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GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife)


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I've been out of caching for about a year and am now getting back into it. GASK looks like a good tool to be able to utilize so I downloaded and installed it. Now I have questions... sorry if these have been asked already.


I've loaded seven caches into GASK thus far. To do this I saved each individually as a .loc file, imported it into GASK, and then went on to the next one. None of these show up as "found" in the "LG" column".


Is there a way to import all of the caches I want as one GPX file or what is the best way to accomplish getting my caches (found and those I'm still seeking) into GASK?


The "Placed" date on all of them shows as today's date and I haven't found a way to edit that info so it is accurate in GASK. Also no "Last Log" info was imported. The cache type column is all question marks.


Do I have to have OziExplorer installed in order for GASK to function properly?


Sorry for all of the newbie questions.

LOC files don't contain all the info you require. You need to download a pocket query from Geocaching.com and you need to be a premium member to do so.

OK, thanks for the reply. ;)

Posted (edited)
I have seen where you can manually change the cache to found and I know you can toggle cache archive status but nothing on changing ownership to yourself.

As "MotleyCrew" said, use the configuration dialog for this (Tools=>Options...) . There are 3 ways of getting GSAK to recognize your placed caches. Click on the help button for a full explanation of all 3 options.


Is there a way to manually insert your own information? If not in future releases will this be possible?

As per a previous comment in this thread, I plan to add the ability to add in waypoint data. Not just geocaching waypoints, but any type of waypoints. However, If you really want to do this now you can (not flash but it works):

1. Generate a LOC file - just one cache. (from GSAK or GC.com)

2. Edit the LOC file with any plain ASCII text editor (even notepad will do the job). Replacing all the relevant data for your new waypoint.

3. Now load this LOC file into GSAK


You Can also make changes to waypoints this way. Using a LOC file is easier, but if you want to change some bit of information that is NOT available in the LOC file format, then generate a GPX file which contains ALL the data fields.


Do I have to have OziExplorer installed in order for GASK to function properly?

No, Not at all. Refer to the very first post in this thread.

Edited by ClydeE



Just so you'll know, ever since I started using GSAK I haven't used EasyGPS one time. <_< It's easy to delet the wp's from my Magellan and then upload what I want from GSAK. (The filter system works so wonderfully) And with the file conversions to wpt and the making gpx files CORRECTLY it's all that a person (at least me) could use.


Thanks again and keep me informed :rolleyes:


Can you implement something that would flag disabled caches? Either a different color background for the waypoint or using strikeout font would be neat. Something on the offline cache page would be helpful too. Of course, then you know we'll be asking to filter on this attribute too :rolleyes: ....


Thanks, like Rosco, I haven't used EasyGps since getting GSAK. Between it and Cachemate I'm pretty well set on all my hardware. <_<

Posted (edited)
Can you implement something that would flag disabled caches?  Either a different color background for the waypoint or using strikeout font would be neat.  Something on the offline cache page would be helpful too.  Of course, then you know we'll be asking to filter on this attribute too  :rolleyes: ....

This feature is already available.


Just set the cache to "Archived" (right click, toggle archive status)


Archived caches have their own color setting, are distinguished in the HTML pages, and you can filter on them.


However, I have also noticed that gc.com have recently enabled the sending of GPX files that have caches flagged as "not available". This is like a "temporary archived cache" and I will be allowing for this in Beta 2. IE there will be no need to update the cache manually - it will all happen automatically.

Edited by ClydeE

GSAK Version 2.00 Beta 2 is now ready


Changes since Beta 1:


Warning when attempting to download more than 500 waypoints to GPS receiver.

Speed up exit of GSAK.

Fixed crash when viewing offline HTML from OziExplorer

Rewrite of online/offline view from OziExplorer to use less CPU and be quicker.

Support for GPX files generated by GeoToad (previously caused GSAK to crash).

Fixed crash caused by GPX files that had invalid coordinates in the logs.

Fixed "unable to make visible window modal" error when sometimes using MapSource and GPX export.

You can now manually enter your COM port if GSAK does not automatically recognise it.

Check to make sure folder exists before generation of HTML zip file.

"Select a Database" dialog box now displays databases alphabetically.

Better support for non-www.geocaching.com LOC files.

