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Pictures - Cool Cache Containers (CCC's)


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There are many great ideas here! I really have enjoyed it and hope to share a few of my creations soon.


I wonder if another topic would be of interest..call it "How to!" It would be a place to share tips on paints and glues for what works and what doesn't! 1. is it a worthwhile topic on it's own? or 2. Should it just go here?


For example, what paint is best on plastic, what glue holds magnets well etc.


Has this been done already??



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There are many great ideas here! I really have enjoyed it and hope to share a few of my creations soon.


I wonder if another topic would be of interest..call it "How to!" It would be a place to share tips on paints and glues for what works and what doesn't! 1. is it a worthwhile topic on it's own? or 2. Should it just go here?


For example, what paint is best on plastic, what glue holds magnets well etc.


Has this been done already??




Slightly off-topic reply: For what it's worth, I use Goop Sport and Outdoor contact adhesive. It glues rocks to plastic and lasts forever.

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Maybe someone can confirm it, but I received this one in my email inbox a few days ago: 84a65a05-0657-4d5c-889e-cf1b8e59783d.jpg Do you think it's real?

Wasn't that container submitted to this thread or the other one a few weeks ago?

Here's the cache page, and here's the thread.

The large ammo can is located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The cache name is "Big Boy." We found it last summer and met the cache owner.



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my husband saw that pic and now he wants to do one just like it in our front area. I've convinced him that what we have done right now is fine. The kids, (okay, DS 4) have been bugging us to place one so I finally did. Now waiting for the review to go through.

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I dont know about where you live, but up here, the woodpeckers LOVE red pine. Up here it would just take a short hike out to the woods to find a dead pine with a bunch of holes almost the size of the one you got there already done for you. Plus the dead wood looks more natural when you lay it on the ground, than a fresh-cut piece.


But, you still get an 'A" for effort.

Edited by Blue_stone
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I dont know about where you live, but up here, the woodpeckers LOVE red pine. Up here it would just take a short hike out to the woods to find a dead pine with a bunch of holes almost the size of the one you got there already done for you. Plus the dead wood looks more natural when you lay it on the ground, than a fresh-cut piece.


But, you still get an 'A" for effort.


fresh sawed edges will lower the difficulty a good bit as well - unless both ends are concealed in say a pile of debris. If you did that one then threw it in the top of a dead pine tree that had fallen over - NOW you are talking.

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I dont have any wood chisels, im just tryin to do the best with what i got. lol I didnt cut tree, we found it laying in woods, and i picked that one. I love building things too, so this is alot of fun for me. I wanna place it near a tree in the woods thats been cut up, or in a pile of old logs. Thanks for the comments!!

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I dont have any wood chisels, im just tryin to do the best with what i got. lol I didnt cut tree, we found it laying in woods, and i picked that one. I love building things too, so this is alot of fun for me. I wanna place it near a tree in the woods thats been cut up, or in a pile of old logs. Thanks for the comments!!


Just trying to help. If you have a file you can clean up the edge on the paddle bit. If it's nice and sharp it will cut much faster.

Blue_stone is correct, you get an "A" for effort.

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Ok, ill work on it some more today. I was using a wood chisel (didnt know what it was a wood chisel), but i didnt like it, and yes, it is sharp. I have brand new paddle bits too. It cuts easily with some pressure, but the log weighs about 60 pounds. (it was laying near a river that raises alot and floods the area around it) so its really really soaked. Cool lightsaber and deer pirate. :D

Edited by RobRcer
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Ok, ill work on it some more today. I was using a wood chisel (didnt know what it was a wood chisel), but i didnt like it, and yes, it is sharp. I have brand new paddle bits too. It cuts easily with some pressure, but the log weighs about 60 pounds. (it was laying near a river that raises alot and floods the area around it) so its really really soaked. Cool lightsaber and deer pirate. :D


Just looking at your drill bit it looks rusty and rounded on the edges ie blunt.


When i made one of these i used an ordinary drill and drilled many holes in the shape and depth i needed i then bashed out the interior with a cold chisel and lump hammer after giving up with the wood chisel.


A bit of wood chisel work later and it was done.


Same technique works very well on rocks with a suitable drill that is !


Just proof that if brute force and ignorance are not working you are not using enough :D

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i took a real pine cone and drilled a hole in the top of it and took one of the small plastic inserts that come in the bison type containers ( silver "bullet like") and put some camo tape on the screw lid and gorilla glued the container in the hole. I then took some florists green wire and looped it around the cone and it hangs naturally in a tree. i would post a pic but not sure how.

