. I just imagine if we were all in the same building at an event and talked to each other like we do here the cops would have to be called.


reply if you want, move if you must. I just wanted to say it.


I agree. I have just grown to 'accept' the fact that on many forums, things like this develop among the users.

It is often over looked by other members.....it seems to be just part of the forum 'life'


I feel your pain, belive me-


....<snip> I'm sure I am naive but WTF. I thought we were a family of cachers. What ever happened to the idea of common courtesy and valueing(sp) other people's opinions even if you think they are the dumbest person on the planet. I just imagine if we were all in the same building at an event and talked to each other like we do here the cops would have to be called.


reply if you want, move if you must. I just wanted to say it.


I agree. I have just grown to 'accept' the fact that on many forums, things like this develop among the users.

It is often over looked by other members.....it seems to be just part of the forum 'life'


I feel your pain, believe me-


(edit to spell...Wow, that was a "fast" edit? ) :laughing:


We all have our buttons... I clearly have some myself. I try to be nice, and it's part of the learning experience of life to look back and see the times when I was not nice and realize that, like others, I have my buttons too...


One thing that I wonder about is: are the moderators in some ways doing a disservice by policing the niceness and shutting down threads? What I mean is, it's like the old saying, "never go to bed angry". Stopping a discussion just when it gets heated removes the opportunity to work through it and to learn something about both ourselves and others. Of course there are those who will never work through... But having the opportunity could be a path to enlightenment.

Posted (edited)

One thing that I wonder about is: are the moderators in some ways doing a disservice by policing the niceness and shutting down threads? What I mean is, it's like the old saying, "never go to bed angry". Stopping a discussion just when it gets heated removes the opportunity to work through it and to learn something about both ourselves and others. Of course there are those who will never work through... But having the opportunity could be a path to enlightenment.


heheheheh sorry didn't mean to laugh...not and seam evil anyways :laughing::ph34r: . I'd have to say I agree with ya though!

Edited by wandat24
Posted (edited)
I'm sure I am naive but WTF.


You may be. I've been a member of numerous Internet forums over the years (going back to Usenet) and I can't think of any forms that (overall) were more pleasant and helpful than these. It is all a matter of perspective and experience. There have been people who have visited these forums and decided to quit the sport because of the "tone" here. Yet you will see as many posts from people who were surprised how civil, helpful and nice everyone here is.


Sure some responses may sound flip, or curt. That's understandable from the perspective of someone who has been active here for several years and has answered questions about "the best GPS, or "Can I take my GPS on an airplane?" dozens of times. Sometimes the regulars have to remember that though the issue has been hashed over repeatedly it's still new to the OP. I know I have to remind myself from time to time.


You will not see the rampant newbie bashing here that you will see elsewhere - as long as the newbie comes here and earnestly wants to discuss and learn more about geocaching. If they come here with an agenda, or as a troll, or if they try to tell us how to play our game, they will take some heat - deservedly so. You don't move into a new neighborhood and start telling the neighbors how they should arrange their lawn furniture.


People here have opinions, sometimes strong ones. I generally find that they are expressed respectfully, though sometimes spiritedly. People who are not used to debate may have a problem with this. The casual observer may also read things into discussions that really aren't there. They may see animosity where there is none. They may sense anger, when there is only annoyance. They may see curtness, when its just someone who wants to help but is too busy to go into detail. They may not get someone's sense of humor, or simply might not be familiar with it yet.


If you look beyond the noise you will see a community that is eager to help out new members. You will see the friendships that have been formed here. You'll witness general decency of the participants and come to know the incredible sense of humor that so many have and be amazed by the wealth of knowledge here, not only about geocaching, but about any subject imaginable.


Even this response to your post may generate different feelings. Some may see it as a flame, or that I'm flippantly dismissing your concerns. Others may see it as an appropriate response and some may say "there goes that dadgum bloviator, BrianSnat again".


As one who has engaged in spirited debate in these forums and who has had major disagreements with many participants, I really can't think of anyone who I wouldn't want to spend a day geocaching with, or offer a bed and a meal to if they are passing through my area. Well maybe if I think about it there may be one or two, but I'd have to think really hard.

Edited by briansnat
Posted (edited)

It is the nature of the internet. People can't show facial expressions when posting to put people at ease, and also people can feel more at ease being sarcastic and giving remarks. On top of it, debate, sometimes heated debate, happens, and readers also might read just too much personal stuff into it. The key is to know that debate, even when strongly put, is normal, and that the person behind the words is also a person. When reading, try to see that there might be a debate, but that doesn't mean people hate each other. When writing, aim to be polite, yet certainly assertive without personally attacking. And then the reader has to also not read a personal attack into things. It can get rather circular there!