Fixed bug with GPX export that could cause CMconvert to crash if Travel bug name contains "&".

Added configuration option to allow open of web browser in full screen.

Fixed problem with MapSource icons not being converted correctly.

GPX load folder find button now shows "My Documents".

Automatic update of unavailable caches from www.geocaching.com

Update of help file. (thanks again to Dave from Dak's Emu Mob for his help with this)


Don't forget the help file is a valuable resource and can answer many of your questions. A good place to start when you need to find out something about GSAK.


Download here: http://gsak.geocaching.com.au





I just downloaded and installed the newest version. The geocache found and not found icon doesn't seem to be an option to send to the gps. Am I missing something?


Giving GSAK a test run tonight. Looks pretty good. There are a few key issues that keep me from deleting Watcher and Spinner and using your program instead. Any plans to implement the following. My apologies if I missed them earlier in the thread.


1) Filter by coordinates. For example, I took a trip from Tulsa, OK to Memphis, TN travelling I-40 over Christmas. I ran a couple of PQ's and I was able to eliminate all caches that were not between two sets of latitude lines I would be travelling in. Then I took the 2 GPX files and merged them into one for the trip.


2) Icons for specific cache types/bugs. With watcher I change my icons for specific cache types. I have icons for regular caches, multis, other, letterbox, and caches that may have travel bugs in them. With GSAK I see only found, not found, placed, archived. Watcher also let's you add an icon for a cache that is still active but "may" be missing due to numerous not found logs.


3) Cache Code prefix. I like to use the GC.com cache codes for my waypoints. The smart names just don't do much for me. Too hard to read and decipher. On my Magellan I can just view the cache description name at the bottom of my user list. I like to use a prefix for each type for example GC1111 would become, MC1111, UC1111, LB1111, or VC1111 depending on cache type.

I just downloaded and installed the newest version. The geocache found and not found icon doesn't seem to be an option to send to the gps. Am I missing something?

You haven't stated what brand of GPS you are using. However ....


Geocache and Geocache found are available only in the Garmin icon set. To my knowledge Magellan does not support these icons.

Filter by coordinates?.

Yes, (arc and line filters) I plan to add in the next version


Icons for specific cache types/bugs?

Many of the GSAK features are user driven. The current options were those requested the most. However If I get enough user feed back that would like to be able to assign icons by cache type (rather than found etc) I will add this feature.


Cache Code prefix?

I'll look at adding a third option for waypoint name. This option will allow the use of tags (similar to description) to enable you to build a waypoint name that would cover this, and also allow for other combinations.


beta2 installed. Just noticed that the distance column stays as km despite having distance chosen in the options as miles.

Also its not calculating the distance from my home co-ordinates but instead the first one in the list which it reckons is 0km's away. This could be because I set this as the centre, but I can't find the option to NOT set this as the centre anymore.

Posted (edited)

There seems to be a bug exporting MS S&T csv files using V2 Beta 2.


Use the 'CSV file to create' pull down menu on the GSAK 'Microsoft Streets & trips' dialogue window to navigate to the desired directory and type in your file name. On return to the GSAK dialogue window quotation marks are inserted around the location/file name required, example below


"D:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\test.csv"


Of course when you press the generate button you get an 'Error - you cannot create a file here, that folder does not exist' message.

Edited by Motley Crew
Just noticed that the distance column stays as km despite having distance chosen in the options as miles.

Hmmm. I can't get that to happen here. Goto to Tools=>Options and set to Kilometres, then back again to Miles - that should fix it.


Also its not calculating the distance from my home co-ordinates  but instead the first one in the list which it reckons is 0km's away. This could be because I set this as the centre, but I can't find the option to NOT set this as the centre anymore.

Yes, any cache can be set as the center point (right mouse click). That way you can see all the caches closest to that one. If you would prefer to see all the caches that are closest to your home coordinates, just click on the "home" button in the tool bar (the little icon picture of a home)

There seems to be a bug exporting MS S&T csv files using V2 Beta 2.


Use the 'CSV file to create' pull down menu on the GSAK 'Microsoft Streets & trips' dialogue window to navigate to the desired directory and type in your file name. On return to the GSAK dialogue window quotation marks are inserted around the location/file name required, example below


"D:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\test.csv"


Of course when you press the generate button you get an 'Error - you cannot create a file here, that folder does not exist' message.

