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The San Diego Thread

Night Hunter

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On of my TBs is now in Germany. Can someone translate the log and help me write an e-mail (in German) in response?


Cindy Rella Reinicarnated

This is what I got from an online translator.. :rolleyes: I have a couple coworkers who speak German if you don't get a response by Monday.


Nimm with so alone am me.

Okay you come also yet with

greeting PRETENDER007

Take me with are so alone.

Okay you also still comes along

Greeting Pretender007


babelfish.altavista.com translation

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On of my TBs is now in Germany. Can someone translate the log and help me write an e-mail (in German) in response?


Cindy Rella Reinicarnated

This is what I got from an online translator.. :rolleyes: I have a couple coworkers who speak German if you don't get a response by Monday.


Nimm with so alone am me.

Okay you come also yet with

greeting PRETENDER007

Take me with are so alone.

Okay you also still comes along

Greeting Pretender007


babelfish.altavista.com translation

Wow, I'm impressed ... thanks. Usually I e-mail something like "Thanks for moving my travel bug along its journey" but perhaps you witty ones can come up with something better :unsure:

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Thanks for moving my travel bug along its journey - Princess Toadstool


Translates to:


Dank für das Verschieben meiner Spielraumwanze entlang seiner Reise - Prinzessin Toadstool


This translates back to:


Owing to for shifting my clearance bug along his journey princess Toadstool


This is why I only use Babelfish to get a rough idea of what was said.

So you may want to get something better from someone that speaks German! :rolleyes:

Edited by TrailGators
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I may be able to recover the hard drive if you still have it and have not reused it.  The data is most likely still there.  Let me know.

Any good with hard drives that hard locked? My dad has one that no longer spins.

Nope. If there is no power to the drive, I can not get to the data. I do not have a clean room to safely recover the information, nor that level of experience recovering.

Edited by Team Adelos
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On of my TBs is now in Germany. Can someone translate the log and help me write an e-mail (in German) in response?


Cindy Rella Reinicarnated

Meine Deutsche ist nicht so gut, aber es sagt...


Take me with you, I'm so lonely.

OK, you can also come with me.


(more or less...)


For a response you might try:


"Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist von den Aalen voll."


(Sorry, I read German better than I speak it...) :unsure:


In all seriousness, you can probably respond "auf Englisch". Most Germans speak it reasonably well. Far safer than relying of the translation skills of this bunch!!! :rolleyes:

Edited by Let's Look Over Thayer
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On of my TBs is now in Germany. Can someone translate the log and help me write an e-mail (in German) in response?


Cindy Rella Reinicarnated

My hovercraft is full of eels.





I've always been partial to, "My lower intestine is full of spam."

Lovely spam wonderful spam ...

I know the German word for constipated: Farfrompoopin! :blink:

[Play on words from the old VW Farfignuten commercial]

Edited by TrailGators
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I thought it was: "This TB smells like a musty underground drainage tunnel!"  :blink:

That would be something like "Diese reise Wanze riecht wie ein modrig unterirdisch Abflusstunnel."


Ok, so my last suggestion for a response wasn't so good. Perhaps this would be better:

"Wenn ich sagte "Deine reise Wanze schön war", würdest du es gegen mich halten?" ;)

Y' want fries with that?

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Y' want fries with that?

Wollen Sie Pommes frites damit?


(No that last word doesn't mean "d**n it"... :blink: By the way, did you know that the forum software automagically translates d**n into "dadgum"?


Changing the subject in a vain attempt to keep this a caching-related thread...


It occurred to me to wonder what "cache" was auf Deutsch. I tried Google, which came back with "Pufferspeicher". Well, this means "buffer memory" -- which only means "cache" only if you are a computer geek. I tried my dictionary and got "Versteck" -- meaning a hiding place. Seems reasonable. But when I browsed a few German cache pages I found that "Cache" seems to be the preferred choice and Versteck was occasionally used.


Other useful German words that I learned while browsing:

Cachemobil -- geomobile

Nachtcache -- night cache

Nichtfinder -- one who DNF's

Cacherausrüstung -- cacher equipment

Muggel -- muggle

Finalkoordinaten -- ground zero

Schnell gecacht und geloggt -- cache and dash

Die obigen Koordinaten sind unbedeutend -- The above coordinates are unimportant


Anyone up for a caching trip to Germany? ;)

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Other useful German words that I learned while browsing:

Cachemobil -- geomobile

Nachtcache -- night cache

Nichtfinder -- one who DNF's

Cacherausrüstung -- cacher equipment

Muggel -- muggle

Finalkoordinaten -- ground zero

Schnell gecacht und geloggt -- cache and dash

Die obigen Koordinaten sind unbedeutend -- The above coordinates are unimportant


Anyone up for a caching trip to Germany? :blink:

Interesting! My oldest son would become a cacher in a heartbeat if I offered to take him to Germany. I would love to go someday but would definitely want to go at the end of September for Octoberfest! ;)

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Y' want fries with that?