Edit: And Brian added a bunch af stuff I wanted to but didn't have the time and energy to add. Can I flame him for that?!?! :ph34r::laughing:

Edited by carleenp

Well, I guess I said something to this effect above, but I just wanted to say, since I know several moderators are watching... That I feel the moderators are often too quick to lock a thread. Sometimes the most controversial subjects are the very ones that need to be discussed. And locking a thread denies us all the chance to come to an amicable conclusion.


Not to pick on the moderators. I know they have a very tough job to do. I just wanted to be sure they were considering that aspect.




(this is a great thread, BTW)

Posted (edited)

Right. Like the park predators thread that people were BEGGING to have closed, while you and others turned it into a personal playground. Thanks for that. I had substantive material to contribute.


If you prefer, the moderators could probably be persauded to focus more on disciplining the posters who violate the forum guidelines, and less on locking the threads that they post to.


EDIT to add statistics:


Out of the last 350 threads in "Geocaching Topics," seven were closed by moderators for spinning out of control. That's less than 3%.

Edited by The Leprechauns

I've got to be honest... I work very hard at my job. I have a wife I have to attend to and three kids that require tons of attention. I have to make sure homework is done and deal with all the worries of parenting which I can imagine most of you understand.


I geocache because it's FUN

I read the forums because it can sometimes be informative and sometimes can be FUN


Save your seriousness for real life and chill out, put your feet up and leave the internet to it's primary purpose. Anonymous FUN


The "Park Predator" thread you were talking about was done with in the first 10 posts. Everything after that was fluffy FUN


Everyone chill the heck out and have FUN :laughing:

Posted (edited)

Right. Like the park predators thread that people were BEGGING to have closed, while you and others turned it into a personal playground. Thanks for that. I had substantive material to contribute.


If you prefer, the moderators could probably be persauded to focus more on disciplining the posters who violate the forum guidelines, and less on locking the threads that they post to.


EDIT to add statistics:


Out of the last 350 threads in "Geocaching Topics," seven were closed by moderators for spinning out of control. That's less than 3%.


It was just a suggestion, Lep. Do you really need to bring accusations ("you and others ... personal playground") into this, of all threads?


That thread was exactly the one I had in mind when I wrote the above. A lot of learning could have happened for all if that thread had continued. All the gay bashing was allowed, but it was quickly locked as soon as the christians started getting bashed. It's sad that neither side had a chance to bring get past the anger, to the point where we all, of our own accord, would say, "wow. I'm going too far". And the next phase is appologies and learning.


But that phase didn't happen.


There are probably people who read that thread who still think I was condoning sexual assault, due to one persons misunderstanding of something I said. But there is now no forum for that disagreement to be worked out in.


edit: spelling

Edited by headybrew

I seriously doubt that that thread would have resolved on it's own. It was just way out of hand. Let dead horses alone.


If it didn't resolve on it's own, what harm would be done?


I seriously doubt that that thread would have resolved on it's own. It was just way out of hand. Let dead horses alone.


If it didn't resolve on it's own, what harm would be done?


I agree with the moderator. There were too many directions and no way to reel the topic back in. They didn't kill it because any certain group was bashed. Remember: Smile, Joy, Happy, Happy


I seriously doubt that that thread would have resolved on it's own. It was just way out of hand. Let dead horses alone.


If it didn't resolve on it's own, what harm would be done?

If you don't know the answer to that, then there's not much point in discussing it.

Posted (edited)

hmm maybe we should keep on topic... maybe start a new thread to talk about agreeing to disagree on the one thread???


edited to add:: Just don't let it end up as mine did when i was trying to futher talk about a disagreement..........

Edited by wandat24

hmm maybe we should keep on topic... maybe start a new thread to talk about agreeing to disagree on the one thread???


Considering the thread is about "Rudeness in the forums", I would say it's pretty much on topic eh? :laughing:


hmm maybe we should keep on topic... maybe start a new thread to talk about agreeing to disagree on the one thread???


Considering the thread is about "Rudeness in the forums", I would say it's pretty much on topic eh? :laughing:

LOL ok i'll give ya that..... BUT still.......


