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Since When Were Virginia & W. Virginia in the Northeast?


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There's always been controversy about the Mason-Dixon line since it was surveyed. I guess this would just add to the various disputes...


I'm a little baffled myself about why I'm suddenly considered to be a Northerner, when I have the Virginia accent to prove otherwise. icon_biggrin.gif


Always wear proper caching safety equipment!


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I find that WV and VA getting stuck in a Yankee Forum is about silly. Again the powers that be sees it this way. Now I agree with you that we should not be considered North anything. We are by far better than that.


As for accents, the people on my TV and in movies sound a lot like us not you. So now who has the accent hmmmmm????


I hope you guys all know how much fun I have stirring this big barrel of crap. North South East and West we are all AMERICANs first and foremost. And anyone who does not like that can kiss my Reb Blooded American icon_eek.gif .


I really love the fact that we are FREE enough that we can do things like Geocaching. And I enjoy the friendly abuse from you Yanks, I hope you enjoy my jabs as welll.


If we can't laugh and pick at each other then this would be a boring world.




The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.

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I guess this would be a bad time to suggest we move WV and VA to the same forum as OH and WI...

Of course, that would still leave Kentucky out of the forum.


People that cache around Charleston sure get spread out in forums. Fortunately, I think most of us are in West Virginia, although I imagine it might get confusing about 44 miles west on I-64 around Huntington, WV/Chesapeake, OH/Ashland, KY where you can be within sight of two regions other than your own.


Now, those of us in this area need to get together with the Leprechauns, Rubbertoe, and others in those areas to get some more caches in SE Ohio--we spend all our time in WV, KY, VA, PA and I want a reason to go to that part of Ohio (I can visit family in Dayton, but I want closer caches!)


BTW, I've lived here 13 years. I don't notice the WV accent as much as I did when I first moved here. That is except for my own family. I don't think I picked up much of the accent, but with Queenfish getting her accent from a mixture of Massachusetts, West Virginia with a little Kentucky and Georgia thrown in, I sure get some interesting accents in this house!


[This message was edited by Man In The Wild on January 09, 2003 at 09:48 PM.]

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Man in the Wild you say you would like a reason to go caching in OH. Is there any better reason than they are there. LOL. Works for me. Maybe we can hook up and take a day trip some weekend. Never know might find something.


My GPS is my American Express card, I don't leave home without it anymore. Never know when some FINE UPSTANDING GEOCACHER may give you a call and say hey lets go. LOL.


Take care, be safe, and keep caching


The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.

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Originally posted by WVAK47:

Someone obviously understands this yankee thing. Lyra that was great. Still laughing. I am a big Sam fan and that was perfect.




Thanks I needed this laugh today


The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.


Glad I could help out, y'all!


Always wear proper caching safety equipment!


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I’ve always heard that WV is the Northern-most of the Southern states, Southern-most of the Northern states, Eastern-most of the Midwestern states and Western-most of the Eastern states. I’ve seen us catagorized with each of them. I really don’t know where we belong.

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I've lived in CT, NY, RI, KY, FL and CA. Where do I go?



All kidding aside, I always came back to New England. I like the change of seasons. Snow makes caching hard, but the bugs are gone.


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"

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Hey, way back in the deep dark ages before "the war of northern agression..." there was Virginia. I seem to recall something changing bout early 1860's! That northernmost of the southern or southernmost of the northern thing has been a problem for a while


Now myself, if they had only carried the Mason-Dixon line east to the beach I would have grown up below it, but I guess I have to settle for having been born EAST of the Mason Dixon Line!! *Great fun*

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You know I think this is so much fun. It is funny how they split up the regions but the lines has to be drawn somewhere. That is what is so cool about all this. It don't matter if you are in your region or not you can still post to it. So that makes us all one big happy Geocaching Region all across this GREAT Country.


But still Brian you and NJ need to back off our board now. I have already told you we are here so you can GET. LOL


Hey all you yankees take care. icon_biggrin.gif


The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.