Thanks Motley Crew


I am surprised this was not picked up until Beta 2 - then again, perhaps I only introduced this bug in beta 2 but I didn't think so.


The control that selects a folder is inserting the double quotation marks around your selected file. This only happens if the path to your file contains a space. I will strip these out in 2.00 Final (or Beta 3 if needed)


The work around for the time being would be just to manually delete the " (double quotes) at the beginning and end of the file name.

The work around for the time being would be just to manually delete the " (double quotes) at the beginning and end of the file name.

Yes, I realised that at the time I came across it :mad: . I don't actually have a use for csv at the moment, I was just 'fiddling'.


Great program by the way, GSAK & CacheMate are just about all I need, thanks for releasing it.


I downloaded the Beta 2 version today. I got the software to change over from miles to kilometers by toggling back and forth between the slections. I use Windows 98 and had difficulty loading the program. I found that I needed to reboot after I loaded the program or I got an error. Also my run command does not turn off unless I reboot. I also had trouble converting to MapSource MPS files. The program hangs up and will not create the file. I tried a couple of the other options and it worked fine. However, I use MapSource. I also had troble reading EasyGPS files. In fact, the program didn't.


I have uninstalled it at this point and will watch for the fixes.


Does Ver. 1.2 convert to MapSource files?



Posted (edited)
I downloaded the Beta 2 version today.  I got the software to change over from miles to kilometers by toggling back and forth between the slections.  I use Windows 98 and had difficulty loading the program.  I found that I needed to reboot after I loaded the program or I got an error.  Also my run command does not turn off unless I reboot.  I also had trouble converting to MapSource MPS files.  The program hangs up and will not create the file.  I tried a couple of the other options and it worked fine.  However, I use MapSource.  I also had troble reading EasyGPS files.  In fact, the program didn't.


I have uninstalled it at this point and will watch for the fixes. 


Does Ver. 1.2 convert to MapSource files?



I have had some other reports of problems with windows 98. The root of all these problems seems to be the way windows 98 handles resources (or lack of)


I have run GSAK for days on end, on a clean Win 98 computer with 32mb of ram without any problems at all (doing all the things you mention). Windows 98 does not handle resources well (not to be confused with memory) and when you mix in other applications you start to run into these types of problems. Running something like Microsoft office at the same time is a definite no no - but even some start up programs can gobble resources and cause problems. These issues go away with windows 2000 and windows XP.


As for the EasyGps problem. EasyGps outputs LOC files in its own binary format (not the standard XML format like other programs and gc.com) which is not compatible with GSAK (and most other geocaching programs as well) If you need to use output from EasyGps, be sure to generate a GPX file. This format is XML and compatible with GSAK.


Conversion to MapSource files only came out in 2.00

Edited by ClydeE

I like the program a lot but still have not used it fully.


I too have had start up problems several times on Win ME. I always had other things open. Usually MS S&T and or Outlook.


After a reboot GSAK loaded perfectly. Not a huge problem here, I just reboot.


I also noted the "quotes" problem last week each time I exported to MS S&T. Once again, no prob to simply remove quotes. All worked PERFECTLY then.


Thanks again Clyde for all your great work!



I like the program a lot but still have not used it fully.


I too have had start up problems several times on Win ME. I always had other things open. Usually MS S&T and or Outlook.


After a reboot GSAK loaded perfectly. Not a huge problem here, I just reboot.


I also noted the "quotes" problem last week each time I exported to MS S&T. Once again, no prob to simply remove quotes. All worked PERFECTLY then.


Thanks again Clyde for all your great work!



Just about everything I said about Windows 98 also holds true for Windows ME. In fact, many industry experts regard Windows ME less stable than 98! Go figure.


Windows 95/98/me were all built on top of DOS and hence carried many of the old dos baggage and limitations. I guess I should have written GSAK in some other language that was not operating system dependant (Java or .net) However my expertise (limited as it is) lies with Delphi which is windows based and behaves much better (as with most applications) on win2k and win xp.


I will have a look at changes to GSAK that would make Win98/me less sensitive to these problems but I must admit, I really don't want to spend too much time on this.