Wollen Sie Pommes frites damit?


(No that last word doesn't mean "d**n it"... ;) By the way, did you know that the forum software automagically translates d**n into "dadgum"?


Changing the subject in a vain attempt to keep this a caching-related thread...


It occurred to me to wonder what "cache" was auf Deutsch. I tried Google, which came back with "Pufferspeicher". Well, this means "buffer memory" -- which only means "cache" only if you are a computer geek. I tried my dictionary and got "Versteck" -- meaning a hiding place. Seems reasonable. But when I browsed a few German cache pages I found that "Cache" seems to be the preferred choice and Versteck was occasionally used.


Other useful German words that I learned while browsing:

Cachemobil -- geomobile

Nachtcache -- night cache

Nichtfinder -- one who DNF's

Cacherausrüstung -- cacher equipment

Muggel -- muggle

Finalkoordinaten -- ground zero

Schnell gecacht und geloggt -- cache and dash

Die obigen Koordinaten sind unbedeutend -- The above coordinates are unimportant


Anyone up for a caching trip to Germany? :blink:

Dang! You guys are making my mouth water for a good currywurst mit brotchen that we'd buy from a schnellimbus. Yummmm! ;)

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Wollen Sie Pommes frites damit?


(No that last word doesn't mean "d**n it"...  By the way, did you know that the forum software automagically translates d**n into "dadgum"?


The word for drive is fahrt. All over Germany you'd see signs "Einfahrt," which are the oneway signs. Einfahrt, einfahrt, einfahrt. ;):blink:

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Howdy all, I need a little help for one of my TBs last seen in the Geo-Rock-tober Fest. The TB is

Boomer and he still shows as being logged into the event cache.


If anyone knows who picked him up I would appreciate a log so I know where Boomer is really at. I'm sure he is not still at the event. At least I hope not as he is probably too drunk to know how to get anyplace by this time.


Thanks for any help you can give me on this one.

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Boomer is indeed a small boomerang.  It is about six inches long if that helps anyone recall where it is now.

Looking at the logs, it looks as if the following happened...


1) Glenn72 picked it up from the GeoPicnic with the intention of moving it.

2) Dr. Boggis did a virtual grab.

3) Dr. Boggis did a virtual drop back at the GeoPicnic.


The result of this transaction is that:

a) Glenn72 has the physical Boomer but doesn't have it his inventory.

B) Boomer shows up as still being at the picnic, but isn't really.


I suggest contacting Glenn72 to see if he still has it or if he dropped it somewhere without logging it (which he might have done before noticing that it wasn't in his inventory...if so, it makes it hard to log since he no longer has the tag number.)


Good Luck!

Edited by Let's Look Over Thayer
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Boomer is indeed a small boomerang.  It is about six inches long if that helps anyone recall where it is now.

I suggest contacting Glenn72 to see if he still has it or if he dropped it somewhere without logging it (which he might have done before noticing that it wasn't in his inventory...if so, it makes it hard to log since he no longer has the tag number.)

Following up on the last...I found the following log for "END" (GCJ5KM):

November 11 by glenn72 (293 found)

Found with Moonboat at 11:30pm...first leg was too difficult for my simple mind . Left Boomerang TB, but forgot to log the number (oh well). Low level fog made it quite an eerie place...

There have been no finds on this cache since Nov11. I suspect that this is where Boomer resides.

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Wollen Sie Pommes frites damit?


(No that last word doesn't mean "d**n it"...  By the way, did you know that the forum software automagically translates d**n into "dadgum"?


The word for drive is fahrt. All over Germany you'd see signs "Einfahrt," which are the oneway signs. Einfahrt, einfahrt, einfahrt. :):lol:

What happened to our perfectly good conversation about fahrts? ;)

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Wollen Sie Pommes frites damit?


(No that last word doesn't mean "d**n it"...  By the way, did you know that the forum software automagically translates d**n into "dadgum"?


The word for drive is fahrt. All over Germany you'd see signs "Einfahrt," which are the oneway signs. Einfahrt, einfahrt, einfahrt. :blink:B)

What happened to our perfectly good conversation about fahrts? :P

So look, whenever you want to use the fahrt word on the Forum just post "PW." We'll all understand as in "PW= PhartWord." Gosh knows he wont mind 'cause he's actually bottling the stuff.

Edited by SD Rowdies
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Just like those who said "Bottled Water" would never make any money....ha!!




I think I may have something here.  :blink:



*Save Gas.....Fahrt in a Jar!*

But can you drive a jar? B)B)

I'm just hoping I don't accidentally drop my little bottle! I wouldn't want any rectane to escape..... :P I still think it would be funny for PW to use perfume sample bottles! B)

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Just like those who said "Bottled Water" would never make any money....ha!!




