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New Cache Idea... Is This Appropriate?

Team Smoke

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The area I live in is seriously lacking in any new caches. I want to come up with something creative and slightly different. I was thinking about making a Shot Glass Exchange cache. Start the cache off with a few different shot glasses and then let it go in any direction from there. Just as long as no obscene glasses get into the cache, I dont see why this would be a bad idea. Any opinions? :rolleyes:



Team Smoke


I've seen a few shot glasses left as trade items in caches around the Denver Metro area. No one has complained so far. I think if the shot glass isn't obscene or anything, it would be all right.


My husband and I collect shot glasses so I always trade for them when I find them in a cache. So far, none of the few I have found were broken. If you're going to make a cache for shot glasses only, you might want to wrap them in some cheap bubble wrap and leave extra wrap in the cache for anyone that wants to drop one off.

Posted (edited)

Not a bad idea, in and of itself. There could be a problem if any should get broken, however. I have seen some items in caches that have definitly received some rough handling. I think I'd rather have my kid find a pocket knife instead of a handfull of broken glass! If you could figure out how to cushion them to prevent breakage and/or chipping....foam cutouts?

Edited by AZcachemeister

Yeah Great Idea. I had an idea for something similiar for Christmas. I was going to have an ornament exchange cache. But as caches go they have to stay put for awhile so I think my idea would not have panned out as planned. Your idea is great.


If you're not in So Cal may I have your permission to start one out here?




A friend of mine once got me a shotglass from...that well-known Boy Scout camp in NM, I forget the name, Something-Mont I think....anyway, being a Boy Scout camp, they used the non-controversial name "toothpick holders". You could do that if you're worried about teetotalers taking offense.

Posted (edited)

Most shot glasses aren't all that fragile, they're generally compact and sturdy (hence why some folks choose to slam them down on a hardwood bar after consuming whatever 's inside). Someone would have to severely mishandle even a metal cache, like shake it vigorously perhaps, to break most shot glasses. I don't see a problem with it (unless you like to "shake well" before opening). Even so, the bubblewrap would provide some form of idiot-proofing just in case...

Edited by Crouching Hiker, Hidden Cache

:unsure: Cool. It sounds like this may be a good cache idea. Anyone who wants to do the same theme, go right on ahead! The more the merrier. :rolleyes:

I like the idea about the foam cut-outs to hold the shot glasses. That would really add a touch of class and creativity to the cache. Thanks.

Posted (edited)

Go for it. I've had the same thought. I used to collect them and have a ton sitting on shelves in the basement collecting dust. I've left them as trade items and as items in the caches I've hidden and they've been taken both ways.


I had thought it would be cool to do a night cache with them and call it A Shot In The Dark, but haven't figure out a good location for a night cache around here. Feel free to steal the name if you have a good place for a night cache. :-)


As for their fragile nature, I wrap each in a paper towel and then write what's on the glass on the outside of the paper towel with a sharpie (abbreviated if necessary) -- that way if a finder has no interest in Duke University or the New England Patriots (for example), they don't even have to unwrap it.

Edited by Gambrinus & Crew
Yeah Great Idea. I had an idea for something similiar for Christmas.  I was going to have an ornament exchange cache. But as caches go they have to stay put for awhile so I think my idea would not have  panned out as planned. Your idea is great.


If you're not in So Cal may I have your permission to start one out here?



Take a look at Collection of uncollectable Christmas Crap. It's visited year-round.

A friend of mine once got me a shotglass from...that well-known Boy Scout camp in NM, I forget the name, Something-Mont I think....anyway, being a Boy Scout camp, they used the non-controversial name "toothpick holders". You could do that if you're worried about teetotalers taking offense.

Its Philmont Scout Reservation!!! :rolleyes: I got invited to go there but i was unavailable


I like it! i too collect shot glases, although i have not bought any in a while i usually get them from any place i travel, states, zoo/amusement parks etc...


i saw one in a cache i did today, but didnt grab it, seemed pretty solid.


Not to be negative after so many "go for it" responses but.........my daughter put out a cache with a deck of cards where people would swap a card from another deck. Cachers around here complained about having to carry something along to swap or some don't even read the cache rules. Just get coords and go for the find.

Posted (edited)
Not to be negative after so many "go for it" responses but.........my daughter put out a cache with a deck of cards where people would swap a card from another deck. Cachers around here complained about having to carry something along to swap or some don't even read the cache rules. Just get coords and go for the find.

If I remember, the complaint was that the card cache seemed to require you to swap a card in order to log a find on it. This guy simply wants a cache with a shot glass exchange, whether one wants to swap or not is up to the cacher, you can still log a find either way ...



Edited by Crouching Hiker, Hidden Cache

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