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Scottish Cache Bash 2005


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Did you go to the Scottish Cache Bash this year? Did you have a good time?


If the answer to the first question is 'Yes' then the second answer will also be 'Yes' or possibly 'No - it was an excellent time!' :P


I am interested in starting some comments about next year's event as I would like to get involved in organising it.


My suggestion would be for South East Scotland - the Borders/East Lothian. Mainly because there are lots of nice wee towns, great walks, places of historical interest. And because I live in the area!


So what do you all think?





Hi Marmal


my own preference would be the south west of Scotland as all around the Stranraer/Port Patrick/Port Logan area and right across to Newton Stewart is one of the most beautiful parts of Scotland and is normally overlooked by tourists in favour of more northern beauty spots. This makes up the start of the Southern Upland Way...and anyone who has walked this route will no doubt agree with me!


I agree there are some beautiful wee towns on the east and steeped in history also....but for sheer grandour the west side has it beat in my opinion.


Having said that if it had to be the South East I would still be up for it :P

I mean it's Scotland .... how can you lose ;):o:)




I had mentioned the north coast for next year in a previous post , but I am happy to go with a majority decision. Now that the caching population is picking up a bit better in Scotland who says there has to be just one bash a year?

Posted (edited)

:o close to st. andrews would be good coz i'll be studying there then!

but count me in anyway - as long as its not outer hebrides!


regards inukshuk


the chainwalk at elie/ basalt cove is a great cache!

Edited by Inukshuk
Posted (edited)

Why not have a meet up on the hebrides/orkney/shtland. Lots of unexplored areas up there

I am at the moment spending time in FORSINARD (home of the RSPB resurve). there is a hotel here with over 15 rooms. we could run a weekend here and have a days fishing/walking and a days caching. The railway runs through the hamlet so access is easy too.

Edited by lathama

Where ever you choose to hold it, I'll do my best to be there. I've never been further north (in the UK) than Dunnet Head and have often thought of about making the trip to the northern isles. Holding it there wouldn't deter me, just make it a bit more expensive :o


SSmokin' and Naefear had offered to do something in the far north. I've just returned from a weekend up in the North West - it's really great, but it took even me 3 hours to get there!! Well worth the effort. First weekend away with my dearly beloved without the kids for 14 (yes FOURTEEN) years. :blink::lol:

But as an earlier cacher said - it's Scotland... It's all great (well almost, save where the outlaws live southeast of Glasgow...:lol:)

However, Donnie has graciously said that we should go with the majority decision. just remember, whoever organises it - I have the log book from this years event - I'll send it to the next organiser. It can then be used as an annual record of Scottish Bashs.


Oakely doakely, where are we?


So far the Far North, Orkney & Sheltand, the South West and East Lothian have been touted as possible venues. All have their merits of course, but logistically it would appear that the islands are the most awkward - as it looks like there is nobody 'on site' to place caches. I know I couldn't maintain any...


I've wanted to go the far North and seek out some of the caches up there - and I would also be able to log the event cache!! :P So, that gets my vote!!


Maybe the suggestion of more than one bash is the best - one in the North and one in the South. How's that?! :P But not at the same time, of course!! What about May and August?


As I said initially, I'd like to organise one in East Lothian as there are far too few caches for such a fantastic place as this. It looks like I've volunteered myself!


I look forward to hearing from you all.





Somewhere where theres no MIDGES would be nice :P:P:P


No seriously though, The far north would be great. Its a few years now since I visited John-O'groats and its about time I revisited that area so it gets my vote.


Only thing I ask is could you settle on a date quite early so I can book some holidays at work. :P


Over to Naefearjustbeer and Ssmokin' & Mr Rhu then for a date in May maybe? We weren't bothered by midgies in Aviemore in May, shouldn't think they would be a problem further north at that time of year.


Similarly, the more notice the better to plan ahead. It will be a great excuse to grab some of those boxes that litter the northern coastline on the map.


I'm surprised that there are so many people who want the Away Day to be held in their own back yard.


Surely the whole point of such an expedition is that it should involve travel?


Doing it in the Western or Northern Isles is going a bit far, but, why not make it somewhere exotic like the top left hand corner of the country? It has every variety of terrain, from billiard table smoothness to severe mountain peakiness. It is a wee bit tricky to get to, even for those of us who are amenable to carsharing, but not impossible.


Let's set the date to be very early in the summer season, like late May, so that we beat the midge season.


Let's make it somewhere which is at least a little bit difficult to get to.


Sutherland looks good to me!


Cheers, The Forester

Posted (edited)
it's best that there are cachers who are local to the area to set it up.

Good point, FoF; and good to hear from you after so long.


