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GPS r?


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Originally posted by Cachetrotters:

r = receiver


We wouldn't want anyone to mistakenly think we are all carrying around GPS satellites in our pockets...

If there was anything worse than an anal retentive condition, this would be the perfect example.


If you took a poll I'd lay odd's most of the GPSr crowd is the ham guys.

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HEY - I resemble that remark!


I have to admit that I learned something new today. I too, did not know what that (GPSr) meant. I have been ignoring the need to ask.... and now I know.



"If you ever go temporarily insane, don't shoot somebody, like a lot of people do. Instead, try to get some weeding done, because you'd really be surprised." - Jack Handy

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Originally posted by Huntnlady:



If an infinite number of rednecks

riding in an infinite number of pickup trucks

fire an infinite number of bullets

at an infinite number of highway signs,

they will eventually produce all the world's

great literary works in Braille. icon_smile.gif


Hmmm, True, The Imperial county,CA has several volumes


GPSr ~ used in early (1995) advertising material

for the hand-held units.


Mzee ~~~ "And now where"


[This message was edited by Mzee & Associates on June 27, 2003 at 06:12 PM.]

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Well it makes since to call it a GPSr.


Not ending it with an 'r' indicates you do have a Global Positioning Satellite in your pocket instead of a receiver, which is what it is.


It really isn't anal retentive or redundant to call it a receiver in conjunction with GPS.




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Originally posted by martmann:

I started calling it a GPSr, when I first came to this web site, because I saw it and it was just more correct. But I don't HAM (reli_geo_us thing icon_wink.gif ).



If trees could scream, would we still cut them down?

Well, maybe if they screamed all the time, for no reason.

http://community.webshots.com/album/67423220KEECyy http://community.webshots.com/album/71654825qQctnv


how is GPSr more correct if even the manufacturers call it a GPS?


'Get to the point---speak English!!!!'

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Originally posted by dave and jaime:

Originally posted by martmann:

I started calling it a GPSr, when I first came to this web site, because I saw it and it was just more correct. But I don't HAM (reli_geo_us thing icon_wink.gif ).



If trees could scream, would we still cut them down?

Well, maybe if they screamed all the time, for no reason.

http://community.webshots.com/album/67423220KEECyy http://community.webshots.com/album/71654825qQctnv


how is GPSr more correct if even the manufacturers call it a GPS?


'Get to the point---speak English!!!!'<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Actually, Magellan does refer to them as a GPS receiver.




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Our two cents worth...we use GPS or GPSr kind of interchangeably...We call it GPS in common conversation with each other and GPSr on here so we don't get flamed... icon_biggrin.gif


"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field."---Matthew 13:44


Matt & Julia

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I use both. Strictly speaking a Global Positioning System would include all parts, from the sats to the receiver. I think calling it a GPSR narrows it down to a specific component of the system. But the main reason I do it, is when I use the plural, GPSr's simply sounds better to me than GPS's.


"Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day" - Dave Barry

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Global POSITIONING System and yet some critical uses of the system have nothing to do with positioning at all, simply timing.


Then there's the atomic explosion dettectors. Very similar accuracy but all done in reverse.


Wonder if Global Positioning System (GPS) will become a generic simplified name for navigation receivers or will there be some correctness. GLONASSr, GALILEOr as well as GPSr?


Cheers, Kerry.


I never get lost icon_smile.gif everybody keeps telling me where to go icon_wink.gif

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Originally posted by Kerry:

Wonder if Global Positioning System (GPS) will become a generic simplified name for navigation receivers or will there be some correctness. GLONASSr, GALILEOr as well as GPSr?


The term GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) has already been established as a generic name that covers GPS, GLONASS, Galileo (if it ever gets off the ground), and future similar systems. But it's hard to say what terminology will be widely used - it may well deviate from the official nomenclature.

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Thanks for all the info and input. I guess there is not a real standard for this yet. I checked out and compared Garmin and Magellan to see what they call it.


Garmin = "GPS Unit"


Magellan = "GPS Satellite Navigation Reciever"

(technically that would be GPSsnr)


Magellan also had a quote saying that they were "Manufacturer of handheld and portable GPS systems" (which literally would mean Global Positioning System systems...huh?)


So anyhow, I think I will call it a "GPS Unit" since I am going to be using a Garmin. I guess all the "r'ers" will flame me now icon_wink.gif Oh well, this is all in fun for me anyway icon_biggrin.gif


Edit: I also found this, which is kinda funny. If you search Google for GPSr here is the first listing:

"Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing, GPSR, is a responsive and efficient routing protocol for mobile, wireless networks."


[This message was edited by Pathy1 on July 01, 2003 at 01:17 AM.]

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Originally posted by TotemLake:

Well it makes since to call it a GPSr.


Not ending it with an 'r' indicates you do have a _G_lobal _P_ositioning _S_atellite in your pocket instead of a _r_eceiver, which is what it is.


It really isn't anal retentive or redundant to call it a receiver in conjunction with GPS.





No, what is redundant are the countless individuals who talk about an ATM machine !!!


"Could be worse...could be raining"

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I started calling it a GPSr because I heard it here. Perhaps I should avoid all confusion by calling it a GPSSRU (pronounced Gips-sir-roo). Global Positioning System Satellite Receiver Unit.


The dentist said I shouldn't do anything too physical after my dental surgery... I think I'm going into cache withdrawl and need to go find something in the woods. Yes. This post proves it. It is official.

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