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So Thats Why...

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:anibad: Whats the matter with cats? We have 4 of them and contrary to popular belief they only poo in our garden-or are ours just very well behaved? As for the mail boxes it's a terrible thing, surely someone must have seen or heard something-it can't be a quiet job surely?
for those of you stilll wondering why the Victorian postbox locationless cache was discontinued...I think I have an answer!!!.




I bet that data base I built up is now worth a bob or two, all the lonely places that these boxes are at.

I think that was a knock on my front door :(

Got to keep me head down now



Our cat only seems to "poo" in our garden as well. Mind you he is old and probably cant be bothered to go next door. Anyway back to subject in hand :(

Its as shame Victorias Mailbox has ben archived as even now, when we see one we think if only....................

Spotted another "new" one today.


CAN'T ...... STOP ...... LOOKING .......



Me too!

How about reinstating the cache but changing it to Edward VII boxes - surely they are not collectors/thiefs fodder?

Posted (edited)
Spotted another "new" one today.


CAN'T ...... STOP ...... LOOKING .......



Me too!

How about reinstating the cache but changing it to Edward VII boxes - surely they are not collectors/thiefs fodder?

Yes yes . I know where there is one :):)


I still cant drive past a wall box without looking. Think I am affected for life :lol: :lol:

Edited by Deego

I set up that locationless after the GC.com one was withdrawn as I was dissatisfied with the (not) given "security" reason for archiving this locationless.


Having read the new explanation, I've "retired" the navicache locationless cache entry. I'd hate to discover that a Victorian mailbox listed here or there had been looted, so I think it best to simply withdraw the 'cache'.


Even now, many months after the original locationless cache was terminated, I still find myself looking at every letterbox to see if it is a Victorian one. My most recent discovery of one was just last night!


I wonder why the "security" guy did not say why he wanted the the cache entry to be terminated? His reason(s) at the time seemed daft in the absence of a reasonable explanation. Why didn't he simply state the reason why he wanted the cache to be stopped?


Cheers, The Forester

Why didn't he simply state the reason why he wanted the cache to be stopped?

Exactly my thoughts: perhaps he was trying to play the "terrorist" card, at the sight of which we're all supposed to comply with anything we're told to do?



Why didn't he simply state the reason why he wanted the cache to be stopped?


Perhaps he was a postbox thief, and did not want his "competitors" to have the list also.



must be a royalist area.

That's England for you.


Here in Scotland, none of the postboxes have the EIIR logo. This is because she is Scotland's first Queen Elizabeth, not our second.


The other Queen Bess chopped our Queen Mary's head off and it still rancours here in Scotland.


That's Scotland for you!


I wonder why the "security" guy did not say why he wanted the the cache entry to be terminated? His reason(s) at the time seemed daft in the absence of a reasonable explanation. Why didn't he simply state the reason why he wanted the cache to be stopped?


Cheers, The Forester

They did give a reason , You dont seem to have read the topic on Victorias mailbox. another example of people of typing away without the facts :P

the reason was justified in the present situation the world is in. perhaps we should blame the americans and the labour gov. it's them that put us in this situation .

Nothing more to say on the subject it's gone and leave it at that




I noticed on a recent visit to God's own country that the Edward the VIII (yes that's right, the 8th!!) box that was formerly in Sandeford in Newcastle has gone walkies. What a shame. :blink: That would have been a great one for the collection!

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