{sent by The Forester from trudge's 'puter}

Edited by Trudge
Over to Naefearjustbeer and Ssmokin' & Mr Rhu then for a date in May maybe? We weren't bothered by midgies in Aviemore in May, shouldn't think they would be a problem further north at that time of year.


Similarly, the more notice the better to plan ahead. It will be a great excuse to grab some of those boxes that litter the northern coastline on the map.

Midges seem to hatch out all year round in my garden :P But I am sure we can put our heads together and pick a date and place for an event. May should be ok I will have to check my shift rota for a suitible weekend.....


I would think that a spring meet and an autumn meet would be ideal, one in the south and one in the north. I'll certainly try and get to one of them! Having walked most of the Southern Upland Way last year in April, July and September stages, I found April a particularly good month in that area. Mind you, I didn't see any midgies at all, except for one evening in Moffat!


See E2 walk for details on the walk: the Scottish section was done in my muggle days, but the fact that I was looking out for caches (waymerk kists) even then suggests something about me...!




To add my twopence worth...note that I have had snow piling up on my shoulders while fly fishing the river Earn in MAY :blink:


If there were to be a Spring and an Autumn bash then perpaps it would be prudent to hold the Spring one in the south and hold the Autumn one in the north??


Also, wherever it is held, there will have to be either a special kind of cache to go after.... or..... go after in a special kind of way!


Happy Humphrey mentioned the Southern Upland Way which might suggest walking a specific portion of this walk could be considered....or indeed a specific walk somewhere else in Scotland....gee we are spoiled for choice in this area....I'm certain that cachers such as Highland Nick could suggest dozens!


Has anyone else any other ideas for a target achievement for the proposed bash/bashes ?? I feel if this point can be agreed then that in itself might suggest the location and time!!



Somewhere where theres no MIDGES would be nice :blink::blink::huh:


No seriously though, The far north would be great. Its a few years now since I visited John-O'groats and its about time I revisited that area so it gets my vote.


Only thing I ask is could you settle on a date quite early so I can book some holidays at work. :(

Oh hell..... I suppose you'll be wanting someone to share the driving..... lol.....

Posted (edited)

Such enthusiasm from the South for the Northerly events! makes me feel guilty that noone (as far as I know) from up here is attending the forthcoming Southerly event in Exeter!

Edited by Firth of Forth

Hey Folk! We may need to have a rethink!! I've just done a double take looking at the cache map when I saw that Billy Twigger has hidden 7 new caches on the Isle of Bute to add to the 6 already there. Do you think that this is possibly a 'Come to Bute' bid for a cache bash/Geocachers Day Out??

Billy Twigger has hidden 7 new caches on the Isle of Bute


and at least four more to come as these new caches are only part of two new Bute series....'The Bute Geology Geocache' series and 'The Bute Archaeology Geocache' series!!!!


Well done BT <_<



Such enthusiasm from the South for the Northerly events! makes me feel guilty that noone (as far as I know) from up here is attending the forthcoming Southerly event in Exeter!

I too feel guilty, I will possibly be in Looe next year for a summer break, I'll let you know the dates. I'm sure Mrs HH will let me away for the day :o Ssshhhh!!! :lol:

I saw that Billy Twigger has hidden 7 new caches on the Isle of Bute to add to the 6 already there.
Could this be Scotlands (and the UK's) First Island Bash? Lots more caches are easily obtainable nearby, prior to, or before the crossing to the island after the short ferry trip. It is certainly an attractive proposition??..However, I have to admit to being biased and love this area and location!

Cheers DD :lol::o


All seven new caches on Bute have been bagged today by FFB....seven FTF's :o


He's lean (well that's maybe stretching it a bit LOL)....he's mean (just ask Pooter !?) ... he's a geocaching machine !!!!


I think I will float the idea of the introduction of a handicap system for some geocachers. Something like having to go barefoot and blindfolded....plus... giving the rest of us a week's warning of any caches they might be going after !? :lol:


Could this be a record???



Such enthusiasm from the South for the Northerly events!  makes me feel guilty that noone (as far as I know) from up here is attending the forthcoming Southerly event in Exeter!

The Forester will be travelling from Fife or West Lothian to the Shropshire Bash on that day. It's not quite as far as Exeter, being situated on Offa's Dyke (a footpath, not a wummun who habitually wears sensible shoes :lol: ), very close to the English/Welsh border.


As Scottish representative, I'll give your warm regards to Mady et al.


I'll also be taking my wellies, for all the usual and customary reasons in Wales.



Cheers, The Forester

Such enthusiasm from the South for the Northerly events! makes me feel guilty that noone (as far as I know) from up here is attending the forthcoming Southerly event in Exeter!

