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Geocaching Lic. Plates.


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I posted this in the Northeast forum but I wanted to get a larger perspective. Also how many cachers actually are lucky enough to have the plate GEOCACHE.


Do you know how hard it is to get a lic. plate in NY with the word cache in it? I'm trying to get plated for my jeep. GEOJEEP 0 - 9 are taken, 0 - 9GEOJEEP are taken, I've tried just about every combination that makes sense. But what I really want to know is who has the jeep with the plates geocache? Also, any suggestions for a plate would be welcome.
Posted (edited)

I actually had this convo a couple weeks ago in the NYGO chat room with someone, we came up with a few neat ones, but of course i can't remember them. There are a couple creative plates available for NYer's.





n43 w077 (or whatever)


GeoCash (bleh)


GoCache (hmm maybe I will get this) :P

Go Cache

Go@Cache (@ is the NY State symbol)

I Cache


GotCache (for safety sake probably a bad idea) :o

Navicach (haha)




Edit to add: NY allows 8 characters including a space or the NY symbol (you can use one or the others not both)


Ok I better stop. :D

Edited by OurWoods

How many characters you get for customization in Texas depends on whether you have a standard plate or one of the special plates but is pretty limited regardless. Special plates, such as the conservation plates have graphics that take up a portion of the plate and limit characters to 5. Any alphanumeric, space, dash or period may fill those slots. A silhouette of Texas may be used but will take 2 slots!


Standard plates allow up to 6 alphanumeric characters. Spaces, periods, or dashes may take one of the alphanumeric slots or up to 2 additional slots. You may replace one special character with a silhouette of Texas.


I have a personalized specialty plate... it's a conservation plate featuring a large-mouth bass. The tag spells CACHE. When I got it this past summer, I could find no way to search to see if my choice would be available. I had to fill out the form, mail in the check, and wait and see. We had a whole list of things we considered, but I can't find it now!


Why not save a few bucks. Go to the Groundspeak merchandise section, buy yourself a geocaching sticker (that nice egg shaped item that reads "GEO") and save the money you would have spent on a personalized plate for some really great geocaching accessories?

Signed.... More Bang For Your Geocaching Buck

Go to the Groundspeak merchandise section, buy yourself a geocaching sticker (that nice egg shaped item that reads "GEO") and save the money you would have spent on a personalized plate for some really great geocaching accessories?

Those "Euro" stickers are everywhere now, (how many hundred thousand OBX stickers have you seen?!) I also don't really like the fact that they just say "GEO" or "GPS." Besides, not everyone like to put bumper stickers on their cars.


I ordered the long geocaching.com window cling, but becaue of the tint on the windows of my SUV its not visible on the back window :D from outside the car. So I have to have it on the front window along the bottom. Hopefully thats an okay spot. :unsure:


I hope to get a personalized geocaching plate soon, but now I will have to think something up besides GOCACHE.. hmm....

Why not save a few bucks.  Go to the Groundspeak merchandise section, buy yourself a geocaching sticker (that nice egg shaped item that reads "GEO")


Got it.


I ordered the long geocaching.com window cling,


Got it.

Posted (edited)
... I hope to get a personalized geocaching plate soon, but now I will have to think something up besides GOCACHE.. hmm....

Try EHCACOG - it'll drive 'em nuts.

Edited by gallahad
... I hope to get a personalized geocaching plate soon, but now I will have to think something up besides GOCACHE.. hmm....

Try EHCACOG - it'll drive 'em nuts.

It would drive me nuts too. :unsure:


Here in Sweden can we buy our own license plate also, but it is really expensive! It's about $100 for 7 years or so... 7 letters (A-Z (plus the three Swedish extra letters ÅÄÖ), 0-9 and space).




Posted (edited)
Here in Sweden can we buy our own license plate also, but it is really expensive! It's about $100 for 7 years or so... 7 letters (A-Z (plus the three Swedish extra letters ÅÄÖ), 0-9 and space).




You think that's expensive? :D Also in Finland you can choose your licence plate, but it must be in the following form ABC-123 where ABC can be 2 or 3 letters of your choice (with limitations with letters W, Q, Å, Ä and Ö) and 123 can be 1, 2 or 3 numbers between 0-9 (0 may not start the number part or be the only number). And, you can't choose CD to your letter part.


The price? 1000 Euros plus additional registering fees (either 9,5 € or 14 €). With today's rates that's about $ 1240 in the US currency. :unsure:


Possible geocaching related Finnish plates would be:


GEO-123 (with any 1 to 3 digit number series)

Guess I'd choose GEO-666. :D


Pretty boring choices for that amount of money, huh? :D

Edited by Divine

My plate reads: CACHER


I was amazed that it was available in Ohio, but I was glad it was. I get people saying things like, "Cacher....so you play baseball?" and "Cacher....like a computer?" (I'm a computer tech by trade, so people assume) Anyway is always gives me an opportunity to spread the word about Geocaching. There was a recently an article in a paper in my area that a guy did about Geocaching and they used a picture of my plate. I'm waiting to sign my first "Geocaching Celebrity Autograph" but so far, no dice. :unsure:


Anyway, when I was looking for my plate there were quite a few caching plates available. I couldn't decide at first on "Trudger" or "Cacher" but I figured "Cacher" would give me a better shot at letting someone know about the game/sport/hobby that we all know and love.


