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Private thread NOTICE: Above PG-13 forum humor archive.


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As someone who can sometimes stretch the limits of good taste, I'm planning on starting a private thread to archive some of the humor that is above PG-13 and gets posted in the forums and cache pages, before it gets edited and lost.


A prime example would be Criminal's infamous edited post on the Goofus and Gallant thread. There are other examples such as Solohiker's avatar and a few more.


The purpose again would be to capture and paste these items to a private thread before they are lost and not just a place to tell dirty jokes. I plan to include the mods from this forum and most of the usual suspects. I can only include 23 and I can think of at least 10 right off the bat. WANT IN?



texasgeocaching_sm.gif Sacred cows make the best hamburger....Mark Twain.

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Just remember that the main purpose is to SAVE the humor that might get lost or edited here. That is why I want the mods in there. They have a job to do, but I just bet that sometimes they could save some of that stuff. I read (AND SAVED) Criminal's post and it was right up there with the Dead Monkeys in Caches post of yours JF.



texasgeocaching_sm.gif Sacred cows make the best hamburger....Mark Twain.

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Originally posted by Stunod:

How about instead of a private thread (which is limited to 23 people), maybe someone can add this to their web page. Any volunteers?

_"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand." - Homer Simpson_

_Eamus Catuli AC_00_5895_


I like that idea BETTER. I hate to leave people behind.



texasgeocaching_sm.gif Sacred cows make the best hamburger....Mark Twain.

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posted September 29, 2003 03:45 PM



Originally posted by Stunod:

How about instead of a private thread (which is limited to 23 people), maybe someone can add this to their web page. Any volunteers?

_"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand." - Homer Simpson_

_Eamus Catuli AC_00_5895_




I like that idea BETTER. I hate to leave people behind.



I've got a forum on my site going to waste.


You're welcome to use it if you want.



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Originally posted by Huntnlady:

My website is devoted to some of the more obtuse elements of geocaching. Sounds like just the place for this kind of thread.


Excellent site, Huntnlady. I love the "What if Geocaching were written on the sitcom Seinfeld?" section. Its right on.


I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me. geol4.JPG

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Originally posted by Snoogans:

I'm liking Lightfoot's and Huntnlady's options better. I hate to leave people out. If a private thread could accomodate at least 100 and/or be able to include people after starting up they would be more useful.....


Gonna have to do something soon...think cont story by 5 words is about to get shut down for ...um...err....guilty as charged... icon_rolleyes.gif


Lightfoots site looks easy...

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My purpose for starting this thread is to get people to find and preserve the humor that would otherwise be lost due to editing by the user or admin. I would hope that admin would participate and help save some of that stuff. C'mon Criminal's G&G post is a classic that should not be lost. I'm glad that I could save it to Zuuky's private thread.


If you just want to cruise Off Topic geocaching forums, there is also the "Other Stuff" forum on my local geocaching site. It moves pretty slow right now, but I have revived many of the FUN threads there. (TPAM, TPBM, Movie Lines, Saturday Morning Cartoon trivia, etc.) I will also join any OT geocaching forum that anyone wants to try to start. I'm not interested in a "Joe Public" forum. It's the slowness of other geocaching forums that always brings me back here.



texasgeocaching_sm.gif Sacred cows make the best hamburger....Mark Twain.

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Originally posted by Snoogans:

I'm liking Lightfoot's and Huntnlady's options better. I hate to leave people out. If a private thread could accomodate at least 100 and/or be able to include people after starting up they would be more useful.....



http://www.texasgeocaching.com Sacred cows make the best hamburger....Mark Twain.



Agreed. Lessons learned.




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OK, so when is this going to start?


Note that I used exactly eight words here.


Oops, that is another thread on the forum.


Darn, I can't stop writing sentences in eights!


Here is teaser for snoogans new private topic --


Did you hear the one about the geocacher?


The one who found a three legged pig...


He asked the farmer's dauthter how it occurred...


Sorry, you have to wait for the rest.



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