Yep. Don't derail this thread like you did the other one. I'd rather read more of the insightful posts like briansnat's.


I am quickly loosing respect for you Lep. Ironic that you've managed to accuse me of stuff several times already in a thread with this subject, as well as attack me personally in other threads just today. You even read the forums on the "other site" and bring them up in the discussions in a backhanded way. Unbelievable? What is your user name over there anyway?


No more posts from me in this thread. I'm very sorry to you all that it got derailed. My comments were meant to be constructive.


Yep. Don't derail this thread like you did the other one. I'd rather read more of the insightful posts like briansnat's.


I am quickly loosing respect for you Lep. Ironic that you've managed to accuse me of stuff several times already in a thread with this subject, as well as attack me personally in other threads just today. You even read the forums on the "other site" and bring them up in the discussions in a backhanded way. Unbelievable? What is your user name over there anyway?


No more posts from me in this thread. I'm very sorry to you all that it got derailed. My comments were meant to be constructive.

aw but you do bring up some good points now and then....


I can understand that when a newbie like me asks a question that has been asked a hundred times befor it's easy to coax a short answer that may be misinterpreted as a rude response from one of you long time forum supporters. I can also understand the reason for the short hand type of answer to a repeated question. I personally have have been helped greatly by you folks and can't thank you enough.


This is a community populated by all walks of life from gun toters to gun control nuts, From anti abortion to freedom of choise advocates. Pro war, anti-war, pro environment, land use groups. Christain, Muslim, Jewish, and others. Most of you are above average thinkers and then there are a few like me who aaren't the sharpest tool in the shed. The common thread we have is our love of electronic gadgets and the thrill of discovery. Isn't it amazing how Geocaching can bring so many togeather in spite of such dissimilar beliefs.


Don't go away. If you are having a bad day and slip a rude comment into a reply I forgive you.


Thanks again for your support, patience, and knowledge.



I know I am wasting my breath as it were but it erks me to no end the level of rudeness that is exhibited in forum responses.


I've noticed the same thing in many fourms that I vist, It also has gotten worse since I first logged onto CompuServ way back in the early 80's.... I tend to take it as part of the medium.


I want to go on record to say I'm very sorry for any rudeness that comes across in my posts. There really is no excuse. I can't even make the excuse of it's too hard to type as I touch type at a good pace. While I still hold and express the same views in person, I really am much more tactful face to face. I feel bad afterwards for disrupting a generally peaceful place to discuss my favorite hobby.


Please accept my apologies.

Posted (edited)

....There are probably people who read that thread who still think I was condoning sexual assault, due to one persons misunderstanding of something I said. But there is now no forum for that disagreement to be worked out in.

edit: spelling


Headybrew, if it is any consolation to you, the poster who twisted your words in that way seems to exhibit a consistent behavioral pattern wherein she has done the same thing in other posts, and to other posters, as well. I do not see it so much as malice but perhaps massive immaturity. She will likely grow out of it in time as she grows up. Right now, she seems to like to agitate people at her current stage of development.

Edited by Vinny & Sue Team

I know I am wasting my breath as it were but it erks me to no end the level of rudeness that is exhibited in forum responses.


I'll spend about 2 hours a night looking through the topics and read some of them and let me tell you, sometimes I just hit the back button and go on to another one.


I'm sure I am naive but WTF. I thought we were a family of cachers. What ever happened to the idea of common courtesy and valueing(sp) other people's opinions even if you think they are the dumbest person on the planet. I just imagine if we were all in the same building at an event and talked to each other like we do here the cops would have to be called.




reply if you want, move if you must. I just wanted to say it.


Well, some previous posters in this thread have already explained some of the reasons why this likely happens. I want to offer another perspective, and posit that this is just part of human nature to some extent, particularly when we are communicating via a sterile medium such as keyboards and words on a screen. My perspective is that the geo forms are very mild compared to some other forums and list groups. Strangely, especially since the Internet became so popular, there is almost no realm of activity where list groups and forums devoted to those interests do not show at least some degree of this type of activity. As I wrote above, I personally feel that our geo forums are rather mild compared to some. . . In fact, it is well known that some of the absolutely worst fields for these types of hostile behavior are in list groups and forums devoted to the following:

  • apres skiing (probably the very worst)
  • telemark skiing (just behind apres skiing in ranking for very worst)
  • boating; yes, the things that float on the water; particularly power boats, although there are some very rowdy and wild kayaking and rafting forums too!
  • hot cars and customized cars
  • political activism
  • specialized diets, particularly those devoted to raw vegan diets
  • alternative "cures" within the alternative health world

And, within the geo world, if you wanna see a really wild forum where things get incredibly hostile at times, you may wish to check out the geocacher's soapbox forum at VIGPS. Please understand that I am not criticizing the forum or the posters there, and actually, they have every right to say what they want to say, but. . . Phew!


