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Indiana Cachers Hello !

Team Tigger International

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I got my Earthcache Master Bronze pin in the mail today. W00T!


Nice looking pin. I think I might set some goals for earth caches this year.


I'm still not sure about what to create one for around here....I think there's a hill south of town....or maybe it's a dale...never was sure.



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And just to show Bret up, I got my GOLD Earthcache Masters pin in the mail last week. Looks MUCH nicer than that Bronze!!!!!




I only need two more finds and one more state to get that wonderful Platinum Earthcache Master pin!!!



Yes, I know my first comment was harsh, but it's all in good fun. In all seriousness, congrats on the Bronze, Bret. I'm really liking how so many people are getting on board with the Earthcaches. They're fun, educational and you get a physical award for completing them. What more could you ask for???

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Congrats to both of you on your pins. We have to find one out of state before getting our first pin.


With the dearth of EC's in Zookinoise and E-I-O-H-I-O-YO (on dry land), one must go hundreds of miles to get a third state, if you get one of the Michigan ones. Wish somebody would hide one just across the border in Ohio.... :laughing:


My newest EC is up doday.

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I got lucky with the different states requirements in the Earthcache Masters Awards. My new job has me taking about 5 trips a year. Last year, between the months of April and December, I went to New Jersey (twice), Virginia and California. This year they're talking about Florida, New Jersey (again......) and possibly Colorado. But who knows where I'll be going. Either way, I always try to get and Earthcache in that state. And so far it's worked!!!

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Good luck on the hunt for "The Journal" today. I never said I was going to go with you...but wish I was. That would be *awesome* (napoleon dynamite inflection) I did solve the puzzle and almost emailed you a few weeks ago, but I have some other things i need to do in Indy instead. HAVE FUN!!!




The weather for "The Journal" Saturday looks good for those interested.



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Good luck on the hunt for "The Journal" today. I never said I was going to go with you...but wish I was. That would be *awesome* (napoleon dynamite inflection) I did solve the puzzle and almost emailed you a few weeks ago, but I have some other things i need to do in Indy instead. HAVE FUN!!!




The weather for "The Journal" Saturday looks good for those interested.




So, can we have a report? What happened? Inquiring minds want to know!



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What are these EarthCache pins you all speak of? I found a cool EarthCache in Texas in July at Dinosaur Valley State Park.

go here it's all you need to know.




and a little about the pins.


Bronze Earthcache Master

Visit and log three (3) or more Earthcaches in two (2) or more states/countries.


Silver Earthcache Master

Visit and log six (6) or more Earthcaches in three (3) or more states/countries and have developed one (1) or more Earthcaches.


Gold Earthcache Master

Visit and log twelve (12) or more Earthcaches in four (4) or more states/countries and have developed two (2) or more Earthcaches.


Platinum Earthcache Master

Visit and log twenty (20) or more Earthcaches in five (5) or more states/countries and have developed three (3) or more Earthcaches.

Edited by Buddaman
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So, can we have a report? What happened? Inquiring minds want to know!


I'm really curious myself. I couldn't go because I had to work until 6 A.M. this morning.


I did manage to get an FTF on the way home though. :D


Team A.C.E. (Sparkeeeee)

Thay were to leave at 3am from doobies house we wont know what happened till tomorrow

if you read the logs from The Journal your talking 8 to 13 hrs there another 2to 3 drive time.

will find out tomorrow.

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Thanks everyone. It was a heck of a thing to do in a one day trip, but we managed to compete it and grab 19 other caches. By the time I got home, i'd been up 21 hours, drove 600 miles and walked at least 7 miles. It was quite an adventure and it will be hard to top as my most difficult cache found.


Riding Coattails? Hardly. Joranda had done some of it, but he didn't tell us that until we were done. We went to everything, solved everything and found the cache. Simple as that.

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Don't mess with the Tiggers...


Father: Costumed 'Tigger' Hit His Son

From Associated Press

January 07, 2007 5:53 AM EST


ORLANDO, Fla. - A Walt Disney World employee dressed as the character "Tigger" was accused of hitting a child while posing for a photo, a spokeswoman for the theme park said Saturday.


Park officials temporarily suspended Michael J. Fedelem while they investigate the accusations, Disney spokeswoman Zoraya Suarez said.


