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Free Traveling Coin

Tennessee Jed

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Wow, I am happy for this.

I will have it travel to Sweden, let´s see if it makes it.

Thanks alot Robert and Jed for beeing this generous.


grodan Karin

You're very welcome...the adoptions I send will be for Look Twice Geocoins...I created these to travel and spread the word, so it doesn't really matter who "Owns" the coin...the purpose will be served just the same.


WOW! Thank you so much Robert!!!! WOW! :lol:

Posted (edited)

Thank You for the putting me on a list for a free Geocoin.

My first EVER geocoin. I've only been geocaching for a week.

Kinda ironic that I will be getting a "Look twice" geocoin (as I am assuming this means..."look twice for bikes").

I am in Arkansas a VERY popular cruising area for bikes of all kinds. Live near Hwy 7 North...a very dangerous and highly traveled road for motorcycles. Hwy 7 North is in the Top 10 Most Dangerous roads in America.

My father had a motorcycle accident when I was young (he lived thru it, but was never the same) and I had an Uncle killed on his Harley on his way to Sturgis (head-on collision).

So ironic yes but I am honored. Thank You again! :lol:

Edited by mud4x4

Here are the first twenty that did not receive a coin last year. If there are any other coins I will contact those who made requests before this post.


slowdownracer - OshnDoc - SYOTT - The Blorenges - Daveindeal - Vbpad - Labrador Wild Man - EdDakota - mickebush77 - BexyBear - Turlutortue - johan333 - murphyrulez - scificollector - sunsetmeadowlark - Chickahominy - SgtMikal - CUTT4 - Seekerfamily - floatinghippos


Thank you so much for your generosity! My son and I love to watch these move around.


Thanx also to WSR for jumping in and matching! You are both wonderful ambassadors!


well done tennesseejed and to wsr for your generosity. and thhanks to wsr for including me in the second list. its people like you that keeps the spirit of geocaching and enjoymnt alive in these forums.


Here are the first twenty that did not receive a coin last year. If there are any other coins I will contact those who made requests before this post.





The Blorenges



Labrador Wild Man















Wooo hooo! Thank you Tennessee Jed!


well done tennesseejed and to wsr for your generosity. and thhanks to wsr for including me in the second list. its people like you that keeps the spirit of geocaching and enjoymnt alive in these forums.


I agree 100% ! :laughing: Thank you both my friends!!! :)


Here are the first twenty that did not receive a coin last year. If there are any other coins I will contact those who made requests before this post.





The Blorenges



Labrador Wild Man
















Big thanks from the Labrador wild man i feel like a big group HUG!!!!!!


looking forward to the watch to coin travel.


Here are the first twenty that did not receive a coin last year. If there are any other coins I will contact those who made requests before this post.





The Blorenges



Labrador Wild Man

















I am curious. To those who I adopted coins to last year how many did you adopt and how many are still traveling?

I was lucky enough to get 3. So far they all seem to be moving. Not often but just about the time I give up one of them will post another move.


They have been fun to watch , thanks.

Posted (edited)

I was deeply honored by adopting 3 of your coins my friend!


Unfortunatelly 2 of them didn't travell for a long time! they were stollen! :laughing:

I was so sad... I didn't even have a chance to see them from close!


One is still out and travelling! :)


In case you want more info:


You adopted me 3 coins as I said! these were the: ARK-MO, wildlife muggles Red Wacker, Yellowstone NP geocoin.


The ARK-MO coin:

from the time the ownership was transfered to me, continued its travels for about 46-47 days only!!!! A guy, a new geocacher took it and never came back!!! he found only 2 caches and took only 1 geocoin! Our geocoin!!!! I loged it as lost, but I do not know if I did well... I think the word Stollen is a better one! This guy has not entered in the site for about a year! :)


The Wildlife muggles coin:

From the time the ownership was transferend to me, it continued its travels for about 52-53 days only!!!! It was stollen with the whole cache!!!


It seems that these coins were so pretty that.... :D


The Yellowstone NP geocoin is still out collecting miles and adventures! :)


Thank God!


These coins were the first I lost and I felt terrible! I was so sad! ;)


I hate ti when this is happening in one of my coins or in a coin I moved or discovered!!! I like watching them travell!! Unfortunatelly other people think different.... :)

Edited by GATOULIS
I am curious. To those who I adopted coins to last year how many did you adopt and how many are still traveling?


I wasn't fortunate enough to adopt one of your coins last year but I was fortunate enough to see/discover and move many of the coins that you adopted out as many of them were adopted and then released at Cacheapalooza 3... At the time I thought "small world" when I saw so many coins from names I recognized from the forums. Now I realize how lucky I was to actually see some of those older coins in person...


Thanks Write Shop Robert! I had only one coin that I ever sent travelling and it got muggled in the first cache I placed it in!!! Look forward to having another.


Thanks to TJ and WSR for being so genorous.


Here's my list of twenty(but it seems to be short by ONE)...Adoptions will come to you when I get to it...






grodan & fiabus



Team LRS

The Klever Boys





Six Little Spookies








This is a good end to a bad night .. Thank you sooooooooooooo much


Soon I will be adopting my coins out. Some are already traveling while some are not. Everyone should change the current goal and add additional details if you want. Also, if you don't see it moving from someone be sure to contact them. If you notice a 'newbee' grab it you should contact them immediately! Who knows how long they will continue caching.