Are any of the conversions capable of inputting to National Geographics Topo?


Can do. However, I'm not sure if it will make 2.00 final.


I'll see if I can squeeze it in, otherwise it will have to wait until the next release


I admit that I am still new to geocaching, so please go easy on me if this has already been asked. When I export the GPX file into mapsource format, and then upload to via USB to my 60c I loose all the geocaching icons, and they all turn into amusement park icons in my 60c. All except the geacache found icon which turns into a glider area icon. Am I doing something wrong? I have searched the help file, and the forums here, and cannot find an answer. Thank you for all the time you put into development, this is a great program!

Just about everything I said about Windows 98 also holds true for Windows ME. In fact, many industry experts regard Windows ME less stable than 98! Go figure.

There has to be a good reason why M.S. came out with Windows 2000 not long after ME. ME has been known to be one of the buggiest platforms to ever come from Redmond. If I were a programmer I know for sure that I would not be working on working around it's problems. I would be going after stable operating systems. If given the choice (and of course I do) I'd be running either Windows 3.1, 98 or XP. Anything else shows the Blue Screen way to often.....


When I export the GPX file into mapsource format, and then upload to via USB to my 60c I loose all the geocaching icons, and they all turn into amusement park icons in my 60c. All except the geacache found icon which turns into a glider area icon.

Just need a bit more info here to get to the root of the problem.


Are the icons correct in Mapsource? There was a problem here with Beta1 because it assumed you were using version 3 of MapSouce. Beta 2 now has a combo box that allows version selection and the default is now version 5.


If the icons are correct in MapSource but then not so in your GPS I need to know how are you sending the waypoints to your GPS. IE are you using MapSoruce to do the sending or GSAK?


Finally either way you are sending waypoints to your GPS make sure you have the correct brand and/or Model set in the configuration.


Thanks for the reply Clyde. Confirm its working here now (but I'm SURE I changed from miles to km to miles again - oh well!) Should have rtfm'd better on the home icon too I guess as it is in there - I did look previously and couldn't find the option. Now I know the info is there I found it straight away.

Posted (edited)
Just about everything I said about Windows 98 also holds true for Windows ME. In fact, many industry experts regard Windows ME less stable than 98! Go figure.

There has to be a good reason why M.S. came out with Windows 2000 not long after ME. ME has been known to be one of the buggiest platforms to ever come from Redmond. If I were a programmer I know for sure that I would not be working on working around it's problems. I would be going after stable operating systems. If given the choice (and of course I do) I'd be running either Windows 3.1, 98 or XP. Anything else shows the Blue Screen way to often.....


I've always heard that about WIN ME. I've had it on one of my systems and my old Toshiba geo-laptop since it came out and it's worked fine for me. At least no better or worse than any other operating system. I couldn't tell you the last time I saw a blue screen on this system or my laptop.


I certainly don't expect anyone, especially Clyde, to worry about software quirks at this point. The occasional GSAK startup glitch I've seen certainly doesn't pose a problem for me - theres a startup error - it exits cleanly - and I reboot to resolve the problem. So NO problem.


XP may be the current thing but a few of my customers grudgingly give up there relatively stable 98 and ME boxes when they need to replace a machine. Ahhh, progress!


Thanks again for your fine program Clyde!

Edited by maleki
As for the EasyGps problem. EasyGps outputs LOC files in its own binary format (not the standard XML format like other programs and gc.com) which is not compatible with GSAK (and most other geocaching programs as well) If you need to use output from EasyGps, be sure to generate a GPX file. This format is XML and compatible with GSAK.

Or, if you don't have EasyGPS and someone has given you files in this format, use GPSBabel to convert from type "easygps" to GPX or something else.

I downloaded the Beta 2 version today.  I got the software to change over from miles to kilometers by toggling back and forth between the slections.  I use Windows 98 and had difficulty loading the program.  I found that I needed to reboot after I loaded the program or I got an error.  Also my run command does not turn off unless I reboot.  I also had trouble converting to MapSource MPS files.  The program hangs up and will not create the file.  I tried a couple of the other options and it worked fine.  However, I use MapSource.  I also had troble reading EasyGPS files.  In fact, the program didn't.


