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Pax: Baby Dragon Cache Slayer


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Posted (edited)

I'm home sick today (I know poor me, been burning the cnadle at both ends, lol). Anyhow, I haven't been able to sleep so I have taken a little time for myself and I decided to sit down and draw. Boy does it feel good since it's been awhile.


Alot of people are always asking about coins, how do they get done, what do I do, where do I start, etc. I thought it might be kinda fun/informative to watch something in progress. There are several threads that you can kinda watch things develop but I'm going to probably go into a little more depth. I'm not going to give away trade secrets or anything like that, lol. I'm just going to give an inner thought process to one way about going through the design process. I would highly suggest working with one of the vendors in the pinned thread on your first couple of coins, so you get some experience under your belt. While it may seem easy it times, I can tell you it's not. It's very time consuming and you need some knowledge in order to work with a mint alone.


So, I sat down today to put an idea to paper. I am NOT a graphic artist, I hand draw all designs with paper and pencil. You are now going to watch how a tsun version of a coin comes to life through the whole process, maybe you'll get an idea of what artist's/vendors go through to bring a coin to you.


I better add that Pax will be trackable


Pax is a 3 month old Baby Dragon Cache Slayer. Much like a human child, Pax loves to dig through ammo cans looking for geocoins and shiny objects. If Pax doesn't find a geocoin in your ammo can cache, he takes it back to his dragon cave. If your ammo can has come up missing, it might be Pax who took it :o Did you know that Pax has a baby sister? :yikes:


Ok, the above is the story to the geocoin. People enjoy knowing a little bit about a coin.


Ok, so here is the initial drawing. It is by no means finished and I don't even have a backside yet. The first thing you want to do is get your ideas to paper. Don't worry if your drawings suck, you're just wanting to get your creative juices flowing :D You'll notice on my drawing all the smudge marks and eraser marks. I'm lucky I didn't tear through the paper yet :wacko: I don't even worry about colors or layers at this point although, I do have some ideas floating around. The conversations I have with myself when I'm drawing are quite amusing. If you look at the wing, the wing isn't what I want right now but I'm just filling in the space with maybe some elements that I might like on it. I will draw and erase a number of designs before I settle on what I want. I will use this same dragon drawing until I'm ready to draw the back.


So for now, I'll toy with this drawing by testing designs, maybe redrawing the head closer to the body to make it more compact, maybe I'll leave it. I often take my drawing and insert it into Microsoft word and shrink it to actual size if I have drawn larger than the coins size, that way I can see how it will really look. This drawing is 3 1/2" x 3" which is about an inch larger than what the coin will be. I'm leaning towards 2" but not 100% on that.


Many times during this process, I look at books I have at home or images on google and look for bits and pieces of stuff I like or might want to incorporate on a design. The original idea for the dragon came from a book I have on how to mold sculpey clay. There were some dragons and I was like 'oh, I think something like this could make a cute coin'. So I sketched out a possible dragon outline. The original drawing I had was not this one but I decided on showing the process here in the forums after I had tweaked the drawing.


So here you have a sketch of the beginning of Pax. He will probably change a number of times before I decide that I like him 100%. Now please don't mistake this thread for one that I'm asking for ideas or help. I'm not, it's just mean to be informational. We all have ideas on what we think would make something look good, that's what makes us unique. If you want a dragon you like, then you go draw one, lol.


Ok, I'll post again when the next step is completed. Of course your free to ask questions and I invite anyone who has knowledge of the process to make comments or answer questions too. When Pax is done this will turn into my sales thread but that won't be for a bit :blink:


Hopes this helps some of you in some way.




edit to add, I made some spelling and grammar errors but I'm too lazy to correct them, so just overlook them :grin:




Edited by tsunrisebey

Tsun - thanks for sharing the process......I am familiar with part of it.....but art with any medium isn't me.........and my grades in Art when I was in school proved it. LOL And Pax is real cute!


I like seeing this! It's always interesting to see how someone else's mind works over time-lapse ;) I don't want to stray too far OT, but are there any artists by name that are influencing this piece?