Soon I will be adopting my coins out. Some are already traveling while some are not. Everyone should change the current goal and add additional details if you want. Also, if you don't see it moving from someone be sure to contact them. If you notice a 'newbee' grab it you should contact them immediately! Who knows how long they will continue caching.


Got my adoption request, thanks so much!! Now we'll see if the coin can make it to Kalispell so I can see it before sending it on its way again. :laughing:


Wow - if it's still available - I'll be happy to adopt one and let it travel to the Middle East and Africa

Well then, you can be the missing twentieth person from my list


Wow - sorry - I did not read the entire thread when posting.


This is amazing.


Please add any mission you'd like - and we'll make sure we honor that in the travels.


Thanks for the opportutntity


Very nice thing you did there. :laughing:


I know I'm late to the party, but in Arkansas (as previously mentioned) lots of motorcycles. If you have any extras that you need to move along, let me know and I can stick it quite close to a large Interstate to move.


How much it cost to adopt a coin? I'm new to geocaching, I just found my first one :laughing:

Adoptions are when the ownership of a traveling coin is transferred from one account to another. If there is any cost, it's just between the two parties that are involved. The 40 coins mentioned here are being shared at no cost. If you found one in a Cache, it's probably activated as a traveler and should be moved along like any other Travel Bug.


I am curious. To those who I adopted coins to last year how many did you adopt and how many are still traveling?


I have adopted 3 and seems like only 1 is still movin. " is probably lost somewhere.

This coin might be the first to reach Sweden. I have hope.

Big thanks for the coin.


grodan Karin.


Soon I will be adopting my coins out. Some are already traveling while some are not. Everyone should change the current goal and add additional details if you want. Also, if you don't see it moving from someone be sure to contact them. If you notice a 'newbee' grab it you should contact them immediately! Who knows how long they will continue caching.


That's correct my friend! Of course, you can only hope they will contact with you! The guy that stole my coin never send an email back! :)


I do not get it... they realize that they do not like the game??? ....or.... :laughing:


what do you think I shall do? Shall I change the log of the coin this new geocacher who probably stoped geocaching (found only 2 caches and took only my coin! He didn't even entered in the site for a year), from lost into stollen???

Posted (edited)

Soon I will be adopting my coins out. Some are already traveling while some are not. Everyone should change the current goal and add additional details if you want. Also, if you don't see it moving from someone be sure to contact them. If you notice a 'newbee' grab it you should contact them immediately! Who knows how long they will continue caching.


That's correct my friend! Of course, you can only hope they will contact with you! The guy that stole my coin never send an email back! :)


I do not get it... they realize that they do not like the game??? ....or.... :laughing:


what do you think I shall do? Shall I change the log of the coin this new geocacher who probably stoped geocaching (found only 2 caches and took only my coin! He didn't even entered in the site for a year), from lost into stollen???


One of mine was missing for 3 years so I changed the description that it was stolen by that person after I tried contacting them. It was finally released and is still traveling. If it does start traveling again be sure to change the description immediately

Edited by Tennessee Jed

Soon I will be adopting my coins out. Some are already traveling while some are not. Everyone should change the current goal and add additional details if you want. Also, if you don't see it moving from someone be sure to contact them. If you notice a 'newbee' grab it you should contact them immediately! Who knows how long they will continue caching.


That's correct my friend! Of course, you can only hope they will contact with you! The guy that stole my coin never send an email back! :)


I do not get it... they realize that they do not like the game??? ....or.... :laughing:


what do you think I shall do? Shall I change the log of the coin this new geocacher who probably stoped geocaching (found only 2 caches and took only my coin! He didn't even entered in the site for a year), from lost into stollen???


One of mine was missing for 3 years so I changed the description that it was stolen after I tried contacting the person. It was finally released and is still traveling. If it does start traveling again be sure to change the description.


Of course my friend! I already did this to one of my travellers... it was stollen from a cache without any log etc! I loged ti as stollen, and some time after that, the coin was found unloged in a cache!!! I changed the discription imediatelly! Of course to find a coin after something like that.... is not common! At least it is back! ;)


I didn't log it as stollen from the first time becasue he was a new geocacher so he probably didn't know... but he did not respond to my email, he didn't go for geocaching from that time and he didn't even visited the site..... at first I thought that he only wanted the coin..... I do not know..... :D


I am curious. To those who I adopted coins to last year how many did you adopt and how many are still traveling?

sorry for taking so long to respond to this message.


i was lucky enough to be able to adopt 6 coins from Tennessee jed last year. out of those 6 coins, 3 disappeared very soon after being sent out to travel in my name. the other 3 coins survived into this year but the last know sighting of the last coin was back in june, when the coin was picked up by someone and who probably still has hold of it.

Posted (edited)

For anyone wanting to contribute to this thread, please wait until I start a similar thread. It will probably be called 'Adoptions for the Holidays.' Or something similar.

Edited by Tennessee Jed
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