"Naturally, physical altercations between cast members and guests are not tolerated," Suarez said.


Jerry Monaco of New Hampshire videotaped his son, Jerry Jr., posing with the costumed character at Disney-MGM Studios on Friday and recorded the confrontation, according to a statement from the Orange County Sheriff's Office.


The father said Fedelem intentionally hit his son "on or about the head," said sheriff's spokesman Carlos M. Padilla. "The tape only shows a fraction of what happened. Now it's up to us to find out what led up to that."


A message left by The Associated Press for Monaco was not immediately returned. A telephone listing for Fedelem could not be located.


In 2004 a Walt Disney World employee dressed as Tigger was accused of touching the breast of a 13-year-old girl while she posed with him for a photo. A jury found the man not guilty.



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As for riding on 'coattails' it sounds like they all did the hike and solving as a team. Otherwise, anytime more than 1 caching group goes out together, then someone must be riding on the others coattail. BTW, how many cachers were in the group when you did it?

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Thanks, Six DOg, Buddaman, etc for mentioning earth caches. That reminded me that we qualify for the bronze level pin. I've bookmarked the link in Buddaman's post and now we'll have to think about where we could establish an earthcache near Lafayette.


Mrs. Car54


P.S. Congrats to all the Journal finders! I got a laugh out of Shydog's link. We hope to do the Journal sometime, probably taking a weekend and camping nearby - we're notoriously slow at puzzles. :anicute:

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I got a laugh out of Shydog's link........


That was GREAT!


We hope to do the Journal sometime, probably taking a weekend and camping nearby - we're notoriously slow at puzzles. :huh:


We are too, hate those things! We'll have to camp nearby too I think :anicute:

Edited by 501_Gang
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Congrats to Dougsmiley, Doobies, Exile, Locoderailed & Joranda on finding "The Journal"!!


3 including myself. All three made the trip on both days and all three climbed every hill and walked every mile and our cell phones were left in the car. I merely posted my opinion. Have a nice day.


3??? :anicute: That's interesting? According to your own log there was a fourth, Dustystar, that went along as well. And they not only previously found the cache, but after reading further through the logs, Dustystar has pretty much gone over each part on several occasions helping with the maintenance of it as well.


No wonder the phones were left in the car!! :huh:

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Congrats on completing The Journal! It's a tremendous cache and an amazing experience. I hate to oversell it, but it was one of those life-changing things that you do that really challenges you.


I worked it with a great bunch of cachers - smtycolt (my brother-in-law), scoobie10 and DuncanIdaho. Of course, we picked a beautiful spring day to go for the cache.


I've got a ton of pictures from that day, but have refrained from posting them. If you meet me at an event and I have my laptop with me I'm usually more than happy to share (except for the super secret spoiler ones). :anicute:


Congrats again!



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3??? That's interesting? According to your own log there was a fourth, Dustystar, that went along as well. And they not only previously found the cache, but after reading further through the logs, Dustystar has pretty much gone over each part on several occasions helping with the maintenance of it as well.


No wonder the phones were left in the car!!


If you read all the logs you would see that DustyStar often shows up because he enjoys watching people attempt the cache he maintains and getting feedback. He does not help in anyway, trust me. The THREE of completed The Journal from beginning to end all by our selves and we are proud of it. Looking through the logs it seems that most recent crew completed The Journal not only in the shortest amount of time but also with the fewest miles traveled. All this with no help???? Maybe, but only you guys no the truth and if your proud of your accomplishment then so am I'm I. Great job.


I could make it to the top of Mt. Everest if I was dropped off by helicopter....

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Congratultions to those members of the GATOR NATION wh are GEOCACHERS IN INDIANA .