Then you know what to do :lol:


Exeter has an airport you know :o

Posted (edited)
Then you know what to do 


Exeter has an airport you know 



Well, I did check out the flights, and believe it or not there is a direct flight from Edinburgh to Exeter. Unfortunately there is only one a day, and at 2.15pm on a Sunday. No use whatsoever as I have to be at work on Monday. My childern would probably object to me going off for another geocaching weekend so soon too! Sorry, maybe another time.

Edited by Firth of Forth
Well, I did check out the flights, and believe it or not there is a direct flight from Edinburgh to Exeter.

Yep, so how about next years event being in Edinburgh? Accessibility is tops compared to some remote places, and I'd hope to be able to persuade Cathy to let me loose again for a weekend in Scotland... although.... Make sure it's not on her birthday next year.... August 15th :lol:


I understand why you can't make it to Exeter... Wasn't expecting it at all to be honest, it was just said with tongue in cheek :o

Stuey@Aug 24 2004, 01:41 PM

so how about next years event being in Edinburgh? Accessibility is tops compared to some remote places,


Surely the lack of accessibility to these remote places is what makes them the best places to go. The scenery will be more stunning, The caches will have better walks to gain access to them. The pubs more friendlier. :lol:


If you want to cache in a metropolis you may as well just go up to London.


Whilst not wanting to put Edinburgh/Glasgow down, Scotland to me always conjours up pictures of mountains, moorland, lochs and generally very wide open spaces.


Just my 2P's worth, Now about to leave for the wide open spaces of the New Forest. ;)



Whilst not wanting to put Edinburgh/Glasgow down, Scotland to me always conjours up pictures of mountains, moorland, lochs and generally very wide open spaces.


We have lots of that up here ;) Cant ask for a better place to live in my unbiased opinion :lol::P

Stuey@Aug 24 2004, 01:41 PM

so how about next years event being in Edinburgh? Accessibility is tops compared to some remote places,


Surely the lack of accessibility to these remote places is what makes them the best places to go. The scenery will be more stunning, The caches will have better walks to gain access to them. The pubs more friendlier. :lol:


If you want to cache in a metropolis you may as well just go up to London.


Whilst not wanting to put Edinburgh/Glasgow down, Scotland to me always conjours up pictures of mountains, moorland, lochs and generally very wide open spaces.


Just my 2P's worth, Now about to leave for the wide open spaces of the New Forest. ;)

You are totally right, for me that is what Scotland is about as well,. despite the fact that I live in Edinburgh. You will be surprised by how many country caches there are in the boundaries of Edinburgh, we also have the Water of Leith cache trail, which is a 12 mile walk with 17 caches, along a river that goes through the heart of the City. Except for the few locations that bring you into urban area, you feel as though you have never left the countryside.

Posted (edited)

Having grown up in and around Edinburgh I have to concur with the Haggis !! Comparing it to London is just a wee bit of a stretch. As he points out, the Water of Leith flows all the way through the city and you'd never know you were in one at all. Additionally, how many cities have an ancient volcano sitting right in their heart. Once again, you can easily detach yourself from the city here.

My only worry about Edinburgh as a venue would be the expense. It's not the cheapest of places to stay.




PS: As to the Shetlands, I have cause to travel there quite a bit on the way to various North Sea installations. My question would be, where the heck can you hide a cache ??? There are absolutely no ...... trees :o

Edited by Mady
PS: As to the Shetlands, I have cause to travel there quite a bit on the way to various North Sea installations. My question would be, where the heck can you hide a cache ??? There are absolutely no ...... trees :o

Magnetic containers B)


Having had a chat to FFB on the subject of cache bashes....I have come to the conclusion that there are those who want to bag caches and those who want a social event....it would seem the two objectives can't really be mixed...because if we all set off bagging caches there is no opportunity to have a social meet....and if we have a social meet then there is little opportunity to bag caches!!!


But maybe they can be mixed???


My original suggestion of a circular walk (which in itself could be an event cache!?) with a get together at the end of it...then we could all retire to our tents or B&B's and start off fresh for the return journey home...of course no doubt some will wish to bag a few caches on the way home :o


The 1st Scottish Geocaching Bash fell between two stools because if we had made the meet up the night before the climb, it not only would have meant a stay over for everyone but those that had the climb the next day might have wanted an early (sober) night....the way it turned out was a quick hello a bite to eat and off to face a long journey home.


My idea of a circular walk (somewhere where the scenery is stunning? .. Highland Nick?) starting at a specific point and returning to it means we can all have a chat on the way and a social event at the end...and quite important...reasonably refreshed drivers on the way home!