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I've lived in VA all of my life, (except for those lovely vacations Uncle Sam sent me on) and we've always considered ourselves a Southern state. icon_smile.gif


What's to debate?...After all, Richmond was once the capitol of the Confederacy. icon_rolleyes.gificon_biggrin.gif


I live 30 miles from NC and 50 miles from TN. So if I do any Geocaching out of state, it's most likely going to be in NC or TN, not some state 300+ miles away. icon_biggrin.gif


Of course this is the "Forgotten End" of the State ... a lot of Virginians seem to forget that there are 150 miles of "The Old Dominion" Southwest of Roanoke.


We're easy to spot in a crowd, just look for the folks with one gallus hanging off their bib overalls.(If you have to ask what a "gallus" is, VA is definitly in the wrong forum icon_wink.gif )


We'll I'll get off my soap box now, I've got to move the couch and the refrigerator out onto the porch, and put a couple of more junk cars up on blocks in the front yard. I just hope the porch doesn't fall in with the extra weight, and kill the 6 hound dawgs that are usually laying under it. icon_razz.gificon_eek.gif

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I think all states where they eat grits and biscuts with gravy should be grouped in their own forum

Speaking as a NJ born NC resident who cooks for a living: That combination is just plain nasty. Let me see if I understand-you take flour, water, salt and fat, make it into dough, and bake it into something really yummy. Then you take those same four ingresients and cook them together into soupy paste on the stovetop; and pour it on the yummy biscuits???? icon_confused.gif

My never been out of TN mother in law gets real upset with me when I make this observation at the breakfast table. But as my better half points out- you can take the boy out of NJ, but you can never get the NJ out of the boy. icon_biggrin.gif


These changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes;

Nothing remains quite the same.

Through all of the islands and all of the highlands,

If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane

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Originally posted by wimseyguy:

I think all states where they eat grits and biscuts with gravy should be grouped in their own forum

Speaking as a NJ born NC resident who cooks for a living: That combination is just plain nasty. Let me see if I understand-you take flour, water, salt and fat, make it into dough, and bake it into something really yummy. Then you take those same four ingresients and cook them together into soupy paste on the stovetop; and pour it on the yummy biscuits???? icon_confused.gif

My never been out of TN mother in law gets real upset with me when I make this observation at the breakfast table.


No wonder she gets upset with you , I would too if you tried to make gravy like that! (never heard of "water gravy") icon_wink.gif


We use milk to make sausage(or bacon) gravy with. icon_biggrin.gif


Here's a basic recipe for Y'all to try:


In a deep frying pan, (preferably cast iron) cook sausage until browned, stirring to crumble.


Sprinkle sausage with 3 tablespoons of flour; cook 1 minute, stirring constantly.


Gradually add 2 1/4 cups of milk, stirring until well blended. Add Salt & Pepper to taste


Cook over midium heat 8 minutes or until thickened, stirring constantly.


Remove from heat and pour over some home made "cat head" biscuits. (Those kind from a can are not allowed, and illegal in most parts of Virginia icon_wink.gif )


It may not be the most healthy food for breakfast, but it's not as nutritionally bad for you as some folks think.


Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Serving:

Calories 441 - Calories from Fat 161


--- Now compare that to your local McD's Breakfast:

McDonalds Breakfast Burrito:

Calories-320 Calories from Fat - 180


You'll probably want a hash brown with that too:

Calories - 130 , Calories from Fat - 70



Are Gravy & Biscuits a "Health food"? heck no !!! But I sure do love 'em!! icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif


I'm going to Maine to visit a friend this November, I'll probably go into "Gravy DT's" until I can return home. icon_eek.gif

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I'm thinking about WV today, so I am bumping this thread back up: A WV friend of mine who now resides in PA claims that the lowest point in WV is still higher than the highest point in PA. That's kinda a cool factoid - if it's true.


Is it true?


-- I recognize fun when I see it.

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It would be an interesting factoid were it true but it's not.


Lowest Point in West Virginia is the Potomac River at 240 feet


Highest Point in Pennsylvania is Mt. Davis at 3,213 feet


Source: www.50states.com


The highest lowpoint is in (surprise) Colorado:

The Arikaree River at 3315 feet


Getting back on topic, I'm just surprised those Rebs haven't started a petition drive to secede from this forum! icon_wink.gif




I used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused.

