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Wifi Locations?


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Try a google search for warchalking.


Free WiFi is vanishingly rare. I did try my laptop with my verizon phone and its internet connection. Other than the phone and the cable, it worked as well as the wifi and you don't have the security problems. Also you don't have to warchalk and get retaliatory attacks from hotspot owners who don't want you using their machine.

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Well, you can come to my house. I have a wireless router which I leave open to outside use. ;) You can get a decent DSL speed connection about 30 yards all around it. Probably super insecure, but way fun. :blink:




Well you could tap Wifi at my house and at my office.


In State Colloge several of the Cafe's have open points and the Wegman's Grocery store does too.

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Well, you can come to my house. I have a wireless router which I leave open to outside use. :mad: You can get a decent DSL speed connection about 30 yards all around it. Probably super insecure, but way fun. :blink:




Well you could tap Wifi at my house and at my office.


In State Colloge several of the Cafe's have open points and the Wegman's Grocery store does too.

Isn't that a security risk... ya know terrorists and all... ;)

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Well, you can come to my house. I have a wireless router which I leave open to outside use. :( You can get a decent DSL speed connection about 30 yards all around it. Probably super insecure, but way fun. :blink:




Well you could tap Wifi at my house and at my office.


In State Colloge several of the Cafe's have open points and the Wegman's Grocery store does too.

Isn't that a security risk... ya know terrorists and all... ;)

It would most certainly be a security risk, if I had anything more than pictures of my cat on my website. :mad:



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It would most certainly be a security risk, if I had anything more than pictures of my cat on my website. :blink:

The security risk may not be to your data. What about a spammer that uses your connection to send spam. Since it's found that the spam came from your residence, your ISP cancels your account? Do you think anyone with half a brain wanting to engage in an illegal activity is going to seek out open WiFi to do their dirty work?

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Warchalking and wardriving are illegal in many states.

Warchalking as a form of vandalism I suppose, but how is wardriving illegal? And by "states" you are talking about inside the United States, right?

Okay warchalking probably isn't more than a grafitte, graphitte, :blink: vandalisim charge. Yes I mean the US. CA to be specific. Most places if you do more than ping the network it becomes an invasion thing. If I were a little more awake and had a broadband connection I could probably come up with a few links. Wardriving is a premutation on wardialing which is absolutely illegal, even if every state hasen't outlawed wardriving it is cheating. Listen to the little voice in your head. :bad:

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wireless 802.11 is available around where i live. i use a dlink double antenna (tweaked to emit using 100 mW instead of the standard 20 mW of power) so if you come close to my home coordinates (WGS standard) :


N 48.51091

E 002.13178


you will find open and available wireless on channel 9, network name "moo"


i use altq on openbsd to control bandwidth so you won't have full bandwidth

there but a sustained 12 to 15 kb/s all the time


drop me a note if you come by and use it :blink:

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Most places if you do more than ping the network it becomes an invasion thing. If I were a little more awake and had a broadband connection I could probably come up with a few links. Wardriving is a premutation on wardialing which is absolutely illegal

In the strictest sense, yes, an invasion would be an issue. The problem with 802.11 is that many deliberately set up open sites to allow others to use it. As long as there is no encryption such as WEP (as lame as it is) or any other signs that this is truly intended to be private, I doubt that this would be enforceable.


As for Wardriving = wardialing, I disagree. Wardialing is actively using the phone system tieing up resources and disturbing everyone with a phone. Wardriving is little more then asking your receiver what signals does it hear. The impact on anything is somewhere between nothing to negligible. And as a practical matter, unenforceable.

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if you drive into nearly any apartment complex you'll find so many WiFis its amazing. My roommates and I chose cable and don't mind the wires running across the room (we're guys) but alot of our friends who have wireless RR pick up their neighbors with no problem at all, and usually their neighbors mooch off of each other. WiFi has a lot of improving to do but what doesn't...

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Most places if you do more than ping the network it becomes an invasion thing.  If I were a little more awake and had a broadband connection I could probably come up with a few links. Wardriving is a premutation on wardialing which is absolutely illegal

In the strictest sense, yes, an invasion would be an issue. The problem with 802.11 is that many deliberately set up open sites to allow others to use it. As long as there is no encryption such as WEP (as lame as it is) or any other signs that this is truly intended to be private, I doubt that this would be enforceable.


