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Pictures - Cool Cache Containers (CCC's)


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Here's how I do mine....

Tex, my silicon camo technique fails miserably with plastic, and I've been searching for an alternative. Do you use the Fusion paint for plastic? And presanding needed? What kind of adhesive do you use to attach the burlap?

Thanx Brother!


I use, Fusion paint and I don't sand. The Burlap is put on with a glue gun, high temp. I have had a plastic pickle jar (gallon) out for about 2 years and altho the burlap is getting a little faded, it is still good enough to keep it hidden.

I guess I just lucked out with the right combination, of glue, paint and camo burlap.

I also have done ammo boxes and the glue holds up there, two.

And, I always, put 1/16" aircraft cable or light chain on the cache and secure to a tree or stump.

That way, the muggles can't walk off with it.

Sorry it took so long to answer, but I just saw the question....


Rick (One of the Texas Vikings)

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Hey Bad_CRC, nice to see someone from my neck of the woods! The golf-ball cache you posted is probably my favorite in our little area - but, I found it along with about 5 of the decoys, which made the whole thing more entertaining! (I hear some decoys have gone missing since then)


I've got a couple pictures of some of my own caches that I may post later (can't find my card reader to pull the pics off my camera), but for now here are a few favorites of caches I've found, hidden by a cacher who is known for his unique containers:


This one was the final from a multicache named "ugly baby". This is as we found him, in a tree about 6 feet up in the air - imagine walking through the woods to find this staring down at you:



This one was named "cashew"... upon finding it, I stared confused for a good 30 seconds before I realized why the name of the cache was so hilarious.



And the last two pictures are from the same cache - very well camoflaged, because many trees in the area have these types of mushrooms growing on them.



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Here is a stage of a multi.


I've fuzzed out part of the coords in the picture to keep it secret.






This is a new cache and hasn't been found yet, but I'm looking forward to feedback in the logs about this.

Hope people like it.

I thought it was kinda clever and fun to make.



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I liked the hide at Stoney Lonesome, GCG4P5. It was painted with that speckled stone paint, and had rocks glued to it. It was invisible unless you were right on it...



Nice to see I'm not the only one who likes the Plasti-Kote "Stone Touch" paint. I camo'ed a Lock-n-Lock box with it, applying just enough to keep the flaps flexible. It looks like a Granite Block, since the cache is nead an area where there are a few small stacks of cinderblocks. Mine, just looks like one left off to the side hap-hazardly.

(unless you're looking at it, when stood up, then it looks obvious.) ;)


The paint seems to be quite weather proof.. The prototype still sits at home, weathering. while the cache has been out there for a few weeks now. (GC12H7Y)


The only tough part, is finding a color that'll match natural... unless you can find a lot of granite rocks.. it doesn't work too well.


Stephen (gelfling6)

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The mushroom is made from fiberglass casting material, such as you'd use on a broken leg...it was wrapped around a mold, and then coated with fiberglass resin to get rid of the grid pattern from the cast material. Add paint and hang on a tree!


hunt on!

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Well, it's not camoflaged, but I think this is pretty cool:




I'm updating my two micros with Pelican cases so you won't have to worry about getting a tetanus shot.


The label was made with a Filemaker Pro database that I whipped up. I got really tired of Word not being able to print graphics correctly. It was printed on sticker material, then attached (as well as you can to silicone) to the back of the waterproof insert that was removed from the case, then reinserted.


As for camoflage, well, none on this case, but I bought a contractor's level course in making faux rock awhile back. :P

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Hey Bad_CRC, nice to see someone from my neck of the woods! The golf-ball cache you posted is probably my favorite in our little area - but, I found it along with about 5 of the decoys, which made the whole thing more entertaining! (I hear some decoys have gone missing since then)


thanks. :tired: ya, all of the decoys have been stolen, but I think the cache is still there (somehow). :anicute: someday I'll put new decoys out.


You have some great ones. Your cache right next to it "under par" has been my favorite container find so far. Actually scared me when I found it! I loved it, which is why the golfball one was named after it. but... I totally didn't get the name until my girlfriend explained it to me while we were hiding "over par" (duh. guess I'm a bit slow.) :P

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here is another spider one, this one is ready for action!



and here is an acorn, this one needs to be painted still but here it is!



ta-da! if you have any questions on how i did these, just ask, i dont mind

Edited by Arndtwe
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and here is an acorn, this one needs to be painted still but here it is!



ta-da! if you have any questions on how i did these, just ask, i dont mind


I for one would love to know how to make the acorn.





PM sent!