My own viewpoint on all this, much as I wrote in a recent and now-closed thread on gay cruising and other phenomena found in modern urban parks, is this:

S**t does happen in life. Much of the grace in life lies not in what happens to us or what someone says to us, but in how we choose to deal with it. Do we choose to deal with it with grace, or do we choose to get even crankier?


I want to go on record to say I'm very sorry for any rudeness that comes across in my posts. There really is no excuse. I can't even make the excuse of it's too hard to type as I touch type at a good pace. While I still hold and express the same views in person, I really am much more tactful face to face. I feel bad afterwards for disrupting a generally peaceful place to discuss my favorite hobby.


Please accept my apologies.


Wow! :ph34r: Ok sissy you can let him out of the headlock now. :lol:


I accept your apology, and offer my own if I have been rude to anyone in here. :lol:

(being flip or scacastic doesn't count-that's entirely different) :(


The truth is that most innocent questions are answered within the first 10-20 replies, if not sooner. Even though the search feature works once again and is better than ever, I don't see as many replies that refer the OP to that feature as a while back. There's a great bunch of people that hang around in here and offer decent sincere answers to questions. I even do it myself at times. I agree with Brian-these forums are far more civil than some others I'm active on, especially the professional restaurant ones. I geocache to have FUN, and I visit the forums for the same reason.


I tend to think of geocaching as the general community, and the various forums like the neighborhood bars and clubs. Each forum has its regulars and the tone is slightly different. When you enter one of those, it's usually a good idea to look around and get a sense of the normal behavior before spouting off. Otherwise it can get a bit rough. Kinda like ordering something pink and fizzy when everyone else is drinking beer out of longneck bottles. :laughing:


Yep. Don't derail this thread like you did the other one. I'd rather read more of the insightful posts like briansnat's.


I am quickly loosing respect for you Lep. Ironic that you've managed to accuse me of stuff several times already in a thread with this subject, as well as attack me personally in other threads just today. You even read the forums on the "other site" and bring them up in the discussions in a backhanded way. Unbelievable? What is your user name over there anyway?


No more posts from me in this thread. I'm very sorry to you all that it got derailed. My comments were meant to be constructive.


if you read lep's post you will see that he did not accuse you of anything. i don't see a single reference to anyone specific.


lep just put the shoes out there. you put them on.

Posted (edited)

I know I am wasting my breath as it were but it erks me to no end the level of rudeness that is exhibited in forum responses.


I'll spend about 2 hours a night looking through the topics and read some of them and let me tell you, sometimes I just hit the back button and go on to another one.


I'm sure I am naive but WTF. I thought we were a family of cachers. What ever happened to the idea of common courtesy and valueing(sp) other people's opinions even if you think they are the dumbest person on the planet. I just imagine if we were all in the same building at an event and talked to each other like we do here the cops would have to be called.




reply if you want, move if you must. I just wanted to say it.

Personally, I don't have a problem with rudeness level in this forum. Perhaps this is because I tend to be rather abrupt and appreciate an honest, strident discussion. It's interesting that, in the past, those that complain most about rudeness in the forums, tend to be people who had recently started a thread and then were shocked when the majority of resposes were not in agreement with them. I'm not saying that this description fits you because I haven't paid any specific attention to your posts.


BTW, do you think it's ironic that you included the very offensive 'WTF' in your post about forum rudeness?

Edited by sbell111
Posted (edited)

Here's a related point: Will someone please give me a link to the rule that says a new geocacher isn't allowed to have an opinion? I've read it about 3 times today, something along the lines of, "Strong words from someone with only 10 finds," or "What do you know about it, you just registered yesterday?"


What gives?

-edited to remove the very offensive 'WTF' from a post in a thread about forum rudeness! :-)

Edited by SquirrelsWillRule

I know I am wasting my breath as it were but it erks me to no end the level of rudeness that is exhibited in forum responses.


I'll spend about 2 hours a night looking through the topics and read some of them and let me tell you, sometimes I just hit the back button and go on to another one.