As for Wardriving = wardialing, I disagree. Wardialing is actively using the phone system tieing up resources and disturbing everyone with a phone. Wardriving is little more then asking your receiver what signals does it hear. The impact on anything is somewhere between nothing to negligible. And as a practical matter, unenforceable.

I agree that it would be unenforceable. My whole point is that morally you shouldn't access somebodies network or use thier internet access without thier permission. Many communities are starting to provide free acess. There is a local construction project that set up an AP and freely allows access to everyone. (Probably a PR move due to all the bad press and community outrage at the project, but that's another can of worms.) So free legal access is becoming a reality.

If you think wardriving is just about mapping hot spots I have a used GPS unit I'd like to sell you. Some people are doing it as a sport, but most are doing it to use your network/IP for thier own purposes.

BTW I pirate software either, just my value set. <_<

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My whole point is that morally you shouldn't access somebodies network or use thier internet access without thier permission.

Not everybody who sets up a site for others to use effectively advertises it's presence so that you know you have permission. Unfortunately it's hard to tell what's permitted from clueless users.


As for using "found" sites, one does need to consider the flip side - that site may be open so they can watch what you send to steal passwords and other information. Not all email programs transmit the password in an encrypted format.

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Not everybody who sets up a site for others to use effectively advertises it's presence so that you know you have permission.  Unfortunately it's hard to tell what's permitted from clueless users.


As for using "found" sites, one does need to consider the flip side - that site may be open so they can watch what you send to steal passwords and other information.  Not all email programs transmit the password in an encrypted format.

That logic is kind of like saying "They left the keys in the car and didn't say I couldn't use it."


I hadn't considered the risk of using found sites. Just one more reason to stick with the moral high ground.

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What exactly is WiFI?  Can I hook up my laptop to my cellphone to communicate to other computers with modems using Hyperterminal (Windows Accessories program) as I do with land lines?





This link may help

OK. Good link. I think I get that Wifi is connection to the internet (only?). But can I use a cellphone conection to my laptop with its modem to talk to directly to another computer that's on it's modem without using the internet? Of so, how?





Edited by Alan2
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From what I have heard it seems to be easy to find locations with alot cable users having wireless networks set up.


There was a guy the police caught here in Toronto driving around and acting funny at 3 in the morning.


When they searched his car he was using his laptop and getting into the wireless networks in houses from his car and downloading his dirty stuff by using the wireless networks in houses.


I am glad I have my network running on wires.....



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Can I hook up my laptop to my cellphone to communicate to other computers with modems using Hyperterminal (Windows Accessories program) as I do with land lines?

Most cell phones now are digital and will murder the crud out of a modem signal. However, since they are digital, you may be able to connect your serial port to the phone and use the phone like a modem. (Rather then using your modem and using the phone line a phone jack.)


The details will depend on what phone you have and what service.


For my aging Moto Startac on Verizon, use the data connection cable and set your laptop to treat it like a generic modem. Other phones may work similarly.


Since this is a Geocaching board, I suggest you find a news group that matches your service prover and/or phone model for the best information on how to do that.

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Thanks Geckogeek. I got a response to a similar question from Hilgraeve the makers of the Hyperterminal program. They say it should work as long as the Windows operating system can detect that you have a phone

line, and you have a cable that will connect between your modem and the

cell phone. So I'll have to speak to Radio SHack orCompUSA. Tks again.


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Another thing WiFi users need to think of is that they need to lock down their network due to having their accounts shut off for spamming.


Most broadband ISP's are monitoring email use and will shut you off at a certain point, say 15,000 emails, after that the cable/DSL modem simply won't pass the traffic.


Personally I use wifi, full encryption 128 bit with mac filtering, which means you'll have to hack my password & nic mac number.


Can be done, sure. Why bother though, just go a few more blocks into downtown and all those folks with open networks there. ;)

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I usually just unplug my USB adapter after each use, so anyone wanting to hack me would have only a few minutes to do it. There is a program for linux called Airsnort, I think, that monitors packets untill it has enough information to reverse engineer the WEP key of the network it monitors. This usually takes the better part of an hour, though. I have taken a few spins around town with netstumbler running on the laptop. It's really funny to see some of the SSID's out there. One guy had "leave me alone" as his SSID. ;) So far, of the networks I'd seen about half of them are open and unencrypted. About half of those have an internet connection. I'm sure most people aren't aware that they are wide open like that. They probably would never know if someone pulled up outsdie their house and shared their internet connection. Probably not a good idea to do it from a moral standpoint, even if your intent was not to hack them or do any harm.

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