I don't consider it OT, the clay artist is Christi Friesen. She uses lot of beads and layers in her clay sculptures. My biggest challenge will be translating 3D clay work into a 2D design that captures the essence of her work, unique in that it's my own drawing and design elements that also reflects my style, and still looks good as a coin. You gotta love the option that layers allows. While I contemplated a 3D aspect, that doesn't allow for use of color and I LOVE color :)


Here is a clay sculpture inspired by Christi's work (that someone else has molded-this is not an artist sculpture-I couldn't find one in images that was hers). I sure wish I could mold clay like this though but I'm not that good with it yet (I always think of summerandnana when I think of clay ;))



Posted (edited)

Thank you Tsun for sharing us your ideas and how you start of process of designing a coin from scratch. Pax is very cute and we can see already this baby dragon is going to turn into something majical when he is finished, cant wait until we get to see the next steps. ;)

Edited by sweetlife

Very cool .as an artiest, and new and upcoming coin designer, I do the exact same thing, except I print a circle and draw inside the circle,or sometimes ill use paint a program every windows user has with their computer that comes stock. It allows for a general idea to be put on paper,I use the circle to get a feel for where things should be while I designing,sometimes the design inside the circle will give me new ideas. for me, once I start a design its hard to stop because tomarrow I will feel different and that will change my artistic outlook, so when I have an idea I like to run with it as long as it takes,sometimes all night and half the next day till I can't see straight. But also like to mention once I start a design, the art shows me where to go next, seems sometimes art controlls the design not me.


I love your generosity with sharing this process. Your coins strike such a chord with me but I am new to the 'game' and still don't have one of yours yet! (To a newbie your coins seem to sell out and then be held onto quite devotedly. I can also see why and its all good.)


But, I am curious how long it takes from starting idea on the paper to the minted (and sold out in pre-sales!) coin?! But perhaps I also need to be patient for this answer too - and let your process unfold here.


Thanks again - Sandra of Sandyduff


PS I will add I will do all I can to be one of the first in line for this one - Dragons are my totem and my favorite - and the story is a compelling hook to the coin. (maybe the opening bell will be back stateside this time - and on a day I have email access)

Posted (edited)

I like seeing this! It's always interesting to see how someone else's mind works over time-lapse ;) I don't want to stray too far OT, but are there any artists by name that are influencing this piece?


I don't consider it OT, the clay artist is Christi Friesen. She uses lot of beads and layers in her clay sculptures. My biggest challenge will be translating 3D clay work into a 2D design that captures the essence of her work, unique in that it's my own drawing and design elements that also reflects my style, and still looks good as a coin. You gotta love the option that layers allows. While I contemplated a 3D aspect, that doesn't allow for use of color and I LOVE color :D


Here is a clay sculpture inspired by Christi's work (that someone else has molded-this is not an artist sculpture-I couldn't find one in images that was hers). I sure wish I could mold clay like this though but I'm not that good with it yet (I always think of summerandnana when I think of clay ;))




Very cool stuff! I think she exhibits a tremendous skill in color and texture. Good job on the 3d to 2d leap, too. I see now after looking at her stuff what an effort that must have taken. :)

Edited by fox-and-the-hound

Thanks for sharing your process with us, Tsun! I think Pax will become a beautiful coin one day. And since I have no skills with graphics programs but I can draw, color & scan, this is similar to how I designed my latest pathtag so I appreciate the time that goes into your designs even more. Very cool, thanks! ;)




Thanks for sharing the process Tsun. Cant wait to see how this turns out and you can bet that I will definitely be ordering one or more when Pax is done.

This info will definitely help me in getting my coin idea going.


Great thread! As do a few others, loll, I love me some dragons!

I'll be following this thread as well for the information. I've been kicking around a couple of coin ideas for a while now.


Thanks for this, Stephanie!


Ok, I'm back. Mackey asked me where I was in this process so I figured I should update :laughing:


So what you see below are drawings all from the original drawing, smudge marks and all. I tried out different wing designs and you can see a light drawing of the head reposition, so I could get an idea of what it might look like tucked in a bit more. In the end, I chose the original position. I think his face needs to stand out and it might make the design feel a bit "busy" if I put it closer to the body. At least this is my way of thinking, if someone else was drawing it, they might see it a different way.


Now, I think most people here know that I'm pretty much a translucent junkie and I like different textures underneath my designs. I prefer to keep a relatively simple drawing/design most of the time instead of filling in every availble space with something.