I'm sure I am naive but WTF. I thought we were a family of cachers. What ever happened to the idea of common courtesy and valueing(sp) other people's opinions even if you think they are the dumbest person on the planet. I just imagine if we were all in the same building at an event and talked to each other like we do here the cops would have to be called.




reply if you want, move if you must. I just wanted to say it.

Personally, I don't have a problem with rudeness in this forum. Perhaps this is because I tend to be rather abrupt and appreciate an honest, strident discussion. It's interesting that, in the past, those that complain most about rudeness in the forums, tend to be people who had recently started a thread and then were shocked when the majority of resposes were not in agreement with them. I'm not saying that this description fits you because I haven't paid any specific attention to your posts.


BTW, do you think it's ironic that you included the very offensive 'WTF' in your post about forum rudeness?


Sbell, I must agree with you 100% and also wholeheartedly and also completely on each of your points. And, I also have noticed that the vast majority of folks who complain about rudeness in the forums are those folks who recently had started a thread with a particular agenda which they were hoping to launch, and were very crestfallen when folks (i.e., subsequent posters) did not behave as they expected (or demanded, in some cases!

Posted (edited)

Here's a related point: Will someone please give me a link to the rule that says a new geocacher isn't allowed to have an opinion? I've read it about 3 times today, something along the lines of, "Strong words from someone with only 10 finds," or "What do you know about it, you just registered yesterday?"


What gives?

-edited to remove the very offensive 'WTF' from a post in a thread about forum rudeness! :-)

I think that sometimes its relevant, and sometimes it is not.


I think that my use of it this morning (in the micros thread) was useful because the number of finds was brought up by the cacher I was replying to. Other 'fair uses' would be replies to posts that start with something like 'Lately, it seems like all the caches I find are lame' when the guy has been caching for two months and has a dozen finds. Basically, when someone posts out of their caching experience, that experience is appropriate to be discussed.

Edited by sbell111

I know I am wasting my breath as it were but it erks me to no end the level of rudeness that is exhibited in forum responses.


I'll spend about 2 hours a night looking through the topics and read some of them and let me tell you, sometimes I just hit the back button and go on to another one.


I'm sure I am naive but WTF. I thought we were a family of cachers. What ever happened to the idea of common courtesy and valueing(sp) other people's opinions even if you think they are the dumbest person on the planet. I just imagine if we were all in the same building at an event and talked to each other like we do here the cops would have to be called.




reply if you want, move if you must. I just wanted to say it.

I'm not sure if your whining (sad?), complaining (angry?), or just saying what you see (w/ little emotion), or maybe something different?

Posted (edited)

Here's a related point: Will someone please give me a link to the rule that says a new geocacher isn't allowed to have an opinion? I've read it about 3 times today, something along the lines of, "Strong words from someone with only 10 finds," or "What do you know about it, you just registered yesterday?"


What gives?

-edited to remove the very offensive 'WTF' from a post in a thread about forum rudeness! :-)


I do not think that anyone is saying that a new cacher cannot have an opinion. Rather, what I have observed in these instances is that longterm forum members and longterm cachers will sometimes confront a newcomer in any of the following situations:

  • a newcomer to caching will sometimes express a very strong opinion on a geo topic about which they -- as of yet -- know very little or even nothing. It would be akin to me joining a forum on rocket science (about which I know little) and in my very first post, without first having established my credentials, claiming that I have all the answers to rocket propulsion and claiming that NASA and the EU space consortium are doing it all wrong and that they are all idiots.
  • in a very significant number of these cases where more extreme opinions have been aired by a "newbie" with few or no finds, the account turns out to have been a sock puppet account for an established existing or ex-member with an agenda, often a very hostile agenda.
  • Let's face it: the Internet is full of hostile and disturbed people whom are generally called "Internet trolls". They love to join forums and list groups devoted to pursuits/interests about which they know nothing and have zero sincere interest. They then proceed to use their newly-minted membership in said forum or list group to emit all kinds of bizarre and hostile statements, or to try to start fights. And, a hallmark signature of an Internet troll in the geo world is a new account with few or no finds...

Thus, you have some reasons why seasoned forum members are sometimes wary of newcomer accounts which show no finds but which start to get into controversial areas, often with strong opinions.

Edited by Vinny & Sue Team

You need to approach all on-line discussions like eating fish: Eat the meat and spit out the bones!


Although at times I would like the same function here that I have on my email: totally ignore posts from certain users. :-)


If you think this board is rude you have never been to a Bible/Theology or Political board. Good grief! Those folks get downright abusive and very personal attacks are the norm not the exception.