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Here are a couple of mine:










Logs really aren't that hard to put holes in with the right equipment. This one was hollowed out in about 15 minutes with an electric chain saw and a 1 1/2" counterbore. The seal is providded by an old tire tube glued to the surface of the log with an opening cut in it about 1/4" smaller than the cover block that fits down through it. The pine cone stays together with tension from the O-ring that seals it. Neither of these are out in the field yet.



Edited by Demon360
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Probably about 3-4 hours. Pretty good i guess for a teenager. :laughing: I learned that the drill worked alot better than the chisel. I might make a little more room though, and i will clean it up some. Its kinda tight, i want the finder to be able to easily get it out. Just gotta find a old cut up tree to place it by. :) I might try to make an even harder hide like a big hollow rock. Still thinking though.

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i took a real pine cone and drilled a hole in the top of it and took one of the small plastic inserts that come in the bison type containers ( silver "bullet like") and put some camo tape on the screw lid and gorilla glued the container in the hole. I then took some florists green wire and looped it around the cone and it hangs naturally in a tree. i would post a pic but not sure how.


Here are the pics, posted on clankelly's behalf. Per clankelly:

I thought about this after finding one of those fake pine cone caches and i thought that it would look better using a real pine cone. the fake one stood out too much. Mine, if you hang them right look like they belong there.




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I thought I'd share a few of ours. Only have two of these out, but will possibly be placing the others shortly.


Are they Lock-n-Lock containers?


Yes, they are lock n lock containers. We found some tree bark and Gorilla glued to the one on the far right, the one on the far left is sheet moss from a hobby store. The one in the middle is a screw box, with the handle removed. Sheet moss Gorilla glued to that one also.

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There are many great ideas here! I really have enjoyed it and hope to share a few of my creations soon.


I wonder if another topic would be of interest..call it "How to!" It would be a place to share tips on paints and glues for what works and what doesn't! 1. is it a worthwhile topic on it's own? or 2. Should it just go here?


For example, what paint is best on plastic, what glue holds magnets well etc.


Has this been done already??




Good idea. I'll start one....

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ive made a cache out of a log that i plit in half then drilled a hole for a micri container to fit inside of it, so far it has good reviews by the people that have found it. i soon hope to place a cache that looks like an electrical box on an old combine chasis near my house, its out in the middle of the woods close to cemetary that no one ever goes to. i htink that people will like that one to. i hope.

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The Body[/url] by Zartimus.

How kewl is that?! But it's in Canada! B)


But didn't you hear? It's Kewl in Canada!


Hillarious. I always check this thread from time to time to see what people are doing, fun to see your own cache in here. I like The Body much better at night. I almost got caught by the cops planting it. I blogged that bit. Dead deer, cops, a body, 2:00am .. Typical night for me..



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I'm really curious what the story was on this one. Was it really inside a library? One of the logs reads:

We rate this cache a 5 difficulty if you visit on a day Otis doesn't want to play, and a 1.5 on a day he does. We overthought this one last time, and my original hunch was correct. Found this in about 3 minutes on an Otis-friendly return visit.

(OtisPug was the cache owner.)

What the heck are they referring to? :laughing: I must know! :laughing:


Otis elevators?

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Does anyone know where I could get one of those tree stub containers? I looked on ebay but can't find anything. Also, Where was the section in this thread that said how to make the fake log?




You can buy a tree stump cooler, from whatonearth.com

It isn't cheap though. :blink:

Actually, I was referring to the stubs you find on pine trees. The type that used to be branches, but now are broken off and just little stubs.

Does anyone know what I mean?

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Well.... my container is finally done. I used a drill, hammer, and some various chisels. The bark keeps peeling off, wood glue, and hot glue aint worked, should i just leave it peeling? Or should i carefully put a few staples in? Heres pics...


Don't know if you've already set the cache out as of me posting this... but here's what I recommend:


"Goop" brand glue. There's several types (indoors, outdoors, etc), but I think they're all identical... just different packaging to sell more, maybe. But in either case... this stuff is the GREATEST stuff in existance! I've got this holding a ton of gravel onto a geocache of mine, and it holds perfectly, even in -40 temperature.


I've often joked (among friends) that on the container of this stuff, it should advertise "This glue is so strong, it could glue satan himself to the ground"... or something like that. Can't remember the exact phraseology, but yeah. Brutal strong stuff. I also used it to glue down carpeting in my car.


So if you're looking for glue... that's the stuff. It's also slightly rubbery, so it won't crack off like a crazy-glue. It's slightly flexible to take into account temperature changes :}

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snip, snip

It also directs them to a web site: www.UniversalGeoServices.com which tells anyone who finds it about Geocaching.



I've tried loading this website multiple times, only to have my load indicator sit and spin, and spin and spin. I did try the root address for your pictures http://ugs.wingler.com/, which took me directly to a website labeled Universal Geo Services.


Thought you might want to know. :huh:



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