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I am the outgoing Treasurer of the NY NJ Trail Conference, a Yankee, Midwesterner and now a Mid Atlanticer since I now reside in Vienna Virginia. All my best to label makers; I do not consider myself an exclusive member to any specific group but take the best attributes from them, icon_biggrin.gif

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anyuone who objects to any stereotyping of VA & WV'ers should know that we don't like stereotypes neither. Although it is true that the entire state looks like the town of Linden when viewed the NJ TPK, it is still a pretty state and anyone who says otherwise will have to answer to me & my Soprano brethern.









I am not smart enough or witty enough to think of anything worthy of a sig line. As a result I've never had a sig, never will.

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Originally posted by WVAK47:

I find that WV and VA getting stuck in a Yankee Forum is about silly. Again the powers that be sees it this way. Now I agree with you that we should not be considered North anything. We are by far better than that.


As for accents, the people on my TV and in movies sound a lot like us not you. So now who has the accent hmmmmm????


I hope you guys all know how much fun I have stirring this big barrel of crap. North South East and West we are all AMERICANs first and foremost. And anyone who does not like that can kiss my Reb Blooded American icon_eek.gif .


I really love the fact that we are FREE enough that we can do things like Geocaching. And I enjoy the friendly abuse from you Yanks, I hope you enjoy my jabs as welll.


If we can't laugh and pick at each other then this would be a boring world.


Let me apologize for my WV brethren. I find that in southern WV they actually drive around with rebel flags on their bumpers. Either short memories or trying to be something they are not? icon_smile.gif In northern WV I assure you that we associate more with the northeast/mid-atlantic than the south! We try not to go past Clarksburg if we can help it. icon_wink.gif


All in all, I guess that MeeMaw and jeepman probably have it right. No one likes us and we don't care!

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Originally posted by Aladin Sane:

It seems the folks in the Pacific Northwest who set up the regional forums don't know much about regions they don't live in. Iowa is not in the Midwest forum? How can that be? Virginia/West Virgina in the Northeast? I don't get it.


Aladin Sane


Hey, I was born and raised in the PNW (for 21 of my 24 years) and I agree with you. I don't get it either. In fact... (I'm not a Seattle-ite or PDX-ER though), I identify with you VA and W. VA-ers. I don't quite get these yanks. I don't have the accent, but I'm fluent in redneck, and proud to be!

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Originally posted by Bayberry:

They wouldn't petition, they'd just start shootin'. icon_wink.gif


Much of New Jersey sympathized with the Confederate States, despite incursions of southern slave-hunters into our fair state and the kidnapping of many of our free citizens of color. NJ was and to a large extent remains a stubbornly home-rule state.


But the Act of Southern Aggression against those boys posted at Fort Sumter just made folks mad, and so NJ went firmly with the Union, thus dooming the Confederacy to failure.


(I've been called [insert unsavory adjective] "yankee" by people from Maryland. I think there're an awful lot of people who aren't quite sure where "the South" starts.)

It sounds like you need a history lesson. WV belongs in the northern section. They were carved out of VA and remained in the Union. Just remember that the slave traders where in the north. They may have been "free" citizens of color but you did not let them vote in the north and many northern states had laws that blacks could not stay around unless they were citizens. That is just the tip of how citizens of color were treated in the north. The real truth would make your hair stand on your neck.


But none of that really matters to Yankee Reconstructionists. The War of Southern Independence was not about slavery. At least until the tyrant Lincoln made it about slavery. The war was about northern economic needs. It was a war that was not legal and the actions of the federal government after the war were not legal.


There was some valid reasons why Maryland did not join the union, too lengthy to go into here. But part of the Maryland state flag incorporates a symbol of those that supported the Confederacy as well as Maryland, My Maryland our state song was a very popular song sung in the south. You need to read all of the words to the song, not just the ones the PC crowd sing at the Preakness.


We know where the south starts as did J.E.B. Stuart. One of his last requests to his wife as he laid on his death bed was to not allow his children to be taught north of the Mason-Dixon line.


It is a shame that the truth of the War for Southern Independence is not taught today. Trust me I would be more than willing to give you a lesson about what that war was really about and about the illegal actions taken by the federal government after the war. You do not want to go down that road.