I have uninstalled it at this point and will watch for the fixes. 


Does Ver. 1.2 convert to MapSource files?



I have had some other reports of problems with windows 98. The root of all these problems seems to be the way windows 98 handles resources (or lack of)


I have run GSAK for days on end, on a clean Win 98 computer with 32mb of ram without any problems at all (doing all the things you mention). Windows 98 does not handle resources well (not to be confused with memory) and when you mix in other applications you start to run into these types of problems. Running something like Microsoft office at the same time is a definite no no - but even some start up programs can gobble resources and cause problems. These issues go away with windows 2000 and windows XP.


As for the EasyGps problem. EasyGps outputs LOC files in its own binary format (not the standard XML format like other programs and gc.com) which is not compatible with GSAK (and most other geocaching programs as well) If you need to use output from EasyGps, be sure to generate a GPX file. This format is XML and compatible with GSAK.


Conversion to MapSource files only came out in 2.00

Thanks for the feedback..yes, I have other things running on my Windows98 machine so I will try to work through my resources. I would like to see the Mapsource transfer work as it would be fantastic for me.


I can tell you have put a lot of effort into this application and as time goes by it looks like it will be the Best Practice software for GeoCaching.


I will continue to watch and see what develops.


Thanks for taking the time to respond and to work out this truly cool and unique application.



XP may be the current thing but a few of my customers grudgingly give up there relatively stable 98 and ME boxes when they need to replace a machine. Ahhh, progress!

Microsoft was supposed to have ended all support for Win98/Win98SE/WinME in mid January, but I see now that they have extended portions of it for several years more. However there is no guarantee that any security hotfixes will be released for that platform. I think it very likely that new software packages will drop support for those older platforms.


While it would be nice, I can't expect ClydeE or any other developer to support older OS that the commercial developers have or are abandoning.


Another possible bug in V2 Beta 2?


I've lost the ability to use the split screen function :) .


I can depress the button, the little 'split screen format' window is displayed but the screen no longer 'splits'.


Using the vertical arrow with 2 horizontal lines has no effect at all. No matter what I do to regain the lower window it don't want to come back.


I've tried minimising an maximising the main GSAK window & I've tried reloading the program but I still cannot get my lower window back :) .


Any ideas?

Another possible bug in V2 Beta 2?


I've lost the ability to use the split screen function :) .


I can depress the button, the little 'split screen format' window is displayed but the screen no longer 'splits'.


Using the vertical arrow with 2 horizontal lines has no effect at all. No matter what I do to regain the lower window it don't want to come back.


I've tried minimising an maximising the main GSAK window & I've tried reloading the program but I still cannot get my lower window back :) .


Any ideas?

Weird. Splitscreen works fine for me (V2 Beta 2).

Another possible bug in V2 Beta 2?


I've lost the ability to use the split screen function :) .


I can depress the button, the little 'split screen format' window is displayed but the screen no longer 'splits'.


Using the vertical arrow with 2 horizontal lines has no effect at all. No matter what I do to regain the lower window it don't want to come back.


I've tried minimising an maximising the main GSAK window & I've tried reloading the program but I still cannot get my lower window back :) .


Any ideas?

Hmmm, Can't say I have seen this one before, nor have I had any other reports - yet. Sounds like the height of the split screen has been changed too small to be useable.


Should be easy to fix though.


All GSAK settings are stored in a file named GSAK.INI in the install folder of GSAK. Edit this file with any ASCII text editor (Notepad will do), searching for "Panel3.Height" - delete this entry then start GSAK again. By deleting this entry the split window is restored to the default height, and this should fix your problem. Let me know how you get on.

When I export the GPX file into mapsource format, and then upload to via USB to my 60c I loose all the geocaching icons, and they all turn into amusement park icons in my 60c. All except the geacache found icon which turns into a glider area icon.

Just need a bit more info here to get to the root of the problem.


Are the icons correct in Mapsource? There was a problem here with Beta1 because it assumed you were using version 3 of MapSouce. Beta 2 now has a combo box that allows version selection and the default is now version 5.


If the icons are correct in MapSource but then not so in your GPS I need to know how are you sending the waypoints to your GPS. IE are you using MapSoruce to do the sending or GSAK?