Gators beat Ohio State 41-14 in the first BCS Championship game, to bcome the first school in division 1A to hold both Basketball and Football titles in the same year. And for holding OSU to 82 yards ttoal and Heisman Trophy winner to only 4 completions. It's a great day to be a GATOR GEOCACHIONG in INDIANA Loo, be on the lookot for our new cache series Gator themed. INDIANA ALBERT QUEST?


gO GATORS!! <_<:huh::D

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Hello all fellow Indiana cachers!


ok, sorry to change the topic, but i really need some assistance. i'm sure most of you realize that i'm sort of new to all of this, especially posting in the forums, however, as i said i need help. I recently picked up a United for Diabetes TB from Starkey's Revenge in Zionsville In. (wich is a great place by the way).

the thing is, the bug is spose to go to germany. so....i was wondering if anyone knew if there is a TB hotel or a good TB cache near Indianapolis Internat. Airport. we live downtown indy, so that is the best i figure i could do for this little guy. Any help is greatly appreciated.


p.s.-before the obvious is stated - "why don't you just go and search for one?" - i already have, and i'm coming up bumpkins. that's why i figured i'd post. thanks again!


top con

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Hello all fellow Indiana cachers!


ok, sorry to change the topic, but i really need some assistance. i'm sure most of you realize that i'm sort of new to all of this, especially posting in the forums, however, as i said i need help. I recently picked up a United for Diabetes TB from Starkey's Revenge in Zionsville In. (wich is a great place by the way).

the thing is, the bug is spose to go to germany. so....i was wondering if anyone knew if there is a TB hotel or a good TB cache near Indianapolis Internat. Airport. we live downtown indy, so that is the best i figure i could do for this little guy. Any help is greatly appreciated.


p.s.-before the obvious is stated - "why don't you just go and search for one?" - i already have, and i'm coming up bumpkins. that's why i figured i'd post. thanks again!


top con


Welcome to the MIdwest Forums, top con! Indiana Cachers Hello is an inexhaustable fountain of overflowing knowledge. but not us. Can't believe it was 41-14!! :laughing:

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One thing to remember about travel bugs is that there is nothing that says you HAVE to get it to it's goal. The only thing that's asked is that you do the best you can. If you cannot find a TB Hotel near the airport, then drop it off in any cache near the airport. Now you've done your part. It may not seem like a lot, but aside from taking it to Germany yourself, what else could anyone ask?


As an additional note, I think that the only thing that really peeves off Cachers about travel bugs is when cachers hang on to them for a LONG time. Other than that, have fun with them.

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I have a premium membership which allows me to download 500 caches at a time (called Pocket Queries). I loaded them in a program called GSAK and imported into streets and trips, so all i have to do is look on the map. GSAK also has superior filtering capabilities.


Premium Membership: $30/year from geocaching.com

GSAK: $20 from gsak.net

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It's me again, obviously. well, i guess i need to upgrade my system a bit. so the GSAK operates right on your PC then, and does not have to interface with your gps? just curious, what kinda of reciever are you using?


ok, enough questions. i looked up the caches you suggested, and unfortunately you aren't making a good salespitch for the GSAK!!! :laughing: "GCMPQ2 appears to be the nearest TB Hotel." the site tells me this is in New Zealand! hehe, i really do appreciate your help, but sometimes technology can be funny.


anyway, thanks t.c.

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I agree with dougsmiley. I use GSAK as well and it is awesome!! I generate a Pocket Query on GC.com and open it with GSAK. From there I can send all the info to my GPSr and my PDA and I never have to type a thing!! I can send about 500 caches to both in less than 60 seconds time.


And considering how much I go Geocaching and how I use GSAK (I travel for work so I Geocache is some pretty far off places) it is more than worth the $20 to register it! Plus it has the ability to export all the caches to Microsoft Streets and Trips. If you have a laptop, you can use Streets and Trips with the GPSr to get real time navigation while you're out caching. This is the way I Geocache when I'm out on business.

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man...this is getting more complicated by the second! i guess i just need to pony up and get good stuff. it is pretty time consuming entering my cords by hand, and i've already botched a few. didn't realize one until we were 20' from the cache...which was obviously not under the broke down chevy in the street!

anywho, thanks for the ops. so when i go to get GSAK, i can just download it at the website and pay over the net? can i save it to a cd or sumthin, cause i don't have internet at home, and i don't think my boss would like me putting a bunch of programs on the work comp. i guess i'll just have to get home access as well!!



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top con,


You can actually use the GSAK program free of charge for 30 days. You will however have to put up with the anoying reminders letting you know you should register your copy.


Believe me, It is well worth the $20 fee.


And yes you can copy the GSAK program file to a CD to install on you home computer. Then you would only have to download your PQ's ona CD or thumb drive to import into the GSAK program at home.



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