As I step down from this soapbox I only say that this subject really bothers me because of the lies that are taught as fact. And the people that repeat those lies to somehow justify how the actions of the north were right. They were not and a real look at the actual history shows that. It was not a "Lost Cause" it was the "Right Cause". The people that risked their lives to form this union are rolling over in their graves seeing what has become of the government in this country. It in no way reflects what they had in mind.


[This message was edited by GrizzlyJohn on June 12, 2003 at 07:24 PM.]

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Originally posted by Bayberry:

No, I don't. Especially not from someone who sounds like he really means "You need to agree with me."

It is not a matter of having to agree with me or not. The point is to actually try to understand the history and see that all things are not as we have been led to believe.


If you are the history buff you say you are I would expect that instead of allowing the nonsense that is called history continue you would rather see the record reflected correctly. There was not "Southern Agression" the South just wanted to leave the Union. Why didn't NJ leave the Union? And also recall that because of NJ's exclusion to the Senate it is very possible that the 14th amendment is not legal. But that was done by a northern controled Congress.


I was born in NJ and know full well the geography of the state. And have won more than a couple of beers betting that NJ is in fact south of Baltimore.


Sorry, you may feel that it is something that can be joked about. But I am sure you are aware that state's rights were lost when the Confederacy fell. I can't really joke about that. Our country took a turn that is the exact opposite of what our founder's had in mind.


Instead of facing the facts it is much more simple to call the discussion a diatribe, to tell Southern Nationals to stop fighting and to go back to sleep. Those people fought and died defending the Constitution. The north is the one that needs to get over it. This country has felt pains of that despots heel since the war ended.


Understand that no law was ever passed in the north that granted feedon to a person already in slavery. As for NJ a person would have to have been born after 1804 and reached the age of 21. So a slave women that was 15 in 1804 would remain a slave for life in NJ. If she gave birth at the age of 30 that child would be a slave until the age of 21.


So really it is not a matter of looking at things more than one way here. Generally the facts are the only way to look at something.

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Uh oh, a good natured "busting of chops" is about to turn into a flame war over a war that ended

almost 140 years ago.


I know my history and am very happy to discuss and debate, but perhaps we should move this discussion to soc.history.war.us-civil-war


"Au pays des aveugles, les borgnes sont rois"

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OK... here's my take...


I have always heard the statement that was mention my someone else about "most northern of the southern and most southern of the northern states" and I will agree with that 100% BECAUSE of the mason dixon line.


No, we never stopped drinking moonshine and never will.


The folks that live in the 2 panhandles aren't REALLY west virginians anyway (most of them are from the surrounding states and work there) and they sure don't seem to care for the fact that they DO live here and wish they didn't. Or at least that is the impression I always get from them when "I crawl outta my shanty in the holler, kiss my hound dog, scrape me a possom off the road for breakfast, and walk my shoeless feet up yonder to holler at them thar folks".


I have always thought the state would be better off to sell the panhandles to neighboring states. We would save money and get rid of the people that don't consider themselves WVians anyway (or do but really AREN'T).


Heck, unless you live in one of the panhandles, when was the last time you heard a news story about something going on there?

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Hehe ... but the other states don't WANT those panhandles! Heck, having grown up in Cumberland, Maryland I can tell you that most of Maryland would just as soon given Western Maryland to WV as they considered us just a slightly milder version of the Appalachian hill-billy. 'Course I attend my family reunions each year in southern WV (near Pipestem) so I know full well that we are much more than slightly more mild! icon_razz.gif


Originally posted by wcgems:


The folks that live in the 2 panhandles aren't REALLY west virginians anyway (most of them are from the surrounding states and work there) ...

I have always thought the state would be better off to sell the panhandles to neighboring states. We would save money and get rid of the people that don't consider themselves WVians anyway (or do but really AREN'T).

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BELOW is a reply to an earlier post not to GPS_Brian:


Ah, but see... you just moved there.... and you most likely don't REALLY want to live there, or don't like things about it....


I never said there weren't hillbillies in the panhandles.


I was referring to the "foreigners" aka "out of staters" and their offspring that have been transplanted here.


Got a chip on my shoulder?? DaRnEd tooting I do. You know the old saying.... if you don't like it here ------- LEAVE!!


But to reply to GPS_Brian:


Maybe we should just take all the unwanted parts of these states and make a new one, or another district. That way, the states get rid of em and they can go out on their own and maybe do better.

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