Finally either way you are sending waypoints to your GPS make sure you have the correct brand and/or Model set in the configuration.

Thank you very much for responding! I found the problem. I was formulating a reply to you, and was going over the steps, and I found in the Export to Mapsource dialog the drop downs for the icons. I did not notice these before, what a dope I am! I apologize for wasting your time.


Sorry, It looks like I spoke too soon (again). I am using Mapsource v5.4 trip and waypoint manager v2 that came with the 60c. On GSAK I go to File -->Export -->Mapsource MPS File. I select the Geocache and Geocache Found icons from the drop down menu, then export the MPS file. When I open with Mapsource, now I get "Circle with X" icons for both geocache icons. I do it this way, because I am using Mapsource to transfer to the 60c via USB cable. I can manually change the icons in Mapsource to the geocaching icons, and then load them correctly to the 60c, but with over 100 icons, this gets a little tedious. Am I still doing something wrong? Thank you again!

Sorry, It looks like I spoke too soon (again). I am using Mapsource v5.4 trip and waypoint manager v2 that came with the 60c. On GSAK I go to File -->Export -->Mapsource MPS File. I select the Geocache and Geocache Found icons from the drop down menu, then export the MPS file. When I open with Mapsource, now I get "Circle with X" icons for both geocache icons. I do it this way, because I am using Mapsource to transfer to the 60c via USB cable. I can manually change the icons in Mapsource to the geocaching icons, and then load them correctly to the 60c, but with over 100 icons, this gets a little tedious. Am I still doing something wrong? Thank you again!

This is exactly what I would expect if you did this with GSAK 2.00 Beta 1. (refer to my previous reply to your question)


So the big question is what version of GSAK are you using?


Anyone else having this problem with mapsource and BETA 2?

This is exactly what I would expect if you did this with GSAK 2.00 Beta 1. (refer to my previous reply to your question)


So the big question is what version of GSAK are you using?


Anyone else having this problem with mapsource and BETA 2?


I am using Beta1, I saw on you site that there was a Beta2, but did not d/l yet. I think I will do that now. Thank you!

Posted (edited)
Another possible bug in V2 Beta 2?


I've lost the ability to use the split screen function  :) .


I can depress the button, the little 'split screen format' window is displayed but the screen no longer 'splits'.


Using the vertical arrow with 2 horizontal lines has no effect at all. No matter what I do to regain the lower window it don't want to come back.


I've tried minimising an maximising the main GSAK window & I've tried reloading the program but I still cannot get my lower window back  :) .


Any ideas?

Hmmm, Can't say I have seen this one before, nor have I had any other reports - yet. Sounds like the height of the split screen has been changed too small to be useable.


Should be easy to fix though.


All GSAK settings are stored in a file named GSAK.INI in the install folder of GSAK. Edit this file with any ASCII text editor (Notepad will do), searching for "Panel3.Height" - delete this entry then start GSAK again. By deleting this entry the split window is restored to the default height, and this should fix your problem. Let me know how you get on.

Yep ,that's fixed it :) . As a matter of interest the value was set to 0 before I deleted the line. Thanks for the prompt response as always.


Edited to put the correct observed 'Panel3.height' figure.

Edited by Motley Crew
Another possible bug in V2 Beta 2?


I've lost the ability to use the split screen function  :) .


I can depress the button, the little 'split screen format' window is displayed but the screen no longer 'splits'.


Using the vertical arrow with 2 horizontal lines has no effect at all. No matter what I do to regain the lower window it don't want to come back.


I've tried minimising an maximising the main GSAK window & I've tried reloading the program but I still cannot get my lower window back  :) .


Any ideas?

Weird. Splitscreen works fine for me (V2 Beta 2).

Sorry, I thought I'd made it clear that it did work but maybe I should have said the split screen function has stopped working. :)


Sounds like you've dragged the split bar too low. Edge your pointer into GSAK and down toward the bottom. See if you cannot grab the bar and drag it back upwards to reveal the browser pane.


As for Me and Win2K, Me is the last of Microsoft's single-user operating systems and has little to nothing in common with Win2K under the hood. Win2K (and XP) are based upon the multi-user OS development that began with NT. Microsoft (finally) realized that their software was often being used by more than one person. Speaking for myself, I love that my wife has her own XP desktop and I have mine. Resolution settings, colors, comfort and eae of use... but I hate XP's built-in need to phone home all the time.