I think I may have something here.  :lol:



*Save Gas.....Fahrt in a Jar!*

But can you drive a jar? ;):P

I'm just hoping I don't accidentally drop my little bottle! I wouldn't want any rectane to escape..... :P I still think it would be funny for PW to use perfume sample bottles! :P

Has anyone actually opened one of those bottles? We found one but were afraid to touch it. :P

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Wollen Sie Pommes frites damit?


(No that last word doesn't mean "d**n it"...  By the way, did you know that the forum software automagically translates d**n into "dadgum"?


The word for drive is fahrt. All over Germany you'd see signs "Einfahrt," which are the oneway signs. Einfahrt, einfahrt, einfahrt. ;):lol:

What happened to our perfectly good conversation about fahrts? :P

So look, whenever you want to use the fahrt word on the Forum just post "PW." We'll all understand as in "PW= PhartWord." Gosh knows he wont mind 'cause he's actually bottling the stuff.

Ya Know Ya learn so much on these forums!!!!! Amazing!!!!!!!! I will be soooo smart!!! :P:P:P

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Hi Snake and Rooster! I assume your caching name is after the Chinese New Year animals so I had a question....if I was born in early January then my animal would fall back to the previous year...right? So I think I'm a rat! Hey that didn't come out quite right! ;) So my wife and I would be Rat and Tiger! :lol:

Edited by TrailGators
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Has anyone found any cool geocaches lately?

Depends on how you define "cool"...


I found Slime City today. "getwetsd" thought it was cool but that's not the word I would use... :lol:


Christmas Card Lane was pretty cool, but we must be the only ones who hadn't already done it. :P


TT's MTRP Nuisance Cache #4: TCD was cool in a wickedly sadistic sort of way. ;)

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Hi Snake and Rooster! I assume your caching name is after the Chinese New Year animals so I had a question....if I was born in early January then my animal would fall back to the previous year...right? So I think I'm a rat! Hey that didn't come out quite right! ;) So my wife and I would be Rat and Tiger! :lol:

Technically you are correct. The Chinese new year doesn't begin on January 1st. You would have to go back and see when Chinese New Years was in the year you were born. I'd only bother checking if you have an animal that sucks and you might end up with something more cool, like a dragon. :P

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Has anyone found any cool geocaches lately?

Depends on how you define "cool"...


I found Slime City today. "getwetsd" thought it was cool but that's not the word I would use... :P


Christmas Card Lane was pretty cool, but we must be the only ones who hadn't already done it. ;)


TT's MTRP Nuisance Cache #4: TCD was cool in a wickedly sadistic sort of way. :P

Ummm well than you better check these out then.......Mua ha ha ha !!! :P


The Womb


La Cucaracha Rio


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Christmas Card Lane was pretty cool, but we must be the only ones who hadn't already done it.  :blink:

I hope to make it out there some time this week. :ph34r:

What night you thinkin of going?

I can't say, we aren't good at planning things for ourselves... So far we hoped on going last Sat, Sun, and Mon night.... we still haven't made it yet so we are hoping tonight... Do you have a night you would like to go?


I like Christmas Light displays even without caches. My plan is to go to that cache and then Clairemont, Rancho San Diego, and finally El Cajon to see the different displays (maybe even stop by Point Loma). If anyone knows any other good displays, I am always willing to add to my list. I am also willing to go back if others want someone to go with them to see the lights.

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Christmas Card Lane was pretty cool, but we must be the only ones who hadn't already done it.  :blink:

I hope to make it out there some time this week. :ph34r:

What night you thinkin of going?

I can't say, we aren't good at planning things for ourselves... So far we hoped on going last Sat, Sun, and Mon night.... we still haven't made it yet so we are hoping tonight... Do you have a night you would like to go?


I like Christmas Light displays even without caches. My plan is to go to that cache and then Clairemont, Rancho San Diego, and finally El Cajon to see the different displays (maybe even stop by Point Loma). If anyone knows any other good displays, I am always willing to add to my list. I am also willing to go back if others want someone to go with them to see the lights.

Weds or Thurs is best for me.

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Has anyone found any cool geocaches lately?

Depends on how you define "cool"...


I found Slime City today. "getwetsd" thought it was cool but that's not the word I would use... ;)


Christmas Card Lane was pretty cool, but we must be the only ones who hadn't already done it. :D


TT's MTRP Nuisance Cache #4: TCD was cool in a wickedly sadistic sort of way. :wub:

Ummm well than you better check these out then.......Mua ha ha ha !!! :blink:


The Womb


La Cucaracha Rio


Oh my!!!

Those caches look like a wonderful treat.

I can't wait to see who the first cacher will be,

To get stinky feet.

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