You need to approach all on-line discussions like eating fish: Eat the meat and spit out the bones!


Although at times I would like the same function here that I have on my email: totally ignore posts from certain users. :-)

Up at the top of the forum there is a link that says "my controls", click that. Then when that page loads, on the left side there is a list, toward the bottom ones say "Manage Ignored Users". There you can add/remove people you don't want to view their posts.


You do have the ability to ignore all posts from a user here. Check your "My Controls" page.


But most find this tool ineffective... you still see the person's avatar and name, so you know they've posted... you just don't see the text. It's tempting to click and see what it says. You normally don't need to, however -- it's likely the person you've chosen to ignore will have their posts quoted and dissected by someone else, so you get to read them anyhow!

Posted (edited)

Say Gang, for the exclusive benefit of newbees who might accidentially stumble upon this thread, I was wondering. What are the requirements and qualifications for someone to become a Cache Submission Reviewer/Approver type person? <_<:);)

Edited by Team Cotati

I wasn't going to respond to this thread but Jeremy locked the thread where HedyBrew was arguing for codeword caches. So while I disagree with HedyBrew there (in part - I was going to respond that in most of the case where he was asking for codewords you could still have a log) I have to agree with him here that TPTB sometimes lock threads too soon.


I never mean to be rude but I sometimes click the reply button a bit hastily. Written words can easily be taken with a slightly different spin then was intended. And, as has been noted, more experienced posters sometimes overlook the needs of new folks.


For my part, I am sorry if I offended anybody.


Say Gang, I was wondering. What are the requirements and qualifications for someone to become a Cache Submission Reviewer/Approver type person? :);):)

<rude hat>


SHUT UP YOU! There are no 'approvers', only reviewers. Jeez, what are you trying to do, confuse teh new guys? You've been around long enough to know teh difference. BAH! Some people, sheesh...


</rude hat>


I've been a member of numerous Internet forums over the years (going back to Usenet) and I can't think of any forms that (overall) were more pleasant and helpful than these. It is all a matter of perspective and experience.

I second this. I've seen amazingly rude behavior in the most seemingly innocuous forums, and this place is way, way down at the low end of it. In fact, I'd put it toward the opposite and "overmoderated" side of the spectrum sometimes.


I also want to kick at the meme that we behave like this online because we can't see each other. I am precisely this rude in person. Ruder, if you give me a beer and poke me with a stick.


Mostly, though, I want to point out that I've seen dozens of these "you people are rude" messages in my more-than-two-decades online, and I'm always struck by how, welll...rude they are.

It's interesting that, in the past, those that complain most about rudeness in the forums, tend to be people who had recently started a thread and then were shocked when the majority of resposes were not in agreement with them.


I see what you are saying. I know you weren't directly refering to me but I want to say that I started one serious thread about if micros were getting away from our roots and I really enjoyed the discussion that followed so that doesn't apply to me.


BTW, do you think it's ironic that you included the very offensive 'WTF' in your post about forum rudeness?


You know, I never thought about that. I see your point.




I've seen amazingly rude behavior in the most seemingly innocuous forums, and this place is way, way down at the low end of it. In fact, I'd put it toward the opposite and "overmoderated" side of the spectrum sometimes.

Agreed! For the most part, this is one of the friendliest forums I've encountered.

I also want to kick at the meme that we behave like this online because we can't see each other. I am precisely this rude in person. Ruder, if you give me a beer and poke me with a stick.

I'm only slightly less rude in person than I am online, only because I can't see where someone has misplaced their apostrophes! <_<


BTW, do you think it's ironic that you included the very offensive 'WTF' in your post about forum rudeness?

I edited the original post to remove it.


no harm done.


I really can't think of anyone who I wouldn't want to spend a day geocaching with, or offer a bed and a meal to if they are passing through my area. Well maybe if I think about it there may be one or two, but I'd have to think really hard.


Do tell....


Yes, sometimes the forums can have rude posts in them, even the mods are guilty of it from time to time. But unless it is done all the time by an individual, I figure it's just somebody having a bad day, going thru a rough spell in their life or just plain miscommunication/misunderstanding. That happens to us all. Very rarely has it been an ongoing problem and the moderating team has handled those situations pretty well. As far as threads being closed too early, in some cases I think that a few have been left open entirely too long. They have shown pretty good restaint as far as I'm concerned.

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