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Posted (edited)

:P Great now the truth comes out. I am stuck on geocaching. I have found three and can't wait until I get to go hunting again (tomorrow!)! This has allowed me to pull out my old GPS and play with it again. Now if I can only talk my fiance into why I have a NEED to upgrade!


I am so excited about this, I am trying to get my middle school students involved so that I can justify more time spent on "researching" caches!

Edited by vanish98
Geocaching is addictive.  :o  If people tell you, you can try it and then stop, don't believe'em. Try it once and your hooked.  B)


I've already formed a local GA ( GeoCachers Anonymous ) club! We meet 6 -7 x's a week. Our goal is to only cache :( each time we meet! ;) It seems to be helping. Yeah right ! We now include early am and late at night for FTF's, and various other times night caches :P as well, if we feel the urge. :D I now walk around with a highspeed internet hookup plugged into my side, to alert me of New Caches. Anyone is welcome to join! BTW: I have go, there's a new cache just posted. SF1 :(

Geocaching is addictive.  :o  If people tell you, you can try it and then stop, don't believe'em. Try it once and your hooked.  ;)


I've already formed a local GA ( GeoCachers Anonymous ) club! We meet 6 -7 x's a week. Our goal is to only cache :( each time we meet! :P It seems to be helping. Yeah right ! We now include early am and late at night for FTF's, and various other times night caches :D as well, if we feel the urge. B) I now walk around with a highspeed internet hookup plugged into my side, to alert me of New Caches. Anyone is welcome to join! BTW: I have go, there's a new cache just posted. SF1 :(

B) Did someone mention my name?


I wish that someone would have given us this warning earlier. This week we just purchased a new Garmin 76C and the city select software to make finding the parking areas for geocaches easier. Now we are seriously discussing the purchase of a Jeep to make getting to the remote geocaches easier. This might turn out to be a very expensive hobby! Good thing that we can quit anytime we want to!

I wish that someone would have given us this warning earlier.  This week we just purchased a new Garmin 76C and the city select software to make finding the parking areas for geocaches easier.  Now we are seriously discussing the purchase of a Jeep to make getting to the remote geocaches easier.  This might turn out to be a very expensive hobby!  Good thing that we can quit anytime we want to!

Yeah right! Nobody, said it was cheap. I just went parerless, upgraded two new home towers, two laptops, and another "Garmin" Etrex. I guess the "new transporter" waits till nex year. Da piggy bank needs to fatten up again. Our transporter, doesn't need parking spaces, "we just drop in" :unsure: . SF1


What is driving me to find the next cache site? I go through woods alone, put up with natures best and worst made creatures, get sore feet and muscles, sweat till I dehydrate, and yet I move on to "just one more"....... This is the sport, hobby, or obsession I have always been looking for!!


This is as addictive (to me) as chainmailling. The metal type that knights wore, and that you see and can buy at ren faires, not the annoying stuff you get in your mail box, or e-mail. :lol::)


My gf, a therapist/social worker, has threatened an intervention several times. I figure when she gets serious about it, I'll just send her my coords and she can come find me. :anibad:


I've already 'converted' 5 people and I've only been caching since March. Three of the five claimed they would hate it...exercise, outdoors, fresh air...all that. I didn't mention the additive characteristics of the sport, should I feel guilty now? :lol:


BTW...don't let the ignorance of one person keep you from doing something so fun...and good for you too! :laughing:


Not much to tell. I found a new cache. Not hard to find at all. Found it in the dark.

A local tried for it and couldn't find it. Then ran down the cache, the place it was located, and the person who placed it in his log.


Another few tried for it without success, so I edited my log trying to keep people from being discouraged as it is a nice cache.


So I get an email from this other cacher saying how it was just dumb luck when I found it, and I must enjoy running over animals crossing the road. He has since removed his disparaging log from the cache, but I kept the email.


Between that and how folks get bashed in the forums, I needed a break.

:laughing: New cacher, but I already know the addictive qualities of the game. Haven't had any bad experiences, except leaving my GPS at one cache and having to relocate it by dead reconing. I've gone after difficult caches and easy caches with equal enthusiasm. Now, that is the type of addiction I can live with. Just don't stand in front of me when I'm going out searching.
Posted (edited)

It can't be all bad...through geocaching and eating healthy, I've (Mrs. BBD of the BBD team) lost 30# since I started in late April! Can I be to GC.com what Jared is to Subway? Ha ha!

Edited by BlackBrownDog

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