At this point in time, I am trying to mentally picture different textures for Pax and thinking about "what if I want to use hard enamels" at some time, how will this all effect the design when I choose color schemes? I really like the textures underneth a translucent because #1 it can really make a design "pop" of give a "life like" effect. It's more fun to play with but that is just me and my thinking, I know there are varied tastes here and what someone else loves, someone else finds unappealing. It's all cool though :blink:


So the last picture in this set is the "final" rough sketch. I'm actually done with the back side too but I'll save that for another day. So, my next step for the front will be trying to picture in my mind exactly what I want Pax to look like as a coin. At this point, I will sit down with my pms color chart, a bunch of coins that have different colors or textures, look at metals with color combos, pull up my translucent charts, and color in my copies that I make at Staples. I love coloring :huh: I'll make about 30 copies of this drawing and just color in ideas and I'll match coins and colors and spend hours staring at all my "tools" of the trade just to try and narrow down versions. This is where watching what you all say in other coin threads and paying attention to which versions of my coins go quickest, pays off. I could easily design what I liked and call it good but I force myself to do versions that I know others may really enjoy. Try to give everyone a little something they really like. Everyone has such varied tastes here :laughing: Doing the colors and metals is actually the most time consuming part and sometimes I want to tear my hair out because I want everything to look good together. It's also the most fun part because I love to play with color. It just reminds me of somethng that is full of life, goodness and fun. I try to leave a version or 2 of mostly metal for those who prefer a more metal in appearance coin. I've really come to appreciate that look also. If it were up to me, I'd probably do about 25 versions of a coin just to see how they looked but I don't have the time and that's just a bit much :laughing:


I guess that kinda wraps up this session. I'll get the back side posted and show the next step in the process (pretty much the labeling and coloring over the next few weeks). It will give you and idea the continuation of the process. I think anyone here who has designed a coin can tell you that very rarely does the coin process move along quickly. For those who really care about their designs spend alot of time thinking and making changes to their designs, even up to the point after samples are received. Alot of times it seems like it's a super-fast process, all we see most of the time is maybe a design concept, mint artwork and then samples. to the sale. You don't get to see all the crazy steps in between and the conversations and go-round with the mint. It's a lengthy ordeal but well worth it when you take your time and give your best to a design. I think people really can see the love that goes into a design because for some odd reason it just "shows" on the final product.


Until later....











WOW! what a nice coin it will be. Funny you post a thread on this subject because I am going through this process right now dealing with all of the questions in my mind, and the company I am dealing with. Their questions, mine... their understanding and mine... their ideas and mine... their vision and mine.... You get the idea. I thought I had it nailed and their suggestions makes me change my mind. (more than once) That's a fun and long process, (like having a baby!) You create something and can't wait to see it in your hands but you have to be patient and get the best possible coin for the design you create.

I am only at the beginning no artwork back yet. :laughing:


Ok, I'm back. Mackey asked me where I was in this process so I figured I should update :laughing:









Thank you! :laughing:


Love seeing the progress and like seeing multiple versions, too. I think color-wise the #2 provides an exceptional amount of variation in the many segments of the wing, but I like #3 design-wise because of the way the curls in the wing spin away from the arch of the back. I like the last best though because you removed that flourish from the body. For some reason I can't pin it was confusing to me (probably just me though :laughing: ). The contrasting spots on the body and face really makes it pop now, too! Looking good!!!


Stephanie, WOW...this cute lil guy is comming along nicely. We see so much life comming to Pax. Thank you for giving us updates. He is going to be alother big hit for sure. People are not going to resist getting this one, Going to be a fast sellout again. Keep up the fantastic job our friend. :laughing:


Had no idea there was so much behind the picking of the elements of a coin. I guess I always thought the at the drawing of it would be the hardest. But, the translucency, textures, colors, metals, ... I can see where it would be easy to end up with a whole bevy of dragons. :-D


I can see I am going to be one of the first in line for this one. It is cute and I like that you have the cache in its hands (or whatever they are). I do want to make sure that I know as soon as possible. Can you share with the newbies how you post the readiness for sale (or presale).


I have been watching this thread from the beginning and fell in love with this little guy from the start. Thanks for sharing the creating process, as I had no idea about how any of this is done. Can't wait to see what the back looks like, but I'm already sold and hope I'm get to give a least one of these little guys a home.


I haven't updated this thread in forever but I did finish the back, made a couple of small changes and the artwork went in today to the factory :D


Pax will debut for sale at Geocoinfest :D I'll post pictures of the samples when they arrive (I'm thinking beginning half of July some time) and when I come home from GCF, I'll order some new versions for regular sale.


tsun :D


I definately want a couple of these. I been watching for this thread. I'm so excited to hear the news that they will be finished soon. Only wish I could be there at the Geocoinfest.