No PM's....tell us all!!!!!! Please!!!! :rolleyes::D

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making an acorn is easy! first, buy a nano cache (ebay), then go to hobby lobby or whatever craft store you have near your house. i dont know what section there in, but your looking for the place where they have all of the pre-carved shapes (made of wood). get the ones that look like an easter egg, or acorn. buy. when you get home, find the top of a real acorn that is the same size as the fake. then, sand the top of the fake acorn so it has a flat top. get a drill bit a little bigger than the nano (a little less than a 1/2 inch), and drill it right down the middle. make the hole depp enough for the nano to sit even with the top of the acorn, when the lid is OFF. then super glue the boittom half of the nano in the acorn. once it has dried, put the cap on the nano. then put a very small amount of glue on the top the nano, and put the real acorn cap on, then remove it. this will give you a mark where to super glue the lid of the nano on to the real acorn top. lst step before painting, super glue the top of the nano into the real top of the acorn. very last step is to paint. and your done!!!!!! hope all works well for you! -arndtwe-

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making an acorn is easy! first, buy a nano cache (ebay), then go to hobby lobby or whatever craft store you have near your house. i dont know what section there in, but your looking for the place where they have all of the pre-carved shapes (made of wood). get the ones that look like an easter egg, or acorn. buy. when you get home, find the top of a real acorn that is the same size as the fake. then, sand the top of the fake acorn so it has a flat top. get a drill bit a little bigger than the nano (a little less than a 1/2 inch), and drill it right down the middle. make the hole depp enough for the nano to sit even with the top of the acorn, when the lid is OFF. then super glue the boittom half of the nano in the acorn. once it has dried, put the cap on the nano. then put a very small amount of glue on the top the nano, and put the real acorn cap on, then remove it. this will give you a mark where to super glue the lid of the nano on to the real acorn top. lst step before painting, super glue the top of the nano into the real top of the acorn. very last step is to paint. and your done!!!!!! hope all works well for you! -arndtwe-

I think even I can do that! LOL! Thanks!

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got this one placed a few days ago, and was finally found today...






I've been planning one of those, with a special TOTT stashed nearby. I'm planning on calling the TOOT a Labrador Retriever.

Can you quess a sport I like and the dog that goes with it?

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making an acorn is easy! first, buy a nano cache (ebay), then go to hobby lobby or whatever craft store you have near your house. i dont know what section there in, but your looking for the place where they have all of the pre-carved shapes (made of wood). get the ones that look like an easter egg, or acorn. buy. when you get home, find the top of a real acorn that is the same size as the fake. then, sand the top of the fake acorn so it has a flat top. get a drill bit a little bigger than the nano (a little less than a 1/2 inch), and drill it right down the middle. make the hole depp enough for the nano to sit even with the top of the acorn, when the lid is OFF. then super glue the boittom half of the nano in the acorn. once it has dried, put the cap on the nano. then put a very small amount of glue on the top the nano, and put the real acorn cap on, then remove it. this will give you a mark where to super glue the lid of the nano on to the real acorn top. lst step before painting, super glue the top of the nano into the real top of the acorn. very last step is to paint. and your done!!!!!! hope all works well for you! -arndtwe-

Please let us know how it does in the wild.

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Being new to this I don't know if this has been done a hundred times before, but here is one we thought was cool. We didn't want to touch it at first, didn't realize it was the cache:




I told the kids to stay away from it, lol! It's probably a good muggle-deterant. If someone were to spy us crawling into the bushes and followed in after we'd gone, I doubt they'd be examining the cache box.


As an electrician I frown upon anyone who directs people to start opening electrical devices. Complacency leads to death in my business.

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Hey Bad_CRC, nice to see someone from my neck of the woods! The golf-ball cache you posted is probably my favorite in our little area - but, I found it along with about 5 of the decoys, which made the whole thing more entertaining! (I hear some decoys have gone missing since then)


I've got a couple pictures of some of my own caches that I may post later (can't find my card reader to pull the pics off my camera), but for now here are a few favorites of caches I've found, hidden by a cacher who is known for his unique containers:


This one was the final from a multicache named "ugly baby". This is as we found him, in a tree about 6 feet up in the air - imagine walking through the woods to find this staring down at you:


This one was named "cashew"... upon finding it, I stared confused for a good 30 seconds before I realized why the name of the cache was so hilarious.


And the last two pictures are from the same cache - very well camoflaged, because many trees in the area have these types of mushrooms growing on them.




Can you give a little info on the constuction of the last cache - the fungus on the tree? That one is awesome and I'd like to "borrow" the cache style to use locally. Please? Any info on the container construction would be greatly appreciated.



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I also hate the "it looks like its something electrical" cache. One of mine is quite near an electrical panel that is under a tree, but it is not one of those and in fact it looks like a terrain feature. The electrical stuff just squicks me.

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I agree on the cache looking electrical is not good. An inexperienced geocacher that is unfamiliar with construction and/or electrical work could pull and push on the box or conduit and although we all would like to think that all work is done to code and in a workman like manner.......but .......that wire nut came loose and then the wires touched the metal housing and the geocacher is the new electrical ground for the circuit.


Let's have fun and be safe.



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Can you give a little info on the constuction of the last cache - the fungus on the tree? That one is awesome and I'd like to "borrow" the cache style to use locally. Please? Any info on the container construction would be greatly appreciated.




here you goA few posts above


Posen: The mushroom is made from fiberglass casting material, such as you'd use on a broken leg...it was wrapped around a mold, and then coated with fiberglass resin to get rid of the grid pattern from the cast material. Add paint and hang on a tree!


hunt on!

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