What do you think ???


Posted (edited)

There are far too many excellent parts of Scotland to hold cache bashes in. Don't forget we (hopefully) have many more years of them to come. Perhaps we're getting confused between a cache bash and a geocachers day out? The former needs more organisation, and a new cache or two (I think that is in fact a requirement for approval of the event) as well as a suitable venue for socialising and refreshments. The latter was intended to be a way for cachers to bag remote or more inaccessible caches together (with socialising en route and in the pub afterwards), although the huge level of interest in such an event probably means that it's a good way of organising any kind of group caching for those who are interested.


So far, there have been two offers to host a cache bash - Neafearjustbeer up in the far North and Marmal in East Lothian/Borders. I would suggest that anyone who is keen to organise something and wants to make a definite commitment to doing so should be encouraged to do so - and should just post their intention and give possible dates as soon as possible. I'm sure that there is enough enthusiasm to make any event a good one and cachers can choose for themselves what their priorities are - whether hard caching or hard socialising or a mixture of the two.

Edited by Firth of Forth
Posted (edited)
Perhaps we're getting confused between a cache bash and a geocachers day out? The former needs more organisation, and a new cache or two (I think that is in fact a requirement for approval of the event) as well as a suitable venue for socialising and refreshments. The latter was intended to be a way for cachers to bag remote or more inaccessible caches together (with socialising en route and in the pub afterwards), although the huge level of interest in such an event probably means that it's a good way of organising any kind of group caching for those who are interested.


Nope FOF I'm not confused about the general conception of what a cache bash and a geocachers day out is.....though I would suggest that in reality both neat definitions can be very much blurred :lol:


In anycase both can also leave the social side very much depreciated and that was the point I was making ... which is a pity because normally there is little opportunity for us all to get to know each other and these sort of outings seem a perfect opportunity to achieve this !?


Perhaps what I'm suggesting is just a pure get together without the requirement to make it a loggable outing per se. And by that I don't particularly mean a boozing session :unsure:


My own preference is to cache alone and not in a group (and I know others feel this way also) .... the main attraction of cache bashes or days out, at least, for me...is to meet the people behind the names ... but I appreciate not everyone feels the same :lol:




Edited by Ullium
Perhaps what I'm suggesting is just a pure get together without the requirement to make it a loggable outing per se. And by that I don't particularly mean a boozing session 


Just name the place and time, and I will do my very best to be there! :unsure:

Just name the place and time, and I will do my very best to be there!


Any get together without your presense FOF would not be the same :o:o:huh:


I just love your spirit and willingness to tackle anything....I could sense your delight at Snaik's new cache and surmise you just can't wait to get at it :huh::(;)


I'll be up in the Inverness area in a weeks's time...so you all will get some peace...or will you?


I have ordered a new laptop....so if I get it delivered in time and I can figure out how to connect it to the internet while I'm away...I might still be popping up here and there ;)


(who said 'Oh NO' ? LOL)



FoF: The former needs more organisation, and a new cache or two (I think that is in fact a requirement for approval of the event)


I don't think that is strctly true FoF. Neither of the two event cache meets that we have attended had new caches in place. There were pre-existing ones in the general area though.


Additionally, a quick read of the 'rule book' reveals this little quote from the event cache section:


In addition, an event cache should not be set up for the sole purpose of drawing together cachers for an organized hunt of another cache or caches.  Such group hunts are best organized using the forums or an email distribution list.


Just an aside :)




So there's going to be an event cache in the Far North of Scotland next May. Great stuff - can this be done on one of the Bank Holiday weekends? Might make it easier for as many folks as possible to attend.


And I am going to organise one for East Lothian. The date will most likely be the last weekend in August, which is a Bank Holiday. I will place a number of new caches to complement the ones already there, so hopefully there should be enough to attract folks to this lovely part of the World.


One of the reasons for placing caches in your own backyard, as it were, is to share your local knowledge with a wider audience, to let them enjoy the history, the people or the view!


I am sorry that I don't live in a remote location, but there's not a lot I can do about that. Maybe I'll put one (or more...) in a place that is more difficult to get to, for those that wish a challenge :blink:


I have a few things to sort out, of course, but should I be posting the event cache page any time soon?





I will go and have a word with Sssmokin and Mr Rhu about organising something for May. It will either be the first or last weekend in May. I personally am favouring the last weekend but I will have to run it past my them to see what they are availlible for. Most likely a location on the north coast..... More info will follow as its gets closer. I think I read somewhere you cannot post an event cache more than 6 months in advance but I will check. Due to our locality and its small villages etc I will probally pick somewhere with a campsite.

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