Aaaaauuuuggggghhhh!!! Woman, yer killing me!!! :D


That's it! I'm gonna find someone who is going to the 'Fest, send them a bunch of $$$ and have them buy me one of everything you're selling there!!! :D






I haven't updated this thread in forever but I did finish the back, made a couple of small changes and the artwork went in today to the factory :D


Pax will debut for sale at Geocoinfest :D I'll post pictures of the samples when they arrive (I'm thinking beginning half of July some time) and when I come home from GCF, I'll order some new versions for regular sale.


tsun :D


Now I have another reason to convince myself to take a ROADTRIP :D


Aaaaauuuuggggghhhh!!! Woman, yer killing me!!! :D


That's it! I'm gonna find someone who is going to the 'Fest, send them a bunch of $$$ and have them buy me one of everything you're selling there!!! :D






Just send me a blank check :D and I'll send you a full coinvelope ;)


Aaaaauuuuggggghhhh!!! Woman, yer killing me!!! ;)


That's it! I'm gonna find someone who is going to the 'Fest, send them a bunch of $$$ and have them buy me one of everything you're selling there!!! ;)






Just send me a blank check :D and I'll send you a full coinvelope ;)


Hmmmmm - a blank check - like so you may fill in those "0"s :D:D


I haven't updated this thread in forever but I did finish the back, made a couple of small changes and the artwork went in today to the factory :D


Pax will debut for sale at Geocoinfest :D I'll post pictures of the samples when they arrive (I'm thinking beginning half of July some time) and when I come home from GCF, I'll order some new versions for regular sale.


tsun :D


Now I have another reason to convince myself to take a ROADTRIP :D


Aaaaauuuuggggghhhh!!! Woman, yer killing me!!! ;)


That's it! I'm gonna find someone who is going to the 'Fest, send them a bunch of $$$ and have them buy me one of everything you're selling there!!! ;)






Just send me a blank check :D and I'll send you a full coinvelope ;)


Hmmmmm - a blank check - like so you may fill in those "0"s :D:D



Not too much of a far fetched idea, considering her work and following I'm sure there are some that would gladly just pay the invoice when it came due knowing they had a tsun coin coming!


I doubt I make GCF, but would love to get the new coins debuting at the event....


Including baby pax here...


Well, I finally got the wife completely talked into letting me go to GCF, and when I told her Tsun was debuting coins, she said I should start saving up. Then she saw this sketch, and told me I wasn't saving enough. She's probably right... :D

Anyway, when the time gets closer, I would be willing to pick some up for people. Just keep an eye on the forums.

and Tsun, thanx for the sharing, I'm designing a coin right now, and I'm glad to see that the way I'm doing it isn't as bass ackwards as the rest of the stuff I try.


Tsun, is there going to be a limit on how many we can buy at GCF?


I will probably have to pay the airline extra $$ for the extra bag full of coins for my flight home but I'm saving up so I should be covered. Depending on Tsun's response, I too can pick up coins for anyone who can't make it to GCF but wants her coins.


You guys are funny :D


Chuck/Wanna: I don't know what I am going to do for GCF to be honest. Being this is my first vending event, I'm not sure how to approach minting numbers/limits for purchase. I've asked around a little bit about how many of each coin version I should bring. I was planning to mint 100 of each new design but opinion seems to be that number is too high for an event and I'd be lucky to sell half that amount of a design, so then I was thinking maybe I should do 50 of each coin design. Heck to be honest, I have no clue. I suppose I'll give it some more thought but to be honest, I'm not going to vendor at an event and limit numbers, shoot people can work around that premise anyhow. So maybe I'll go with the original 100, no limits, and whatever doesn't sell goes up on my webstore. The versions being sold at GCF for all new designs will be special versions only for the event. I'm driving so it doesn't matter if I have to lug some coins home :D


So maybe now that I'm thinking about it a little bit, it might be best to keep the numbers higher and that would allow for people not attending to make arrangements with others who are going to get coins they may want. Then it will be first come first served.


I'm open to some thoughts/ideas but in the end, I'll have to do what's best for me. This is a whole new experience so I'm sure I'll learn alot from it :D


I was planning to mint 100 of each new design but opinion seems to be that number is too high for an event...


For an event, maybe, but I'd keep in mind that this is a MEGA event centered around coins. Considering how fast your coins sell out, you may want to bring at least that many, and do the standard 2-4 limit. Especially if you are doing special editions for the event, those things are gonna be money on auction sites. Of course, I'm kinda looking out for my own interest, since I want to be able to get at least 1 of each without spreading a sleeping bag out under your table :D


Just my $.02


I can't wait to see all of your new designs, I am sure they are awesome :D:D My husband has been wanting to take a trip out west to hike, take photos of beautiful places and cache so it looks like we are planning to attend GCF. We also plan to finally get up to Montana to see your beautiful area.


The artwork has been finalized with a couple of changes but here's a little peek at Pax. I'm hoping to bring samples of him with me to GCF and if I'm really lucky I may have a version to sell but I'm not sure he'll get done in time.





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