Presently, I'm fighting with geotoad trying to get gpx files that gsak will import. :)

There seems to be a bug exporting MS S&T csv files using V2 Beta 2.

I was about to report this as well, and saw this post and thought I found the answer.


However, even when I manually delete the quotes and then save I run into a problem.


The program gives me the progress chart, quickly zips across, and then another window pops up and disappears much too fast for me to read. I'm left with GSAK in the background and the save dialog box in the foreground, but it's all locked up and the file never saved to my desired folder.


I've restarted and tried more than once, and the same thing happens each time.


I'm running ME, so I wonder if that's part of the issue.


I thought I finally found a good way to export my geocaches to S&T so I could finally search along a route. Otherwise, looks like a good program.



There seems to be a bug exporting MS S&T csv files using V2 Beta 2.

I was about to report this as well, and saw this post and thought I found the answer.


However, even when I manually delete the quotes and then save I run into a problem.


The program gives me the progress chart, quickly zips across, and then another window pops up and disappears much too fast for me to read. I'm left with GSAK in the background and the save dialog box in the foreground, but it's all locked up and the file never saved to my desired folder.


I've restarted and tried more than once, and the same thing happens each time.


I'm running ME, so I wonder if that's part of the issue.


I thought I finally found a good way to export my geocaches to S&T so I could finally search along a route. Otherwise, looks like a good program.



I am currently looking into the Windows98/ME problems.


However, I would like to confirm if this is a platform problem or a data problem.

Could you please zip up your database and email to me so I can see if I can replicate the problem.


If your database if called "MyStuff" and you installed GSAK to the default folder, then the folder to zip up and send would be "c:\program files\GSAK\data\MyStuff"


Just for interest sake is there anyone with "Windows ME" that CAN successfully do this export?




Posted (edited)

Just to confirm what others are saying. GSAK will stop if I'm running other programs on my Win 98 second edition with 65M RAM. I pretty much have to run it alone. I'll try my laptop next. It's got win 98 2nd edition but has 192M RAM.


Also a question. I just cannot figure how to delete a bunch of cache points. I know I can right click and delete the point I am on. But for the life of me, I can't figure out how to select a bunch of points and delete them??







Edited by Alan2
Just to confirm what others are saying.  GSAK will stop if I'm running other programs on my Win 98 second edition with 65M RAM.  I pretty much have to run it alone.  I'll try my laptop next.  It's got win 98 2nd edition but has 192M RAM.

I don't want to jinx things, but hopefully I have some good news on this.


I won't go into too much detail now, but I have done some major changes to the code to make it use way less system and GDI resources. I have now successfully run GSAK in conjunction with Microsoft office (running word, excel and access) on a P133mhz with 32mb ram, running Windows 98 SE (not recomended though) I am hoping this will address the problems with win95/98/ME users. As some of the changes are quite drastic, I don't quite want to go public with this release yet. If you fall into this category and would like to give this version a try, drop me an email and I will send you the URL


Also a question.  I just cannot figure how to delete a bunch of cache points.  I know I can right click and delete the point I am on.  But for the life of me, I can't figure out how to select a bunch of points and delete them??

This is where the user flag comes in handy.

1.First make sure all user flags are cleared User Flags=>Clear User flags

2.Click in the user flag box for all the caches you want to delete

3. Now set a filter on the "set" user flags

4. Now Cache=>Delete, and be sure to select the "All caches in Filter" option


You can also use any of the other selection criteria to set a filter and delete caches, but this is the best way if you want to select individual ones.


I did not read this in the posts, so please forgive me if this has been asked and answered. Will GSAK be able to support my 60C directly via the USB port anytime soon?


Thanks, and this is a WONDERFUL product!!!

I did not read this in the posts, so please forgive me if this has been asked and answered. Will GSAK be able to support my 60C directly via the USB port anytime soon?


Thanks, and this is a WONDERFUL product!!!

As GSAK uses GPSBabel "under the hood" to communicate with the GPS, I guess the short answer is - when GPSBabel supports USB GPSs, so to will GSAK

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