I also have one of those long Geocaching.com stickers on my back window. I like it a lot there. I'm turning my little red beetle into a regular Cachemobile. All I need is a mounted GPSr and some custom Geocache Logo Rims. :D (and 4WD, Mud Tires, Monster Truck Suspension, and a First-Aid Kit)


Cache On!


Is there a way to check what plates are taken by state?

try this Doc.

Wait... That's not what you meant is it. :unsure:

I have the application for a personalized plate... Unfortunately for the type of plate I have I can only get 5 letters. Not much I can do with that.... Cache maybe?


If I change to another type of specialty plate I can do 7 letters so that may work better but I hate to have to give up my Univ of Florida Gators Plate!!

Unfortunately for the type of plate I have I can only get 5 letters. Not much I can do with that.... Cache maybe?

Why not (a wrongly spelled word) that says what we are: ADICT :unsure:

I guess the one on my GMC Pickup would kinda fit with geocaching, though: YMIHERE. :unsure:

oh yea.... I see it clearly! :D

I've had that one since 1985, when I first bought my Toyota 4wd pickup. It's the question I ask myself most often: Why am I here and when can I leave?

Posted (edited)

My Current plates on my jeep is GOT A MAP


I think the image is still in my personal section.


Just checked, not sure how to get to the images anymore since we got the new boards. hmmm.


ok here it is



Edited by Dream Alchemist
If I change to another type of specialty plate I can do 7 letters so that may work better but I hate to have to give up my Univ of Florida Gators Plate!!

Don't do that! Don't give up your Gator plate! I'm sure you can come up with something that's 5 or fewer letters. :unsure:

If I change to another type of specialty plate I can do 7 letters so that may work better but I hate to have to give up my Univ of Florida Gators Plate!!

Don't do that! Don't give up your Gator plate! I'm sure you can come up with something that's 5 or fewer letters. :unsure:

You know I don't wanna!!


Besides my father would never forgive me...


His Florida plate says: NYG8R :D

buy yourself a geocaching sticker (that nice egg shaped item that reads "GEO")

'Cause I don't put stickers on my cars... EVER. I do have the license plate ring, but I'm going to have to remove or try to modify it or it's not legal here. I have the cling sticker, but it doesn't show through the tinted glass on the back of the geosled. No one has ever asked me about the stickers, only one about the license plate ring, but I get questions about the plate frequently.

Is it expensive to have a personalized plate in the US?

It varies from state to state. Here in Texas I paid $40 for the personalized part... it's good for one year. The specialty conservation plate cost an additional $25, a good part of which goes to the Dept. of Parks & Wildlife. If I keep the personalization, it'll be a new plate without the specialty image. I like to support the parks, but our financial circumstances have changed and they've raised the cost of the conservation plate another $5 now too, and all of that goes to the DOT for "administrative costs".


The Washington TNLNSL plate is Pepper's, who by the way just hit 1000 caches. Drop by the Northwest forum to congratulate her and her kids.


We wanted FOUNDIT, but also wanted a specialty plate to support one of the Open Space groups that is preserving land in the area, and incidently providing more places to hide caches. Since those are limited to 6 characters, we ended up with CACHER.

Posted (edited)

Ohio costs $75 a yr. Bit expensive, but the Jeep is my first vehicle bought new, so I spoil it.


As for plate and Sticker not matching. The plate is to be read as a question...


Got a Map? (Just wasnt allowed to have a ? placed on the plate)

Edited by Dream Alchemist

I can't wait until someone makes the Cache Making Machine.

If you can't find the real cache, just go to a website, select the typ of box, write what you want it to be on the cache and voila, you have your own version of the cache you couldn't find! ;)




Well I don't know about others, but we try to WALK or cycle to our geocaches, that is one reason we do not have hundreds and hundreds of finds yet. To us Geocaching is about getting out and spending time together as a family doing something fun and cheap. For us, conquering the outdoors is something we do on mountain bike, in our sailboat or by foot, not in an SUV.


We have a GPS guided stroller, mountain bikes, and sailboat complete with dinghy. This spring we (us along with Rasputin and others) will be placing Geocaches on other islands that we get to sailing on weekends and evenings. The car will do you no good as there is no access via car ferries!

Well, if you can't get the real plate you want for some reason, you can always make your own:blink:

Maybe I should get this one made:



But what does that have to do with geocaching? Other than some of us here in the forums call you that, and your avatar has a sax........anything?

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